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1、Listening,Unit 5 Travelling abroad,Listen to the text.,Using Language,A TRIP TO PERU,Lia(L)is planning to visit Peru.Listen to her conversation with a clerk at the travel agent(TA)about possible ways to travel.,TA:Can I help you?L:Yes,I want to go to _.Ive heard a lot about it.TA:Have you been there

2、 before?L:No,but I dont want to go on a _.I like to be _.Is it possible for me to travel alone?TA:Oh certainly.But you might find it difficult as its your _ visit.L:Is it _ then?,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Peru,tour,independent,first,dangerous,TA:Not really.Well,not in _ towns anyway,where

3、 there are _ tourists.However,I think you might be _ on your own.L:Mmm!I suppose so.Well,what do you _?TA:Lets see.What kind of things do you _ doing?L:Well,I enjoy visiting historical _ and going to museums.,big,other,lonely,suggest,sites,like,TA:Of course there are _ historical sites in Peru.L:Yes

4、,but I also love _.Id like to go somewhere in the Andes.And Ive heard that the _ and _ are really beautiful.TA:Mmm,I think I know the _ place for you.L:Oh,good.TA:Its called Cuzco.Its a city _ up in the Andes.Its not far from the _ city of Machu Picchu.,many,mountains,animals,plants,perfect,ancient,

5、high,L:Oh,yes,Id really like to see that.TA:You can fly from Lima,the _ of Peru,to Cuzco.We could book you into a _ in Cuzco.Then you could take short tours from Cuzco _ you want to.Youll be able to get to lots of _ places from there.L:Thats a great idea.I could travel to Cuzco and _ in a hotel.When

6、 I want some _ I could join a tour,capital,hotel,different,stay,company,whenever,group for a few days.TA:Exactly.Look,heres a brochure _ the tours from Cuzco.L:Great.Thanks.Now please how much is the _ to Cuzco?TA:Well,it _ when you want to go.(fading out),with,airfare,depends,Workbook-Listening,INT

7、ERNET RESEARCH,Listen to the text.,Mei Jie(M)has been on the Internet for some time and her friend Tim(T)asks her what she is doing.Listen to their conversation.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,T:Youve been on the Interment a _ time.What are you doing?M:Im doing _ on my holiday.T:What holidays

8、that?M:Im going to _ and _ for three weeks.T:Really?When?M:Oh,in _.During the holidays.T:But thats nearly _ months away!,long,research,France,three,July,Italy,M:Yes,but theres a lot of _ to do.T:Like what?M:Well,Ive been working out how much _ Ill need.T:Oh!M:Ive decided to stay in _ hostels because

9、 theyre a lot _.T:How do you find out where they are and how much they _?,planting,money,youth,cheaper,cost,M:Ill show you.See,this site _ hostels,how much they cost,how to get there and so on.And you can _ the accommodation _ too.T:Wont you have to _ a room with other people in a hostel?M:Yes,but t

10、hats all right because Ill meet lots of other _.And youth hostels always have a _ room where you can sit and _.Ill get to meet people from everywhere.,lists,book,online,share,travellers,common,chat,T:Mmm That sounds good.So your accommodation wont cost too _.What else do you need to _ for?M:Well,the

11、res food.Most hostels have _,so I plan to cook some meals for myself to save money.But anyway there are usually cheap restaurants _.T:OK,anything else?,much,budget,kitchens,nearby,M:Theres _.Ive been looking up a site for _ journeys and fares,and Ive found I can get fares much cheaper because Im und

12、er _.T:So youre worked _ your budget,have you?M:As far as I can.Ive written down how much I think itll _ for accommodation._ and transport each day.Then I added some spending money for things like _ fees to,transport,rail,26,out,cost,entry,Food,museums,souvenirs,_ calls home,etc.Ive also included so

13、me _ money in case of problems or difficulties.T:So,youre almost _ to go?M:No,no.Theres still lots to do.Ive still got to _ for my passport and visa and I must get some travel _.(fading out),telephone,emergency,ready,apply,insurance,Listen to the text.,Workbook-Listening Task,MOTHERS WORRIES,Tinas m

14、other,Sandra(S),is worried about her daughter.Listen to her talking to Brian(B)about her concerns.,B:Morning,Sandra.S:Morning.B:You dont look very _.Whats wrong?S:Well,actually Im _ about my daughter.B:Tina?Has _ happened to her?S:Not yet.But Im worried it _.B:What do you mean?,Listen again and fill

15、 in the blanks.,happy,worried,anything,might,S:Well,she wants to travel round the world for _ year.B:That sounds great.All young people should travel before they _ down.They can learn so much thatll help them in the _.S:But travellings so _ these days.B:Not really.Not if youre _ and youve done some

16、research about the _ youre going to.,a,settle,future,dangerous,careful,places,S:I just keep worrying that something terrible will _ to her.B:Look,Sandra,Tinas a _ girl.Shes not going to do anything _.As long as she follows a few simple _,its unlikely shell have any _.S:What kind of rules?B:Well,firs

17、t,I suppose the most _ is to pay attention.S:Pay attention to what?,happen,clever,silly,rules,problems,important,B:Well,local _.Watch what other people are doing and learn which behaviour is _ and which isnt.S:That makes _.B:Second,you must find out where not to go.For a _ you can ask local people f

18、or _.If they tell you that a certain _ of the city is dangerous or a particular _ is not,customs,acceptable,sense,start,advice,town,part,very friendly towards _,then it would be a good idea to stay away.S:Right.B:Third,_ the people around you.If they seem unfriendly or dangerous then you should _ im

19、mediately.You have to _ people by how they behave towards you.S:Mmm.I wonder if Tina can do that.She _ everyone.,strangers,observe,leave,judge,trusts,B:Well,it wont take her _ to learn who to trust and who she _.Perhaps you can _ her to travel with someone whos more experienced,at _ for a little while.S:Yes.Good idea.I think Ill suggest _ to her.,long,cant,persuade,least,that,Thank you.,


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