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1、UNIT 2,Lets Go Shopping!,Shopping,Vans purchases,Buying new clothes,What color is your shirt?,A large TV or a small TV?,Identify places to make purchases,Make purchases,Identify articles of clothing,Describe clothing,Describe items in a store,Review,LESSON,LESSON,1,LESSON,LESSON,LESSON,2,3,4,5,Team

2、Project,Identify places to make purchases,GOAL,Shopping,LESSON,1,Read about Van.,A,Van starts school on Monday.She needs a dictionary,sneakers,new blouses,a digital music player,and food for lunches.,LESSON,1,Write what Van needs under the correct stores below.,music player,food for lunches,dictiona

3、ry,food for lunches,oranges,bread,cheese,oranges,bread,cheese,dictionary,B,LESSON,1,sneakers,blouses,blouses,sneakers,music player,Write what Van needs under the correct stores below.,B,LESSON,1,What other things can you buy at each store?Make a list with a group.,C,LESSON,1,Listen to Van and her hu

4、sband.Circle the best place to get each item.,Product Type of store1.a radio a department store a convenience store2.shoes a shoe store a department store3.shirts a clothing store a department store4.a dictionary a bookstore a department store 5.bread,a supermarket a convenience storecheese,and frui

5、t,D,Listening Script,LESSON,1,Practice pronouncing the sentences with a partner.,E,Van/shops at the department store/every Wednesday.2.Her husband/likes to buy food/at the supermarket.3.Wheres/the convenience store?4.The bookstore/has dictionaries.,LESSON,1,Use the information in Exercise D to pract

6、ice the conversation.Use shoes,shirts,a dictionary,and bread,cheese,and fruit in new conversations.,Student A:Where do Van and her husband shop for a radio?Student B:at a department store.,F,LESSON,1,Study the chart with your classmates and teacher.,G,LESSON,1,Complete the sentences with the correct

7、 form of shop.,EXAMPLE:Van _ for a radio at a department store.They _ for food at a supermarket.We _ for sneakers at a shoe store.He _ for soda at a convenience store.I _ for dictionary at a bookstore.,shops,shop,shop,shops,shop,H,LESSON,1,Make a bar graph.How many of your classmates shop in differe

8、nt types of stores?,I,EXAMPLE:,LESSON,1,Active Task.Go to a mall or use the Internet.Find the names of three clothing stores that you like.Report them to the class.,J,LESSON,1,Vocabulary around prep.环绕,在周围bar n.棒,杆,条;柱状物bilingual a.双语的,能讲两国话的blouse n.女式短上衣,女式衬衣bookstore n.书店central a.中心的,中央的;中枢的chee

9、se n.干酪,乳酪clothing n.集合名词衣服convenience n.便利,方便corner n.角;角落;拐角department n.部门;局,科different a.不同的,各种的digital a.数字的,数据的dress n.女服,童装,Glossary,LESSON,1,emporium n.商场,商业中心graph n.图表hero n.英雄identify vt.确定;辨认,识别Internet n.国际互联网less a./ad.更小的/地,更少的/地 little 的比较级之一list n.清单;目录;表mall n.购物中心,商场mart n.市场playe

10、r n.播放器;球员;演奏者product n.产物;产品,制品pronounce vt.发的音purchase vt./n.买,购买rhythm n.抑扬,节奏,LESSON,1,Glossary,shop vi.买东西,购物shopping n.买东西,购物sneakers n.橡皮底帆布鞋soda n.苏打;苏打水,汽水sound vi.听来,听上去store n.店铺,商店stress n.重音;强调;重读supermarket n.超市thrift n.节约,节俭type n.类型wow interj.哎唷!(表示惊叹、快乐、痛苦等)Phrases&Useful Expression

11、s bar graph 柱状图,LESSON,1,Glossary,clothing store 服装店convenience store 便利店department store 百货商店make a list 列清单,列购物单make purchases 购物,置办东西shoe store 鞋店Proper NamesNam 南,楠,男Sams Food Mart 山姆食品会员店Van 凡,范,LESSON,1,Glossary,Listening Script,Part D,LESSON,1,Van:I need some things for school.Do you want to

12、shop for me?Nam:No,not today.I have things here to do at home.Van:OK,where can I go for these things?Nam:What do you need?Van:I need sneakers,shirts,bread,cheese,and fruit for lunches,a radio,and a bilingual dictionary.Nam:Wow!That sounds like a lot.Van:I know.Nam:The best place for shoes is Martins

13、 Department Store.You can buy shirts at Martins also.You can also buy a good radio at Martins.Nam:All at Martins?Van:Yes,its a good place for many things,but you need to go to Hero Books for the dictionary,and Sams Food Mart around the corner has all you need for lunches.,Make purchases,GOAL,Vans pu

