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1、Unit1.The kings new clothesUnit2.What a day!,1.背诵课文一遍。,2.读并翻译短语。,1.long long ago2.wear magic clothes3.clever/foolish people4.walk through 5.tell stories6.each student7.say a sentence8.be quick walk quickly,9.next one10.a little boy11.my turn12.think hard13.child children 14.turn into15.pick it/them

2、up16.point/laugh/shout at,17.be nice to her18.look after19.in the forest20.in front of/behind21.fit well22.have to=must,1.a sunny day2.a rainy day3.an interesting show4.the weather become windy and cloudy5.watch a film/films 6.have a picnic7.what a day8.go away9.well done,10.on the 20th of September

3、11.go to the park by bike12.a parrot show13.see some interesting parrots14.an interesting parrot15.fly high/away16.in the sky17.Its time to+动词 Its time for+名词,18.bring some drinks to the park19.black clouds20.hungry and wet21.all day22.look sad23.lost my new kite24.want to know why25.what happend26.

4、hold onto,JanuaryFebruaryMarchApirlMay,JuneJulyAugusetSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember,月份前必需用 in,Unit2 Bens birthday 生日,日期的表达,one twelve two twentythree twenty-one five twenty-two eight twenty-three nine thirty,first(1st),second(2nd),third(3rd),fifth(5th),eighth(8th),ninth(9th),twelfth(12th),twentie

5、th(20th),twenty-first(21st),twenty-second(22nd),twenty-third(23rd),thirtieth(30th),前必须加 the,月份+日期 日期+of+月份,序数词,Unit2 Bens birthday 生日,日期的表达,(the)日期 of 月份月份(the)日期,1月1日3月8日4月12日5月3日9月10日10月31日12月25日,the first of January/January the 1st,the 8th of March/March the 8th,the 12th of April/April the 12th,t

6、he 3rd of May/May the 3rd,the 10th of September/Sep.the 10th,the 31st of October/Oct.the 31st,the 25th of December/Dec.the 25th,on,on,on,on,on,on,on,2.过去式的特征,动词的过去式形式 有表示过去的时间,1.什么叫过去式?,过去发生的事情或存在的状态,称为过去式。,过去时间短语:,ago的短语long long ago,two days ago.,last的短语last night,last Sunday.,just now,a moment ag

7、o 刚才,以下的短语需要特定的语境one day,this morning/afternoon/evening,3.动词的过去式分类:,规则动词和不规则动词,4.规则动词就是在词尾加ed.,play shoutvisit live show likelaugh study,am are tell become bring can fly go see take get give wear,draw find losecatchdo/doeshave/has eat read buy run write say,was were told became brought could flew we

8、nt saw took got gave wore,drew found lost caught did had ate read bought ran wrote said,bring,buy catch think,brought,boughtcaughtthought,没有be动词过去式肯定句:主语+动词过去式+过去时间。He went to the park yesterday.We flew kites last Sunday.They played football yesterday.,过去式语法知识回顾,没有be动词过去式否定句:主语+did not(didnt)+动词原型+过

9、去时间。He did not go to the park yesterday.We didnt fly kites last Sunday.,过去式语法知识回顾,没有be动词过去式一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原型+过去时间?Did he go to the park yesterday?Did you fly kites last Sunday?,过去式语法知识回顾,用动词的正确形式填空。,Ten years ago,I _(write)letters to my friends.,He _(bring)some cakes this morning.,My mother usually

10、_(go)shopping on Sundays.But last Sunday she _(watch)TV at home.,It didnt _(rain)yesterday.,wrote,brought,goes,watched,rain,将下面的句子变成否定句。,I wrote an email to my friend.,He brought some cakes this morning.,I didnt write an email to my friend.,He didnt bring any cakes this morning.,肯定句变一般疑问句:,I wrote a

11、n email to my friend.,He brought some cakes this morning.,Did you write an email to your friend?,Did he bring any cakes this morning?,1.你认识be动词吗?它包括哪几个呢?,Be动词分别是am,is,are,was和were.,使用口诀:,我用am,你用are,is用于他她它,单数is,复数are。过去时态用was,were,谁用was谁用were,人称代词来决定!,含有be动词过去式肯定句:主语+be动词过去式+过去时间。I was six years old

12、 last year.It was sunny yesterday.She was a child ten years ago.They were hungry just now.,过去式语法知识回顾,含有be动词过去式否定句:主语+be动词过去式+not+过去时间。I was not six years old last year.It was not sunny yesterday.She wasnt a child ten years ago.They were not hungry just now.werent,过去式语法知识回顾,含有be动词过去式一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语

