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1、The Business of Language and the Language of Business,Unit 1,The Business of English,The development of EnglishThe difference between American English and British EnglishThe influence of English,Research and discussion,Julius CaesarDuke of NormandyOld EnglishLatinFrenchMiddle EnglishA Table Alphabet

2、icallSamuel JohnsonWebsterOxford,The difference between BE and AE,spellingpronunciationvocabularygrammar,Spelling,programme cataloguehonourtheatreoffenserecognisemarvellousreflexion,programcataloghonortheateroffencerecognizemarvelousreflection,aestheticscepticalchequemoustachepyjamaslikeablejudgemen

3、t,estheticskepticalcheckmustachepajamaslikablejudgment,Pronounciation,Grammar,TenseSubjunctive moodCollective nounsModal verbsPrepositions,Formatting of dates and numbers,As many,TEXT I,as many:of the same number,There wont be as many fireworks this year.More than one hundred American colleges and u

4、niversities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.,not as many as we had last year or previous years,with more or less 100 Chinese institutions,be exposed to,1.Make(something)visiblebyuncoveringit,e.g.Atlow tidethesandsare exposed.e.g.weneed toexposeourweaknessesino

5、rdertolearnfromthemandgrow as a result.,2.Revealthetrue,objectionablenature of(someone or something),e.g.He has beenexposed asaliarand atraitor.,3.If someoneis exposed tosomething dangerous or unpleasant,they are put in a situation in which it might affect them.,e.g.Mostpeoplein theworldarenon-smoke

6、rsandhavea rightnottobeexposed toother peoplessmoke.,4.If someoneis exposed toan idea or feeling,usually a new one,they are given experience of it,or introduced to it.,e.g.He wants his childrentobeexposedtoall sorts of people with different values and beliefs.,proficient,TEXT I,proficient:a.to be pr

7、oficient in sth,a proficient speaker,Ant.,clumsy,incompetent,unskilled,n.proficiency,proficiency in musicCan you name some common proficiency tests in China?,Truly the tongue spoken back,TEXT I,Truly,the tongue spoken back in the 1300s only by the“low people”of England has come a long way.,Paraphras

8、e the sentence.,Indeed,the language spoken as early as 1300s by the native people in England has developed for a long time.,people of the lower class,those who were at the bottom of the society,Text I_ BG_2.1,What do these languages have to do with English Romance,Germanic,Norse,Celtic?,The English

9、language derives from or is influenced by them.Romance:e.g.French,Italian,Spanish,PortugueseGermanic:e.g.German,SwedishNorse:language spoken by Scandinavian inhabitantsCeltic:mainly spoken in Wales,Scotland,Ireland,Cornwall and the Isle of Man,TEXT I,But its elasticity makes it messier,TEXT I,But it

10、s elasticity makes it messier,as well as stronger.,What represents the elasticity of English?,e.g.It absorbs words from other languages and accepts created ones,thus a much larger vocabulary than many languages.In its history,it accepts,both in spoken and written form,influences from other languages

11、,religion,law and science.,flexibility,adaptability,But its elasticity makes it messier 2,TEXT I,How does the elasticity of English make it messier and stronger?,messier:There are many varieties of English,differences among them in pronunciation,vocabulary,grammar and so on,which can be very confusi

12、ng sometimes.Stronger:English can be used in many fields and so itbecomes a lingual franca,and enjoys a dominant status.,When it comes to,TEXT I,When it comes to saving the planet do celebrities practice what they preach?When it comes to renting or buying,youll spend about the same amount.,When it c

13、omes to as regards,“to”is not followed by an infinitive,but a noun or noun phrase.,barrier,TEXT I,barrier:n.(to)obstacle,language barrier,trade barrierto remove barriers to successset barriers to communication,obstaclehindrance,A host of,TEXT I,a host ofa great number of,a host of billsa host of new

14、 devices,a crowd of,a throng of,a swarm of(ants,bees,locusts),a flock of(sheep,birds),Angst-free,TEXT I,Angst-free:a.without anger or worry,-free:not containing a specified substance(often used in combination),tax-free,a sugar-free soft drink,laisser-faire attitude:laisser-faire often refers to the

15、principles of free trade,allowing for freedom to a great degree.Here it means hardly any restriction in the use and development of English.,To see a committee se up to regulate the language,TEXT I,to see a committee set up to regulate the languageto see done:to make sure,You will see the work done p

16、roperly.He is always the last to go to bed to see all the doors locked.,To have little to do with,TEXT I,to have little to do with:,to have everything to do withto have something to do withto have much to do withto have nothing to do with,Thus 2,TEXT I,Translate the following sentences.,1.If you thr

17、ow the ball thus,as Im showing you,youll have better luck hitting the target.如果你像我这样扔球,命中的机会更大些。2.I have all the tools I need.Thus I should be able to fix the bike myself.我有所有必要工具所以应该自己把自行车修好。3.Register your phone right after purchase thus enabling us to provide you even better service in case of qu

