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1、新概念与国外考试的关系 新概念与国外考试的关系,融会贯通新概念 托福雅思无极限?快来一起学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。新概念与国外考试的关系:融会贯通新概念 托福雅思无极限新概念英语(以下简称新概念)自1967年诞生之日起,便以其编排的科学性和系统性、知识的广博性和实用性、哲理的缜密性和严谨性风靡世界,在英语教学领域谱写了神话般的传奇。这是一套系列丛书,共分四册,程度由浅入深,内容包罗万象。其中一、二册侧重语音、口语、简单语法、句型及小短文等内容,三、四册则突出了阅读和写作这两大技能的培养。新东方自1999年推出新概念培训课程以来,已累计培训学员上百万人次,单个课堂学员人数达5百之多


3、焕发了第二春。下面我就三方面谈谈新概念与国外考试的关系。由于新概念的一、二册相对简单明了,三、四册比较精深繁杂,与考试更为紧密;而国外考试中关注和考生最多的是托福和雅思这两种语言测试,我的主题内容和实例举证也基本围绕三、四册和托福、雅思。一、*题材你在考场上做阅读时最害怕遇到的情况是什么?相信有很多考生在面对这个问题的时候会下意识地回答:不认识的单词。 诚然,单词是很多同学在学习英语过程中的拦路虎。但是大家都是身经百考的人了,其实心里早已清楚,在大型考试中难免会遇到自己不认识单词,因此早早做好心理准备。真正遇到这种情况的时候也能从容应对-猜单词,根据上下文分析,或者直接跳过去。此外,少数不认识


5、统教育,我们的知识面是相当偏狭的。当我们面对butterfly effect这样一个短语时,即使我们知道butterfly是蝴蝶,effect是效应,我们也未必知道什么是蝴蝶效应。如果考题直击我们知识体系中的盲点,我们很难不惊慌意乱,而慌乱的结果就是巨大的心理压力及惨痛的答题水平。更为糟糕的是,我们根本不可能预测在考试中会出现什么样的知识点。仅就20XX年上半年的托福考试内容而言,在听力和阅读中涉及的重要内容至少包括:恐龙、恒温动物、古代畜牧业、达尔文进化论、心理学知识、古代军队及战争对欧洲形成的影响、人的大脑和记忆认知问题、植物学、社会学、天文学(包括哈勃望远镜,陨石,外星生命及星系形成)、

6、照相技术发展史、股份制等等。总体来说,这些话题对我们而言是相当陌生的。而在紧促的考试过程中,如果猛地听到或者看到完全陌生的话题,这本来对我们的实力和心理就是一种巨大的挑战。但是只要浏览一下新概念的课文目录,不难发现,其*题材相当广泛,包括历史、哲学、美学、教育等人文科学的知识以及环保、石油开采、外太空探索、昆虫、鸟类、动物等自然科学的内容,简直可以称为百科全书。这与托福、雅思的*题材不谋而合。比如托福OG (Official Guide) 里选取的*有:石油的形成、候鸟的迁徙、火星上是否有生命、儿童的早期教育等;雅思剑桥全真试题里选取的*有:珍惜每一滴水、保护热带雨林、避免雷击的方法等。二、*

7、体裁新概念的*体裁大致有三类:记叙文、说明文和议论文。其中一、二册中记叙文为主体,三、四册中说明文和议论文占据多数,尤以前者份额较大。而托福、雅思选取的*几乎都是说明文,所以掌握新概念对于国外考试的体裁类型会有更深刻的了解。比如,汉语行文的一般模式是:运用事例先做铺垫,通过层层推理和步步深入,最后呈现观点和主旨,这就是通常意义上的分总法;而欧美的人思维方式恰恰相反,作者一般会开宗明义,将观点置于*起首部分,而后辅以事例佐证,这种方式被称为总分法,这种方法正是托福、雅思考试*的主导类型。试看新概念三册第四课The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs。全文的主题句(topic

8、 sentence)出现在第一段中:Such is human nature,that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.(许多人情愿放弃较高的薪水以换取做白领工人的荣耀,这是人之本性。)而第二段是事例讲解,围绕主人公Alfred Bloggs的经历进一步阐明前述观点。再看三册47课Too high a price ?全文共分三段,每段的起首句即是本段的主题句。第一段:Pollution is the p

9、rice we pay for an over-populated and over-industrialized planet.(污染就是我们为这个人口过密、过度工业化星球所付出的代价。)第二段:Rubbish,however,is only part of the problem of polluting our planet.(然而,垃圾只是我们这个星球污染问题的一个方面。)第三段:However,there is an even more insidious kind of pollution that particularly affects urban areas and inva

