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1、必修二 unit1 单词,cultural adj.文化的cult耕种,培养+ur抽象名词+al.的 文化的,文化上的,Plays,songs and national dress are part of our cultural heritage.戏剧,戏曲还有民族服装师我们的文化遗产的一部分。,relic n.遗物;遗迹;纪念物,We may never know who made these ancient relics.我们也许永远也不知道是谁建造了这些古代遗迹。,rare adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的,Pandas are hard to find because theyre s

2、o rare.熊猫很难被找到,因为它们太稀有了。,valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的,valu=value价值+able形容词后缀 有价值的,My grandfather leftme valuable jewelery.我的祖父留给了我贵重的珠宝。,survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还,sur=super超过+vive生命 超越灾难,挽救生命 活下来,幸免于,Its hard for plants to survive in the desert.对植物来说,在沙漠里幸存很困难。,vase n.花瓶;瓶,Beatiful flowers were kept in the red v

3、ase.红色的花瓶中插着漂亮的花。,dynasty n.朝代;王朝,dyn力量+ast表名词,人或物+y有力量的事物 君主 君主掌管的 王朝,Egyption history had many dynasty.埃及历史上有很多王朝。,in search of 寻找,The detective hurried along in search of the criminal.那个侦探急匆匆地寻找着罪犯。,amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶,This news really amazes me!这条消息真的让我感到很吃惊!,amazing adj.令人吃惊的,The sunrise is so amaz

4、ing!日出美的惊人!,amaz=amaze惊异+ing形容词后缀 令人惊异的,select vt.挑选;选择,se分开+lec选 选出分开 选择,Which dress do you think I should select?你觉得我应该选那条裙子?,honey n.蜜;蜂蜜,I want to put some honey on my apple.我想放一点蜂蜜在我的苹果上。,design n.设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思,de使.成为,加强+sign做标志 设计,计划,The design for the house looks great-now lets built i

5、t!这个房子的设计很棒,现在我们我们来建造它吧。,fancy adj.奇特的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好,The wedding was very fancy;there were flowers everywhere.婚礼很昂贵,到处都摆满了鲜花。,style n.风格;风度;类型,She has a very distinctive style;she doesnt dress like anybody else.她的风格非常独特,她穿着打扮不像其他任何人。,decorate v.装饰;装修,decvor装饰+ate表示做、造成、使之成.装饰,装潢,We decorate the tr

6、ee to celebrate Christmas.我们装饰了这棵树来庆祝圣诞。,jewel n.珠宝;宝石,I wonder how much money I could get from selling all these jewels.我想知道卖出这些宝石我们赚多少钱。,artist n.艺术家,art艺术+ist从事某种职业的人 艺术家,画家,The artist is painting.这个艺术家正在作画。,belong vi.属于;为的一员,be使+long长 使长久拥有 属于,You belong in our group-please join us.你属于我们的团队,请加入我

7、们。,belong to 属于,My teddy bear belongs to me.Hands off!泰迪熊是我的,放手!,in return 作为报答;回报,When I get a gift,I try to give something in return.当我得到一个礼物时,我们试图会赠点什么。,troop n.群;组;军队,There were over 200 troops marching in the parade.阅兵式里有超过200支行军队伍。,reception n.接待;招待会;接收,The woman at the reception said my room

8、is ready now.前台的女士说我的房间已经准备好了。,re回,向后+cept拿,握住+ion名词后缀 接收,at war 处于交战状态,When your country is at war,sometimes you have to kill people.当你的国家处于战争状态,你有时不得不去杀人,remove vt.移动;搬开,Use the other end of the hammer to remove nails.用锤子的另一端去拔出钉子,less than 少于,I weigh much less than I used to!我比原来轻多了,wooden adj.木制

9、的,Finally we found a wooden bridge and crossed the river.我们终于找到了一座木桥过了河。,wood木头+en由.制成的 木制的,doubt n.怀疑;疑惑 vt.怀疑;不信,I really doubt that aliens exist.我很怀疑外星人的存在。,doubt二 两种状态 怀疑,former adj.以前的;从前的,These are the faces of former presidents.这些都是过去的总统的面孔,form=fore先前+er表示人或物 先前,worth prep.值得的;相当于的价值 n.价值;作用

10、 adj./古/值钱的,My house is worth two hundred thousand dollars.我的房子值二十万美元。,rebuild vt.重建,They prepared to rebuild the damaged temple.他们准备重建这座被毁坏的寺庙。,re一再,重新+build建筑 重建,再建,local adj.本地的;当地的,The local people have their own clothing and culture.当地人有自己的服装和文化,loc地方+al形容词后缀 地方的,局部的,apart adv.分离地;分别地,They set

11、one man apart of from the rest.他们把一个人从人群中分离出来了。,take apart 拆开,I have to take the mouse apart so I could repair it.我不得不把鼠标拆开以便修复它,painting/peinti/n.绘画;画,This is a very famous painting.这是一幅非常有名的油画,paint画画+ing表名词 油画,绘画,着色,castle n.城堡,One day,I will be king and live in a castle.将来有一天,我会成为一个住在城堡里的国王,tria

12、l n.审判;审讯;试验,After the trial,the judge found the prisoner guilty.审判后,法官判定犯罪嫌疑人有罪。,tri=try实验+al名词后缀,表行为 试验,尝试,explode vi.爆炸,The fireworks exploded in the sky.烟花在空中爆炸。,ex出+plode=plod鼓掌,击,大声音 出来大声音 爆炸,entrance n.入口,The entrance is over there-follow the red carpet.入口在那边,顺着红毯过去吧。,entr=enter进入+ance表名词,状态、

13、行为 入口,进入,入学,sailor n.水手;海员;船员,The sailor has been out to sea for several months.水手已经出海几个月了,sail航行+or名词后缀,表示 水手,海员,sink(sank,sunk;sunk,sunken)vi.下沉;沉下 n.水槽,洗涤槽,I wash the dishes in the sink.我在水槽里洗碗。,maid n.少女;女仆,Please ask the maid to clean the windows.请叫女仆去擦窗户。,informal adj.非正式的,Our boss is much more informal after work.我们老板在下班后要随意多了。,in不+formal正式的 非正式的,不拘小节的,通俗的,debate n.争论;辩论 vi.争论;辩论,We had a debate about who was the smartest.我们有过一个关于谁最聪明的争论,de否定,相反+bat打,击+e 持对方相反的观点而与之进行口头上的攻击 反驳,辩论,THANK YOU,


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