1、,高三英语写作专题复习(一),English writing,Senior Three,【写作】利用所给的材料,尽可能地运用一些高级词汇、可以适当地运用一些复合句,关键是要表达准确到位。,Part one:,综述,应注意下列几个问题:,一,注重写作教学的基本训练阶段,(1)SV;(2)SVO;(3)SVOO;(4)SVP;(5)SVOC。,(1)SV;,They are dancing _,madly/wildly,(2)SVO;,He _visited many famous museums.,also,(3)SVOO;,He gave her some chips,(4)SVP;,His
2、knowledge of English remains very weak.,(5)SVOC。,He left the boy standing by the counter.,We should keep the classroom clean and tidy.,1.避免中文式英语,(1)开车(2)开锁(3)开心(4)开收音机(5)(水)开了(6)开后门(7)开设选修课(8)强行把门打开,drive a car/a bus/a taxi,open the lock/turn the key in the lock,feel happy/excited/amused/pleased,tur
3、n on the radio,The water is boiling,try the back door,offer optional courses,force the door open,2.副词、形容词的灵活运用使句子更地道,1.You have done the job_.,very/pretty well,2.We waited for the bus _.,impatiently/patiently,3.The man felt _ashamed,a bit/sort of,4.You can never be careful enough,You can never be _c
4、areful,too,5.You did _ carry my books.,more than,化难为易,避免生硬翻译,(1)前天下了一场大雨,It rained _ the day before yesterday.,There was a _ rain the day before yesterday,(2)前天刮大风。,The wind blew _the day before yesterday,heavily,heavy,strongly,如何写好高考英语作文?多种方法助你得高分 以前英语作文评分依据是根据要点和语言准确度而定,但近几年要求“使用较多语法结构和词汇”,因此要想得高分
5、,除了要点和语言准确度以外,还必须在较复杂的句子结构或较高级的词汇上有所表现。句式单一,缺乏生气的文章,哪怕无任何错误也不可能得高分,相反“有些错误,但是为了使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致”,给分档次仍在最高档(2125分),1.Wemetattheschoolgateandwentthere togetherearlyinthemorning.2.Earlyinthemorningwemetattheschool gateandwenttheretogether.3.Theyoungmancould nothelpcrying whenheheardthebadnews.4.Hearingt
6、hebadnews,theyoungman could nothelpcrying.,1.改变句子的开头方式,不要一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,最后再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词做状语等。,2.在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等。,a.MyparentspraisedAhFuwarmly.Ithad savedmy littlesisterbravely.b.MyparentspraisedAhFuwarmly.Itwas ourbraveAhFuwhohadsavedmylittle sisterbravely.,强调
7、句,a.Wehadtostandtheretocatchthe offender.b.Whatwehadtodowas(to)standthere,tryingtocatchtheoffender.c.WhatChinahasachievedinrecentyearsis knownthroughtheworld.d.Chinaisnolongerwhatitusedtobe.,由what等引导的从句,此处的what相当于中文的“所”,有很大的概括力.,由with或without引导的短语,如:,Hesatinachairwithanewspaperinthehand.,分词短语。如:,Sat
