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1、Section CCompound Dictation,一、题型简介二、命题规律三、考查要点四、解题步骤五、应对技巧六、纠错补漏,一、题型,11 blanks:8 words+3 long sentences3 times200-250 words,二、命题规律,1.在选材上,复合式听写多为说明文或议论文,涉及科普、经济、社会、历史、文化等多方面,且其观点鲜明、条理清楚。这为考生准确捕捉所需信息提供了语境条件。2.在设题上,所需填写信息虽然都是未知信息,但这些信息彼此并不是孤立的,而是从文章里挑选出来的。也就是说,未知信息是和已知信息联系在一起的,这为考生通过已知信息推断未知信息提供了可能。,

2、3.在考查的时间上,尽管本题每部分的每一个小题留出的填写时间是固定的、有限的,但在播放考试内容前要播放本题的考试指令部分。而且除了给定答题时间的第二遍之外,还用正常语速播放两遍,这些时间都是可以利用的。,三、考查要点,1.不仅考听的能力,还考信息记录和内 容概括的能力。2.不仅考单词和句子,而且考语法。3.不仅考词义,而且考词性。4.不仅考单句,而且考句与句之间的逻 辑关系。,四、解题步骤,听前:浏览预测,关注所给材料的首尾部分,做到:1.掌握篇章大意,对全文进行全局性预览,esp.第一句(topic)最后一句(conclusion)2.观察空格前后的特殊现象,判断单词的词性、单复数、时态和语

3、态;3.根据上下文推测所填单词的可能词意,In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.抓住主要信息+适当填空加笔记忌:为了某一个词而造成意识上的暂时停顿,破坏对整句或整段的理解。,When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks num

4、bered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.,第二遍:填空用缩略语和简单符号在有限的时间内记录下更多的内容。应

5、有选择地记笔记,抓住关键词。,Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.第三遍:查缺补漏,听前:浏览预测听时:-第一遍:理解(主)+适量笔记-第二遍:填空-第三遍:查缺补漏听后:通篇检查,五、应对技巧,(1).利用语法结构进行预测一般来说,一个完整的句子中只会空出1-2单词.因此,根据句子的主谓搭配、动宾搭配、修饰关系、并列关系以及虚拟、倒装等语法结构关系,可以先推测出所填词的词性及形式。,1.填词,Around 120 years ago,Ebbingh

6、aus began his study of memory.He(36)on studying how quickly the human mind can remember(37).预测 成分:词性:形式:,答案 concentrated,information,e.g.2 11-6-42&43Albert Einstein(42)this in 1905,when he(43)the concept of relative time as part of his Special Theory of Relativity.预测 成分:形式:,答案 predicted,introduced,(

7、2)利用语义的连贯,根据上下文中的关键词语,尤其是空格前后的内容,我们可以大致推测出空格处单词或句子可能的意思.,e.g.3 10-12-43Students are e-mailing their professors to receive and discuss their classroom assignments and to(43)them.预测形式:意义:,答案 submit,e.g.4.06-6-40The ideal person is punctual and is of other peoples time.预测句子结构:并列句,平行结构词性:意义:搭配:be of,答案

8、considerate,e.g.5.11-06-38If you could move at the speed of light,your time would stand still.If you could move faster than light,your time would move(38).预测词性:意义:,答案 backwards,e.g.6.06-06-36 For Americans,time is money.They say,“You only get so much time in this life;youd better use it wisely.”The(

9、36)will not be better than the past or present,as Americans are trained to see things,unless people use their time for constructive activities.成分:词性:意义:形式:,答案 future,(3)从逻辑衔接中寻找线索,根据上下文及句际间的逻辑关系(如并列、转折、因果等),可以推测出空格处单词或句子可能的含义(主要通过连接词、介词短语和副词来判断).,e.g.7 03-1-S3Over-fishing,coupled with destructive fi

10、shing practices,is killing off the fish and(S3)their environment.预测结构:词性词形:意义:,答案 ruining.,e.g.8 10-12-40It is cheaper than calling long distance,and a lot more(40)than waiting until Sunday for the telephone rates to drop.预测 词性:意义:,答案 convenient,(4)注意上下文的词汇照应在同一语境中寻找能够与所缺单词构成近义、反义或上下义等复现或照应关系的词语,从而推