13、+过去时间?Were you six years old last year?Was it sunny yesterday?Was she a child ten years ago?Were they hungry just now?,过去式语法知识回顾,一般现在时,一般过去时,动词三单,动词原形,动词过去式,主语是三单,主语不是三单,过去式时间,often,usually,sometimes,always,never,every,现在进行时,be动词,动词ing,一般将来时,动词原型,be going to/will,句型转换,变否定句,有be动词或情态动词,在be动词或情态动词后加not

14、来否定.没有be动词或情态动词,用dont,doesnt,didnt来否定,动词一定要变原型。,变一般疑问句,有be动词或情态动词,把be动词或情态动词提前来变问句.没有be动词或情态动词,用Do,Does,Did来提问,动词一定要变原型。,用合适的be动词填空。,1.Ten years ago,I _a student.Now I _ a teacher.,2._ you at home yesterday?Yes,I _.,4.My father _ in Shanghai last week.,3.The boys _ in the office just now.Now they _

15、in the classroom.,5.There _ a lot of people in the street then.,was,am,were,was,Were,are,was,were,情态动词:,can,could,should,must,will,以及否定形式。,情态动词的使用规则:,情态动词+动词原形,情态动词的否定句和一般疑问句你会吗?,否定句在情态动词后面直接加not一般疑问句把情态动词提前。,情态动词用法和be动词一样:He can swim.She could swim two years ago.He can not swim.She could not swim t

16、wo years ago.Can he swim?Could she swim two years ago?,除了这几个情态动词后加动词原形,我们还有一些词后面跟的也是动词原形。,动词的不定式(to)have to.try to.Its time to.use.to.What can we do to keep.另外let,please;do,does,did提问和否定 Let me see.Please open the door.Do you like dogs?Does your mother work hard?She didnt do her homework just then.,

17、1.Did Sam _(wear)paper clothes?,2.It means you should _(smoking)here.,3.Can I _(walk)on the grass?,4.He has to _(go)home now.,5.Let him _(sing)an English song.,6.How to _(make)a cake?,7.I could_(ride)a bike two years ago.,8.I didnt _(write)emails to her.,wear,smoke,walk,go,sing,make,ride,write,由特殊疑问

18、词加一般疑问句构成特殊疑问句。,特殊疑问词有哪些?,what,where,which,who,why,what time,when,how,记住:特殊疑问句要先选择合适的 特殊疑问词进行替换提问。,He could speak English ten years ago.,It means No littering.,Smoke from cars makes the air dirty.,Im going to buy some flowers.,What could he do ten years ago?,What does it mean?,What makes the air dir

19、ty?,What are you going to do?,They are going to Shanghai next week.,She is going to watch a film tomorrow.,Our energy comes from coal and oil.,Im going to visit my grandparents.,Where are they going next week?,When is she going to watch a film?,What does our energy come from?,Who are you going to vi

20、sit?,I watched TV at home yesterday?,He went to Xuzhou last week.,Miss Li had a big lunch just now.,My holiday was great fun.,What did you do at home yesterday?,Where did he go last week?,When did Miss Li have a big lunch?,How was your holiday?,She goes to school by bike.,How does she go to school?,

21、1.holiday fun2.on National Day3.the Great Wall4.call me5.visit the museum6.have a fashion show7.be excited about8.wear paper clothes9.ask and answer10.a lot of bottles,第三单元知识点回顾,11.go well12.at first13.heavy rain14.How was your holiday?=How about your holiday?16.go to a farm17.go fishing18.give me t

22、he fish=give the fish to me,1.then and now2.one year ago3.in the office4.listen to the radio5.read newspapers for news6.read and watch news7.read e-books8.anywhere=here and there9.use the telephone to call people10.from all over the world,第四单元知识点回顾,11.make e-friends on the Internet12.do shopping13.l

23、ook out of14.go on15.make a sentence with egg16.yesterday morning17.do many things18.write emails to.19.wait for the answer,天气类的单词:,rain(名词/动词)rainy clouds(可数名词)cloudy wind(不可数名词)windy the sun(独一无二)sunny snow(名词/动词)snowy,天气类的单词用法:主要看句子中有没有be动词,有的要加y,没有的则不要加y。,用合适的词填空吧!,1.There is a lot of _(rain)in

