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1、CONTENTS,Warm-upPart IPart IIPart IIIPart IVSample-test,Syllabus,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,高等学校英语应用能力考试(口试)大纲概要本考试是“高等学校英语应用能力考试”附设的口语能力考试口试采用计算机辅助形式在多媒体教室进行。试题(包括其指示说明)全部集成在本口语考试专用的软件系统中。考生根据软件系统屏幕和语音提示和问题直接以口头方式回答,并通过麦克风实时录制到系统中。整个考试过程约为17分钟,实际考试的时间为13到15分钟;考生回答问题的实际时间累计约为7分钟。,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,在正式考试开始之前,考生需要回答“热身”

2、问题考试主体共由4个部分组成,各部分之间都有系统提示,提醒考生即将进入下一个部分的考试。,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,第一部分是朗读短文。第二部分是提问回答。第三部分是汉译英。第四部分是看图讲话(Presentation)。,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,Warm-up,进入考场后,先进行准考证的录入。分两次录入,一次录入,一次确认。注意:如有误请立即与监考人员联系。接下来回答三个热身问题,时间1分30秒,主要与个人情况、家庭背景、天气情况、校园生活相关,答对答错没有关系,主要目的是让考生熟悉、适应考场环境和考试方式,消除考生的紧张感,帮助他们进入良好的应考状态。热身问题的回答情况不计成绩。,陈刚

3、重庆科技学院外语系,Part I,考生将在电视屏幕上看到120词左右的口语体短文或独白,如开场白、电话转述、口头通知、开幕辞、闭幕辞、导游辞、解说辞、空姐/机长发言等等。主要测试考生的语音、语调、断句等朗读技巧和流利程度。考生有1分钟的准备时间。在听到系统提示后,考生开始朗读短文,时间为1分钟。策略1、发音尽量做到准确、流畅策略2、要有激情,能够体会说话人的身份、说话场合、感情色彩;断句的原则是以意群为单位,同时不影响整体理解。语调应有抑扬顿挫,不能平铺直叙。,Criterion,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,Part II,考生将在电视屏幕上看到一段实用性的涉外交际活动文字,如广告、启事、通知等

4、,然后针对材料进行提问和回答。主要测试考生就交际话题提出问题或给予回应的能力。考生在听到系统提示之后应立即开始提问或回答。每一次提问或回答的时间为10秒钟。答题时间总计为1分钟。内容包含两个子部分:提问部分和回答部分。在提问部分,系统将给考生提供一个身份以及所需要完成的任务(3个问题)。在回答部分,系统提示将给考生提供另外一个身份;同时,考生会听到一段内容不完整的对话。考生要根据文字材料内容和所扮演的角色补全该对话(通常是回答上述3个问题)。策略、根据指导语的提示提出问题,同时找出答案备用。,Criterion,Part III,日常涉外活动和涉外业务中的口头翻译(汉译英)主要测试考生在日常涉


6、,系统将该对话逐句再播放一遍,要求考生将对话中的中文部分(共5句)在留出的时间内口头译成英文。,Criterion,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,策略1、遇到不会直接表达的地方进行替换、迂回表达;无法直接表达的进行含义理解然后根据理解进行替换表达;策略2、尽量口语化,能用简单词汇表达的不要追求复杂;能用简单句不要用长句、从句。,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,Part IV,在这一部分的指示说明结束之后,考生将在电视屏幕上看到一幅或几幅图片、照片或一个图表(包括简明文字提示),内容涉及广告、产品/公司介绍、信息发布、业务交流等涉外业务交际。主要测试考生用英语进行连贯的口头表达能力。考生有1分钟时间进行准

7、备。在听到系统提示后,考生需对图片、照片或图表的内容进行连贯陈述。答题时间为2分钟。策略:1)准确判断,到底是公司/组织/空间/产品介绍还是事件性质判断及评论。前者偏重描述,但最终通过评述来表达描绘的目的;后者偏重评述。2)前者找准角色/身份切入点;评论性质的把握好论点,既要有新意又不违背逻辑性。3)先直观描述图片/图表,再充分发挥想象力,前者要总结出产品优点、公司特色、工厂/车间方位特征优势,吸引对方购买或决定合作;后者要进行根源分析、趋势分析并提出个人见解、建议或意见。,Criterion,陈刚 重庆科技学院外语系,考生须知考生需携带本人的准考证和身份证准时到规定的候考室报到,逾时10分钟


