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1、Module 1,Grammar and Function,倍数+形容词比较级+than,倍数+the(size,height,length,weight,width,depth,age)+of,Conclusion:,GRAMMAR 1,1.Paris is visited by more than eight million tourists every year.2.The Sagrada Familia was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi.3.Florences most beautiful paintings and s

2、culptures were produced by great artists.4.Athens is known as the birthplace of western civilisation.5.The Parthenon was built during this period.,(1)PASSIVE VOICE,1.About a million tourists visit Florence every year.2.Ten million people visited London last year.3.Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona

3、Lisa.4.Picasso didnt paint the Mona Lisa.5.Thousands of workers built the Great Wall of China.,Make the following sentences passive.,语态(Voice)是动词的一种形式,它表示句子的主语和谓语动词之间的关系。语态通常分为主动语态和被动语态。被动语态(Passive Voice)表示句子的主语是动作的承受者。二者为被动关系。其句子的谓语动词是:be+v-ed形式。,动词的被动语态,由于语态是动词的一种形式,它只表示句子的主语和谓语动词之间的关系,它没有表示动作发生的

4、时间和方式,因此,被动语态形式的句子,仍然有各种时态变化。由于构成被动语态的行为动词变成了动词-ed形式,所以,被动语态句子的时态都要体现在助动词be上。,1被动语态的构成,be+v-ed,1)一般现在时 am/is/are+v-ed Youre wanted on the telephone.有人给你打电话。2)一般过去时 was/were+v-ed The book was finished last week.这书是上周写完的。3)一般将来时 will be+v-ed Youll be allowed to go out tomorrow.明天让你出去。,4)现在进行时和过去进行时 Th

5、e building is being built.这幢楼正在建设之中。The bikes were being repaired.那时正在修自行车。5)现在完成时和过去完成时This book has been translated into English.这本书已被译成英语。The car had been repaired.这时汽车已修完了。,am(is,are),was(were),shall(will)be,am(is,are)being,was(were)being,has(have)been,had been,+V-ed,2被动语态的用法,1)我们不知道或没有必要说明动作的执

6、行者是谁(这时都不带由by引起的短语)。The book is written for teachers.这种书是为教师写的。2)动作的承受者是谈话的中心(这时可带 由by引起的短语)。The shop is run by a young man.这家商店是由一个年轻人经营的。,3)出于礼貌措辞等方面的考虑不愿说出动 作的执行者是谁。It is generally considered not advisable to smoke here.一般认为在这儿吸烟是不妥当的。4)被动结构能使句子得到更好的安排。Liu Dehua appeared on the stage and was warm

7、ly applauded by the audience.刘德华在台上出现,观众给予了热烈的掌声。,3.学习、使用被动语态应注意下面几点,1)短语动词的被动语态,要保持短语动词的完整性,动词后面的介词或副词切记不可遗漏。These books must be taken good care of.这些书必须好好保管。The children were well looked after.孩子们受到了良好的护理。,2)情态动词的被动语态:和shall或will一样。We can divide an atom.An atom can be divided.原子是可分的。3)有些动词主动语态形式表示

8、被动语态,来表示主语的性质如:sell,wash,draw,keep,prove,clean,run,wear,cook,read,smoke,cut,burn等。The book sells well.这本书畅销。Silk wears well.丝耐穿。This cloth washes well.这种布料耐洗。,4)表示“需要”的动词后用 V-ing形式表被动。require,want,need 这件衬衣该洗了。This shirt needs washing.,5.有些动词词组是没有被动语态的 belong to;take place;break out等,4.Practice:,1“T

9、own Hall is the tallest building in the city.”“_ from here?”A.Can it seeB.Can it be seen C.Can be seen itD.Can see,答案 B。Town Hall(市政厅)应当是被看见,所以应在B和C中选择。又因这是一个问句,故选B。,2“The ceremony has already started.”“Look!The flag is _ now.”Abeing raised BrisenCbeing rose Draising,答案 A。rise vi.升起,不能有被动形式,故B,C不能选用