14、rchases,LESSON,2,Look at the receipts.What are the totals?What is the tax?,A,How much is the total for the shirts,sneakers,bilingual dictionary,and food?,B,63.67(clothes)+$23.71(dictionary)+$8.85(food)=_,$96.23,LESSON,2,Listen and circle the amounts you hear.,EXAMPLE:$12.50$2.15$22.50$22.15$12.95$34

15、.15$34.50$45.50 2.$13.00$30.00$33.00$43.00 3.$.57$57.00$15.70$17.00 4.$19.75$17.90$79.00$77.95,C,Listening Script,LESSON,2,Listen and write the prices.,450.00,1.25,6.50,80.00,D,Listening Script,LESSON,2,Practice asking about prices.Look at Exercise D on page 24 for information.,EXAMPLE:Student A:Exc

16、use me,how much is the vacuum?Student B:$98.99.Student A:Thank you.,E,LESSON,2,Write the words from the box under the pictures.,a nickel a ten-dollar bill a penny a one-dollar billa twenty-dollar bill a quarter a five-dollar bill a dime,F,a penny,a nickel,a dime,a quarter,a one-dollar bill,a five-do

17、llar bill,a ten-dollar bill,a twenty-dollar bill,LESSON,2,What bills and coins do you need for these items?Tell a partner.,G,LESSON,2,Read the check.,H,LESSON,2,Look at the items in Exercise D and G.Which items do you want to buy?Write a check for one of the items.,I,Juanita Gomez47 BroadwayDallas,T

18、X,83471,March 10,2009,Langs department store,98.99,Ninety-eight dollars&99/100,vacuum,Juanita Gomez,LESSON,2,Active Task.Visit some banks or use the Internet.Find the names of three banks Where you can open a checking account.,J,LESSON,2,Vocabulary amount n.总和,总额;数值,量bill n.账单;清单brand n.商标,牌子candy n

19、.水果糖,糖果cent n.美分check n.美支票checking account n.支票存款账户coin n.硬币cost n.花费;vt.花费,使花费customer n.客户,顾客dime n.美、加一角硬币dollar n.美元expensive a.昂贵的,高价的memo n.交易备忘录;公务便条,LESSON,2,Glossary,nickel n.五分镍币;镍币orange n.橙;柑橙类;橙色order n.【商业】定货,订单pay v.付钱penny n.便士potato chip n.炸马铃薯薄片price n.价格,价钱quarter n.美、加二角五分(1/4 d

20、ollar)ream n.(纸的)令(480500张)receipt n.收条,收据;接受,接收subtotal n.小计,部分take vt.买tax n.税total n.总数,LESSON,2,Glossary,vacuum n.美口吸尘器washing machine n.洗衣机Phrases&Useful Expressionsa ream of white paper 一令白纸come to 总计,总共every time 每次;每当Here you go 给你How about?如何/怎么样?No returns without receipt 无票据概不退货on sale 减价

21、出售,甩卖Proper NamesCenter City Bank 中心城市银行,LESSON,2,Glossary,Lang 朗Langs Department Store 朗记百货商店Martin 马丁Nguyen 元Parker Street 帕克大街,LESSON,2,Glossary,Listening Script,Part C,LESSON,2,EXAMPLE:How much is it?Its$22.50.1.Thats$34.15.2.Heres$33.00.3.That comes to$15.70.4.The total cost is$77.95.,Listening

22、 Script,Part D,LESSON,2,1.Customer:Excuse me.How much is the vacuum?Salesperson:Its$98.99 on sale.Customer:Thanks,Ill take it.2.Customer:Excuse me.Can you help me?Im looking for a washing machine.Salesperson:This is a good brand.Customer:Is that right?OK,how much is it?Salesperson:Its four hundred a

23、nd fifty dollars.Customer:Four hundred and fifty dollars?That much?Salesperson:Im afraid so.,Listening Script,Part D,LESSON,2,3.Customer:I just want this candy bar.Salesperson:That will be$1.25,please.Customer:Here you goone dollar and twenty-five cents.4.Customer:I want to buy a ream of white paper

24、.Salesperson:The paper is over there.Its$6.50.Customer:Thank you.5.Customer:Every time I buy a telephone,I get a bad one.Maybe I should buy an expensive one.Salesperson:How about this one for$80?,Identify articles of clothing,GOAL,Buying new clothes,LESSON,3,Write the correct letter under each type

