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1、Unit2 Grammar,一、句型及短语,“有某人或某物正在做某事”There be+sth./sb.doing sth.把倒入Pour into对某人或某物有害Be harmful to sb./sth.“心情差”In a bad mood不能容忍某事/做某事Cant stand sth./doing sth.,Quite a few许多,大量据报道,据说It is reported,it is said“和一样差、坏”No better than 对有(很大)害处Do(great)harm to;be harmful to对某事有影响Have an effect on sth.,在农场O

2、n the farm,in ones field做一些有用的事来阻止Do sth.useful to stop it.到处乱扔Throw around/about太多+不可数名词Too much实在太+adj./adv.Much too,睡个好觉Have a good sleep,sleep well收到某人来信Hear from sb.给某人写信Write to sb.Letter 不要出现。变聋Go deaf丧失听力Have hearing loss,/lose ones hearing,在公共场合,当众In public各种各样的All sorts of随着在上的增长With the i

3、ncrease in高血压High blood pressure结果As a result由于的结果As a result of,Something useful,somewhere warm,nothing serious,修饰不定代词、副词的形容词放在其后。处处,到处Here and there=everywhere照顾Care for=look after=take care of更有甚者Even worse遵守规则Obey the rules,意识到Realize=come to realize=come to know变成Change into阻止/防止某人/某物做某事Stop/pr

4、event sb./sth.(from)doing sth.砍倒、切断、切碎、切成Cut down/off/up/into吹走、冲走Blow away/wash away,记得、忘记要做某事Remember/forget to do sth.记得、忘记做过某事Remember/forget doing sth.环境保护Protect the environment/environmental protection对有益Be good for擅长Be good at,涉及,有关,提到Refer to sb./sth.带走Take away引起/导致做某事Cause sth./sb.to do s

5、th.占去,占用Take up应该做某事Ought to do sth.不应该做某事Ought not to do sth=oughtnt to do sth.,对付,应付,处理,Deal with与how连用Do with与what连用为工作,效力于Work for忙着做某事Be busy doing sth.帮助支持,帮助传播Help suppose/spread Help后面可以跟动词原形。,的两侧/双面Both sides of鼓励某人做某事Encourage sb.to do sth.Courage n.勇气努力学习/工作Work hard赶紧,快点Hurry up 放弃Give u

6、p,按时,准时On time及时In time确信确定Make sure+从句弄清楚Make sure of代替Instead of,How often 对频率提问How long 对(时间)长短提问How soon 对in a week,in 10 days.提问How far 对距离提问Stop doing sth.Stop to do sth.短距离旅行Travel a short distance达到最高速度Reach a top speed of 10kms per hour以的速度At a speed of,被用来做某事Be used to do sth.=be used for

7、doing sth.水的运动、流动The movement of water渴求,哭求Cry for help,二、句法,1、直接引语间接引语一般疑问句:whether/if 陈述句“Is Tom going to the zoo?”I asked.I asked if Tom was going to the zoo.陈述句:that可以省略She said,“I am hungry.”She said(that)she was hungry.特殊疑问句:疑问词+陈述句 thisthat“Whose is this picture on the wall?”I asked.I asked w

8、hose that picture on the wall was.,2、not all表示部分否定,“不是所有的”Not与both,all,every 以及every的派生词连用时表示部分否定。Neither,none,nothing,nobody,no one表示全部否定。Not all the things=not everything3、对时间状语的提问对last year 等具体时间提问,用when对since+时间/for+时间段提问,用how long,3.两者没有Neither of 三者或三者以上没有None of当of后的名词是不可数名词时,谓语动词用单数;当是复数时,谓语

9、动词用单复数皆可。回答以how many/much引导的特殊疑问句表示否定时用none,回答以who引导的特殊疑问句用no one.,4.others other the others the other another5.动词作主语,要用doing6.被动语态be+过去分词+by+sb./sth.7.the+adj比较级+名+句子,the+adj比较级+名+句子“越,越”,8.It be+adj+of sb.to do sth.形容词描述人的性格、特征、品质,用of,例如:good,kind,nice,wise,clever,foolish,right,wrong,careful等。It b

10、e+adj+for sb.to do sth.形容词用来描述事物的性质、特征,介词用for,例如:easy,difficult,hard,important,necessary,possible,interesting等。9.Easier said than done.Actions speak louder than words.,10.May I have your attention,please?Thats all.11.There will be an increase in electricity needs.,三、单词,不见了,丢失 goMy new bike has gone.

11、浪费,废弃物waste浪费时间a waste of time白费口舌waste ones words,对有影响influence affect 动词呼吸Breathe v.breath n.Breathe in 吸入 breathe out 呼出Hold ones breath屏住呼吸Take a(deep)breath(深深地)吸一口气 recently,最近,可以和一般过去时与现在完成时连用。Including 介词,包括Ten members were present at the meeting,including myself.,Anyway 无论怎样Although“虽然,尽管”,

12、比though更正式,不与but 连用,但是可用yet 或still等。Although the question is difficult,he can still answer it.加强语气,通常说even though。Hurt“伤害,受伤,疼痛”Rise“升起,上涨,上升”Raise“使升高,举起”,In 与into 的区别In表示静态,“在里”。反义词:out。Into表示动态,指动作的方向,“进入里”。反义词:out of。Put intoTakeout ofSuppose“认为,猜想”Be supposed to do sth.“应该、理应”用于否定句,意为“允许”,例如:Yo

13、u are not supposed to smoke here.,Sort.V.给分类连词的用法:and or主句是祈使句,前后是顺接关系,用and;前后是转折关系,用or。Run 跑,运行,经营,操控Rise 温度上升,商品价格上升,Language points,prefer-preferred-preferring,prefer sth.to sth.喜欢某物胜过某物,prefer doing sth.to doing sth.喜欢做某事胜过做某事,prefer to do rather than do 宁愿去做某事胜过去做某事,prefer,eg:I prefer coffee to

14、 tea.,eg:I prefer playing basketball to playing soccer.,eg:I prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping outside.,现在进行时表将来:,1.The summer holidays are coming.,2.I am arriving home in twenty minutes.,3.My uncle is seeing(meeting)me tomorrow.,am/is/are+doing,位移动词,非位移动词,going coming,leaving arriving,

15、driving,starting beginning,traveling flying,seeing meeting,sleeping,changing,working,eg:,hope,hope 希望,+to do sth.,+that 从句,+for sth.,Key points,eg:,1.I hope to hear from her.,2.I hope that you will have a good time.,3.He hopes for more books.,wish,wish愿望,希望,wish,+to do sth.,+sb.to do sth.,+that 从句,+sb.+宾补,eg:,1.My father wishes to fly to Beijing.,2.The teachers wish him to study hard.,3.I wish(that)I were a bird.,4.I wish my friends happy.,


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