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1、期末听说测试范围英语周报第19期,高二广东专版听说测试,高二听说测试(一)注释,salmon smn n.大麻哈鱼draw dr vt.引导到一新位置eventually ventuli adv.最后,终于adjust dst vt.调节;适应(+to)power pau vt.给.提供动力upriver prv adj.上游的;adv.向上游地spawn spn n./v.(鱼等)产卵immediate midit adj.迅速的;立即的upstream pstri:m adj./adv.向上游的/地(=upriver),高二广东专版听说测试(一)Part A Reading Aloud,I

2、n late July,however,the water level is often too low for the first salmon to enter the smaller riversrvz.That doesnt stop them trying.But the very water that has drawn them back home will eventually kill them.As their kidneys kdnz and other organs:gnz adjust to the sudden lack of salt water,they sto

3、p eating and even drinking.So the energy stored std in their bodies bdz is all they have to power their swim upriver and spawn.However,the salmon in the smaller streams strimz have a more immediate problem.The low water has stopped stpt them before their journey upstream can even begin.,emerge md v.

4、出现Sahara shr n.撒哈拉大沙漠非洲cub kb n.幼兽 creature krit n.生物;创造物unexpected nkspektd adj.料想不到的toads tdz n.蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆 复数permeable p:mibladj.可穿透的;可透过水的desiccation,desikein n.干燥shelter elt n.庇护(所);住所 v.庇护scorpion skpi:n n.蝎子,心黑的人watertight wttat adj.防水的;严密的,高二听说测试(二)注释,高二广东专版听说测试(二)Part A Reading Aloud,They spend

5、their days dez underground and only emerge at sunset.Darkness brings huge changes tendz.In the Sahara,the temperature can drop as much as 30 degreesdgriz during the night.So its cool enough to allow these desert fox cubs kbz to play.All sorts sts of creatures kritz now appear,including some really u

6、nexpected oneswnz.Toads tdz have permeable skins sknz and would quickly die from desiccation out in the daytime heat.Its only now that they can leave shelter.The same is true for scorpions sk:pnz even though their shells elz are actually watertight.,Congo ku n.刚果非洲vast vst adj.巨大的,广大的wilderness wld(

7、r)ns n.荒野,荒地jungle dgl n.丛林;生死关头 Amazon mzn n.亚马逊河crisscross krskrs n./adj./adv./v.纵横通过countless kantls adj.数不尽的,无数的roam rm v.漫步;流浪gloom glu:m n.阴暗(处),忧郁 v.(使)变忧郁clearing klr n.清除;空地magnet mgnt n.磁铁,有吸引力之/人far and wide adv.到处,广泛地,四面八方,高二听说测试(三)注释,This is the Congo,in Africa.Its a vast wilderness and

8、 the least explored kspl:d of all jungles dglz.From up here,the forest looks lks similar to the ones that grow in the Amazon of Southeast Asia.But down below,there are some unexpected sights sats.Crisscrossing this forest are countless miles malz of highwayshawez.And they were made by something big.

9、Forest elephants roam great distances dstnsz in their search for food.But to survive they must emerge from the gloom of the forest.And clearings klrz like this one are a magnet for elephants elfnts from far and wide.,高二广东专版听说测试(三)Part A Reading Aloud,adventure dvent n./v.冒险survival svavl n.幸存,幸存者,残存

10、物dawn dn n.黎明;端倪;开端careen kri:n vi.(船)倾斜,摇晃着行驶vt.使倾斜epic epk n.史诗;adj.史诗(般)的,宏伟的drought drat n.干旱(季节),旱灾climax klamks n.高潮;v.(使)达到顶峰 bold bld adj.大胆的,引人注目的a handful of 一小撮reveal rvi:l vt.揭示,透露 family tree 家谱;系统,高二听说测试(四)注释,Deep inside each one of us,a story is waiting to be told,a story of sex,adven

11、ture and survival.It begins in Africa with the dawn of humanity,careens kri:nz through epic droughts drats and Ice Ages and climaxes klamkss only when weve reached the ends endz of the earth.Now we tell this story with a bold experiment.On a single day,on a single street,with the DNA just a handful

12、of people,we set out to trace the ancient journeys d:nz of every person alive today,and reveal how we all connect on the Human Family Tree.,高二广东专版听说测试(四)Part A Reading Aloud,nourish nr v.滋养,给营养,培育 pump pmp n.泵,打气筒;v.打气,灌输continuously kntnjusli adv.连续不断地,接连地vital vatl adj.重要的,必不可少的constantly knstntli