24、summer.,2.It was _(rain)yesterday.,3.It _(rain)last Wednesday.,4.There were a lot of _(cloud)in the sky.The weather is _(cloud).Its going to_(rain)tomorrow.,rain,rainy,rained,clouds,cloudy,rain,询问天气:,Whats the weather like today?,How is the weather today?,如果询问过去的天气,只需要把be 动词和时间改变一下。,What was the wea

25、ther like yesterday?,感叹句的构成:,翻译下列句子,What+形容词+名词!,1.多么漂亮的女孩!,What a nice girl!,2.多么漂亮的衣服!,What beautiful clothes!,Unit5 signs,1.同位快速检查背诵课文一遍。,2.读并翻译短语。,1.these/those signs 2.at a shopping centre3.be careful4.take the juice into the shop5.in a restaurant6.smell it7.someone=somebody8.No eating or drink

26、ing.9.No littering.10.No walking,11.No parking.12.No smoking.13.No shouting.14.No swimming.15.No picking.16.No feeding.17.No running.18.No climbing.19.Danger!20.Wet floor.,21.No mobile phones22.No kites23.No bikes24.be/go on an outing,询问标志的句型:,What does this sign mean?,It means No littering=It means

27、 you shouldnt litter.,What do these signs mean?,They mean No littering=They mean you shouldnt litter.,选择正确的答案:,1.What _ these signs mean?,A.does B.did C.do,2._it _ No parking?,A.Does,means B.Is,mean C.Does,mean,3.It means you shoulnt _.,A.eat or drink B.eat and drink C.eating or drinking,4.Is someon

28、e _?,A.smoke B.smoking C.smokes,do,Does,mean,eat or drink,smoking,5.Dont _ here.,A.park B.parking C.No parking,6.-Do you want _juice?-Yes,_.,A.any,please B.some,please C.a,please,7.This sign means No_.,A.pets B.pet C.petting,8.Bobby and Sam are on _.,A.a outing B.an outing C.outing,9.It means No swi

29、mming.(变成一般疑问句),Dose it mean No swimming?,10.These signs mean No fishing.(变一般疑问句),Do these signs mean No fishing?,11.It means No swimming.(对划线提问),What dose it mean?,12.These signs mean No fishing.(对划线提问),What do these signs mean?,Unit6 Keep our city clean,1.同位快速检查背诵课文一遍。,Smoke from cars makes the ai

30、r dirty.Black smoke from factories makes the air dirty.Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty.Rubbish makes the river dirty.The fish are dead.,What makes our city dirty?,We can take the bus and the metro to school.We can walk to school.We can move some factories away from our city.We can put rubb

31、ish in the bin.We can plant more trees.,What can we do to keep our city clean?,We can sweep the floor.We can clean the desks and chairs.We pick up waste paper.We can put rubbish in the bin.We can plant more flowers and trees.,What can we do to keep our school clean?,In the UK,people call the metroun

32、dergrouand.In the US,people call the metro subway.,1.keep our city clean 2.these pictures of our city3.smoke from cars4.make the air dirty5.black smoke from factories6.messy and dirty7.rubbish in the water8.dead fish9.take the bus and the metro10.walk to school=go to school on foot,11.take the bus a

33、nd the metro to school=go to school by bus and metro12.walk home=go home on foot13.move.away from.14.put the rubbish in the bin15.plant more(many)trees16.help keep the air clean17.well done,18.make+名词+形容词 make the park beautiful make me angry 19.keep+名词+形容词 keep the room warm20.throw the rubbish on

34、the floor21.live in the city22.throw a banana skin23.on the ground24.slip on the banana skin28.go to hospital,Unit7 Protect the Earth,1.同位快速检查背诵课文一遍。,Protect the Earth,(1)Save water(2)Save energy(3)Save trees(4)Dont use too much plastic,Earth Day is on 22nd April.World Environment Day is on 5th June

35、.,(1)Save water,What can we use water to do?,We can use water to clean things.We can use water to water flowers and trees.We can use water to cook.We can use water to wash clothes.,What can we do?,We shouldnt waste water.We should reuse and save water.,(2)Save energy,Where does most of the energy co

36、me from?,Most of the energy comes from coal and oil.,There is not much coal or oil on Earth.What can we do?,We should save energy.We shouldnt drive so much.,(3)Save trees,Where does wood come from?,Wood comes from trees.,What can we use wood to do?,We should plant more trees.We shouldnt cut down too