11、测出所缺单词可能的形式或含义。近义词或反义词的出现常伴有表示并列或转折关系的信号词。,e.g.9.08-6-38Physical labor,raw materials,and capital are no longer the key ingredients in the creation of wealth.Now the(38)raw material in our economy is knowledge.预测 词性:词义:,答案 vital,e.g.11-06-41 Although no form of matter yet discovered moves as fast as

12、or faster than light,scientific experiments have already confirmed that accelerated(41)_ causes a travelers time to be stretched.答案 motion,运动,(5)注意是否为固定搭配,e.g.11.08-6-40Knowledge workers get paid for their education and their ability to learn.Knowledge workers(40)in mind work.成分:词性:形式:语义:搭配:,答案 enga

13、 engage in the study of music.Jack and Anne are engaged.2.vt.They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others.The restaurant decide to engage a new cook.I have engaged a room at this hotel.,e.g.12.09-6-38One result of his research is known as the total time hypothesis(假设),w

14、hich simply means the amount you learn(38)on the time you spend trying to learn it.成分:词性:形式:词义:搭配:,答案 depends,e.g.13.10-6-40Already,by paying close attention to and(40)with the world and people around him,and without any school-type formal instruction,he has done a task far more difficult,complicate

15、d and abstract than anything he will be asked to do in school,or than any of his teachers has done for years.形式:意义:搭配:,答案 interacting,句子听写,句子听写方法,1.原句照搬法,2.关键词提炼法,按照意群,用关键词把每个意群的大意记录下来,然后组成完整的句子。每个意群的关键词包括中心词和重要修饰语等。,3.同义替换法,当句子中出现写不出来的单词时,可以考虑用简单的同义词替换。,1)The train is behind the schedule.late2)Ther

16、ell be another bus in two or three minutes.soon.3)Jane is counting the days to go home for the eager,Ex.10.06,六、查漏补缺,1.单词拼写:(1)注意:(2)一个音节之中注意 的拼写:,island,doubtful,comb,honor,exhausted,exhibition,separate,relevant,apparent,convenient independence,attendance,category,不发音的字母,元音,(3)注意 是否:(4)副词

17、结尾的ly,辅音字母,双写,success,succeed,necessary,essential,process,recommend,committed referred,complete,completely,true,truly,whole,wholly,容易拼错的词,restaurantlicenseannual,manualcurious,curiosityrepeat,repetitionpronounce,pronunciation,2.名词的单复数(1)空格前若有a,an,则所填词为:(2)空格前若有few,a few,many等,则所 填词为:a good(great)man

18、y,a number of(3)空格前若有much,little,a little等,则所填词为:a great deal of,an amount of,(4)空格前若有some,any,a lot of,plenty of,a quantity of,masses of 等,则所填词为:(5)以-fe 或-f 结尾的可数名词复数:life,wife,knife,leaf,shelf,thief,self(6)以“o”结尾的可数名词复数形式 video,photo tomato,potato,negro,hero,volcano,echo 黑人英雄站在火山上吃番茄,土豆,听见了回音。,3.动

19、词:时态:过去(did,done)现在(esp.doing,does)将来Attention:不规则动词的过去式和过去分词。,e.g.lie 撒谎Do I have a face that.He is.He about his age to join the army last year.You wronged him by saying that he had.,lied,lying,lied,lies,Lie-lies-lying-lied-lied,lie:平躺、位于Japan to the east of China.There was a child on the ground.He

20、 on his back and looked up at the sky.How long has he there like that?,lies,lay,lain,lying,lie-lies-lying-lay-lain,4.大小写问题:专有名词,句子开头5.句子:检查是否有漏词esp.介词(in,on,at),冠词(a,an,the),代词(it,this,that),e.g.检查10.6,ex.10-06,36.curious37.figuring38.independent39.unusual,40.interacting41.formal42.abstract43.mystery,44.he has found out how it works and learnt to use it trying it out and seeing whether it works,by gradually changing it and refining it until it does work.46.including many of the concepts that the schools think only they can teach him,ex.,


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