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1、ALLITERATION,By David,1 Revision,Alliteration(头韵)is the repetition of the initial consonant cluster in stressed syllables.Two points need to be explained in relation to the definition.Firstly,what is meant by the initial consonant cluster?In English,a syllable consists of three parts:an initial cons

2、onant cluster,a vowel or diphthong and a final consonant cluster.The initial consonant cluster is formed by 0,1,2 or 3 consonants.For example,the longest initial consonant cluster is found in strong/str/,where there are three consonants.,Secondly,some students have the misconception that it is the i

3、nitial syllable of a word that carries the alliteration.It should be stressed that it is the main stressed syllable of a word which generally carries the alliteration,not necessarily its initial syllable.,2、Classification,21、词首元音的重复22、词首辅音的重复23、词首辅音连缀的重复2.4、词首音节的重复,21、词首元音的重复重复的部分不是元音而是元音字母,As many

4、as 15,000 doctors now rely on cosmetics surgery for a fair chunk of their income-and they are allowed to advertise aggressively.目前多达一万五千医生依靠整容手术赚取相当丰厚的收入,而且他们还可以大肆做广告。,22、词首辅音的重复,To many parents,the three Gs-gays,guns and gangs-have replaced the three Rs as benchmarks of school life.对于父母来说,同性恋、枪支和团伙

5、这三个词已经替代了读、写和算,成为学校生活的基准尺度。,23、词首辅音连缀的重复,即辅音组合的重复Spare the rod,and spoil the child.孩子不打不成器。Plenty is no plague.多多易善。Everything in her house is always spick and span.她的房子总是收拾得非常整洁。,2.4词首音节的重复,即重复部分不仅仅是辅音,而且辅音后带上了相同的元音,使毗邻的若干个词的词首有一个或数个音节相同。例:Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。Tightening its lusts an

6、d luxuries.牢牢控制着它的贪欲和奢侈。,3、Application,31、用于诗歌。32、用于谚语、警句、习语等。33、用于散文。34、用于各种广告。35、用于书名或报刊文章标题,31、用于诗歌。,“O My Loves Like a Red Red Rose。”我的爱像一朵红红的玫瑰。其中最后三个词三个字母连读,音韵之美,不可名状。,The fair breeze blew,the what foam flew,The furrow followed free;We were the first that ever burst Into that silent sea.,和风吹荡,

7、水花飞溅,船儿破浪前进,闯入那沉寂的海洋领域,我们是第一群人。音韵和意境巧妙地结合,技艺高超,精妙绝伦。,32 用于谚语、警句、习语等,音韵的和谐,给人一种音韵美。Live and learn。活到老,学到老。Love me little and love long。爱之涓涓细,爱之悠悠长。Practice makes perfect。熟能生巧。Money makes the mare go。有钱能使鬼推磨。Birth is much;breeding is more。出身显贵固然好,后天教养更重要。,To hear as hog in harvest.充耳不闻。To buy a pig in

8、 a poke.隔山买老牛。,The mountain has brought forth a mouse.大山出老鼠;雷声大,雨点小。Care killed a cat.忧虑伤身。,33 用于散文,起到醒目、突出的作用。The flakes were falling thick and hard now,pouring past the window,a waterfall of mystery.(Jonathan Nicholas:First Snow)现在雪下得有密有大,好似神秘的瀑布在窗外瓢泼。,34、用于各种广告。,使广告赏心悦目,增强宣传效果,激发消费者的购买欲。Big Bucks

9、 The Easy Way!轻轻松松赚大钱 朗朗上口,铿锵有力,引人注意。pepsodent(牙膏)的广告词“wonder where the yellow went”(黄牙都到哪里去了)中w的押韵使得广告生动贴切,激起消费者的购买欲。,Sea,sun,sand,seclusionand Spain。旅馆广告 海滨,阳光,沙滩,幽静更有西班牙风情。Dont let your eyelids let you down.眼睛美容整形公司广告 别让你的眼睑使你难堪!,35 用于书名或报刊文章标题,高度概括,生动形象,文辞别致优美。Splashy and Stylish.纵情嬉水,水花飞溅,而泳装入时

10、。Starlight on Skyline,Galaxy of Glamour.高楼摩天,星光灿烂;火树银花,瑰丽绝伦。,在传达原文意义的基础上,选择以同样一个汉字开头的词语来表现原文的修辞it was a splendid population-for all the slow,sleepy,sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.(Mark Twain)译文:(出来的)这帮人个个出类拔萃-因为凡是呆板、呆滞、呆头呆脑的呆如树懒者都呆在了家里。,EXERCISE,safe and soundas dry as dustneither fish nor fleshas naked as a needlepractice makes perfect twist and turn,安然无恙枯燥无味不伦不类一丝不挂熟能生巧蜿蜒曲折,Seriously smooth,mysteriously mellow,gloriously golden,who can resist the magic of Camus Xo Cognac.译文:诱发美感的柔和,神秘的芳醇,荣耀的金色,有谁能抗拒康涅克白兰地的魔力?,THANKS FOR YOUR,LISTENING,


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