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1、雅思口语抽象话题怎样能说得具体 雅思口语抽象话题怎样能说得具体一文告诉了我们雅思口语中的2大难点话题之一抽象类话题的化抽象为具象的具体方法思路。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语抽象话题怎样能说得具体?雅思口语抽象话题怎样能说得具体为你带来将雅思口语考试中的抽象话题具象化的方法和思路。在雅思口语考试中,有2类话题比较棘手,一类是专业性较强的话题如体育类,理科知识类等。另一类就是抽象类话题,如法律类,成功类,社会类等等。今天我们就给大家讲解抽象类的话题怎样说才显得具体有料。雅思口语话题中有很多是显得很抽象,考生在看到这些话题的时候,很大部分人都不知道该如何做才能把抽象化为具体。下面就为大家

2、整理了相关资料让大家把抽象的雅思口语话题化为具体。下面举一个在雅思口语考试中出现的话题:How popular are brand names where you live?即“名牌在你住的地方有多受欢迎?”。很多考生这个时候就会很简单的回答“Very popular”或者“Not very popular”,然后绞尽脑汁万般无奈中又加上一句“I (dont) like brand names”。这样的雅思口语话题无疑就是非常抽象的。如果考生的回答过于简单的,考官一般也就会认为考生的英语水平非常基本。要知道,一旦和basic搭上边,考分就在5分封顶了。所谓“化抽象为具体”就是要举例说明。如果你

3、说很多年轻人宁愿餐餐吃泡面,也要买名牌手袋,那么考官自然就能感受到名牌对人们来说是多么重要。反过来,如果你说很多人腰缠万贯,却能在超市里随便买件t-shirt穿着,那么你就很明白的告诉了别人名牌产品在社会中影响力并不是那么大的。再举个常见的雅思口语话题的例子,描述自己的家乡,要描写一个旅行中去过的地方。如果不能化抽象为具体,我们就只能说某某地方很美,说beautiful, fabulous, gorgeous 这些,即使加上诸如wonderful, amazing, fantastic这样的表示惊叹的词语,然后还是没什么说的。如果描写上海是个摩登大都市,我们可以举外滩这个例子,说说那里有古老的

4、欧洲建筑,有零零总总的各大银行,还有各式的高级商铺。虽然只是描绘了上海的某一个地方,但是对于听众来说,已经为他描述了一幅栩栩如生的画面。这样的描述就比较到位了,同时也避免了无话可说的尴尬局面。这两种化抽象为具体的雅思口语话题的例子告诉我们,其实,这样的转换也就是考生的思路和表达方式的转化,之后大家不仅有话可以说了,而且知道可以怎么说,也就可以顺利完成雅思口语考试了。举例Describe a success in your life是雅思口语话题卡事件类的一道常青树考题。作为一个抽象类的题目,很多雅思考生反映比较难以描述。其实只要遵循一个原则,即“抽象问题具象化,复杂问题简单化”就可以顺利的把成

5、功这张话题卡片描述得生动。对于第二种成功,我们可以理解为自己设定的目标的实现。正所谓,一千人眼中有一千个不同的哈姆雷特。每个人对成功的定义都不一样,每个人都有自己的成功。可以描述的有:成功的掌握了一项技能:做饭/开车/游泳(=a skill you want to learn)成功的做了一个东西:礼物/手工艺品/车模/航模 (= a handicraft)成功戒烟/戒酒/戒游戏/减肥/克服羞涩(= change in life/something difficult you did well)成功指导或帮助别人戒烟/戒酒/戒游戏/减肥/克服羞涩(=someone you helped)成功地维

6、权(=something you bought but you were not happy with,讲买的东西有质量问题,不满意,要求索赔,终成功)成功地脱险(=an unforgettable event)成功地与病魔抗争(=a change in life, a happy moment, a piece of good news)以下是一篇雅思口语范文,以减肥为例:Describe a success in your life.You should say:What was itWhen did you get this successHow to get itAnd explain

