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1、,North,of,the border,scotland,苏格兰,Braveheart,Scotland is a unique and austere(朴素的)place,laden with history,where you can find aristocratic(贵族的)palaces and castles,as well as the traditional parades in national costumes.It has some of the most beautiful cities in Europe,a living testimony(见证)of a pro

2、ud and splendid past.,苏格兰是一个独特的地方,自然条件虽不得天独厚,历史的厚重感却随处可见。豪门望族的府第与城堡历历在目,仪仗队的士兵也还穿着传统服装。这里有全欧洲最美的城市,诉说着苏格兰昔日的荣光。,The introduction of Scotland,Loch Ness(尼斯湖),Bagpipe(风笛),Tartan(格子呢),Edinburgh(爱丁堡),Lech Ness,Lech Ness,Nearly 100 years,as the specter(幽灵)of this monster(怪物)devices,and disappeared the nex

3、t,continually claims that it has witnessed.According to those who claim to have seen it describe the people,its like the snake head and long neck,the general extended water 1 m high,people see more of the huge monster is back,it was said to be two back,it was that is three back;sometimes it suddenly

4、 above the surface,water from its rib like abdominal like waterfalls plunge(猛冲)down,it quickly submerged into the lake,the lake set off a while storms.,近一百多年来,此怪兽像幽灵似地时隐时现,不断有人声称亲眼看到过它。根据那些声称见过它的人们描述,它那蛇一样的头和长脖子,一般伸出水面一米多高,人们较多看到的是怪兽的巨大背部,有人说是两个背,有人又说是三个背;有时它突然露出水面,水从它的肋腹部上像瀑布似的泻下来,一下它又迅速潜到湖下,在湖面掀起一

5、阵恶浪。,Loch Ness monster,尼斯湖水怪,Edinburgh,爱丁堡,Edinburgh,the second largest city in Scotland,is the capital of Scotland.It is Scotlands financial,culture,educational and service-industry center and one of Britains major tourist centers.,Edinburghs central dominating(主要的)landmark(标志)is Edinburgh castle.E

6、dinburgh castle,historically the principal royal fortress(堡垒)of Scotland,perched(位于)on Castle Rock,a massive volcanic(爆发的)rock that towers dramatically over the city of Edinburgh.,When the melodious(旋律优美的)sound of the wind passes Scotlands beautiful mountains,all still in the past,such as the quiet,

7、pastoral(牧羊人的)huts(小屋)scattered(散布)on the scattered,dotted with green harmony of the earth,where people seem to forget all the evil in the world and the ugly,only peace,Warm and free home.,当悠扬的苏格兰风笛声飘过秀美的山峦,一切依然如往日的宁静,星星点点散落的牧人小屋,和谐的点缀着翠绿的大地,在这里人们 似乎可以忘记世间一切的罪恶和丑陋,只有和平、温馨、自由的家园,Scottish pipers,not just as Braveheart the solemn(严肃的)and stirring(激动人心的)sentiments,Titanic bottomless tenderness,sinking them into the sea.It has its own joy,it has its own light,it has its jump.,苏格兰风笛,并不只是如勇敢的心的悲壮豪情,泰坦尼克号 的万丈柔情,沉入大海。它有它的欢愉,它有它的轻快,它有它的跳跃,Bagpipe,Tartan,Thank you,


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