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1、,welcome,welcome,Unit 2-1 Memory Skills in Interpretation,General procedures:Memory in interpretationII.Tips for memory trainingIII.Improving active listening IV.Memory exercises:,I.Memory in interpretation,Normal spoken delivery:120220 words/min The more“meaningful”the information,the shorter it ta

2、kes for it to be committed to memory and the easier it is to remember.the interpreter concentrates on both meaning and the words used,Grasping of the meaning:active memory Words:a faint impression in his memoryA good example:the moviegoerUnderstanding the meaning is crucial in the memory in consecut

3、ive interpreting.,口译记忆的基本原理:记忆的基本原理及口译记忆的特点:同声传译:“超短期记忆”,即记即译。交传:译员需要有很强的记忆力。记忆中的两个重要环节:存储(storage)和提取(retrieval)。我们的目标:提高存储的条理性,把握提取的线索。,2.记忆的分类:瞬时记忆(instant memory),也称感官记忆(sensory memory):持续时间很短。感官记忆指的是人体感官(听觉、视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉)在收到外界信息源刺激时产生的信息记忆。短时记忆(short-term memory,STM),也称工作记忆(working memory)持续时间在20

4、-30秒,记忆容量为7+-2个互不关联的信息单位,且始终处于活跃状态,不需要被激活。例:内地与香港建立更紧密经贸关系的安排,长时记忆(long-term memory,LTM),也称永久记忆(permanent memory)可分为情景记忆、语义记忆和程序记忆。口译过程中,三种记忆机制各司其职。感官记忆帮助译员快速捕捉源语信息译员依赖长时记忆来理解感官记忆捕捉到的源语信息的意义译员的短时记忆可能要存储讲话人发布的从不到一分钟到十来分钟不等的讲话内容,3.口译记忆的运作方式1)听辩理解过程中的“有意识的”筛选-缩小记忆的量2)对记忆的信息进行“条块化”处理-扩大记忆的容量言语的记忆主要采取以“命


6、231)Daniel Gile:交传包括两个阶段:听取和理解信息阶段以及信息重组阶段,第一阶段:听取和理解信息阶段 I=L+M+NI=口译 L=听取并分析源语信息 M=从听到信息到以笔记形式存储信息所需要的短期记忆 N=笔记第二阶段:信息重组阶段I=Rem+Read+P在这一阶段,译员从短期记忆中提取并解构源语信息(Rem),读取笔记(Read),然后重新产出译语信息(P)。,II.Tips for memory training(记忆训练窍门)1、信息组织(organization)1)顺序法:时间顺序;因果顺序;渐进高潮的顺序;从问题到解决办法的顺序2)方向(方位)法:南北、东西;前后、左

7、右;从下而上;从上而下等等。3)过渡法(连接词):表示逻辑关系变化发展的词或短语(如英语中的however,on the other hand,conversely,also,but等;汉语中的“尽管”、“然而”、“此外”、“再者”等等)。,4)成分法(整体与部分):根据种类和概念进行分类例如:人脑记忆机制包括三部分:感官记忆、短期记忆或者工作记忆,以及长期记忆。5)关联法抓住中心话题,相关联的话题内容也更易被理解和记住。,2.大脑重复(mental repetition)许多有经验的译员在交传的时候会在大脑快速重复一遍讲话人刚讲过的话,把重要的信息点联系起来。3.信息视觉化(visualiz

8、ation)可以发挥想象力,在脑海里将听到的内容幻化成一幅幅生动有趣的画面。如:黑龙江与乌苏里江的汇合处,4.信息组块化(chunking)信息组块化指的是把相关信息集中归类到一个信息/意义单位,便于储存记忆,并扩大短期记忆的容量。如:青藏高原、云贵高原、东北平原、华北平原、长江中下游平原、四川盆地、塔里木盆地把握三个关键信息单位“高原”、“平原”和“盆地”。,5.信息联想(association)一是指译员在听到某一信息的时候,会立即在脑海里联想到与之相同、相似或是有关联的另一信息,以此来强化对所听信息的记忆。如:Im William.Nice to meet you.又如19910916二

9、是指将刚听到的新信息与以前已有的知识、经验进行链接,以获取理解和记忆。,Three ways of training memory1.Shadow-speaking2.Retelling in the original language3.Retelling in the target language,Retelling exercises:,Direction:Listen to the following passages,then retell in your own words in the same language the information you have just he

10、ard.,Exercise 1:People are now ordering and purchasing virtually anything over the Internet.Books,compact disks and even stocks are available from websites that seem to spring up almost daily.1.人们现在可以通过互联网订购和购买几乎任何的东西,网站可供应书本、碟片、甚至是股票,那些新的网站看起来每天都会出现。,2.It was supposed to be a short briefing,but it

