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1、Unit 24 Society,此处填写副标题,基本词汇大归纳,记记单词1v_adj.自愿的_n志愿者2g_vt.统治,治理_n政府3a_v积累_n积累;堆积4d_adj.各种各样的5r_vt.&vi.辞职_n辞职;放弃,voluntary,volunteer,govern,government,accumulate,accumulation,diverse,resign,resignation,6e_n版本_vt.编辑;校订_n编辑,编者7u_vt.着手做,从事8s_判决9a_vt.废除_n废除,废止10f_adv.所以,因此,edition,edit,editor,undertake,se

2、ntence,abolish,abolishment,furthermore,记记短语1._(假如像那样的法律出现),a huge adjustment would be required and there would certainly be diverse reactions.2_(没有人想要炫耀)and gold and silver have no valueunlike in our society.3There is a car accident there at least once a week and today I nearly _(撞上)somebody crossin

3、g the road!,If laws such as these came into being,Nobody has any desire to show off,knocked into,4The _(转折点)came when the Peoples Republic of China was set up.5I am totally against harder sentences _(原则上)and really feel the death penalty should be abolished.6In the USA in the last 100 years,23 men h

4、ave been wrongly _(判处死刑)and there are doubts about 400 other cases.,turning point,on principle,sentenced to death,记记句型1._(没有增加快乐,反而增加压力)and _(少了自由时间)to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.2Protest groups are insisting that some of our money _(分给)the third world.3As a society,_

5、(正是认真对待问题的时候),Not increased happiness,but stress,less free time,be given to,its high time that we took these issues more seriously,4They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which _(使他们更容易监视人们的举动)5_(使家家户户相通),the hutongs in fact connected peoples lives,_(不管是富人的还是普通市民

6、的),made it easier to keep an eye on peoples movements,By connecting peoples homes,whether the lives of the rich or the lives of the ordinary,6They supported each other when help was needed and shared the joy and sadness of everyday life,_(更不必说)sharing recipes,borrowing mops,and burning fragrant ince

7、nse together.7_(随着人们变老),a huge financial burden will be placed on the government.,no doubt,As people grow older,词 语 解 读,1.abundant adj.大量的;丰富的be abundant in富于;很丰富abundance n丰富an abundance of丰富的,许多的in abundance大量,富裕abundantly adv.大量地;丰盛地The country is abundant in natural resources.这个国家自然资源丰富。,预测题We a

8、re happy that the tree yields a(n)_ of fruit.Aabundant BresponseCabundance Dattendance答案与解析:Can abundance of“丰富的”,固定词组。response反应,响应;attendance到场;出席。句意:我们很高兴这棵树结果甚多。,2.accumulate vt.积累,积聚accumulate a fortune积蓄一笔财产accumulate evidence收集证据accumulate knowledge积累知识accumulative adj.累积的,积聚的accumulatively a

9、dv.累积地accumulation n累积,积聚,By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer.到20世纪50年代晚期,科学家已经积累了充足的证据表明吸烟与癌症之间有联系。He accumulated a fortune by buying and selling used cars.他买卖旧汽车积累了一笔财富。He accumulated wide knowledge in his teens.他在青少年

10、时期积累了渊博的知识。,考试题(湖北黄冈中学)Dust _ in a room if we do not clean the room regularly.A.accomplishes B.accumulatesC.accommodates D.achieves答案与解析:B句意:房间如果不经常打扫就会积满灰尘。accumulate积累;堆积;accomplish完成,达到,实现;accommodate供应,提供住宿;achieve完成,达到。,3.burden n重担,负担;v.使担负the burden of sth.的负担a burden on/to sb.某人身上的重担to bear/

11、ease/reduce/carry/share the burden承受/减轻/减少/担负/分担重担burden sb.with sth.使某人担负be burdened with sth.负重;负担The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state.国家担负起了照料老人的大部分责任。,预测题I dont want to burden you _ my problems,for you _ important tasks.Aabout;are burdened withBwith;are burdened withCfor;b

12、urden withDwith;are burdened about答案与解析:B句意:我不想增加你的麻烦,因为你担负着重任。burden sb./oneself with sth.加负担于某人/某人自己。be burdened with.担负着。,4.vacant adj.未占用的,空着的;(表情)茫然的,无精打采的a vacant seat空位a vacant position空缺职位a vacant expression茫然的表情vacancy n空;空白;空缺The graduate wants to apply for the vacant position in the compa