7、 with whom/what did you do in this success分析:该题要求描述过去的一次成功经历,以上所述话题准备的内容均适用,注意时态的正确选用,讲清楚成功的来龙去脉即可。I never exercised, and most days I just stayed at home watching TV. I didnt realize Id gained weight until I tried to zip up my favorite pair of jeans. When I couldnt get the zipper to go all the way u

8、p, I panicked and decided I had to take action at once. So I made a weight loss plan which was actually quite simple, eat less and exercise more.我从不锻炼,大部分时间我只是呆在家里看电视。直到我试着拉上我最喜欢的牛仔裤的拉链,我才意识到我的体重增加了。当我拉不上拉链时,我惊慌失措,决定立刻采取行动。所以我制定了一个减肥计划,其实很简单,少吃多运动。Well, what has been the big success that makes me pr

9、oud of in my life? It definitely goes to my weight loss story. This past summer vacation, I gained 10 kilograms because all I did那么,在我的一生中,有什么大的成功让我感到骄傲呢?这肯定和我的减肥故事有关。去年暑假,因为我所做的一切,我增加了10公斤First of all, I quit snacking at night, which was what caused me to gain weight in the first place. I cut out a

10、ll empty calories from my diet (fast food, sweets, soda, etc.) and really focused on only eating clean nutrient dense foods. Second, I made it a rule to go swimming every morning. As hard as it was in the beginnings I didnt give up when things got tough.首先,我晚上不再吃零食,这是我体重增加的首要原因。我从我的饮食中剔除了所有的空热量(快餐、糖

11、果、汽水等),只专注于吃干净营养丰富的食物。其次,我养成了每天早上去游泳的习惯。尽管一开始很艰难,但当事情变得艰难时,我没有放弃。I persevered because I know there are no shortcuts to losing weight. In two months, I managed to lose eight kilos. The changes were incredible, which was amazing, really! Whats more, I am healthier than ever before. I feel much more at

12、hletic now. I have an overall sense of well being that I never experienced when I was heavier. I have so much more energy and I also sleep better. And the most important thing is, I gained confidence from successfully solving my problem.我坚持下来,因为我知道减肥没有捷径。在两个月的时间里,我成功地减掉了8公斤。变化是难以置信的,这是惊人的,真的!更重要的是,我

13、比以前更健康。我现在觉得运动能力好多了。我有一种整体上的幸福感,这是我重的时候从来没有过的。我有更多的精力,我也睡得更好。最重要的是,我从成功地解决我的问题中获得了信心。I feel especially flatted when others can hardly believe I was a much bigger girl. It was really a success.当别人很难相信我是一个大得多的女孩时,我感到特别沮丧。这真的是一次成功。雅思口语新题及范文 茶还是咖啡答题思路Tea or coffeeWhat do Chinese people prefer, tea or co

14、ffee?What do you usually prepare for your guests, tea or coffee?When did you drank coffee or tea last time?中国人喜欢什么,茶还是咖啡?你通常为客人准备什么,茶还是咖啡?你上次喝咖啡或茶是什么时候?口语范文Good afternoon. Can I have your full name, please?Hasan Can Yuksel.下午好。能告诉我你的全名吗?Yuksel哈桑。All right, and can I see your passport, please?Yeah, s

15、ure.好的,我可以看一下您的护照吗?是的,当然。Thank you. Thats fine. Uh, now, in the first part of the test, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself. Um, lets talk about what you do. Are you a student, or do you have a job?Yeah, I am a student. Im a student in English class.谢谢你!这很好。现在,在测试的第一部分,我想问你一些关于你自己的问题。让我

16、们谈谈你的工作。你是学生,还是有工作?是的,我是一个学生。我是英语班的学生。OK. Um, now Id like to talk to you, um, about drinks.Yeah.好的。现在我想和你谈谈饮料的事。是的。What are some of the most popular drinks in your country?In my country is mopular, eh, most popular drinks is special Turkish drinks is alcohol, eh, its, er, we call draku. Its, er, has

