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2、内容及特点也不尽相同。一般来说,商品说明书包括以下几个部分:1商品的特征、功能和成分 2安装/使用/服用/饮用/食用的方法 3注意事项 4主要性能、指标及规格,A.成分 Ingredients B.有效期限 Period of validity C.注意事项 Precautions D.功能 Functions E.规格 Specifications F.净含量 Net content G.保质期 Shelf life,“Plump”Shelled Pumpkin Seeds“Plump”Shelled Pumpkin Seeds are a distinctive and peerless

3、product of its type.The product,rich in essential nutrients and microelements,is made of the natural shell-less pumpkin seeds uniquely bred in China.The seeds look plump and clear,and taste crisp and delicious.The product boasts an ideal snack for good health and happy travel.Ingredients:shell-less

4、pumpkin seeds,salt,natural flavoring Storage:in a cool and dry place Shelf life:7 months Production date:see the seal,胖胖瓜子仁 本品选用中国特产天然无壳南瓜子为原料,富含人体所需之营养成分和微量元素,经独特工艺处理,外形晶莹饱满,风味脆香可口。为理想之保健旅游佳品,堪称“天下一绝”。配料:天然无壳南瓜子、食盐、天然调味品。贮藏:低温、干燥 保质期:七个月 生产日期:见封口处,语言特点,(1)语言简洁 说明书的句子结构都比较简单,通常为简单句和祈使句;同时也使用名词或名词短语、

5、复合词、动词及非谓语动词等。(2)客观、精确,具有感染力 说明书的目的是让消费者了解产品的特征和性能,以便做出正确的选择并正确使用该产品。其内容客观真实,语言通俗易懂,但也会适当地使用文学性语言,以增强可读性和感染力。(3)条式风格突出,版面设计独特 由于说明书涉及的内容较多,一般采用条式排列,使其内容清楚明了。同时为了达到吸引消费者的目的,往往采用不同于其他产品的特殊字体和版面模式来突出该产品,如黑体字标题、数字序号,特殊符号等。,词汇特征1、相对固定性和专业性一方面,这种特殊文体因其狭窄的语域(Register)而使用了相对稳定、有限的词汇另一方面,由于这种文体的描述对象(包括产品和服务)

6、覆盖面甚广,涉及各种行业和领域,因此常会遇到一些某个技术领域中特有的“土话”、“行话”,或是“俚语”。,2、过程的名物化产品说明书语言简洁、意思高度浓缩的特点也反映在过程的名物化上。名物化是指将过程(特别是物质过程)名词化,小句子转化为名词词组。句子经常浓缩为名词(或词组),而其他成分则成为其修饰成分例如:(某导管插入装置)只要插入时遇到任何阻力,则应当使用较小尺寸的导引套,以便无须过度用力即可插入。Any resistance to introduction should result in advancement of an introducer sheath small enough t

7、o be introduced without undue force.,句法特征,1、(情态动词)be+形容词(或过去分词)+目的状语 句子的主语往往是产品名称。这样安排主要是为了突出产品具有的特性(功能或注意事项等),以引起读者的注意。例:本装置仅限由接受过导管插入诊断及治疗培训的医生使用。(某导管插入装置)The device should be used only by physicians trained in diagnostic and therapeutic catheter procedures.,2、现在分词(介词)+名词(非谓语动词形式增多)这种非谓语动词(non-fin

8、ite verb form)结构往往用于解说维护或操作程序,常常伴有图解 例:使用本产品时须定期注意遵守消毒规定。(伟博公司)Observe sterile technique at regular intervals when using this product,3、祈使句祈使句常常用来表示强调、命令、警告,不同于广告中劝说的功能例:早晚刷牙后含漱2-5 分钟。(口泰含漱液)Gargle with the product 2-5 minutes after brushing in the morning and evening.,4、省略句产品说明书中省略句十分普遍。这跟简洁明了的文体特征

9、息息相关例:禁忌症:尚未发现。Contraindications:None known.,5、被动语态 由于产品说明书的说明对象是各种产品,读者对象是注重事物的发生和存在,而通常并不注重是谁使其发生或存在。例:产品可根据用户需要采用柜式、立架式、卧式、地面摆放及与其它电源柜内置式使用等各种形式。(光宇电池)The products can be installed in several types such as cabinet,vertical racks,horizontal racks,ground placement and installed with other kinds of

10、power supply cabinet according to users requirements.,be used to.be used as.be designed to.be suitable to be used in.be available for.may be used to.be adapted for.be designed to be.so as to.be capable of.,翻译原则,1)保持其技术和知识的传播性。说明书起着传播技术和知识的作用,介绍机件的工作原理或者产品的功能、主要技术参数或者主要成分构成。在翻译时,不得随意更改、漏译、误译,必须忠实于原文。

11、例如:This machine is equipped with a gear transmission mechanism,and its multi-dies are arranged in line.It can draw steel,aluminum,brass and other kinds of metal wires.本机采用齿轮变速传动结构,串联组成多模连续拉丝机,可拉拔钢、铝或黄铜等金属线材。,(2)注意语言的可读性和感染力。由于说明书对广告具有辅助作用,其语言要做到通俗易懂,适当时候可以运用一些文学语言,以完成其广告效应。但同时又要注意不要过分夸大。例如:Add sugar

