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1、Computer,http:/Hongfei YanSchool of EECS,Peking University9/20/2011,Outline,Turning model(图灵模型)von Neumann model(冯诺依曼模型)Computer componentsHistory,Perceptual knowledge(感性认识),计算机组成部分http:/Introduction to Computer Hardwarehttp:/,Install http:/if your computer can not show videos.,Mother board(主板:集成多个部

2、件、适配器,提供它们之间的互联),CPU,=运算器+控制器,Terminology,Mother board,CPUfan,ram chip,usb driver,dvd,floppy driver,video card/graphic adapter,sound card,network card,keyboard and mouse,speakers,monitor,Alan Turing,计算机科学之父艾伦图灵,1931年图灵进入剑桥大学国王学院,毕业后到美国普林斯顿大学攻读博士学位,二战爆发后回到剑桥,后曾协助军方破解德国的著名密码系统Enigma,帮助盟军取得了二战的胜利。图灵对于人

3、工智能的发展有诸多贡献,例如图灵曾写过一篇名为机器会思考吗?(Can Machine Think?)的论文,其中提出了一种用于判定机器是否具有智能的试验方法,即图灵试验。至今,每年都有试验的比赛。此外,图灵提出的著名的图灵机模型为现代计算机的逻辑工作方式奠定了基础。“图灵奖”是计算机科学领域的最高奖项,有“计算机界诺贝尔奖”之称。,A short video describing the life and unfortunate death of Alan Turing.http:/,姚期智,姚期智,美籍华人,计算机科学家,2000年图灵奖得主,是目前唯一一位获得此奖项的华人及亚洲人。目前是清

4、华大学理论计算机科学研究中心教授。因为姚期智对计算理论,包括伪随机数生成,密码学与通信复杂度的诸多贡献,美国计算机协会(ACM)决定把该年度的图灵奖授予他。,Data processor,Problems?,Turing model:Programmable data processors,A program is a set instructions that tell the computer what to do with the data.,The same program,different data,The same data,different program,The unive

5、rsal Turing machine&Computer definition,A universal Turing machine,a machine that can do any computation if the appropriate program is provided.It can be proved that a very powerful computer and a universal Turing machine can compute the same thing.In fact,a universal Turing machine is capable of co

6、mputing anything that is computable.A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a list of instructions.,Outline,Turning Modelvon Neumann modelComputer componentsHistory,von Neumann model,Computers built on the Turing universal machine store data in their memory.Around 1944-1945,John v

7、on Neumann proposed that,since program and data are logically the same,programs should also be stored in the memory of a computer.,von Neumann model,Four Subsystems,存储器用来存储数据和程序算数逻辑单元(ALU)是进行计算和逻辑操作的地方控制单元是用来对其他三个子系统的操作进行控制的单元输入负责从计算机外部接受输入数据和程序;输出则将计算机的处理结果输出到计算机外部.,The stored program concept,The p

8、rograms for early computers tasks were implemented by manipulating a set of switches or by changing the wiring system.The memory of modern computers hosts both a program and its corresponding data.This implies that both the data and programs should have the same format,because they are stored in mem

9、ory.In fact,they are stored as binary patterns in memory-a sequence of 0s and 1s.,Sequential execution of instructions,The control unit fetches one instruction from memory,decodes it,then executes it.In other words,the instructions are executed one after another.Of course,one instruction may request

10、 the control unit to jump to some previous or following instructions,but this does not mean that the instructions are not executed sequentially.,Outline,Turning modelvon Neumann modelComputer componentsHistory,Computer components,Computer hardware,four components under von Neumann modelData,A comput

11、er can store data in one of two states.Why?Computer software,is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs,procedures and documentation that perform some tasks on a computer system.The term includes application software such as word processors which perform productive tasks fo

12、r users,system software such as operating systems,which interface with hardware to provide the necessary services for application software,and middleware which controls and co-ordinates distributed systems.Software includes websites,programs,video games etc.that are coded by programming languages li

13、ke C,C+,etc.,Outline,Turning modelvon Neumann modelComputer componentsHistoryhttp:/,History,机械计算机器(1930年以前)电子计算机的诞生(1930-1950)计算机的诞生(1950-现在),机械计算机器(1930年以前),1645年,法国Pascal发明了齿轮式加减法器1673年,德国数学家Leibniz发明了乘除器,第一台现代意义的计算机,1821年,英国数学家C.Babbage设计了差分机,这是第一台可自动进行数学变换的机器,由于条件所限没有实现。他被誉为“计算机之父”。,History,机械计算

14、机器(1930年以前)电子计算机的诞生(1930-1950)计算机的诞生(1950-现在),现代第一台大型电子数字计算,1945年,ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)在宾夕法尼亚大学诞生.ENIAC用了 17468 个电子管,重 27吨,耗电 150 千瓦,30 X 0.9 X 2.4m,每秒5000次加法运算,迈向现代计算机,Alan Turing(1912-1954)1936年上研究生时提出了图灵机(Turing Machine),奠定了计算机的理论基础ACM Turing Award:the“Nobel Prize of

15、 computing”John von Neumann(1903-1957)1946年发表了一篇关于如何用数字来表示逻辑操作的论文,von Neumann 体系结构为现代计算机普遍采用,History,机械计算机器(1930年以前)电子计算机的诞生(1930-1950)计算机的诞生(1950-现在),Modern von Neumann machine,2008年我国速度最快的商用高性能计算机系统曙光5000,性能峰值运算速度达到每秒230万亿次浮点运算(230TFLOPS)单机柜性能7.5万亿次,单机柜耗电20KW,百万亿次计算仅需要约14个机柜,占地约15平方米威力可在30秒内完成上海证交所10年的1000多支股票交易信息的200种证券指数的计算。可在3分钟内,可以同时完成4次36小时的中国周边、北方大部、北京周边、北京市的2008年奥运会需要的气象预报计算,包括风向、风速、温度、湿度等,精度1公里,即精确到每个奥运会场馆。意义中国成为继美国之后第二个能制造和应用超百万亿次商用高性能计算机的国家,


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