10、。raise vt.举起,升起。后要接宾语,故 D不适用。being raised正在被升起,正符合题意。,3The assassinationattempt _ millions,because the speech was on television.A.was seen by B.was saw by C.seen by D.was seen for,答案A。assassination暗杀。根据题意:暗杀行为被数百万人所看见,故选A。,4.The things talked about in this report _ over ayear ago.A.had taken place B

11、.took place C.have taken place D.were taken place,答案B。take place,occur,happen发生,均为不及物动词词组,没有被动语态。,5Come and sit down by the fire.Your hand _.Afeels so cold Bis felt so coldly Cfeels so coldly Dfeel so cold,答案 A。feel(摸起来有的感觉)seem,sound,look 等作为系动词使用,系表结构没有被动语态。,6The anti-Japanese War _ in 1937 and it

12、 _ eight years.Awas broken out;lasted Bbroke out;lasted Cbreak out;lasts Dbroke out;was lasted,答案 B。break out,last 均为不及物动词(短语),没有被动语态。,7I need one more stamp before my collection _.(1994)Ahas completedBcompletesChas been completed Dis completed,我所集的邮票还差一张才能成整套。答案D。before引导的时间状语从句中用现在时表示将来,而collectio

13、n与complete之间为被动关系。,8In some parts of the world,tea _ with milk and sugar.(1993)Ais servingBis served CservesDserved,在世界上一些地区,人们饮茶时都加牛奶和蔗糖。答案B。本题叙述的是一般的情况,常用一般现在时,答案可在B和C中选择。serve意思是“供给”或“送上”,此处应用被动语态。,9Hell be an astronaut by the time he _ thirty.(1993)Ais Bhad been Cwill be Dis going to be,到他三十岁时,他

14、就会成为一名宇航员。答案 A。主句中用的是一般将来时,by thetime引导时间状语从句中用现在时态表示将来。,10.If city noises _ from increasing,people _shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.(1992)Aare not kept;will have to Bare not kept;have to Cdo not keep;will have to Ddo not keep;have to,如果对城市的噪声不加以控制,二十年后甚至在餐桌上人们将不得不大声叫嚷才能

15、使对方听见。答案A。If从句中,“噪声被加以控制”需用被动语态,答案为A或B。主句中时间状语为“从现在起二十年后”,要用将来时表示,所以答案为A。,11.The water will be further polluted unless some measures _.(1992)A.will be taken B.are takenC.were taken D.had been taken,如果不采取措施,河水将会进一步受到污染。答案B。主句中为一般将来时,unless引导条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,而“措施”应该是“被采取”,用被动语态。,12.Good care must _ ba

16、bies particularly while they are ill.(1992)A.take B.take of C.be taken D.be taken of,婴儿必须得到精心的照顾,尤其是在他们生病时。答案 D。take care of babies意为“照看婴儿”。句子主语为care,谓语动词必须用被动语态,所以答案为D。,高考链接,1.The flowers were so lovely that they _ in no time.(2007全国I)A.sold B.had been sold C.were sold D.would sell,2.As the years p

17、assed,many occasions birthdays,awards,graduations _ with Dads flowers.(2007湖南)A.are marked B.were marked C.have marked D.had marked,高考链接,3.Leonardo da Vinci(14521519)_birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.(2007重庆)A.is said to be buying B.is said to have bought C.had

18、said to buy D.has said to have bought,高考链接,4.Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?Yes,I have.I guess it _ now.(2007辽宁)A.has graded B.is graded C.is being graded D.is grading,高考链接,My family lives in Cardiff.Our soccer team is fantastic.The whole class is here.Neither Amy nor Helen is English.None o

19、f them has arrived yet.Each of them has a capital city.Neither of them is English.,(2)SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT,GRAMMAR 2,The police are searching for him.Some sheep are over there.Five minutes is enough to do this exercise.More than one student has seen this film.Many a ship has been damaged in th