8、isfiedwiththeresult,Hedecidedtogoonwithanewexperiment.,倒装句。如:,a.Onlyinthiswaycanweachieveourgoal.b.NeverbeforehaveIseensuchawonderfulfilm.,省略句。如,a.If so,victorywillbeours.b.Youcanmakesomechanges wherever necessary.,3.通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。,a.Wehadashortrest.Thenwebegantoplay happily.Wesanganddanced.A
9、fterashortrest,wehadgreatfun singingand dancing,tellingjokesand playingchess,4.学会使用过渡词。如:,(1)递进,then(然后),besides(还有),furthermore(而且),moreover(此外),(2)转折:,however(然而),but(但 是),onthecountry(相反),afterall(毕竟),(3)总结:,finally(最后),atlast(最后),inbrief(总之),inconclusion(最后),(4)强调:,indeed(确实),certainly(一定),surel
10、y(确定),aboveall(尤其),(5)对比:,inthesameway(同样地),justas(正如),ontheonehandontheotherhand(一方面另一方面),5.注意使用不同长度的句子。,对于“较复杂的词汇”,可以从以下几个方面 着手。,(1)注意使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。如:,a.Anewrailwayisbeingbuiltinmy hometown.,b.Anewrailwayisunderconstructioninmy hometown.,(2)使用一些很有“洋味”的单词。如:,A.Thankyouforsharingthetimewith u
11、s.,B.Thewayheviewstheworldisvery practical.,(3)避免重复使用某一单词或短语。如:,a.Ilikereadingwhilemybrotherlikes watchingtelevision.b.Ilikereadingwhilemybrotherenjoys watchingtelevision.,解题步骤和方法指导1.认真审题,明确要求。2.紧扣文意,组织要点。3.选词造句,准确表达。4.整理成篇,注意行文连贯。5.合理安排时间,认真检查复核。,二、注重写作训练的规范化,构思(题目);,写提纲(理顺思想的逻辑关系);,起草(打草稿);,校订(检查错
12、误,重新安排内容);,修改(定稿),请根据漫画,以“What Will the Child Become?”为标题,写一篇短文.要求:1.词数约100个,不包括已给出的开 头部分.2.内容要包括对本漫画画面的描述以及你自己对这一现象的看法.,提示:电子琴 electronic piano 画板 drawing board What Will the Child Become?Look at this picture.Here is a family of five,该题要表达的内容是:1.小孩正骑在他爸爸身上,看上去多像一个神气的国王啊!2.爷爷正撑着伞,并且为他扇扇子;3.妈妈背着书包及其他
13、东西;4.奶奶正提着电子琴,背着画板;5.这个孩子将来成为什么样的人?作出评 论,Look at this picture.Here is a family of five.The only child is riding his“horse”-his father.What a proud“king”he looks!His grandfather is holding an umbrella over him and cooling him with a fan.His mother is carrying his schoolbag and lots of other things fo
14、r him.What is his grandmother doing behind?She is working hard carrying an electronic piano and and a drawing board.But what will the child become in the future?Hell think of himself more important than anyone else.Hell be able to do anything without help.Hell become no good for the world.,What Will
15、 the Child Become?,小 结,注意选词,巧用转折词,总括词,注意使用“变通表达法”,熟练运用书写技巧,高 考 英 语 作 文“六步法”教学,Part two:,Step1 仔细审题Step2.理清要点Step3.译写单句Step4.连句成篇Step5.检查润色Step6.定稿誊写,高考英语作文“六步法”教学,范例1,题目:Mr.Smith and Mr.Green used to be neighbors for years.One morning Mr.Smith called at Mr.Greens.The following is their conversation.
