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1、,1.when was film born?Dec.28 th,1895,Lumiere2.What was the earliest contribution to the films in theory?Mo-tse,5BC,the theory of“Light and Shadow”,What were the major contributions of Lumiere and Melies?Lumiere:(1).Long shot(2).Films showed the dynamic of life,nature and changes within themre-curren

2、cism.(3).Forerunner of documentaries Melies(1)stop motion(2)studio with glass ceiling(3)shot films with gorgeous costume and grand scenes expressionism(4)forerunner of story film,4.some more facts(1)the first sci-fi film:A Trip to the Moon(2)what is close-up and montage?(3)Brighton school the bud of

3、 realism(4)Artists Films MovementMaxlinderthe first comedy star楚科尔 Hollywood,Chapter 2 Development of Narrative Patterns in Films(America),I.Edwin S.Porter and his film“The Great Train Robbery”II.Griffith and his Concept of Narrative Patterns III.Comedy in Silent Films in America IV.Charles Chaplin

4、and his Comedies,I.Edwin S.Porter 埃德温鲍特 and his film“The Great Train Robbery”,Born:April 21,1870)PennsylvaniaDied:April 30,1941 New York CityHe Combined the outdoor scenes(proposed and practiced by Lumiere)with artificial indoor ones(by Melies),Representative work:The Great Train Robbery:火车大劫案Porter

5、 took the archetypal American Western story,already familiar to audiences from dime novels and stage melodrama情景剧,and made it an entirely new visual experience.The one-reel film,with a running time of twelve minutes,was assembled in twenty separate shots,along with a startling close-up of a bandit f

6、iring at the camera.It used as many as ten different indoor and outdoor locations and was groundbreaking in its use of“cross-cutting交叉剪辑”in editing to show simultaneous action in different places.No earlier film had created such swift movement or variety of scene.It was enormously popular.For severa

7、l years it toured throughout the United States,and in 1905 it was the premier attraction at the first nickelodeon五分钱电影院.Its success firmly established motion pictures as commercial entertainment in the United States.,Cross-cutting is an editing technique used in films to establish continuity.In a cr

8、oss-cut,the camera will cut away from one action to another action.Because the shots occur one after another,cross-cutting is used to suggest simultaneity of action.However,it can also be used to link significant actions that do not occur simultaneously.The rhythm of,or length of time between,cross-

9、cuts can also set the tone of a scene.Increasing the rapidity between two different actions may add tension to a scene,much in the same manner of using short,declarative sentences in a work of literature.It was made famous by Edwin S.Porters 1903 film,The Great Train Robbery.,The Nickelodeon(AE:nick

10、el=5分币,Greek:Odeion=roofed over theatre)was an early 20th century form of small,neighborhood movie theaters.The name Nickelodeon was coined by Harry Davis and John P.Harris,who opened their small,storefront theatre with that name on Smithfield Street in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania in June 1905.Though th

11、eirs was not the first theatre in the world to specialize in presenting movies,Davis and Harris found such great success with their operation that their concept of a five cent theatre running movies continuously was soon imitated by hundreds of ambitious entrepreneurs,as was the name of the theatre

12、itself.Nickelodeons declined as cities grew and industry consolidation led to larger,more comfortable,and better-appointed 设备更加完善的(well-appointed)movie theaters.,(1)establish his status in films both in America and the whole world;(2)lay foundation for the westerns to be the dominant in America(3)ha

13、ve great influence on GriffithThe film was adopted from a novel with the same title written by Michael Crichton迈克尔克莱顿 whose best-known masterpieces should be Jurassic Park 侏罗纪公园.(Steven Spielberg),The Great Train Robbery,II.D.W.Griffith 格里菲斯and his Concept of Narrative Patterns,1.Background and sign

14、ificance two fights 1.1 Fights about patents(1)1908,America,there was the fierce striving for the patent,which ended up with the establishment of two trusts:Edisons Company and Biograph Studios(比沃格拉夫公司)What is trust托拉斯?an entity with intent to create a monopoly,The Biograph Company,was a motion pict

15、ure company founded in 1895 and active until 1928.It was the first company in the United States devoted entirely to film production and exhibition,and for two decades was one of the most prolific,releasing over three thousand short films and twelve feature films.正片,故事片,长片 A new corporation with the

16、same name was incorporated in California in 1991.,1.2 Fights between trusts and independent film-making 独立制片-the birth of HollywoodAn independent film,or indie film,is a film that is produced outside of the Hollywood studio system,a series of monopolistic 垄断的 practices by several major American film

17、 studios which controlled the production,distribution,and exhibition of films.Independent films today are generally defined as American films financed and distributed by sources outside todays Big Six and its subsidiaries.,Todays Big Six Sony Sony Picture(Columbia Pictures)News Corporation Fox Filme

18、d Entertainment(20 Century Fox)The Walt Disney Company Walt Disney Motion Picture Group Time Warner Warner Bros Entertainment Group Viacom Paramount Motion Picture Group General Electric/Vivendi NBC/Vivendi Universal(Universal),Griffith,David Llewelyn Wark GriffithBorn:January 22,1875)Kentucky,Unite

19、d StatesDied:July 23,1948 Hollywood,California,United States,In 1907,Griffith,still having goals for becoming a successful playwright,moved to California and attempted to sell a script to Edison producer Edwin Porter.Porter rejected Griffiths script,but allowed him to be an extra in his movie.Findin