9、无效。考试结束后,考生必须根据监考人员要求立即离开考区。,Sample Test,Warm-up Questions(1.5 minutes)Please read your name and your registration number to the microphone.(目前已经改变为键盘输入考号),Now,listen to the warm-up questions and then give your answers.Question 1:What do you like to do in your spare time?,Question 2:What kind of spo

10、rts do you like best?,Question 3:What kind of newspapers do you often read?,Part 1 Reading Aloud(2.5 minutes)In this part,there is a short text shown on the screen for you to read aloud.Tasks:First,youll have 1 minute to read the text silently for preparation.Then,please read aloud the text once wit

11、hin 1 minute.Now you have 1 minute to prepare.PLEASE READ SILENTLY!Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to the fourth annual meeting of our Asian sales staff.You are all busy and so I appreciate your time to attend todays meeting.There are 16 participants here.First,Mr.Carl Allen,our sales manager,will make

12、 a few remarks.He will speak about the sales projections for the coming year and the problems that some of us have had in the past year.After his remarks,the meeting will be open for comments and discussion from all of you.We hope that you will all find the meeting fruitful.After the meeting,we will

13、 go to the Rose Room of this hotel for a dinner.Now,shall we begin,Mr.Carl Allen?Now please get ready to read aloud the text.Try to finish it within 1 minute.,Part 2 Questions&Answers(4 minutes)In this part,you are required to ask some questions and then answer some questions according to what is sh

14、own on the screen.Real Estate clerkOutstanding Opportunity with Local Real Estate Corporation Requirements for Candidates A strong background in real estate,financing,and public relations Some legal training Two or more years of successful real estate experience Available immediately Interview will

15、be conducted on Monday to Wednesday,April6 to 8.Call for an appointment at No:493-2579,Real Estate clerkOutstanding Opportunity with Local Real Estate Corporation Requirements for Candidates A strong background in real estate,financing,and public relations Some legal training Two or more years of su

16、ccessful real estate experience Available immediately Interview will be conducted on Monday to Wednesday,April6 to 8.Call for an appointment at No:493-2579Task One:Suppose you are one of the applicants applying for the job advertised.Youll have 1 minute to read through the advertisement SILENTLY.The

17、n,you are required to ask 3 questions on the advertisement for more detailed information you are interested in,such as the position,requirement,and contact phone number.Youll have 10 seconds to finish each question.Now,please get ready to read silently.Now,please get ready to ask questions.Question

18、1:Question 2:Question 3:,Task Two:Now,youll hear a conversation with some parts missing.This conversation is between an office clerk and an applicant who is going to apply for the job advertised.Suppose you are the CLERK.While listening,you are required to complete the conversation by answering the

19、applicants questions.Here is the conversation.Remember to answer each of the questions when you hear asignal sound.Applicant:I read in the newspaper that you have an opening for a real estate clerk.Clerk:Yes.Can I help you?Applicant:What kind of educational background does a clerk need to have?Clerk

20、:Applicant:How about work experience?Clerk:Applicant:If I can be a candidate,when can I be interviewed?Clerk:Applicant:How can I contact you?Clerk:You can call us for an appointment at 493-2579.Applicant:Thank you very much.Good-bye.Clerk:Bye.,Part 3 Chinese-English Translation(3 minutes)In this par

21、t,youre required to translate some Chinese sentences into English orally.Task:First,youll have 30 seconds to prepare.Then,you should begin to do the translation when hearing a signal sound.Youll have another 1.5 minutes to finish your translation.Customer:我想买一张去北京的车票,下一班火车几点开?C1erk:11点半。Customer:多少钱

22、一张票?C1erk:单程340元,往返640元。Customer:我要一张单程的。在第几站台上车?C1erk:第五站台。Now you have 30 seconds to prepare.Now,please get ready to do the oral translation.,Part 4 Presentation(4 minutes)In this part,youre required to talk about what is shown on the screen,describing,comparing and summarizing its contents.You can add your own comments.Tasks:First,youll have 1 minute to prepare.Then,youll have 2 more minutes to present your idea(s).Now you have 1 minute to prepare.Now,please get ready to give your presentation.Note:CMA and SF are the names of two companies.,Thanks for your attention.Best wishes!,


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