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1、剑桥国际少儿英语(第二册)Unit 8 My townLesson 1,Presentation,town,Wheres the shoe shop?Is it a big town or a small town?What colour are Grandpas windows?What colour shoes does Suzy want?,Next to the caf.,Its big.,Green.,Red.,flat,shop,caf,hospital,park,park,shop,street,caf,hospital,flat,alft,osph,sretet,ospihal

2、t,arpk,fca,flat,shop,street,hospital,park,caf,f,lat,h,ospital,s,hop,c,af,s,treet,p,ark,Wheres the woman with the boy?,How many pineapples are there?,How many cats are there?,Wheres the boy with the kite?,Shes in the park.,Five.,Hes in the park.,Four.,What colour are the shoes in the shoe shop?,Where

3、 are the lemons?,What colours the bus?,Red.,In the fruit shop.,Yellow.,man,men,woman,women,baby,babies,child,children,car,cars,bike,bikes,dog,dogs,cat,cats,coconut,coconuts,pineapple,pineapples,lemon,lemons,man,woman,baby,child,dog,cat,lemon,pineapple,coconut,bike,car,men,women,babies,chidren,dogs,c

4、ats,lemons,pineapples,coconuts,bikes,cars,1.There are five_child/,in the park.,children,2.There is one _,man,/men,3.There are three _woman,/women,in the caf.,4.There is one _,chid,/childeren,in the shoe shop.,on a bike.,5.There is one _,woman,/women,on the bus.,6.There are two _,baby,/babies,in the

5、buggy.,7.There are four _,man,/men,in the pet shop.,8.There is one _,baby,/babies,with a baby.,剑桥国际少儿英语(第二册)Unit 8 My townLesson 2,1 Where are they?2 What are they doing?,1 Suzy isnt happy,Why?Who s in front of Suzy?3 Who is between Mrs Star and Simon?4 Where is Grandma Star?,She cant see.,Lennys mu

6、m.,Suzy.,She s behind Suzy.,behind,between,in front of,next to,Where is the book?,Its on the desk.,Its under the chair.,Its in the box.,Its next to the computer.,Wheres the cup?,Its between the computer and the book.,Where is the cup?,Its in front of the computer.,Where is the computer?,Its behind t

7、he cup.,Lets sing.,Wheres the blue book?,On the sofa.,剑桥国际少儿英语(第二册)Unit 8 My townLesson 3,Whats this?,What colour is it?,Whats it eating?,Do you know his name?,Octopus.,Pink.,Apple.,Ollie.,What colour is the box?,How many clocks are there?,Whoes clocks are these?,Orange.,Seven.,Can you give me more

8、words with/?,dog,frog,sock,fox,hot,story,Aaagh!Look behind you!Its behind you!,Ooooh!I cant look!,Oh,no!Its dogzilla,the monster dog!,Im coming,children.,Maskmans our superhero.,Aaagh!Monty!Look behind you.Theres a cat.Its catzilla!,Ha ha ha.,It isnt fuuny.,Look,theres a dog.Its behind you.,Eeeek!Help!Theres a dog!It dogzilla!Help!,2.Whats dogzilla?,A monster dog.,4.Is there a cat?,No.,5.Is there a dog?Is it dogzilla?,Yes.It isnt.,6.Where is the dog?,Behind Maskman.,1.Who cant look?,3.Whos the superhero?,Maskman.,Suzy.,Lets talk about the story.,


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