37、 many trees.,We can use wood to make chairs,tables and many other things.We can use wood to make beds,.,What can we do?,(4)Dont use too much plastic,What can we use plastic to do?,We shouldnt use too many plastic bags and bottles.We should use paper bags and glass bottles.,We can use plastic to make

38、 bags,bottles and many other things.,Too much plastic is bad for the Earth.What can we do?,不可数名词:,bread,milk,water,coffee,food,rice,tea,cola.,oil,coal,paper,plastic,airenergy,wood,rubbish,smoke,不可数名词我们可以用much/a little,可数名词我们可以用many/a few。,1.We shouldnt use too_plastic bags and bottles,because too_pl

39、astic is bad for the Earth.,2.The king has too _clothes.They waste too _money.,3.We cut down so _ trees.,4.Dont drink too_ cola and dont eat too_ sweet food.,many,much,many,many,much,much,much,1.protect the Earth 2.save water 3.Water is useful=useful water4.drink water 5.use water to clean things 6.

40、in many places 7.waste water 8.most of energy9.most of us/them,10.on(the)Earth11.drive so much 12.make tables and chairs13.many other things14.cut down too many trees15.Dont use too much plastic.16.be bad/good for17.plastic bags18.paper bags and glass bottles,Unit8 Chinese New Year,1.同位快速检查背诵课文一遍。,S

41、pring Festival,buy new clothes,have a big dinner,make dumplings and tangyuan,get red packets,watch fireworks,light firecrackers and fireworks,watch a lion dance,visit.,Chinese New Year is coming.What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?,一般将来时:表示将要发生的事情,可以用be going to.,肯定句:主语+be going to+动词原形/地点+

42、其它。,1.杨玲下周要去野餐。,YangLing is going to have a picnic next week.,2.我明天去徐州。,I am going to Xuzhou tomorrow.,3.我十年后将是一名医生。,I am going to be a doctor ten years later.,否定句:主语+be not going to+动词原形/地点+其它。,1.杨玲下周会不去野餐。,YangLing isnt going to have a picnic next week.,2.我明天不去徐州。,I am not going to Xuzhou tomorrow

43、.,3.我们今天晚上将不会看电视。,We are not going to watch TV this evening.,一般疑问句:Be+主语+going to+动词原形/地点+其它?,1.你明天将去看电影吗?,Are you going to watch a film tomorrow?,2.她下周一将去看舞狮子吗?,Is she going to watch a lion dance next Monday?,3.明天将会是晴天吗?,Is it going to be a sunny day tomorrow?,特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语+going to+动词原形+其它?,1.

44、你明天将去做什么?,What are you going to do tomorrow?,2.她什么时候将去看舞狮子?,When is she going to watch a lion dance?,3.他们下周去哪儿?,Where are they going next week?,动词ing形式:,1.现在进行时:主语+be动词+动词ing。,2.No+动词ing:No smoking/fishing/.,3.go+动词ing:go swimming/skating/.,4.be good at/like+名词/动名词:be good at Enligsh be good at play

45、ing football5.about+动词ing,用合适的词填空。,1.Listen,the boys _.(sing),2.Lets go _(swim).,3.I like _(apple).I want_(eat)a lot.,4.She is not good at _(play)football.She cant _(play)well.,5.I want to find out about_(cook).,6.Are you good at _(dance)?,7.Dont _here.The sign means No _(smoke).,are singing,swimmin

46、g,apples,to eat,playing,play,cooking,dancing,smoke,smoking,介词:,in,on,under,in front of,behind,beside,near,of,at,with,by,to,from,before,after.,用合适的介词填空。,1.Look at these pictures _ our city.,2.The girl _ blue is my sister.,3.I cant ride bikes _ one hand.,4.He goes to school _ bike.,5.What are you goin

47、g to do _ Christmas?,6._ Chinese New Years Eve,we are going to make some cakes and tangyuan.,7.He works _ seven in the morning _ ten at night.,8.There was a lion _ the forest.,of,in,with,by,at,On,from,to,in,1.on Chinese New Years Day2.on Chinese New Years Eve3.at Chinese New Year4.get an email from

48、her5.next week6.be excited about7.my family and I8.buy some new clothes,9.have dinner with grandparents10.give me red packets give red packets to me11.get a red packet12.watch a lion dance13.watch fireworks14.light firecrackers15.On the second day of Chinese New Years Day,16.the most important holiday17.very important18.talk about19.plans for Chinese New Year20.have a lot of fun=have a good time,


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