1、第三部分:(P842 He was near the road leading-P846 Youre welcome,baby.”,Guitar Bains:the“wise and kind and fearless”,Like Pilate,Guitar knows that if Milkman wants to fly,he must first relinquish his extra baggage,including his illusions of independence,his arrogance,and his materialistic values.,Guitar c
2、ould not relinquish his own extra baggage:hatred.,“They hated and killed and men praised them.But God in shame hastens to hide its memory under the green grass.”-飞鸟集,“I had no time to hate,becauseThe grave would hinder me,And life was not so ample ICould finish enmity.,Nor had I time to love,but sin
3、ceSome industry must be,The little toil of love,I thought,Was large enough for me.”Emily Dickins,相关情节:,Milkmans vision of his mother being smothered by her tulips,but he refused to come to her rescue.,问题1:“I cant let him direct and determine what I do,where I go or when.If I do that now Ill do it all my life and hell run me off the earth.”,问题2下面描写的是吉他与奶娃相遇。为什么吉他不相信奶娃会帮助老人提箱子呢?,