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1、翻译实践评析之一:I Can Work Like Any Guy,评析人:杨儒平 教授,I Can Work Like Any Guy,本篇是一篇小小说,原作者为澳大利亚的克里理查兹。全篇文字浅近易懂,但是要想译好需要注意以下几点:本文属于文学作品,翻译起来可以说是一种“再创作”的过程,关键在于传神。所以不能象翻译法律、外交文件那样讲求具体词句的对应,而应着眼于在吃透原文的基础上运用适当的汉语表达手段,力求在整体上予以最近似的重视。,文中以主人公的口气自述一个年轻姑娘在中学毕业前后寻找工作的经历,娓 娓而谈,婉转动听。译文要保存口语化的特点,文字不宜过分雕琢,要在自然中 见功夫,力求用人民群众

2、生活中锤炼出来的语言于平铺直叙之中使主人公明快、开朗的性格跃然纸上,使读者看了如闻其声,如见其人。在西方国家中澳大利亚的失业问题不算严重,一个中学毕业生想当汽车修理工,本来应当是不难找到雇主的。但是,只因为主人公是个女的,所以就颇费了一番周折。姑娘对此的种种反应,译时要力求传神。,随着故事情节的发展,主人公的情绪是有变化的。译时要注意把握好这种发 展变化。可将全文分作三大段处理:第一大段由三个段组成,讲述姑娘如何下决心当汽车修理工的经过,充分表现了这位姑娘无忧无虑、天真浪漫的性格特点。但第三小段末尾人们对于她考试成绩的评论已经隐含着对妇女的世俗偏见,为后文埋下了伏笔。第二大段包括第四、第五两下

3、段,讲述了姑娘找到工作之不易。尽管话说得很轻松,但是稍加品味,就不难体会到姑娘回想这些往事时自是别有一番滋味在心头。最后结尾一段讲述了姑娘以自己出色的工作表现,赢得人们赞 誉的情景,表露了她热爱工作,以此自豪的心情。,我干起活来比哪个小伙子也不差澳克里理查兹,题目的翻译:I Can Work Like Any Guy,I Can Work Like Any Guy,I didnt know what I wanted to be in my last year of High School.I changed my mind every week or so.For a while I tho

4、ught of becoming a music teacher,or a science teacher.I also thought about becoming a vet,or getting some other sort of job where I could work with animals.Then,about halfway through the year,something which happened helped me decide what I really wanted to do.中学上到最后一年,我还不知道毕业以后想当什么。差不多每个星期就有一个新的主意。

5、有一阵子我想当音乐老师,或者是理科老师。我想过当兽医,或者找个别的同动物打交道的工作。后来,学年快过了一半,发生了一桩事情,使我拿准了自己究竟想干什么。,I Can Work Like Any Guy,I got a driving licence.My sister was a driving instructor at the time,and I had a friend who was a motor mechanic.We used to spend every spare minute driving around in my mothers Cortina.I become cr

6、azy about cars.I got to the stage where I was reading car magazines every night instead of watching TV.My father got pretty tired of all this and suggested one evening that I should become a motor mechanic.He was only joking,but it started me thinking why shouldnt I?我弄到了一张驾驶执照。当时我姐在作驾驶教练,我还有一个朋友是汽车修

7、理工。我们常常一有空闲就开着我妈的科蒂纳轿车兜风。我迷上了汽车。迷到每天夜里不看电视而看汽车杂志的程度。我爸瞅着实在心烦,有天晚上说我真该去当个汽车修理工。他本来只是开玩笑,我却真动了心可不是(嘛)!我干吗不去当个汽车修理工呢?,I Can Work Like Any Guy,Later that year I went on a tour of Canberra Technical College with my class from school.I talked with some second and third year students who were apprentice mo

8、tor mechanics.It sounded pretty interesting,so I did an aptitude test.The test was to see whether I was mechanically-minded not to find out how much I already knew.They told me afterwards that my score wasnt bad for a female.This made up my mind to become a motor mechanic.下半学年,学校又组织我们全班同学去参观堪培拉技术学院。

9、我同一些当汽车修理徒工的二、三年级学生聊了起来。照他们说这工作挺有意思,于是我就去参加了一次能力测试。这种测试的目的是看看我是不是干机器活的材料倒不是要考我在这方面已经有多少知识。后来他们告诉我说,“一个女的”能考出这样的成绩“不算坏了”。这一下我就拿定主意要当汽车修理工了。,I Can Work Like Any Guy,The most difficult thing was finding someone willing to employ me.I wrote to the manager of every garage in Canberra asking for a job.Onl

10、y two of them were willing even to give me an interview.One manager kept asking me really difficult questions and laughing at me every time I couldnt answer.I could see that he did not want to employ me.最难的事情要数找个愿意雇佣我的主了。为了求职,我给堪培拉全市所有的汽车修理厂都写了信。结果却只有两家居然还愿意让我去面谈一次。其中一家的经理没完没了地问我一些真是不好回答的问题,等我一答不上来就

11、笑话我。我看得出来他并不想要雇佣我。,I Can Work Like Any Guy,The other manager,who is now my boss,was really decent,but he wasnt very encouraging at first.He listed all the problems he could face if he took on a girl as an apprentice.First it might upset the men if they had to work with a female in the workshop every

12、 day.Secondly,he would waste time and money training me if I left soon after to have children.Thirdly,I might not physically strong enough,and the men would have to leave their jobs to help me every ten minutes or so.I did my best to convince him that I was as responsible and capable as any man.He a

13、greed to give me a chance.另一家的经理可真不赖,他就是我现在的老板。但是,起先他也并不十分欢迎我。一旦收个女的当徒工,他就会遇上一大堆问题。他把问题都摆了出来:第一,男工们每天得和一个女的在车间里一起干活,会感到不自在。第二,如果我干不了多久就得离开厂去生孩子,他为培训我所下的功夫和本钱就白费了。第三,我的身体也许不够强壮,男工们每过十分钟就得放下自己的活来帮我的忙。当时我使出浑身解术同他讲道理,使他相信,我的责任心和能力比哪个男人也不差。他答应给我一个机会试试。,I Can Work Like Any Guy,Several weeks after I starte

14、d working,my boss told me he was glad he had taken me on.He said the keen and friendly service I gave was just what the customers wanted.I certainly enjoy the work.I like working with my hands,with machines,and I love the freedom of being able to move about and talk as loudly as I like.我干了几个礼拜以后,老板对我说他很高兴雇上了我。他说我干活麻利,态度亲切,完全符合顾客们的要求。我确实喜欢这种工作。我喜欢用自己的双手干活,同机器打交道;我更喜欢能这么自由自在地走动,放开了嗓门说话。,


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