20、e storm.Men of this kind are dangerous.Between the two windows hangs a picture.,谓语应该跟主语一致还是跟表语一致?,We Chinese _ a hard-working peopleA.is B.are C.is being D.are being,此题应选B。这里应注意的是:我们通常说的是主谓一致(即谓语与主语保持一致),而不是表谓一致(即不是谓语与表语一致),本题意为:我们中国人是一个勤劳的民族。,主谓一致,“一致”是指句子成分之间或词语之间在性、数等方面应保持一致。“主谓一致”是指谓语动词与主语必须在人称、

21、性、数上保持一致,即主语是复数,谓语也用复数形式,如are,were,have等,主语是单数,谓语要用单数形式,如:is,was,has,works等。,主谓一致,语法一致,意义一致,就近一致,方法技巧分清主语,用准谓语分清并列连词记熟一些习惯用法,1.语法一致。together with along with(或with)(1)besides(或but/except)A+as well as+B+谓语动词与A一致 including rather than like more than(no less than,rather than)in addition to,方法一分清主语,用准谓语,

22、1.The boy together with his parents _to the museum once a week.(go)2.No one but us _ in the classroom at that time.(be)3.The museum,as well as the pictures,_(be)worth seeing.,goes,was,is,注意:由and 连接的并列主语被each,every 或no修饰时,谓语动词用单数。,Every boy and every girl _(invite)to the party.,has been invited,Obser

23、vation,1.To become doctors is their ambition.2.Reading is helpful for improving English.3.What you said is meaningless.4.When we go out for an outing has been decided.,(3)conclusion:不定式、动名词、从句做主语 时,谓语用单数。,注意:由that,where,when,whether,how等词引导的名词性从句作主语,主句的谓语常用单数形式。How they can finish their work is stil

24、l unknown.Where we will go has not been decided.,When and where to hold the meeting _ not decided.When to hold the meeting and where to have lunch _ not decided.,is,are,注意:由what引导的名词性从句作主语,谓语一 般用单数(表语是复数时也可用复数);如果what从句是带有复数意义的并列结构,主句的谓语用复数。What they are after _(be)money.What we want _(be)promises.W

25、hat he says and(what he)does _(do)not agree.,is,are/is,do,Observation,1.Each boy has an apple.2.Every minute is important.3.Nobody knows the facts.4.Something is wrong.,(4)each,every,no,many a 等词修饰主语,或者不定代词 anybody,everyone,something,nothing,no one等作名词时,谓语动词用单数。,注意:each of+复数代词,谓语动用单数。复数代词+each,谓语动词

26、用复数。如,语法一致,We each _(have)our own car.我们各人都有自己的车。Each of us _(have)something to say.,have,has,(5)none of+名词或代词做主语时,谓语动词用单复数都可以,但在代表不可数的东西时总看做是单数。None of us are(is)perfect.人无完人。None of this worries me.这事一点也不使我着急。,(6).分数或百分数作主语,谓语动词取决于其所指代的名词或代词。,Two-thirds of the people _(be)women here.这儿 23的人是妇女。,ar

27、e,The company had about 200 notebook computers but only one-third _(be)used regularly.,were,Observation,1.My family were watching TV at 6 oclock.2.My family has moved three times.,意义一致:指主语形式上是单数,但表达复数意义,那么谓语用复数形式,反之,表达单数意义,谓语动词用单数形式。,意义 一致,意义 一致,意义 一致,意义 一致,(5)表示时间、金钱、距离、度量等名词作主语时,尽管是复数形式,它们作为一个单一的概

28、念时,其谓语动词用单数形式。,A hundred miles is a long distance.Ten pounds was missing from my pocket.Eight hours of sleep is enough.Twenty years has passed since he left his hometown.,(6)population 做主语指人口,谓语用单数;指人的行为、居民等,谓语常用复数;分数/百分数+of the population做主语,若后面出现复数名词时,谓语最好用复数。,The population of the village is 538.