13、ny.这个毕业生想申请公司里的空缺职位。,e into being形成;产生;开始存在come into power当权;上台come into force(法律)实施come into effect生效bring sth.into being使形成,使产生解题警示come into being中being可换成existence,该短语不能用被动语态。,6.wind sb.up故意惹恼(某人)wind up上发条;把(汽车窗玻璃等)摇上wind sth.around sth.缠绕;卷绕wind ones way蜿蜓前行;曲折延伸wind down逐渐变慢;逐渐平静下来;放松,The path

14、 winds through the woods.这条路蜿蜓穿过树林。Please wind the handle to open the door.请转动把手打开门。Dont forget to wind up the clock before you go to bed.睡觉前别忘了给表上紧发条。The blow winded me.那一击使我喘不过气来。,7.resign vt.&vi.辞职resign oneself to.顺从,听任摆布,甘受resign from辞职resign.to.把托交给解题警示resign意为“辞职”,quit意为“停止(工作等)”,give up意为“放弃

15、(工作等)”。相比而言,resign比较正式,quit和give up比较口语化。,8.show off炫耀,卖弄show sb./sth.off炫耀;使引人注目,使夺目show sb.around/round(首次访问某地)作向导,带某人参观show up/show sth.up(使)显眼,(使)显现show sb./sth.up揭发(sb.)show up(某人)如约赶到,出现,露面(turn up)show the way树立典范,作出榜样,警示误区show off既可作及物动词词组;也可作不及物动词词组。He likes to show off how well he speaks F

16、rench.他喜欢向人展示他法语讲得有多好。Hes just showing off because that girl he likes is here.他不过是在表现自己,因为他喜欢的那个姑娘在场。,考试题(江苏四市联考)Hes always _ and trying to impress his classmates.A.showing off B.showing up C.making off D.making up答案:A,(山东滨州)The society today offers the young generation more chances to _ their talen

17、t and skills.Agive out Btake in Cshow off Dcarry on答案:C,9.cast vt.投下;分派(演员)饰演戏中角色cast about搜索,想方设法cast off解开;抛弃,摆脱cast down使沮丧,使下降,推翻cast on开除,赶走,驱逐The part was cast to him.这个角色分配给他演。She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact.她垂下双目以避免对视。,解题警示cast的过去式和过去分词均为cast。,10.undertake v允诺;承担,从事,负责unde

18、rtake to do sth.答应做某事undertaking n事业,保证,企业undertaker n承办者,承担者John undertook to finish the job by Friday.John答应星期五之前完成这项工作。,考试题(河南濮阳)If you _ this task,you must be ready to suffer from hardship.Aapply BexperienceCundertake Dcommand答案与解析:Capply应用;experience经历;undertake承担;command命令。句意:如果你承担这项任务,你一定要做好遭

19、受困难的准备。C项符合句意。,11.be sentenced to 被判处(徒刑)sentence sb.to death 判处某人死刑sentence sb.to three months in prison判处某人3个月监禁a sentence of six months in prison 判刑6个月get a life sentence 被判无期徒刑serve a sentence 服刑 解题警示sentence用作动词时意为“判决;宣判”;用作名词时意为“刑罚”。,12.on principle原则上on all sides在各方面,到处,四面八方on(an)average平均on

20、balance总而言之on business因公出差on campus在校内on duty值班on earth究竟on end竖着,连续地,on fire起火,非常激动on hand在手头,即将发生,在场on time按时He doesnt invest in the stock market on principle.原则上他不投资股市。,考试题(江苏东台)Everyone present at the meeting agreed to stick to the _ that everyone should be treated fairly.A.purpose B.ambition C.

21、principle D.level 答案:C,13.abolish vt.废除,取消abolish a ban取消禁令abolish a post撤消一个职位abolish old rules取消旧规则abolish the death penalty废除死刑Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century.奴隶制在19世纪的美国被废除。Should we abolish the death penalty?我们应当废止死刑吗?,词语辨析abolish与cancelabolish常用于旧的法律规章、风俗习惯、社会制度等,强调彻底废除。can

22、cel常用于契约、合同、约束、个人债务、安排、计划、会议或假期。通常指令其失去效力或取消已有的安排。,预测题I phoned the hotel to _ my reservation.Astop BpreventCcancel Dabolish答案与解析:C既然是预订了房间,说明现在打电话是取消预订,cancel常指取消已有的安排;abolish废除(规章、风俗,制度等);prevent阻止;stop阻止,终止,均不妥。,用abolish或cancel的适当形式填空This tax should be _.Im afraid I will have to _ our meeting tomorrow.,abolished,cancel,此处填写学校名称,此处填写联系方式,谢 谢:,),


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