16、S:Good morning.G:Good morning.S:I havent seen your son Tom for a long time.Has he made great achievements?G:Oh,I dont know if he is successful,but I know that he has drawn the governments attention and the police are searching for him.,分析:题目不难,但要完成两件事情:一是要把要点表达清楚,要传神、达意;二是要把直接引语转换成间接引语。,要求:1、用间接引语描述
17、如上 幽默故事。2、词数为80100。,第一步:仔细审题,情景提供的方式是对话,题材是故事。内容是两个邻居之间的一段幽默对话,涉及到的词汇有:used to,call on,hesitate,make achievements,etc,涉及的句子有简单句、并列句、和复合句。词数为80100。,第二步:理清要点,本文是一篇记序文,发生的时间是一天下午,地点是Mr.Green家,人物有Mr.Smith和Mr.Green,事件是谈论Mr.Green的儿子,故事以Mr.Green一段幽默的话结尾。所以,本文要点如下:1、Mr.Smith和Mr.Green是曾是多年的邻居。2、一天上午,Mr.Smith
18、去Mr.Green家拜访。3、他们互致问候早上好。4、Mr.Smith说他已多年不见Mr.Green的儿子Tom了,相知到他是否已取得了很大的成就。5、Mr.Smith踌躇了一会儿,说不知道儿子是否取得成就,但政府很重视他,警察也在全国各地找他。.,第三步:译写单句,1.Mr.Smith and Mr.Green used to be neighbors for many years.2.One morning,Mr.Smith called on Mr.Green at his house.3.They said good morning to each other.4.Mr.Smith s
19、aid that he had not seen Mr.Greens son,Tom for several years.He asked if he had made great achievements.5.Mr.Green hesitated for a moment.He said he did not know if made any achievements.He said he knew that the government said that his son was very important.The police were after him everywhere in
20、the country.,第四步:连句成篇,Mr.Smith and Mr.Green used to be neighbors for many years.One morning,Mr.Smith called on Mr.Green at his house.They said“good morning”to each other.Then Mr.Smith said that he had not seen Mr.Greens son,Tom for several years.He asked if he had made great achievements.Mr.Green he
21、sitated for a moment.He said he did not know if made any achievements.He said he only knew that the government said that his son was very important,for the police were after him everywhere in the country.,第五步:检查润色,Mr.Smith and Mr.Green used to be neighbors for many years.One morning,Mr.Smith called
22、on Mr.Green at his house.First,they greeted each other(said“good morning”to each other),then they talked about Mr.Greens son,Tom.Mr.Smith said that he had not seen Mr.Greens son,Tom for several years and wondered(.He asked)if he had made great achievements.Mr.Green hesitated for a moment.Then he sai
23、d he did not know if made any achievements,but he said he only knew that the government thought(said)that his son was“very”important,for the police were after him everywhere in the country.,第六步:定稿誊写,Mr.Smith and Mr.Green used to be neighbors for many years.One morning,Mr.Smith called on Mr.Green at
24、his house.First,they greeted each other,then they talked about Mr.Greens son,Tom.Mr.Smith said that he had not seen Mr.Greens son,Tom for several years and wondered if he had made great achievements.Mr.Green hesitated for a moment.Then he said he did not know if made any achievements,but he said he
25、only knew that the government thought that his son was“very”important,for the police were after him everywhere in the country.,第六步:定稿誊写,Mr.Smith and Mr.Green used to be neighbors for many years.One morning,Mr.Smith called on Mr.Green at his house.First,they greeted each other,then they talked about
26、Mr.Greens son,Tom.Mr.Smith said that he had not seen Mr.Greens son,Tom for several years and wondered if he had made great achievements.Mr.Green hesitated for a moment.Then he said he did not know if made any achievements,but he said he only knew that the government thought that his son was“very”imp
27、ortant,for the police were after him everywhere in the country.,范例2,题目:根据以下提示,用英语写一篇介绍香港的短文,字数100字左右。香港位于中国的东南部,面积1045平方公里,人口600多万,被称为“东方明珠”。1842年鸦片战争后,当时的中国政府被迫将香港割让给英国。1997年她已回到祖国的怀抱,其前景会更美好。参考词汇:明珠 pearl,鸦片 opium。,第一步:仔细审题本文属说明性文章。,第二步:理清要点1、香港的地理位置、面积和人口。2、鸦片战争后香港的处境。3、1997年她回到祖国的怀抱。4、其前景会更美好。,第
28、三步:译写单句,1.Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.Her area is 1,045k.Her population is more than 6 million.She was given up to Britain after the 1842 Opium War.In 1997,she returned to motherland.4.Her future is very beautiful.,第四步:连句成篇,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.Her area is 1,045k and
29、(.Her)population is more than 6 million.She was given up to Britain after the 1842 Opium War.In 1997,she returned to motherland and(.Her)future is very beautiful.,第五步:检查润色1,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.she has an area of(Her area is)1,045k and(.Her)has a population of more than 6 million