29、One third of the population here are workers.,就近一致,就近 一致,Summary:neither A nor B either A or B not only A but also B+谓语动词 not A but B A or BEither you or I am wrong.Not only the students but also the teacher doesnt know the answer to the question.Not you but I am to answer for it.There are two knive

30、s,a pen and several books on the table.,确定倒装句谓语单复数找准主语,Next to me sat an old lady and a country girl who _(be)looking at the foreigners in the car.Here _(be)some pieces of news,and I want to know what the latest news_(be).,were,are,is,ExampleE-mail,as well as telephones,_ an important part in daily

31、communication.(99 上海2)A.are playing.B.have playedC.is playing D.play,答案及分析,答案是C。当有as well as 引导时,谓语与第一个主语一致,既与E-mail 单数一致,故选C.,Multiple choice:1.On the wall_ two large portraits.A.hangs B.hang C.hanged D.hanging(C85)2.“News of victories _ pouring in as our army advances,”the company commander said.A

32、.keep B.keeps C.kept D.have kept(C85)3.There _ a lot of milk in the bottle.A.are B.is C.were D.has(C86)4.Zhangs family _ rather big,with twelve people in all.A.is B.are C.being D.was(C85)5.Nobody but Jane _ the secret.A.know B.knows C.have known D.is known(C86),Multiple choice:6.All but one _ here j

33、ust now.A.is B.was C.has been D.were(C87 NO.45)7.A library with five thousand books _ to the nation as a gift.A.is offered B.has offered C.are offered D.have offered(C90 NO.20),8.Not only I but also Jane and Mary _ tired of having one exam after another.A.is B.are C.am D.be(C89 NO.27)9.The number of

34、 people invited _ fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A.were;was B.was;was C.was;were D.were;were(C 96 NO.14)10.When and where to build the new factory _ yet.A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided,1._ you or he the teacher of English?Neither my

35、sister nor my mother _ present at the meeting.A.Are,was B.Is,were C.Are,are D.Is,is,Do Some Exercises,2.When and where to build the new factory_ yet.(1991全国)A.is not decided B.are not decided C.has not decided D.have not decided,析:当when和where加不定式指的是同一件事时,谓语动词用单数。,3.I,not you,_ in the wrong.Not I but

36、 he _ been invited.A.were,have B.were,has C.was,has D.was,have,4.E-mail,as well as telephones,_ an important part in daily communication.A.is playing B.have played C.are playing D.play,5.One or two days _ enough to see the city A.is B.are C.am D.be6.Neither my wife nor I myself _ able to persuade my

37、 daughter to change her mind A.is B.are C.am D.be,7.Not the teacher,but the students _ looking forward to seeing the film A.is B.are C.am D.be,8.His“Selected Poems”_ first published in 1965.A.were B.was C.has been D.have been,9.A woman with some children _ soonA.is coming B.are coming C.has come D.h

38、ave come10.No one except my parents _ anything about this。A.know B.knows C.is known D.are known,No one knows anything about this except my parents.,11.The teacher as well as the students _ the book already A.has read B.have read C.are reading D.is reading12.All but one _ in the accident A.was killed

39、 B.were killed C.will be killed D.are killed,All were killed in the accident but one.,13.The number of people invited _fifty,but a number of them _ absent for different reasons.A.were;wasB.was;was C.was;wereD.were;were14._ of the land in that district _ covered with trees and grass.A.Two fifth;is B.

40、Two fifth;are C.Two fifths;is D.Two fifths;are,15.Mathematics _ the language of science.A.is B.are going to be C.are D.were,16.A good deal of money _ spent on books.A.have B.has C.have been D.has been17.On the wall _ two large portraits.A.hangs B.hang C.hanged D.hanging,18.“_turn green in spring.A.L

41、eaf B.Leafs C.Leave D.Leaves,19.Nobody but Jane _ the secret.A.know B.knows C.have known D.is known 20.All but one _ here just now.A.is B.was C.has been D.were,21.As a result of destroying the forests,a large _ of desert _ covered the land.A.number;has B.quantity;has C.number;have D.quantity;have22.