10、des our daily lives, and that is noise.(但是,还有一种更加有害的污染,尤其会影响城镇地区,干扰我们的日常生活,那就是噪音。)三、授课方法在课堂上,时常有同学问我:老师,我现在准备国外考试,不知道学习新概念是不是对口。在解答这个问题之前,我们先思考这样一个问题:国外考试考的是什么呢?让我们以托福考试为例。托福考试的官方介绍是这样的:托福考试从听、说、读、写四个方面综合考量考生的大学课堂英语能力。它是全球范围最广泛采用的英语水平测试,被130个国家、逾8,500所大学和其它机构所接受,作为许可入学的评估标准-其中包括几乎美国、英国、加拿大和澳大利亚的所有大学


12、通的教材,如果按照以往的学习模式,它也只不过比一本故事书更有趣些,语言更地道些。真正的灵丹妙药是我们学习新概念的方法。这也就是为什么同一套新概念,因为学习方法不同而造就完全迥异的学习效果。简而言之,新东方的新概念的授课方法可以称为四合一法 (Four in One),即词法+句法+章法+题法。词法指词汇讲解,我们在授课过程中会将新概念课文词汇依据托福、雅思等考试要求重新归类,分为高频词、一般词和低频词。这样的分类既保证了重点突出,又提高了效率。比如第三册第一课里有这样一个单词:accumulate。如果教师只是领读带读、一带而过,也不会让学员产生质的提升。其实这个单词在托福考试的官方TPO中多

13、次出现:There is accumulating evidence indicating that birds navigate by using a wide variety of environmental cues. (TOEFL TPO, Orientation and Navigation) 。句法主要涉及语法。考试阅读*中必然包含许多长难句,而解析这些长难句也是出题人的考查重点和题目设置的内容。所以,我们在新概念课堂会讲解一些语法重点、难点,并紧密结合考试内容,将理论融于实践,将抽象化为具象。比如,新概念三、四册中的难点语法有:同位语从句,倒装结构、独立主格结构,等等。而这些语法

14、现象在托福、雅思里比比皆是:1.This was justified by the view that reflective practice could help teachers to feel more intellectually involved in their role and work in teaching and enable them to cope with the paucity of scientific fact and the uncertainty of knowledge in the discipline of teaching. (同位语从句,托福TPO

15、)2.Plato expressed the idea that humor is simply a delighted felling of superiority over others. (同位语从句,雅思)3.Most literate women learnt to read in primary school, and the fact that a woman has had an education may simply indicate her familys wealth or that it values its children more highly. (同位语从句,

16、雅思)4.Nor does the hypothesis that infantile amnesia reflects repression-or holding back-of sexually charged episodes explain the phenomenon. (倒装,托福TPO)5.The first region to have something approximating todays ATC was New York City, with other major metropolitan areas following soon after. (独立主格,雅思)6

17、.In the UK, travel times to work had been stable for at least six centuries, with people avoiding situations that required them to spend more than half an hour travelling to work. (独立主格,雅思)章法主要与*的逻辑结构有关。如前所述,英文*多以总分结构为主,我们在课堂上通过大量的实例让学员对这些思维逻辑的内容加深印象,夯实基础,从而在应试中做到临危不乱,得心应手。题法就是做题的方法。我们会在传授基础知识的前提下,适

18、当融入技巧的内容,力求基础为主,技巧为辅的教学思路,使学员在有限的时间内打牢基础,并总结技巧,更好地应对考试。结语新概念在提高同学们英语能力方面有着其他教材不可取代的地位。在准备国外考试的过程中,这一优势也极大地显现出来。相比美文浩如烟海的全套新概念而言,笔者上述内容只是沧海一粟,挂一漏万实属必然。笔者只愿他山之石,可以攻玉,希望同学们在备考国外考试、了解国外考试技巧和要求的同时,以提高自身英文能力为前提,全力备考,一定会取得佳绩。新概念英语第四册多项选择题:YouthMultiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to th

19、e following questions.Comprehension 理解1,Whats the main difference between young people and old people?a.Old people think of the young as a problem.b.Old people create this problem of age difference.c.Old people have a past; young people have a future.d.Old people and young people forget they are all

20、 human beings.2,One of the things young people want to do is to _.a.find out who they areb.make sure they become a problemc.feel uncertain about themselvesd.feel they are in a huge school3,According to the writer, young people _.a.are conceited, ill-mannered or fatuousb.dont see life in the same way

