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1、Unit1 A Healthy Body,一个健康的身体,Period 1 Part A,Free Talk,Have a look at your classmate,and talk about him or her.,She/He was last year.She/He is this year.(tall/short/thin/fat)She/He likes to.Her/His favourite sport is,short,tall,She is/He is,Helen,John,light,heavy,She is/He is,fat,thin,thin,thick,Mar

2、y,Lily,148cm,42kg,She is 148 centimetres(cm)tall.She is 42 kilograms(kg).,weight,height,Candy,strong,weak,He is,fast,slow,speed,She is/He is,Questions,1.What are children doing?2.How tall and how heavy was Pat last year?3.How heavy was Bob?4.Why Tim was strong?Why Pat was weak?5.Why Koko was slow in

3、 the race?Why Pat was fast in the race?,He is/was He likes,She is/was she likes,people,weight,light,heavy,speed,fast,slow,height,short,tall,fat,thin,Homework,Describe two of your family members body from last year to this year.You can talk about their height and weight and so on.描述今年你的家庭成员的身体从其中挑选两个

4、。你可以谈论他们的身高和体重等。,Period2 Part B1,B2&b3,Students are talking about their fitness tests.,,,_ is _.,Free Talk,Listen to B1 and Anawer,What are the children doing?How tall is Pat this year?Who is doing well this year?Which place is Bob in?What can Candy do this year?How many pull-ups can Bob do?How abou

5、t last year?,Last yearPat was taller/shorter.Tim was lighter/slower.Bob was shorter/stronger.Candy was weaker/heavier.,circle,形容词比较级变化规则,1.一般情况下在形容词后面加上 er;,small smaller;longlongerClevercleverer;lightlighterFastfaster;,2.以e结尾的形容词在后面加上 r;,Largelarger;nicenicer,3.以“辅音字母y”结尾的形容词,把y改为i,加 er;,Heavyheavi

6、er;easyeasierHappyhappier;busybusier,4.以下形容词中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,再加 er;,Bigbigger;fatfatterHothotter;thinthinner Wetwetter,Students are talking about their fitness tests.,,,tall/short heavy/light,_ is _ than _.,Dialogue,Pat:The test is fun today.Im _ than Kim now.Tim:Good for you.Im _ than John and Peter th

7、is year.Pat:Kim is doing well,too.Shes _ than me now.,Listen to B2 and Write,Pat:The test is fun today.Im _ than Kim now.Tim:Good for you.Im _ than John and Peter this year.Pat:Kim is doing well,too.Shes _ than me now.,taller,faster,stronger,Listen to B2 and Write,Holly is faster than Lynn._ Lynn is

8、 taller than Dave._ Dave is shorter than Kevin._ Dave is stronger than Kevin._ Holly is louder than Lynn._,F,T,F,F,T,Listen to B3,Bob is watching weather report in different places on TV.,hot/cool/warm,_ is _ than _.,Homework,Compare with your fitness tests from last year to this year,then discribe

9、the difference between two years.,Period3 Part C&D,,,A Big Race,Period3 Part C&D,,,A Big Race,Free Talk,Which animal runs fastest in the forest?If a rabbit and a turtle have a race,who can win the race?Why?,When:_Weather:_ Who:_What happen:_Result:_,Fast Reading,Yesterday,hot,Ted and Helay,had a rac

10、e,Helay won the race,QUESTIONS,1.Who is Ted?Who is Haley?2.What did Ted and Haley do yesterday?3.Who came to cheer?4.Haley is faster or slower if she isnt lazy?,Paragraph 1,1 What was the weather like yesterday?2.When did the race begin?3.In the afternoon,how did Helay feel?What did she do then?,QUE

11、STIONS,Paragraph 2,QUESTIONS,Paragraph 3,1 What did Ted do in the race?2.When Helay woke up,where was Ted?3.What did she do then?4.Who was the first in the race?,past tense(过去式),present tense(现在时),dohavehappenwakestart,did,had,happened,woke,started,past tense(过去式),present tense(现在时),fallwakerun gets

12、leep,fell,woke,ran,got,slept,At first:Helay:_ Ted:_On the way:Helay:_ Ted:_At last:_ won the race,ran fast,ran slowly,fell asleep,did not stop,Ted,Guess the result,Retell,What do you think of Ted and Haley?What can we learn from this story?,Ted is hard-working.Haley is lazy.,No pains,no gains.Where

13、there is a will,there is a way.Hard-working is the key to success.,Discuss,Haley is unhappy about the result of the race.So one day,he has another race with Ted.Please discuss with your partner,and think what will happen in the second race.,One day,Haley and Ted have another race.Haley Ted,Homework,

14、Rewrite the story of the second race between Haley and Ted.,Period 4 Part E&F,Free Talk,How tall are you now?How heavy are you?How long do you run in 100 m race?How many press-up can you do?What is your advice for your partner?,Phonics,socks,skips,sleeps,Phonics,shoes,smiles,ties,bags,radios,pens,pe

15、ars,Phonics,glasses,watches,brushes,matches,faces,buses,boxes,cakes,pens,faces,radios,boxes,jumps,bags,pears,cooks,matches,buses,Read by yourself,Listen and Say the Rhyme,Socks,shorts,shoes,Hat and sunglasses Bob wears theseFor his tennis classes.He hits the ball once.He hits the ball twice.Then hes

16、 ready For a glass of juice with ice.,Listen and Write,tallshortlightheavystrongweakfastslow,比较级,taller,shorter,lighter,heavier,stronger,weaker,faster,slower,What are they doing?,Ask and Answer,1.How tall was/is(last year/this year)?2.How heavy was/is(last year/this year)?3.How long did/does run in

17、60m race(last year/this year)?4.How many press-ups did/does do(last year/this year)?,Andrew is _ than Alex.,Fill in Blanks,Andrew,Alex,shorter,lighter,slower,stronger,Alex is _ than Andrew.,Fill in Blanks,Andrew,Alex,taller,heavier,faster,weaker,Lily is _ than Julia.,Fill in Blanks,Lily,Julia,taller

18、,heavier,slower,weaker,Julia is _ than Lily.,Fill in Blanks,Lily,Julia,shorter,lighter,faster,stronger,Writing,Choose a classmate and write a report.,Name:_My advice:_,Homework,choose one of your family member and write a report about her/him.Please give her/him some advice.,Period5 Part I,Healthy F

19、ood,Free Talk,What do you eat in the dinners?What is your favourite food?Which food is healthy?Which food is not healty?4.What should people eat every day?,more,less,Amount of eating,To be healthy,you need to eat _ kinds of food.a)any b)different c)some2.You should eat some rice,noodles or bread _.a)every afternoon b)every month c)every day,Fast Reading,3.You should not eat_ meat.a)too much b)any c)too many4.Too much sugar is bad for your _.a)teeth b)body c)teeth and body,Fast Reading,Thank You,


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