13、 adv.不断地;时常地transform trnsfm v.转换,变换,转化shift ft n./v.转换;转变ingredient ngrdnt n.成分;因素alive lav adj.活著的,存在着的guise gaz n.外观;装束;姿态rise and fall 涨落,兴衰civilization svlazen n.文明,高二听说测试(五)注释,Of all planets forces plnts f:sz,perhaps none has greater power over us than water.For me water is the most magical md

14、ikl force on Earth.The presence of water shapes eps,renews rinju:z and nourishes nriiz our planet.Its our planets plnits lifeblood.It pumps pmps through it continuously,delivering dilivr vital ingredients ngrdnts for life.Water makes meks Earth alive.The magic of water is that its constantly transfo

15、rming itself,shifting between guises gazz and from place to place.Our struggle to control it has been behind the rise and fall of some of the greatest civilization on Earth.,高二广东专版听说测试(五)Part A Reading Aloud,fungi fnda,fa n.真菌(类)fungus fs的复数flourish flr v.茂盛,繁荣decay dke n./v.腐朽,腐烂;衰退fruiting body 子实

16、体visible vzbl adj.看得见的,显然的fungal fgl adj.真菌的 filament flmnt n.细丝,灯丝,单纤维fungal filament 真菌丝temperate temprt adj.温和的,温带的,高二听说测试(六)注释,build-up n.增强,积聚,积累litter lt(r)n.垃圾 v.乱丢(垃圾);铺草;产仔leaf litter 落叶层create kriet v.创造/作/建;产生nutrient nju trnt n.营养物 adj.营养的leech lt n.水蛭;v.依附并榨取;consume knsjum v.消耗;消灭;消费 r

17、ecycle risakl v.使再循环,再利用crucial krul adj.决定性的,关键的,重要的mineral mnrl n./adj.矿物质(的),无机物(的),高二听说测试(六)注释,Fungi also flourish on decay.These are the fruiting fru:t bodies bdz of the fungi,the only visible sign of a vast underground network of fungal filaments flmnts.In temperate forests,the build-up of lea

18、f litter creates kriets rich stores of nutrients njutrnts.That,however,doesnt happen here.Nutrients that reach the soil are leeched ltt out by the rain.But fungi are connected knektd to tree roots by their underground filaments.And by quickly consuming the dead,they help to recycle crucial minerals

19、mnrlz straight back into the trees.,高二广东专版听说测试(六)Part A Reading Aloud,volcano vlkenu n.(pl.volcanos,volcanoes)火山spring up 涌现;发生;迅速长出;迸发 rift rft n.裂缝,裂痕;v.(使)开裂,(使)断裂trigger trg(r)n.扳机 v.引发,触发landscape lnskep n.风景 v.使自然美化Masai m:sai n.马萨伊人,马萨伊语Eruption rpn n.爆发;出疹;火山灰plain plen n.平原,草原;adj.简单的;adv.清

20、楚地profound prfaund adj.深奥的,深远的vegetation vedten n.植被,草木dry dra v.变干;干燥;adj.干的;干燥的concrete knkrit n.混凝土adj.具体的solid sld n.固体;adj.固体的,坚固的,高二听说测试(七)注释,Great volcanoes vlkeinuz sprangspr up along the rift and triggered trgd a chain of events vents that changed the face of the landscape forever.Ol Doinyo

21、 Lengai is still an active volcano.Its Masai name means“Mountain of the Gods”.Its latest eruption covered the plains plenz below in a blanket of thick ash.Ash has a profound effect on the surrounding vegetation.It dries draz harder than the concrete.Its so solid that tree roots struggle to grow thro

22、ugh it.,高二广东专版听说测试(七)Part A Reading Aloud,route rut n.路径;v.确定路线Sinai sana n.西奈(半岛)埃及mere m adj.仅仅的,只不过的Arabian rebn n./adj.阿拉伯(人)(的)peninsula pnnsjl n.半岛raft rft n.筏;橡皮船 v.乘筏子渡 genetics dnetks n.遗传学,高二听说测试(八)注释,Until recently,most scientists santsts believed blivd people took a northern n:n route ou

23、t of Africa,across the Sinai and into the Middle East.But since that required rkwad crossing krs the Sahara Desert,many are now looking further south.At the southern sn tip of the Red Sea,Africa is a mere 17 miles from the Arabian Peninsula.Its unclear if people would have seen the other side back then,but birds,dust,perhaps a forest fire would have signaled something was out there.They may have walked wkt,swam,or rafted rftd.But around 60,000 years jz ago,the genetics indicate they left.,高二广东专版听说测试(八)Part A Reading Aloud,


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