11、lasted 3 hours.We were all exhausted when we stepped out of the conference room,all except chair person.2.这本该只是一个简短的会议,然而却开了3个小时。我们离开会议室的时候,除了会议主席以外,大家都已经疲惫不堪了。,3.I have thought to give our nation a new kind of government,smaller,more modern and more effective,always putting people first,always focu

12、sing on the future.3.我们一直在努力给祖国带来一个新的政府:一个更精简,更现代化,更高效,而且始终把人民(利益)放在首位,始终关注着未来。,4.Thanks to the continuing boom and technology shares on the stock market,this year,the richest have added 5 billion more to their wealth.4.由于在证券市场上,技术股不断走高,和去年相比,本年度富人的财产增值了50个亿。,5.According to a recent survey,about 65%

13、of British couples get married in a church,most people who die get a Christian funeral,but less than 20%go regularly to church.5.根据最近的一项调查统计,在英国,有65%的新婚夫妇会在教堂里举行结婚仪式,大多数人死后也会有一个基督教式的葬礼,但平时只有20%不到的人会很有规律性地固定去教堂做礼拜。,Exercise 2:When a guys printer type began to grow faint,he called a local repair shop

14、where a friendly clerk informed him that the printer probably needed only to be cleaned.Because the store charged$50 for such cleanings,he told him he might be better off reading the printers manual and trying the job himself.Pleasantly surprised by his candor,the guy asked,“Does your boss know that

15、 you discourage business?”“Actually,its my bosss idea,”the employee replied sheepishly.“We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to fix things themselves first.”,Analysis:主要概念为:-printer has some problem-repair shop clerk asked him to clean it himself to save$50-surprised and asked-

16、astonished by the answer-the shop makes more money by working on the printer damaged by innocent users,III.Improving active listening(提高积极记忆)Key factors of interpretation:Gaining information,comprehension and memorizing.The reasons for forgetting the content which was just heard:1.No enough concentr

17、ation.2.Not familiar with the topic or cannot understand the source language thoroughly.,Active listening:Actively analyze and memorize the information items which the interpreter just heard and find the relationship between the information items.Exercise 3:Listen to the following passage,try your b

18、est to grasp the main information and make clear the development orientation of the matter and logical connections.,Good morning.Since I took office Ive done everything in my power to protect our children from harm.Weve worked to make their street and their schools safer,to give them something posit

19、ive to do after school and before their parents get home.Weve worked to teach our children that drugs are dangerous,illegal and wrong.1.发言人就任以来在保护孩子不受伤害方面有哪些业绩?,Today I want to talk to you about the historic opportunity we now have to protect our nations Children from an even deadly threat:smoking.S

20、moking kills more people every day than AIDS,alcohol,car accident,murders,suicides,drugs and fires combined.Nearly 90 percent of those smokers lit their first cigarette before they turned 18.Today,the epidemic of teen smoking is raging throughout our nation as,one by one,our children are lured by mu

21、ltimillion dollar marketing schemes designed to do exactly that.Consider this:3,000 children start to smoke every day illegally,and 1,000 of them will die sooner because of it.2.今天讲话的主题是什么?3.吸烟的危害如何?4.导致青少年吸烟的一个重要原因是什么?记住了相关数据吗?,This is national tragedy that every American should be honor-bound to h

22、elp prevent.For more than five years weve worked to stop our children from smoking before they start,launching a nationwide campaign with FDA to educate them about the dangers of smoking,to reduce their access to tobacco products,and to severely restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young p

23、eople.5.在过去的5年里政府采取了什么措施防止青少年吸烟?,But even this is not enough to fully protect our children.To put an end to the epidemic,Congress must act.Last fall,I called on Congress to put aside politics and pass comprehensive bipartisan legislation to reduce teen smoking by raising the price of cigarettes by u

24、p to$1.50 a pack over the next 10 years,imposing strong penalties if the tobacco industry keeps selling cigarettes to our children,and to restrict tobacco ads aimed at young people,so that our children cant fall prey to the deadly threat of tobacco.6.发言人的身份是什么?谁可以呼吁国会通过议案?7.能复述议案的主要内容吗?,Now,we learn

25、ed last month that if we do this,well cut teen smoking by almost half over the next five years.That means if we act now,we have it in our power to stop 3 million children from smokingand to save a million lives as a result.Today,there are as few as 70 working days left before this Congress adjourns.

26、On every one of those days,1,000 adults will die from smoking.On every one of those days,3,000 children will light their first cigarettes.On every one of those days,this Congress has the opportunity to stop it.8.采取行动可能带来怎样的积极效果?,Will this Congress be remembered for putting politics aside and protecting our children from tobaccoor for letting the public health opportunity of a lifetime pass us by?There will be no greater measure of your commitment to the health of our children or the future of our nation.Thank you.9.国会在这个问题上将面临两种怎样的选择?,


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