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1、,春节期间家庭安全注意事项,前言,The most wonderful time of year is drawing soon.Time to let food,revelry,presents,and merriment mold into a new Spring Festival.And while you are making holiday memories that will last forever,SHE Dept.wants you to keep in mind-the best holiday is a safe holiday.一年中最热闹的日子即将来临。春节是我们家

2、人团聚,走亲访友的大好日子。总公司经营办在这里恭祝大家度过一个安全、健康、值得回味的春节假期.Its easy to plan a happy and safe holiday when you use these tips as your guide:本期介绍一些节日家庭安全注意事项,供各位员工及家庭成员参考。,FOOD SAFETY 食品安全,Bacteria are often present in raw foods.Fully cook meats,poultry and sea food.Thoroughly wash raw vegetables and fruits.生食常存在

3、大量细菌.所有肉类,禽类及海河鲜应尽可能煮熟.所有瓜果蔬菜应彻底清洗干净.,Wash cutting boards and preparation surfaces between uses,especially after raw meat,poultry and sea food is handled.在每次使用砧板及刀具前后(尤其肉类,禽类及河海鲜)需清洗干净。,FOOD SAFETY 食品安全,Be sure to keep hot liquids and foods away from the edges of counters and tables,where they can b

4、e easily knocked over by a young childs exploring hands.热菜热汤应远离桌边,防止小孩打翻烫伤.,Always keep raw foods and cooked foods separate,and use separate utensils when preparing them.生食熟食分类摆放,不混放.,Foods that require refrigeration should never be left at room temperature for more than two hours.需要冷藏的食品,不要在室温中存放超过

5、2个小时.,DRIVING SAFETY 驾驶安全,Never drink and drive.切勿酒后驾驶.,Provide non-alcoholic beverages for designated driver.向需要驾驶的客人,只提供不含酒精的饮料.,Never use a hand-held mobile phone during driving.在驾驶途中,不持手机通话.,SHOPPING SAFETY 购物安全,Avoid carrying large amounts of cash,use credit card.避免携带大量现金,尽量使用信用卡.,Be aware of y

6、our surroundings when you use an ATM,especially at night.If you notice anything unusual,cancel your transaction,pocket your card and leave immediately.在ATM机提款时,尤其是在夜晚,如果发现任何异常,应立即取消交易,取卡后,迅速离开.,FIRECRACKER SAFETY 烟花爆竹安全,Familiarize yourself with your areas fireworks laws.请熟悉所在地区燃放烟花爆竹的规定.,Firecracke

7、r should be set off at a safety distance from all buildings,roadways and vehicles.烟花爆竹燃放地点应远离建筑,道路及车辆.,Be sure people are clear of the area before lighting firecracker.在燃放前,请确认所有人员已处在安全区域.,FIRECRACKER SAFETY 烟花爆竹安全,Fire cracker should be set off by persons at least 18 years of age.If not,adult super

8、vision is essential.最好由成人燃放烟花爆竹.儿童燃放烟花必须有成人看护.,Never try to relight or handle fireworks that wont light.不要试图再次点燃或手持那些没有点燃的烟花爆竹.,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,Family members should understand the basic method of fire escape in peace time,and familiar with a few of the escape routes.家庭成员平时就要了解掌握火灾逃生的基本方法,熟悉几条

9、逃生路线。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,Keep all doors and windows locked,shut off natural gas valves and inspect all electric appliance for safety,even if your step out just for a moment.即使离家片刻,也应紧锁门窗,关闭天然气阀门,检查所有电器安全状况.,Make certain you take time to inspect each electric appliance for worn insulation,bare/fra

10、yed wires,broken or cracked sockets,and loose connections.Be careful not to overload electrical outlets.抽空检查家里的每个电器,是否存在绝缘磨损,电线裸露,插座损坏及接头松动的情况.同时避免插座过载.,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,Do not bound the extension cord under using.If you bound them,quantity of heat is hard to spread,thus temperature will melt t

11、he plastic and cause a copper wire short circuit and catch fire.使用延长线,应注意不可将其捆绑;由于电线经捆绑后,热量很难扩散,因此温度升高而将塑胶融解,造成铜线短路着火。,Do not fix wire or extension line with nails or staples.不可用钉子、骑马钉或订书针将延长线或者电线固定。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,Do not use old or damagedextension cords which will causea short circuit,leaka

12、georinduction,they should be updated immediately.使用老旧、破损的延长线会造成短路、漏电或感应等危险,应立即更新。,Is extensioncable hotorodors?This is theoverloadphenomenon,we should immediately stop usingthe highpower electric appliance.使用中的延长线是否有发烫或异味产生?此为过负荷现象,应立即停止使用高电量的电器。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,Do not neglect the use of heati

13、ng electrical supplies.切勿疏忽使用发热电气用品。,Combustible things should not be storedaround electrical appliances.电器用品周围不应存放易(可)燃物。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,When fuel gas leakage is discovered,please quickly turn off the gas valve,open the doors and windows,dont touch the electrical switch or use fire,and promp

14、tly notify the professional repair department to handle it.发现燃气泄漏,要迅速关闭气源阀门,打开门窗通风,切勿触动电器开关或使用明火,并迅速通知专业维修部门来处理。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,When simmer,stew orcook some food or soups,somebody should be in charge.soup should not be too full,when soup is boiling,temperature should be reduced.煨、炖、煮各种食品、汤类时,

15、应有人看管,汤不宜过满,在沸腾时应降低炉温。,When used,potshould be stayed away fromcombustiblematerials,use tableplate made of non-combustible material.If not,deskplates made of non-combustiblematerialshould bein thebottom of the pot.火锅在使用时,应远离可燃物,请使用不燃材料制作的桌板。若使用可燃材料桌板时,应在锅底铺设不燃材料制作的垫板。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,When Fryfo

16、ods,oilcan notbe puttoo full,panshould be set smoothly,and oiltemperatureshould be controlled.As oilreachthe appropriate height,people can notleave and food should beput into pot.油炸食品时,油不能放得过满,油锅搁置要平稳,应控制油的温度。起油锅时,人不能离开,油温达到适当高度,应即放入菜肴、食品。,When pan is on fire,it can not be dealt with water,firstly,w

17、e should turn off the stove gas valve,and directly cover it with lid or wet cloth to smother the fire.We can also pour rice or vegetables into the pot to make fire extinguishing.油锅着火,不能泼水灭火,应首先关闭炉灶燃气阀门,直接盖上锅盖或用湿抹布覆盖,令火窒息。还可向锅内倒入米或者切好的蔬菜冷却灭火。,春节是炎黄子孙的传统节日,每逢佳节,合家团聚,喜笑颜开,哪一家不酒肉飘香,筵席丰盛。然而,面对美味佳肴,在舞箸把盏、频频举杯之际,劝君切莫饮食无度,以保持节日心情舒畅、身体康宁。菜香莫贪食,合理的饮食会给人增加必需的营养供应,而暴饮暴食,则常常会为嘴贪口福而伤身,甚至招致疾病。酒美莫贪杯,欢聚把盏,确有兴致,但饮之过量,也能伤人上班前一天应保证充分的休息,以良好的状态 迎接新年的工作。,HOME SAFETY 家庭用电及防火安全,


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