25、of clothing.Then,listen for the missing prices.,suitT-shirttieshatsweaterdresssocksbaseball capsneakersblousecoatskirt,A,48,35,38,g,a,k,b,i,f,e,d,c,j,l,h,Listening Script,LESSON,3,blouse,skirt,dress,hat,high-heeled shoes,suit,ties,shirt,baseball cap,tuxedo,sneakers,socks,T-shirt,coat,sweater,B,Work

26、in a group.Write the clothing words from Exercise A in the chart.Add other clothing words that you know.,LESSON,3,C,Study the charts with your classmates and teacher.,LESSON,3,Practice the conversation.,Student A:How much is the dress?Student B:Its$48.,D,LESSON,3,Ask a partner about the prices.Use t

27、he conversation in Exercise D.,$_$_$_,$_$_$_,48,36,22,285,33,35,Student A asks Student B:,Student B asks Student A:,E,LESSON,3,Read about Gabriela.,Gabriela needs a new shirt,a skirt,and a hat.She shops at Dress for Less.It is a good store.She has$75.,F,LESSON,3,Look at the ad on page 27 for prices.

28、Circle Yes or No.,Gabriela shops at Langs department store.Gabriela has$75.Gabriela can buy a shirt,a skirt,and a hat.,Yes No Yes NoYes No,G,LESSON,3,Look at the ad on page 27.You have 75.What different items can you buy?Write the items and their prices.Then,talk in a group.,H,LESSON,3,Active Task.F

29、ind a clothing ad in a newspaper.What can you buy for 100?,I,LESSON,3,Vocabulary ad n.广告article n.商品,物品baseball n.棒球;棒球运动clothes n.衣服coat n.大衣,外套deal n.交易,买卖hat n.帽子miss vt.错过plural a.复数的;n.复数名词problem n.问题,难题pronoun n.代词shirt n.衬衣,衬衫(通常指男用的)singular a.单数的;n.词的单数形式skirt n.女裙,LESSON,3,Glossary,socks

30、n.短袜suit n.男式西服或套装sweater n.圆领绒衣;毛衣tie n.领带T-shirt n.T恤衫Phrases&Useful Expressions baseball cap 棒球帽be sure to 务必,一定要question words 疑问词,LESSON,3,Glossary,Listening Script,Part A,LESSON,3,We have many good deals at Dress for Less.Be sure to come in.Socks are$12,ties are$22,and suits are$285.Our dresse

31、s are$48,and our skirts are$35!We have great deals on sweaters at$36,and womens hats are$38.Dont miss our great deals!,Describe clothing,GOAL,What color is your shirt?,LESSON,4,Listen and point to the clothing you hear about in the conversation.,Listening Script,A,LESSON,4,Complete the chart with th

32、e words from the picture.Then,add more clothing words.,T-shirt,T-shirts,shorts,shoes,pants,blouse,belt,baseball cap,dress,blouses,belts,baseball caps,dresses,B,LESSON,4,Study the chart with your classmates and teacher.Use the words from the box to complete the chart.,his hermy our your their,C,My,My

33、,Your,Your,His,His,Her,Her,Our,Our,Their,Their,LESSON,4,Look at page 30.Answer the questions.,1.What color is Gabrielas blouse?_2.What color are Gabriela and Robertos belts?_3.What color are Gabrielas pants?_4.What color is Robertos T-shirt?_5.What color are Gabriela and Robertos shoes?_,Her blouse

34、is white.,Their belts are black.,Her pants are blue.,His T-shirt is red.,Their shoes are brown.,EXAMPLE:What color are Robertos shorts?_,His shorts are brown.,D,LESSON,4,Talk to a partner and describe your classmates clothes.Then,write sentences.,blue and white,grey,shoes are black,purple,Your shoes

35、 are black.,Your pants are blue.,white,Our belts are brown.,Our socks are black.,E,LESSON,4,green,His pants are brown.,His socks are white.,orange,Her shorts are brown.,Her shoes are red.,T-shirt are yellow,Their pants are black.,Their baseball caps are blue.,Talk to a partner and describe your clas

36、smates clothes.Then,write sentences.,E,LESSON,4,With a different partner,describe your classmates by their clothes.Let your partner guess who the classmates are.,EXAMPLE:Student A:Her blouse is blue.Student B:Amy?,F,LESSON,4,Look around the classroom.In groups,make a list of clothes by color.,G,LESS

37、ON,4,Vocabulary add vt.增添,添加adjective n.形容词belt n.腰带;裤带casual a.随便的,非正式的pants n.复裤子possessive a.所有格的sandals n.复凉鞋,便鞋wear vt.穿,戴Phrases&Useful Expressionsby color 按颜色go casual 穿得随意或随便possessive adjective 物主形容词,LESSON,4,Glossary,Proper NamesAmy 艾米Carolina 卡洛琳娜,LESSON,4,Glossary,Listening Script,Part A

