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1、dictation,小测试,假设有一天你不小心在森林里迷路,这个时候忽然有四种鸟类出现在你面前,并各自停在不同的方向对你说“出口在这边啊!”那么你会相信哪种鸟类的话呢?A、雄鹰 B、鹦鹉 C、猫头鹰D、鸵鸟,选择A:不辨是非易骗度:只要别人用严肃的表情对你说话,你就会上当,而且只要以权威的语气来骗你,你就会立即照做。选择B:全凭直觉易骗度:你表面精明,但你的判断全凭外表,只要对方长得一副好好先生的样子,你就会立刻上当,是典型的以貌取人一族。选择C:警觉性高易骗度:你被骗的可能性甚低,因为你的警戒心强,对任何事都抱着怀疑的态度,别人若想欺骗你是相当困难的。选择D:憨直老实人易骗度:你十分相信熟人

2、,至今被骗过的经验一定多得数不清,朋友想骗你上当是件超级简单的事。,Lesson 11Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衫吗?,New words,whose 谁的 white 白色的blue 蓝色的 catch 抓住perhaps 大概 father 父亲 mother 母亲sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟tie 领带 blouse 女衬衫his 他的 her 她的,whose 谁的,whose(特殊疑问词):用于询问所有关系。对形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词、名词所有格的两种情况(形容词性和名词性)进行提问。That is my handbag.(针对划线部分提问)

3、,whose,That is my handbag.(针对划线部分提问)That is whose handbag?()Whose car is that?(),This is my house.Whose house is this?或Whose is this house?(请造句),whose 谁的who 谁,对划线部分提问,1.This is Toms watch.2.That tall woman is my aunt.3.Amys umbrella is pink.4.Tinas dress is beautiful.5.His uncle is a policeman.,Whos

4、e is this watch?,Who is that tall woman?,Whose umbrella is pink?,Whose dress is beautiful?,Who is a policeman?,Whose watch is this?,对划线部分提问,6.Naoko is Japanese.7.Dicks ticket is on the desk.8.Stevens parents are very well.9.Mikes brother is an engineer.,What nationality is Naoko?,What is on the desk

5、?,How are Stevens parents?,Who is an engineer?,对划线部分提问,10.I am from Canada.11.Linda is an air hostess.12.My new skirt is green.13.Tony is eight years old.14.Its two oclock.,Where are you from?,What is Linda?,What colour is your new skirt?,How old is Tony?,What time is it?,What is the time?,What does

6、 Linda do?,What is Lindas job?,adj.忧郁的He looks blue today.他今天看上去很忧郁。blues 蓝调音乐 black and blue 青一块紫一块,maybe adv.可能,大概;也许perhaps 和maybe 意为“大概,也许”,位于句首。perhaps 含有“也许是如此,也许不是如此”的意味,maybe是美式英语,用于非正式场合,口语中常用。1.Perhaps it is your coat.可能是你的外套。2.Maybe youll like it.也许你会喜欢。,n.白色 a white lie 善意的谎言 a white ele

7、phant 累赘而无用的东西Tims shirts white.蒂姆的衬衫是白色的。,catch a buscatch a train,catch the thief,catch a cold,Whose tie is that?那是谁的领带?tieto 把拴在Please tie the horse to a tree.请把这匹马拴在一棵树上。,表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表:,I.人称代词:人称代词又分为主格和宾格形式.主格通常做主语。宾格通常做动词或介词的宾语.,e.g.Im a nurse

8、.1.Could you help me?2.Mum often takes us to the park on Sunday.3.Its a cat.We call it“kitty”4.Who knows him?5.They are going to the cinema with her.,表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词其人称和数的变化见下表。,II.物主代词又分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词.,形容词性的物主代词:相当于形容词,后面要跟名词,指定名词的所属对象.名词性的物主代词:相当于一个名词,必须单独使用,后面不能再跟名

9、词.e.g.Your school is small,mine is big.(=my school)1.This is not your pen.Yours is on the desk.(=your pen)2.Whose book is that?Its hers.(=her book)3.Their classroom is on the second floor.Ours is on the third floor.(=our classroom)4.Her bike is black.His is grey.Mine is blue.(=his bike,my bike),Writ

10、ten exerciese Part A,Example:Hans is here.That is _ car.Hans is here.That is his car.,Written exercises part B,Example:shirt/TimWhose is this shirt?Its his shirt.,blue 蓝色的,蓝色的,蔚蓝的 沮丧的,忧郁的His mood mu:d is blue.他的情绪低落。He looks a bit blue.他看上去有点儿忧郁。blue sky 蓝天blues 布鲁斯音乐,蓝调blue collar workers 蓝领工人white

11、 collar workers 白领工人gold-collar workers金领工人,catch,Catch the ball.1.接 Catch the thief.2.捕抓 I have caught a bad cold.3.伤风,感冒,perhaps“或许”,含有“可能这样,也可能不这样”之意,其含义和用法与maybe一样,多用于口语。maybe多用于美国英语。语义强度probablyperhaps、maybepossiblye.g.1.Perhaps we will be late for work 或许我们上班会迟到。2.Perhaps wed better take a bus

12、 也许我们最好乘公共汽车。,possibly maybe probably perhaps 的区别,possibly maybe probably perhaps 的区别,possibly“或许;也许”,所指的可能性较小,可与can或could连用;与may连用,表示的可能性更小。e.g.1.It may possibly be true也许是真的.2.Please call me as soon as you possibly can 请尽快给我打电话。3.Could you possibly tell me the answer?你能告诉我这个答案吗?,possibly maybe pro

13、bably perhaps 的区别,probably“很有可能;十之八九”,其语义较强,可能性较大。在否定句中,probably不能紧跟在否定词之后。e.g.It will probably be fine tomorrow 明天大概会是晴天。译:她大概不会来这里。正:Probably she wont come here正:She probably wont come here 正:She wont come here probably 误:She wont probably come here,listen to the tape and answer this question:Whos

14、e shirt is white?谁的衬衣是白色的?,read and listen to the tape,T:Whose shirt is that?T:Is this your shirt,Dave?D:No,sir.Its not my shirt.D:This is my shirt.My shirt is blue.T:Is this shirt Tims?D:Perhaps it is,sir.Tims shirts white.,T:Tim!Tim:Yes,sir?T:Is this your shirt?Tim:Yes,sir.T:Here you are.Catch!Tim:Thank you,sir.,What is this?,blouse,tie,jeans,dress,shorts,sweater,pants,skirt,jacket,T-shirt,coat,P23,用英语表达 22-31?你会吗?,设计情景对话,要求:2-3人一组 用上 Whose is this.?This is.Whose is that.?That is.,Homework,1.背New words.2.P24 part B 8-12,The end!see you.,


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