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1、,How many people are there in your family?,Vocabulary,想xing,想念(long to see again;miss)你想你的家人吗?Do you miss your family?我想你。I miss you.我想念我的爸爸。I miss my dad.,当然dng rn,A:你跟我们去吗?B:当然去了!A:Will you go with us?B:Sure!我当然还记得你。Of course I remember you.我当然明白你的感受。I certainly understand how you feel.我当然要帮助你。Of

2、course Ill help you.,家ji,我们是幸福的一家。Were a happy family.我经过你的家。I passed by your house.今天早上他在家。He is home this morning.欢迎来到我的家。Welcome to my home.,口ku,玛丽突然在门口出现。Mary suddenly appeared in the doorway.他飞快地奔向出口。He raced towards the exit.你家有几口人?How many people are therein your family?,兄弟xing d,哥哥g ge(elder

3、)brother弟弟d diyounger brother约翰和彼得是兄弟。John and peter are brothers.这两兄弟非常相象。The two brothers are very alike.,姐妹ji mi,姐姐ji jieelder sister妹妹mi meiyounger sister琼和丽丽是姐妹。Joan and lily are sisters.这两姐妹很相像。Two sisters are very similar.他们就像兄弟姐妹一样。They are like brothers and sisters.,独生女d shng n独生子d shng z,我

4、是家里的独生女。Im the only daughter in my family.约翰是一个有钱的商人的独生子。John was the only son of a wealthy businessman.你是独生子(女)吗?Are you an only child?,TEXT 1,工作gng zu,我在北京饭店工作。I work at beijing hotel.你的新工作如何?How is your new job?他的工作是卖电脑。His job is selling computers.我们知道它们如何工作。We know how they work.,父亲f qn,她父亲是个医生

5、。Her father is a doctor.你父亲做什么工作?What does your father do?我的父亲是工程师。My father is an engineer.他是个好父亲。Hes a good father.,母亲m qn,我爱我的母亲。I love mother.只有母亲最理解我。Only mother can understand me.,医生y shng,他病了,请你请一位医生来。He is ill,please call a doctor.那位医生治好了他的病。The doctor fixed him up.医生(给我)配了一些药。The doctor mix

6、ed(me)some medicine.,公司gng s,职员zh yun,office worker;staff member那个职员负责日常事务。That staff member is in charge of every day affairs.有一个职员迟到了,老板很生气。The boss was angry when an employee was late.,记者j zh,一位记者采访了首相。A reporter interviewed the prime minister.她是一家报社的记者。She is a journalist for a newspaper.有位记者想见你

7、。A reporter wants to see you.,名片mng pin,我给了他一张名片.I gave him a visiting card.这是我的名片。This is my calling card.请问你能不能帮我设计名片?Could you please design some visiting card for me?,TEXT 2,父母f m,他的父母都是基督教徒。Both his parents are christians.他的父母都是医生。His father and mother were both doctors.向你的父母问好。Say hello to you

8、r parents.,今年jn nin今年春天来得晚了。Spring came late this year.明年mng nin格林先生明年就退休了。Mr Green will retire next year.后年hu nin我跟他说过明年或后年我一定会去见他。I told him next year or the year after next I will see him.,多du,她能跑多快?How fast can she run?这山有多高?How high is the mountain?你多大?How old are you?,年纪nin j,我开始感到上年纪啦。Im begi

9、nning to feel my age.他比年龄显得老。He is old for his years.这男孩的智力超越他的年龄。The boy is intelligent beyond his years.,秘密m m,他们公开了这个秘密。They made the secret public.这是公开的秘密。It is an open secret.你的秘密是什么?What is your secret?你在寻找秘密?You look for secret?,TEXT 3,孩子hi zi他只是一个孩子。He is just a child.儿子r zi她儿子几岁了?How old is her son?女儿n r她听见女儿正在唱歌。She heard her daughter singing.,真zhn,你真是个天才!You are a real genius!真是太感谢你了!Thank you very much indeed!这个小婴儿真可爱。The little baby is so cute.你的房子真漂亮。You have a really nice house.,TEXT 4,


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