20、g his way into the motion picture business,he soon began to direct a huge body of work.In 1908,Griffith accepted an acting job for the Biograph Company比沃格拉夫公司in New York City.At Biograph,Griffiths career in the film industry would also change forever.,1.Representative works“The Birth of a Nation”,一个

21、国家的诞生Feb.8th,1915,the film was shown,which symbolized Hollywood began to govern the world in the field of filmsIt is considered important by film historians as one of the first feature length American films(most previous films had been less than one hour long).,Subsequent:1916,Intolerance党同伐异This fi

22、lm was the self-defense of Griffith in face of all the protest caused by the film“The Birth of a Nation”because of racial discrimination.,2.typically themes in his filmsGood and evil in the real lifeFamily comediesConflicts between the rich and the poor,3.Comparison between Griffith and Porter,Cross

23、-cutting交叉剪辑Scenes are not only for connecting the film but also can affect the visionPay attention to the emotional part of the scene which makes the film more complicated(that is the reason why Griffith is called an artist while his works are called work of art.),Cutting between scenes场面间剪辑Scenes

24、are for developing the film Pay attention to the development of the plot,4.Griffiths Narration(1)narrative pattern:emphasized that plot and structure were the base of narration,while,by using montage to distinguish films from traditional arts.So,film became a new narrative art.(2)narrative time:comb

25、ined material pictures and abstract thoughts together,thus expanding the psychological time(too much,too lengthy)(3)narrative space:put the studio outdoors(4)narrative discourse叙事语言:scene was the base of montageclose-ups+long shots;paid attention to the changing rhythm of film;emphasized the functio

26、n of actors;and used objects to express emotional feelings,especially nice ones.-symbolic meaning,III.Comedies in Silent films in America,1.the very first comedy star:MaxLinder 麦克斯林戴(French)Max Linder created what was probably the first identifiable motion-picture character who appeared in successiv

27、e situation comedies.Linder made more than one hundred short films短片 portraying“Max,”a wealthy and dapper短小精悍的 man-about-town frequently in hot water because of his penchant兴趣爱好 for beautiful women and the good life.2.It is American artists that make comedy dominant in silent era.3.Silent Era is the

28、 time of comedies and also the golden time of comedy.,4.The first comedy(traditional one):Arroseur arros/The Sprinkler Sprinkled,水浇园丁Director:Lumire 在一个花园里,树木和草丛都十分葱郁,一位园丁拿起一根长长的水管,开始给花草树木浇水。这时一个小男孩走过来了,他出现在园丁的身后,乘园丁不注意,用脚踩住水管。水断流了,园丁奇怪地低下头检查水管,他把水管口对准自己的眼睛看了又看也没看出什么究竟来,这时,男孩把脚缩了回去,水猛地喷射出来,全部冲到园丁的脸上

29、,园丁回头看到了搞恶作剧的男孩,生气地扔下水管跑去追打他,5.Mack Sennett,麦克辛纳(January 17,1880 November 5,1960)an Academy Award-winning director and was known as the innovator of slapstick comedy 低俗闹剧in film.During his lifetime he was known at times as the King of Comedy.He discovered Chaplin,Keystone Cops,基斯东警察 the term“Keyston

30、e Cops”has become part of the language,describing incompetent buffoons 丑角 with supposed authority.Some historians even credit Sennetts films with having been responsible for municipal police forces across North America altering their uniforms to include military style officers caps since by the 1920

31、s tall,English-style hats had become so indelibly 不能磨灭的associated with slapstick comedy.,6.1920,Harold Lloyd and Snub Pollard,哈罗德劳埃德,斯诺波拉德High and Dizzy 高危之处“The Freshmen”大学新生-Harolds best film,7.1927,Buster Keaton,巴斯特基顿an Academy Award-winning American comic actor and filmmaker.Best known for his s

32、ilent films,his trademark was physical comedy with a stoic,恬淡寡欢的 deadpan 面无表情的 expression on his face,earning him the nickname“The Great Stone Face”.He has also been called“The Michelangelo of Silent Comedy”.默片喜剧的米开朗基罗,5.Fatty Arbuckle 胖子阿伯奇Real name:Roscoe Conkling ArbuckleAfter British actor Charl

33、ie Chaplin joined Keystone Studios in 1914,Arbuckle mentored him.Chaplins most famous character,the Tramp,was created after Chaplin borrowed Arbuckles trademark balloon pants,boots&tiny hat.,Four Comedy stars:Charles Chaplin,Buster Keaton,Harold Lloyd,Harry Langdon Four best-sellers:“The Freshman”,H

34、arold Lloyd大学新生“The Birth of a Nation”,Griffith 一个国家的诞生“The Gold Rush”,Charles Chaplin淘金记“The Big Parade”,Robert Youngson(罗伯特杨森)大阅兵,a tramp with the refined manners and dignity of a gentleman.The character wears a tight coat,oversized trousers and shoes,and a derby圆顶窄边礼帽 worn by MaxLindar;carries a

35、bamboo cane竹杖;and has a signature toothbrush moustache唇上修剪得整整齐齐的胡子.He borrowed Arbuckles trademark balloon pants,boots&tiny hat.,IV.Charles Chaplin and his Comedies,1.1914,the first film“Making a Living”谋生2.1917,“Easy Street”安乐街,a breakthrough and transition of his works 3.contributed a lot to the films(compared with Griffith),Film Weekly,Hitch 恋爱专家/全民情敌Will Smith,


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