18、estions or in case of a warranty claim.购买后请立即登记你的电话,以使我们在你万一提出保修 要求时能提供更好的服务。,tr.,tr.,tr.,All-engulfing,TEXT I,all-engulfing:,all-knowing:knowing everythingall-important:of greatest importanceall-powerful:having unlimited power,engulf:If one thingengulfsanother,it completely covers or hides it,often

19、 in a sudden and unexpected way.,e.g.A seven-year-old boy was found dead after a landslide engulfed an apartment block.,Though the language that now sweeps the,TEXT I,Paraphrase the sentence.,though the language that now sweeps the world is called English,the culture carried with it is American.,Dif

20、ferent from the history of English when English was spread through the power of the British Empire,now it is spread through the culture of a different powerful country the USA.,Americanization is equivalent to globalization to a large extent.,aspire,TEXT I,aspire:v.(to)desire,hope,Human beings have

21、the power to accomplish whatever they intensely aspire to accomplish,provided they adhere to the method advocated.,n.aspiration,What is the life-long aspiration of the football player?,a.aspiring ambitious,Today,e-learning is turning out to be a great business proposition for the aspiring entreprene

22、urs.,As the 20th century drew on,TEXT I,As the 20th century drew on,however,and English continued to encroach,French was driven on to the defensive.,Paraphrase the sentence.,As the 20th century was approaching,and English kept on expanding beyond limits,French was put in a cornered position,having t

23、o fight for protection.,to advance beyond proper,established,or usual limits,Go into effect,TEXT I,go into effectto become effective,The new tax laws wont go into effect until next year.,Other uses of effect:,To bring/put/carry a plan into effect 使一个计划付诸实施She disapproved of the proposal and wrote to

24、 that effect.她不赞成此提议,并以书面形式表达此意。His silence was in effect a confirmation of the rumor.他的沉默实际上是证实了谣言。The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.医生开的药没能起作用。,aspire,TEXT I,oblige:v.(to),The storm got worse and worse.Finally,I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot.,n.obligation,When tea

25、chers assign homework,students usually feel an obligation to do it.The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens.,If youare obligedtodo something,a situation,rule,or law makes it necessary for you to do that thing.,In india some people see english as a

26、n,TEXT I,In India some people see English as an oppressive legacy of colonialism that should be exterminated.,Paraphrase the sentence.,India was once regarded as the Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire.People in India would think the English language reminds them of the period of colonialism,wh

27、ich should be wiped out.,But for many peoples the triumph of,TEXT I,But for many peoples the triumph of English is the defeat,if not outright destruction,of their own language.,Paraphrase the sentence.,But for many peoples the success or the wide spread of English means the defeat,if not a complete

28、extinction,of their own language.,Text I_ BG_2.1,What is homogenisation?,Homogenization,a word used in many fields,means making everything the same.This text uses the term to refer to homogenization of language,to show that English has become the dominant language of the world while at the same time

29、 many other languages face extinction.,TEXT I,homo-:being the same or likehomonym homophonehomographhomogenoushomogenizehomosexual,同音同形异义词,同音词,同形异义词,同质的,同类的,使类同,同性恋的,同性恋者,multilingualism,TEXT I,multilingualism:n.,using or able to speak several or many languages with some facility,a.multilingual,a mu

30、ltilingual dictionarya multilingual person,multinational,multi-colored,multimediamultiply:v.,Text II_ BG_4.2,What are these rhetorical devices:humor,metaphors,analogies,and literary allusions?,humor:,TEXT II,being funny,the speech or writing with ingenuity,verbal skill,or incongruity that may evoke

31、laughter,metaphor:,a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action that it does not literally denote in order to imply a resemblance,analogy:,a comparison between two situations,processes etc that is intended to show that the two are similar,He uses the analogy of the

32、family to explain the role of the state.An analogy attributed to Samuel Johnson is:“Dictionaries are like watches;the worst is better than none,and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.”,Text II_ BG_4.2,TEXT II,literary allusion:,a figure of speech that makes a reference to,or representation

33、 of,a place,event,literary work,myth,or work of art,either directly or by implication.,In the stock market,he met his Waterloo.Martin Luther King,Jr.,alluded to the Gettysburg Address in starting his I Have a Dream speech by saying Five score years ago.;his hearers were immediately reminded of Abrah

34、am Lincolns Four score and seven years ago,which opened the Gettysburg Address.Kings allusion effectively called up parallels in two historic moments.,multilingualism,TEXT I,circumlocution:n.,an indirect way of speaking,roundabout,ambiguous,multilingualism,TEXT I,Text III_ Bg_ 3_pop,The story of the