12、 and milk to taste.加入适量的牛奶和糖,味道更佳。A nourishing beverage for all ages.An excellent gift in all seasons.本品适宜于四季饮用,是老少皆宜的营养饮料,也是馈赠亲友之佳品。,按不同题材说明书进行翻译,机电产品说明书主要用于帮助使用者掌握该设备的操作方法,包括用途、产品规格、操作须知、维护及保养等。(1)对用途的说明 These versatile wheeled tractors are reliable enough to tackle a variety of field jobs such as

13、 ploughing,harrowing,seed drilling,cultivating,harvesting,etc.这种多用途轮式拖拉机适用于犁、耙、播种、耕作、收割等多种田间作业。(2)对产品规格的描述 Processing range:6.5mm2.4mm output:3.5t/shift5t/shift 加工范围:6.5毫米2.4毫米 产量:3.5吨/班5吨/班,(3)对设备特点的说明 Simple construction,easy operation and maintenance,and comparatively high productivity.结构简单,操作容易,

14、维修方便,生产率较高。(4)故障排除 Trouble:The shaver does not work when the ON/OFF button is pressed.Solution:Replace the batteries.If the shaver still does not work,see“Guarantee&Service”.问题:按下开/关按钮后剃须刀不工作。解决方法:更换电池。如果剃须刀仍然不能工作,请参阅“保证及维修服务”。,(5)安全警示说明 Prevent the appliance and the wire from getting wet.确保剃须刀与电线保持

15、干燥。Remove the batteries from the appliance if you are not going to use it for quite some time.长时间不使用本设备,请取出电池。(6)操作说明 Switch the appliance on by pressing the switch lock and pushing the ON/OFF button upwards.按下开关键并把开/关按钮向上推,便可启动本设备。,食品食品说明应包括产品的构成成分、食用方法、保健作用、保质期、存放方法等。(1)食品成分 Ingredients:fresh beef

16、 of high quality,sugar,chilli oil,sesame oil,salt,condiments.配料:优质鲜牛肉、白砂糖、辣椒油、芝麻油、盐、调味料。(2)食用方法 For drinking hot:Put two or three teaspoonfuls of Lacovo in a cup,then add hot water and stir until the grains are thoroughly dissolved.热饮:取乐口福两至三茶匙,倒入适量开水,搅拌至完全溶解。,(3)保健作用 Regular use of the cream result

17、s in the increase of skin cell vitality and improvement of metabolism to restore youthful fairness of the skin.经常搽用本品,可增强皮肤细胞活力,促进新陈代谢,保持皮肤洁白、红润,延缓衰老。,药物1)药物性状 It is a white or a faintly yellow powder to which appropriate amounts of water are added to prepare an off white suspension for intramuscula

18、rly use or a yellowish solution for intravenous administration.它是一种白色或微黄色粉末,加适量水可配制成近乎白色的悬浊液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黄色的溶液,供静脉注射用。(2)药物作用 It is a antibiotic which is resistant to most B-lastamases and is active against a wide range of gram positive and gram negative organism.它是一种抗菌素,不但能抵抗大多数内酰铵酶,而且抵抗各种革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴

19、性细菌。,(3)适应症 It is indicated for the treatment of infection before the infecting organism has been identified or when caused by sensitive bacteria.在感染细菌未被确认出来,或由敏感细菌引起感染时,本药品适用。(4)禁忌 It should not be used in patients with known sensitivity to the drug.对该药物过敏者禁止使用。The following adverse reactions may o

20、ccasionally occur:dryness of the mouth,thirst,drowsiness,fatigue,dizziness,heartburn,anorexia,abdominal discomfort and exanthema.偶尔可能出现下列副作用:口干、口渴、发困、乏力、头晕、心痛、食欲不振、腹部不适、药疹。,化学用品 化学类用品的使用要格外注意。一般来说,其内容主要包括产品作用、使用方法、注意事项等。(1)产品作用 It moisturizes your skin in hot,cold and dry climate conditions,taking e

21、xtra care of your skin against the drying effect of the sun,helping prevent dry skin and protecting your skin from additional loss of skin moisture.无论是酷热、寒冷或是干燥的气候,本产品都能滋润您的皮肤,具有防晒,预防皮肤干燥、补充水分等功效。,(2)使用方法 Wash the face with lukewarm water and evenly rub a little amount all over,twice daily,one in th

22、e morning and the other in the evening,and the satisfactory effect will soon be obtained.早晚两次,用温开水洗后取本品少许,均匀搽遍面部即可收到满意效果。(3)注意事项 Do not spray over food or tableware.Do not use or store near fire.Do not strike.It should be kept in cool place and kept away from the children.勿向食物和餐具喷洒。勿在近火源处存放或使用。勿敲撬。宜放在阴凉、儿童不易碰到的地方。,thank you,


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