42、Every boy and every girl as well as some teachers who _ to visit the museum _ asked to be at the school gate before 6:30 in the morning.A.are;areB.is;is C.are;isD.is;are,1.How are the team playing?Theyre playing well,but one of them _ hurt.(2002北京春)A.got B.gets C.are D.were真题解析:本题考查主谓一致和时态的用法。首先从主谓一

43、致入手,one of them为单数主语,可以先排除C和D;根据句意,“有个人受伤了”应该是一般过去时,因此答案为A。,2.As a result of destroying the forests,a large _ of desert _ covered the land.(2001上海)A.number;has B.quantity;has C.number;have D.quantity;have真题解析:本题考查名词的修饰和主谓一致问题。a large number of修饰可数名词,所以先排除A的C项;desert为不可数名词,后面的谓语动词应该用单数has,所以正确答案是B。,3

44、.All the preparations for the task _,and we are ready to start.(2000全国春)A.completed B.complete C.had been completed D.have been completed 真题解析:本题考查名词的主谓一致。首先,根据句意“所有的准备工作都已经做完了,我们准备开始做。”可见此处应该用现在完成时;其次,preparations为复数,即主语为复数,所以用have,故正确答案为D。,4.I told him what I was surprised _ his attitude towards h

45、is study.(2000年春季上海卷)isB.wasC.at isD.at was 真题解析:本题考查主谓一致、固定搭配和从句时态的问题。be surprised at为固定搭配,at不能省略,它后面的宾语是what;what I surprised at充当told后面宾语从句的主语,是一个what引导的名词性句子,后面的谓语动词应该用单数,且和主句用一般过去时,从句对应也要用过去时。因此,正确答案是D。,5.Every possible means _ to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear.(2000上海

46、春)A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been used 真题解析:本题考查主谓一致和时态问题。主语的means为单数名词,意思是“手段、方法”,因此,要先排除B和D项;根据句意“所有阻止空气污染的方法都用过了,但天空气还是不干净。”,可见,此处应该用现在完成时。答案为C。,1.The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _ used regularly.Now we have 60 working all day long.(2006浙江)A.is B.ar

47、e C.was D.were,高考链接,2.The father as well as I _ every Sunday afternoon in winter.(2006辽宁)A.is going B.go C.goes D.are going,高考链接,3.The country life he was used to _ greatly since.(2005山东)A.change B.has changed C.changing D.have changed,高考链接,一下幻灯片可做参考用,原来笔记上没有的知识点,可以补充上。,1.由and连接的并列成分指的是同一概念,一个人的双重身份

48、或匹配出现的事物时谓语动词为单数,由and连接的两个并列成分表示两个不同的概念时,谓语动词用复数。The worker and writer is from Beijing.(那个工人兼作家)The worker and the writer are from Beijing.(那位工人和那位作家),Bread and butter is a daily food in the West.,Both Cathy and her daughter Linda have gone fishing in Canada.,常见的由and连接的指一个概念的有:the needle and thread

49、针线salt and water盐和水the folk and knife 刀叉 iron and steel 钢铁time and tide 岁月,2.everyone of,one of,each of,either of,neither of+复数名词作主语,谓语用单数。Each of the students has a book.Each of the girls likes dancing.One of them has been abroad.Neither of the two boys is good at English.,one of复数名词定语从句结构如果one前面没有

50、限定词,这个句型中的“复数名词”是先行词,定语从句的谓语动词用复数;如果one前面有the only,the first,the last,the right等限定词修饰,则one是先行词,定语从句的谓语动词用单数。John is the only one of the students who has the keys.John is one of the students who have the keys.,3.more than one,many a+单数名词作主语,意义上是复数,谓语动词常用单数。(形单意复),More than one student has tried.Many


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