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1、Lesson 16,A polite request,1.park your car in the wrong place2.without a ticket3.we welcome you to our city4.a“no parking”area5.pay attention to our street signs6.you cannot fail to obey it,parktrafficticketnote area sign reminderfail obey,停放 v.,交通 n.,交通违规罚款单 n.,便条 n.,地段 n.,指示牌 n.,提示 n.,无视,忘记 v.,服从

2、v.,1.park v.停放(汽车)禁止停车:_ parking area:停车场 把车停在正确的地点 _,No parking,Please park your car in the right place.,2.traffic n.交通 traffic police:traffic lights:heavy traffic:I spend a lot of time in traffic jam._,交通警,交通灯红绿灯,十字路口,繁重的交通,由于交通拥堵我花费了很长时间,get a ticket,3.note c笔记,摘要 常用复数便条短信纸币(英国)Do you want the mo

3、ney in notes or in coins?_ a note of thanks_Make/take notes _leave sb a note _,纸币,笔记,摘要,便条,便条,4.area n.地段,场地=district a desert area _ a resident area _,一个沙漠地带,一个常住区域,5.reminder n.提示 This is an important reminder for all of us._ remind v.:提示,提醒remind sb of sth 回忆起/想起某事An older photo can remind me of

4、my childhood.remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 remind her to come earlier tomorrow.,这对我们所有的人都是一个重要的提醒,我提醒他寄信。这张照片使我想起了他的父亲。,I reminded him to post the letter.,This photo reminds me of his father.,我没有忘记寄你的信。,I remembered to post your letter.,remember to do sth.记得去做某事remember doing sth记得曾经做过某事,我记得我锁上门了。I re

5、membered locking the door.,6.fail v.失败 He failed(in)passing the exam.fail in doing sth:在某些方面失败He failed to swim across the river.fail to do sth.:没有能够在某事 他没有还清债。He failed to pay his debts.,7.obey obey rules/orders/law _disobey _Soldier are trained to obey without question.士兵们被训练的无条件服从。,服从规定/命令/法律,不服从

6、,8.Police and Traffic Police traffic police 交通警 police n.警察 1)警察(复数)The police are questioning a foreign tourist.警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。2)如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman或policewoman There is a traffic policeman over there.You can ask him the way to the station.,9.Pay attention to,Care,Take care of,Look after pay atte

7、ntion(to sth.)注意 care 关心,在意 take care of=look after 照顾,照料 I dont care._I dont care if he breaks his neck!_Please take care of/look after the children for me when I am out._,当我出去时请帮我照看照看孩子。,我不在乎。,他就是折断颈骨,我也不在乎!,条件句(Conditional Sentences)真实条件句(Sentences of real condition)条件句是表示在某种条件或要求下,预期会产生某种结果的表达方法

8、。在“真实条件句”中,IF-从句中假设的情况是有可能实现或发生的.Eg.Youll miss the train if you dont hurry.,1.IF-从句中的动词用一般现在时态,主句中的动词用一般将来时态.主句和从句的位置可以互换:eg.If he is out,Ill call tomorrow.改错:If he will have time,he will come.If he has time,he will come.He will get there in time if he will runs.Hell get there in time if he runs.,2.

9、如果要用从句表达将来的意思,也只能用一 般现在时态的形式来表达,而绝不能用将来时 的形式:eg.If it rains tomorrow,I will stay at home.改错:If he will have enough money next year,hell go to Europe.If he has enough money next year,he,ll go to Europe,3.主句的变化形式:a)IF-从句中的动词是现在时,主句中shall/will可以用其它情态动词代替:Eg:If it rains,we can/must/may stay at home.If it stops raining we can/may go out.If you want to lose weight,you must eat less bread.,4.IF-从句的变化:从句中可以用现在进行时,表示现在的行为 或将来的安排:If you are leaving tomorrow,Ill send you a car.If you are looking for Peter,youll find him in the library.,


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