17、, er, high level of alcohol inside.你们国家最受欢迎的饮料有哪些?在我的国家,最受欢迎的饮料是特别的土耳其酒,我们叫它德拉库。里面的酒精含量很高。Uh-huh, OK.And beer, also.嗯,好吧。和啤酒。Right. Are there any drinks that people have at special times?Um, yes, birthdays or some celebrates, er, New Year celebrates, people prefer to drink.正确的。有什么饮料是人们在特殊的时间喝的吗?嗯,是的

18、,生日或一些庆祝,呃,新年庆祝,人们更喜欢喝酒。Mm. Right. OK. Um, are there any hot drinks that you like?Yeah, we, er, drink a tea but hot. Er, we prefer to hot tea, not iced tea and coffee as well.好的。嗯,有你喜欢的热饮吗?是的,我们,呃,喝杯茶,但是很热。嗯,我们喜欢热茶,不喜欢冰茶和咖啡。Mm. OK. And, um, what do you think are the healthiest drinks? What do you th

19、ink are the healthiest drinks?Er, I like healthiest drinks, especially milk, um, yeah, er, yeah, just milk I think.毫米。好的。你认为什么是最健康的饮料?你认为什么是最健康的饮料?嗯,我喜欢最健康的饮料,尤其是牛奶,嗯,是的,嗯,是的,我想就是牛奶。口语材料Im going to describe a caf that I go to maybe once a week. Its just down the road from where I live, near Manchest

20、er, so its really convenient for me to walk down there for a coffee or a bite to eat, and to use the wifi.我要描述一个我可能一周去一次的咖啡馆。它离我住的地方不远,曼彻斯特附近,所以对我来说去那里喝杯咖啡或吃点东西,使用wifi真的很方便。The last time I went to this local caf was on Friday afternoon. I was trying to do some work at home, but I found myself gettin

21、g distracted by little jobs around the house. So I decided to have a change of scenery; I put my laptop in its bag and made the short walk to the caf, where I spent the next few hours getting all of my work done. With a nice cup of coffee and just the right level of background noise, I found it much

22、 easier to concentrate.我最后一次去当地的咖啡馆是在星期五下午。我想在家里做些工作,但我发现自己被家务琐事分心了。所以我决定换个环境;我把笔记本电脑放进包里,走了一小段路来到咖啡馆,在那里我花了几个小时完成了所有的工作。喝了一杯好咖啡,加上适当的背景噪音,我发现集中注意力要容易得多。Over the course of the afternoon, I drank two cups of coffee and a glass or two of water. The caf owner takes a lot of pride in making the best fla

23、t white coffee in the area, so thats what I tend to drink. If I remember correctly, the second coffee that I ordered was a decaf, because I try to avoid drinking too much caffeine in the afternoon. I didnt have anything to eat on that occasion, but I do sometimes have one of the home-made cakes that

24、 they sell.整个下午,我喝了两杯咖啡和一两杯水。这家咖啡馆的老板以制作该地区最好的“纯白”咖啡而自豪,所以我倾向于喝这种咖啡。如果我没记错的话,我点的第二杯咖啡是无咖啡因的,因为我尽量避免在下午喝太多的咖啡因。在那个时候我没有吃的,但是我有时会吃他们卖的自制蛋糕。There are a few reasons why I like going to my local caf. I suppose the main reasons are the coffee, the free wifi and the friendly staff. However, on Friday I als

25、o managed to sit at my favourite table near one of the windows, and the caf wasnt very busy. So the atmosphere and noise level were just right, and I was able to focus on my work without distractions for most of the afternoon.我喜欢去当地的咖啡馆有几个原因。我想主要原因是咖啡,免费的wifi和友好的员工。然而,在周五,我也设法坐在我最喜欢的一张靠近窗户的桌子旁,咖啡馆不是很忙。所以整个下午的气氛和噪音都很好,我可以在没有干扰的情况下专心工作。


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