35、 tower of Babel is found in Genesis 11:1-9:“And the whole earth was of one language,and of one speech And they said,Go to,let us build us a city and a tower,whose top may reach onto heavenAnd the Lord said,Behold,the people is one,and have all one language;and this they begin to do;and nothing will

36、be restrained from themlet us go down and there confound their language that they may not understand one anothers speechTherefore is the name of it called Babel”.,What do you know about the story of the Babel?,TEXT III,Text III_ Bg_ 3_pop,Here the tower is a symbol of mans aspiring arrogance,rebuked

37、 by God.Babel in modern English simply means a noisy confusion.,What does the tower of Babel refer to?,TEXT III,manage,TEXT III,manage:v.(used with object)1)to bring about or succeed in accomplishing,sometimes despite difficulty or hardship,Translate the following sentences.,tr.,工作和家庭都需要付出很多,她怎么都能做得

38、这么好?,Work and Family are big commitments.How does she manage it all?,tr.,尽管两人没有见过面,但是他们还是从人群中找出了对方。,Although they have never met,they managed to identify each other among the crowds.,Manage 2,TEXT III,2)to take charge or care of,Translate the following sentence.,tr.,他决定自己来掌管投资事物。,He decided to manag

39、e his investments by himself.,tr.,3)to handle,direct,govern,or control in action or use,Translate the following sentence.,tr.,对于经验不足的水手来说,在大风中控制好船帆是很困难的事。,For less experienced sailors it is difficult to manage the sail in strong winds.,Manage 3,TEXT III,(used without object)4)to continue to function

40、,progress,or succeed,usually despite hardship or difficulty;get along,Translate the following sentences.,tr.,这是艰苦的年代,但是我们挺过来了。,It was a rough time,but we managed.,tr.,他的太太要出差了,他既要接送小孩还要买菜做饭。他怎么办啊?,His wife will be away on business,so he has to send and pick up the kids and do the shopping.How will h

41、e manage?,perceptively,TEXT III,perceptively:adv.keenly,sensitively,Other forms of the word:,对问题深入透彻的分析,a perceptive analysis of the problems involved,perceptive:a.having or showing keenness of insight,understandina.g,or intuition,察觉到危险临近,perceive the approach of threat,perceive:v.to be aware of,kno

42、w,在能预见到的未来,in the perceivable future,perceivable:a.can be perceived,can be seen,Filter out,TEXT III,filter out:to remove or separate sth by the action of a filter,The software magnate has almost an entire department working to filter out unwanted mails.filter out the dirt过滤出脏东西 filter out impurities

43、 滤除杂质,Londons rich linguistic medley,TEXT III,Londons rich linguistic medley passes through,and is connected by,English but since the English dont speak different languages,cosmopolitanism is in London but not really of it.,Can you paraphrase the sentence?,In London there is a large variety of langu

44、ages used,together with English,and is connected by this common language.But the English people can speak only one language,so London is not a real international city although it appears or sounds so.,Now above all what once sounded,TEXT III,Now,above all,what once sounded like a joyous babel can ta

45、ke on a more sinister ring.,Can you paraphrase the sentence?,The sentence refers to the previous sentence that regards English as“a two-edged sword”.Being the native speaker of the world language,English,used to be bliss.Now it has become a curse when they do not understand any other languages.,Lais

46、ser-faire attitude,TEXT I,debilitate:v.,If youare debilitatedbysomething such as an illness,it causes your body or mind to become gradually weaker.,Stewart took over yesterday when Russell was debilitated by a stomach virus.,2.Todebilitatean organization,society,or government means to gradually make

47、 it weaker.,Their made efforts to debilitate the political will of the Western alliance.,debilitating adj.,Susceptible to,TEXT III,susceptible to:easily influenced and affected,Translate the following sentences.,tr.,Some people are more susceptible to symptoms of anxiety,and stress induced illnesses

48、.,有些人更容易出现焦虑的症状,或者其它由于压力而引起的疾病。,tr.,年轻人更容易受到毒品的诱惑。,The young are susceptible to the allure of drugs.,Falling off a cliff,TEXT III,falling off a cliff:a sharp decrease,a sudden drop to the bottom,Translate the following sentences.,tr.,上个月美国的经济如同上演了一场惊悚秀,经济数据急转直下。,The last month has been a horror show

49、 for the U.S.economy,with economic data falling off a cliff.,tr.,如果发达市场的经济发展突然跌入谷底,新兴市场的经济发展能够挽救世界经济吗?,If economic growth in developed markets were to fall off the cliff,would growth in emerging markets save the world economy?,The adage you can buy in your own,TEXT III,What does the saying mean?,In

50、foreign trade it puts you in an advantageous position if you can do business in the language of your clients.If you want to sell your goods,youd better understand your customer very well and the good understanding can be reflected in your mastery of their language,which means a successful deal.,the


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