21、 their elders doc.dont have any ambitionsde from another planet4,The writer doesnt believe that _.a.people automatically deserve respect because they are oldb.young people and old people are equalsc.you should argue with young people if they are wrongd.young people have any faultsStructure 句型1,The p

22、roblem, if there is one, _ by olderpeople.(1.2)a.createdb.is createdc.createsd.is creating2,For one thing, if you _ a problem, you have acertain identity.(11.7-8)a.wereb.beingc.hadd.are3,_ to be linked with life, and the origin of things.(1.12)a.They seemb.It seemsc.This seemsd.What seems4,It is _ t

23、hey are conceited and ill-mannered.(1.14)a.necessaryb.permissiblec.possibled.likelyVocabulary 词汇1,Let us get down to _.(1.2)a.what is neededb.basicsc.the endd.the bottom2,Perhaps thats where the _ is.(1.5)a.woundb.problemc.hurtd.injury3,Identity is one of the things in life the young are busy _.(11.

24、8-9)a.looking atb.looking toc.looking overd.looking for4,Thats what I_ when I meet a young person.(11.13-14)a.am annoyed withb.care aboutc.object tod.think about新概念英语第四册多项选择题:Seeing handsMultiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.Comprehension 理解1,Solid door

25、s and walls are _.a.no obstacle for people who can read and detect colours with their fingersb.invisible to people who can read and detect colours with their fingersc.transparent to people who can read and detect colours with their fingersd.concerned in cases reported in Russia recently2,Vera Petrov

26、as father _.a.had always known his daughter had this talentb.found that his daughter could perceive things with different parts of her skinc.discovered his daughters gift by accidentd.described the way newspapers were done up in bundles3,The scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk _.a

27、.made Vera read a newspaperb.arranged that Vera.should undergo a number of experimentsc.tested Vera thoroughlyd.set up a game of Lotto with Vera4,Which one of these statements is true?a.Vera couldnt always perceive things with her skin.b.Vera was occasionally blindfold when she did the tests.c.Vera

28、s hands had to be wet before she could perceive things through her skin.d.Vera s knees didnt have the same sensitivity as her fingers.Structure 句型1,_ these tests were being conducted, shewas able to read a newspaper.(1.9)a.Duringb.On occasionc.Whiled.As if2,Vera couldnt see.with her skin _ she wasbl

29、indfold.(11.13-14)a.onlyb.exceptc.as ifd.unlessVocabulary 词汇1,This ability was first _ by her father.(1.4)a.observedb.remarkedc.regardedd.acknowledged2,Vera s curious talent was brought to the _ of a research institute.(1.7)a.attentionb.observationc.regardd.care3,wearing stockings and slippers, she

30、was able to _ colours with her foot.(11.11-12)a.drawb.seec.understandd.watch4,This abilitythe moment her hands were wet.(1.15)a.continuedb.renewedc.increasedd.stopped新概念英语第四册多项选择题:Matterhorn manMultiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.Comprehension 理解1,Mod

31、ern climbers differ from their predecessors because they _.a.like to find the easiest way to the top of a mountainb.like sportc.prefer difficult climbs to easy onesd.always follow a particular route2,It is probably true to say that modern climbers _.a.enjoy testing themselves on difficult climbsb.av

32、oid dangerous situationsc.are not as well equipped as earlier climbersd.are only interested in getting to the top of a mountain3,The pioneers had a hard time because _.a.Zermatt and Chamonix had rapidly become popularb.Alpine villages were primitivec.the mountains were extremely highd.there wasnt an

33、ything to eat4,It is probably true to say that early climbers _.a.had seven course dinners when they were climbingb.didnt mind uncomfortable conditionsc.always found accommodation with the local priestd.enjoyed a higher standard of living back homeStructure 句型1,Earlier climbers liked summits _ had n

34、ever been climbed before.(11.2-4)a.whichb.which theyc.that theyd.unless they2,_ single aim was getting to the top.(11.6-7)a.Theyreb.Therec.Theird.Theirs3,_ Zermatt and Chamonix, most places wereunknown.(11.8-9)a.Exceptb.Unlessc.Withoutd.Apart from4,_ were generally dirty and flea-ridden.(11.10-11)a.

35、The few inns that existedb.Inns like thisc.Such innsd.Few innsVocabulary 词汇1,In the pioneering days this was not the _ at all.(1.2)a.conditionb.situationc.historyd.event2,They often faced difficulties of the most _ nature.(11.4-5)a.dangerousb.dreadfulc.extremed.pitiful3, -all washed down with _wine.(1.12)a.courseb.sourc.roughd.new4,Often a valley _ no inn at all.(1.12)a.was proud ofb.advertisedc.showedd.possessed


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