30、(population is more than 6 million).She is well-known as“the Pearl of the East”.In 1842,She was given up to Britain by the then Chinese government after the 1842 Opium War,and the people in Hong Kong lived a hard life.In 1997,she returned to motherland and the people of Hong Kong are and will be wor
31、king hard to make her more beautiful.(.Her)future is very beautiful.,第五步:检查润色1之后的文章,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.she has an area of1,045k and has a population of more than 6 million.She is well-known as“the Pearl of the East”.In 1842,She was given up to Britain by the then Chinese govern
32、ment after the 1842 Opium War,and the people in Hong Kong lived a hard life.In 1997,she returned to motherland and the people of Hong Kong are and will be working hard to make her more beautiful.,第五步:检查润色2,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.she has an area of1,045k and has a population of more
33、 than 6 million and(.She)is well-known as“the Pearl of the East”.In 1842,the then Chinese government was forced to give up Hong Kong to Britain(She was given up to Britain by the then Chinese government)after the Opium War,and the people in Hong Kong suffered a lot(lived a hard life).After the retur
34、n of Hong Kong to China in 1997(In 1997,she returned to motherland and the people of Hong Kong are and),the people of Hong Kong are united more with the Chinese people in mainland China,and they will work hard(will be working hard)to make her more beautiful.,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.
35、she has an area of1,045k and has a population of more than 6 million and is well-known as“the Pearl of the East”.In 1842,the then Chinese government was forced to give up Hong Kong to Britain after the Opium War,and the people in Hong Kong suffered a lot.After the return of Hong Kong to China in 199
36、7,the people of Hong Kong are united more with the Chinese people in mainland China,and they will work hard to make her more beautiful.,第五步:检查润色2之后的文章,第六步:定稿誊写,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.she has an area of1,045k and has a population of more than 6 million and is well-known as“the Pearl
37、 of the East”.In 1842,the then Chinese government was forced to give up Hong Kong to Britain after the Opium War,and the people in Hong Kong suffered a lot.After the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997,the people of Hong Kong are united more with the Chinese people in mainland China,and they will w
38、ork hard to make her more beautiful.,第六步:定稿誊写,Hong Kong lies in the southeast of China.she has an area of1,045k and has a population of more than 6 million and is well-known as“the Pearl of the East”.In 1842,the then Chinese government was forced to give up Hong Kong to Britain after the Opium War,a
39、nd the people in Hong Kong suffered a lot.After the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997,the people of Hong Kong are united more with the Chinese people in mainland China,and they will work hard to make her more beautiful.,Homework:,请以记者的身份,根据案件登记卡所提供的情况,用英语写一篇新闻报导稿。字数:100词左右。,Possible version:Yeste
40、rday afternoon,a robbery happened in a bank in the Park Street.According to the witnesses statements,it was five minutes to 5:00 pm,just before the closing time of the bank.And it was raining heavily,with little traffic on the road outside.Suddenly,two young men with masks rushed in and threatened t
41、he clerks with guns.Then they put the money in bags,rushed out and droved away with about 20,000 dollars.All the things lasted for only a few minutes.fortunately,there was nobody killed or wounded in the robbery.The police are searching for the robbers,hoping whoever gets the connected information c
42、alls them up as soon as possible.,Possible version:Yesterday afternoon,a robbery happened in a bank in the Park Street.According to the witnesses statements,it was five minutes to 5:00 pm,just before the closing time of the bank.And it was raining heavily,with little traffic on the road outside.Sudd
43、enly,two young men with masks rushed in and threatened the clerks with guns.Then they put the money in bags,rushed out and droved away with about 20,000 dollars.All the things lasted for only a few minutes.fortunately,there was nobody killed or wounded in the robbery.The police are searching for the robbers,hoping whoever gets the connected information calls them up as soon as possible.,Thank you.,