38、,LESSON,4,Roberto:Gabriela,what are you wearing to class today?Gabriela:I think I will wear my white blouse.How about you?Roberto:Ill wear my red T-shirt.And I think I will go casual and wear shorts.Gabriela:Me,too,I want to go casual.I am wearing my blue pants with a black belt.Roberto:You wont mis

39、s me.I will be wearing a baseball cap.,Describe items in a store,GOAL,A large TV or a small TV?,LESSON,5,Look at the pictures.Write a word under each picture.,1.Do you want a small CD player or a large CD player?,2.Do you want a new house or an old house?,small,large,new,old,A,LESSON,5,3.Do you want

40、 a new car or a used car?,4.Do you want a striped shirt or a checked shirt?,new,used,striped,checked,A,LESSON,5,Look at the pictures.Write a word under each picture.,5.Do you want a large blouse or a medium blouse?,6.Do you want small pants or medium pants?,large,medium,small,medium,A,LESSON,5,Look

41、at the pictures.Write a word under each picture.,Complete the chart.Write the new words from Exercise A.,medium,small,new,old,checked,B,LESSON,5,Listen to the conversation with your books closed.What does Tatsuya want to buy?,Tatsuya:Excuse me,I want a TV.Salesperson:A big TV or a small TV?Tatsuya:I

42、 want a small TV.Salesperson:OK,how about this one?Tatsuya:Yes,thats good.How much is it?Salesperson:Its$135.Tatsuya:Ill take it!,C,LESSON,5,Practice the conversation with a partner.,D,LESSON,5,Practice new conversations.Use the information below.Use the conversation in Exercise C as an example.,Stu

43、dent A is the customer.Student B is the salesperson.,blouse:CD player:refrigerator:shirt:,medium/smalllarge/smallnew/usedsmall/medium,$24$34$210$18,E,LESSON,5,Student B is the customer.Student A is the salesperson.,car:house:sweater:dress:,used/newold/newstriped/checkedlarge/medium,$12,000$300,000$4

44、2$33,Practice new conversations.Use the information below.Use the conversation in Exercise C as an example.,E,LESSON,5,Study the chart with your classmates and teacher.,F,LESSON,5,Listen to the conversations and circle the correct answers.,G,Listening Script,LESSON,5,Complete the sentences with the

45、correct form of want.Use the information from Exercise G.,Tatsuya _ a small TV.Emily and Steve _.Gabriela _.Ivan and Natasha _.,wants,want an old house,wants a medium blouse,want a new car,H,LESSON,5,With a partner,write a conversation like the ones you heard in exercise G.Present it to the class.,T

46、atsuya:Excuse me.I want a TV.Salesperson:A big TV or a small TV?Tatsuya:I want a small TV.Salesperson:OK,how about this one?Tatsuya:Yes,thats good.How much is it?Salesperson:Its$135.00.Tatsuya:Ill take it!,I,LESSON,5,Vocabulary afford vt.足以承担,花费得起(时间、钱)benefit n.好处,益处checked a.格子图案的large adj.大的;大量的;

47、宽大的medium a.中等的pattern n.图案present vt.出示;呈递;陈述;描述 refrigerator n.(电)冰箱size n.大小,尺寸,尺码,号striped a.有条纹的used a.用过的,旧的,二手的Proper NamesEmily 埃米莉,LESSON,5,Glossary,Ivan 伊万Natasha 纳塔莎Steve 史蒂夫Tatsuya 龙谷,LESSON,5,Glossary,Listening Script,Part G,LESSON,5,1.Tatsuya:Excuse me.I want a TV.Salesperson:A big TV

48、or a small TV?Tatsuya:I want a small TV.Salesperson:OK,how about this one?Tatsuya:Yes,thats good.How much is it?Salesperson:Its$135.00.Tatsuya:Ill take it!2.Emily:We need to move.Steve:I know.What do you want?Do you want a new house or an old house?Emily:Well,I am not sure.They both have benefits.I

49、guess I want an old house.Steve:OK,we want an old house,right?,Listening Script,Part G,LESSON,5,3.Nancy:I am here to buy a blouse for my friend Gabriela.Salesperson:OK,do you know her size?Nancy:She wants a medium blouse,I think.Sales person:Step over here,and we will see what we can find in a mediu

50、m blouse.4.Ivan:I want a new car.Natasha:I want a new car,too.Ivan:They are expensive.Natasha:How can we afford it?Ivan:I guess we want a new car,but we will have to wait to buy one.,Review,Listen and write the prices in Column 1.(Lesson 2),A,$98.45,$168,$18.95,$28.98,department store,white and gree


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