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1、,12,Western music,Module,Unit 1 Its so beautiful,To master the words and expressions in this lesson.2.To understand conversations about music.3.To be able to talk about and give comments on music.,Language aims,4.The important sentences:Is this or?Do you like or?You listen to pop music,dont you?Its

2、very different,isnt it?What a beautiful city!,/laIvli/mdn/nIzi/pp/rk/sand/vaIlIn/westn/,活波的,轻快的 adj.,lively,现代的 adv.,morden,吵闹的 adj.,noisy,Words and expressions,流行的 adj.,pop,rock,摇滚乐 n.,声音 n.,sound,小提琴 n.,violin,西方的 adj.,Western,/baI/ru/b/pr/vIs/drm/bIliv/,被,由 prep.,by,穿过 prep.,through,两个 pron.,both

3、,Words and expressions,歌剧 n.,opera,voice,声音 n.,鼓 n.,drum,相信 v.,believe,Types of Music,modern music,pop music,Enjoy music,rock music,light music,classical music,country music,It sounds.,traditional,lively modern music noisy pop rock sound violin Western,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Listen and number:,Work in pa

4、irs:,1.Which modern music does Tony like?,He likes pop music and rock music.,2.What does Tonys mum think about rock music like?,Its very lively.,3.Why doesnt Tony like traditional Western music?,Because its too slow and he can dance to it.,4.Which music does Tonys dad think is too noisy?,He thinks r

5、ock music is too noisy.,Beethoven,Do you know these musicians?,Mozart,Austria,Germany,n,The Blue Danube,Strauss,Austria,go through,3.Listen and read.,(Blue Danube)Daming:Hmm,this is Western music,isnt it?Can you hear the violin and the piano?Its so beautiful!Is this by Strauss or Mozart?Lingling:Im

6、not sure.Betty:Its by Strauss.I love his music!Do you know anything about him,Tony?Tony:Was he German?Betty:No,he was born in Vienna,the capital of Austria.What a beautiful city!This is called The Blue Danube.The Danube is a river in Europe.It goes through Vienna.,Language points1.Is this by Strauss

7、 or Mozart?是这是谁创作的?这里的by是介词,意思是“由创作(编著、导演、作曲等)”。e.g.A.这首乐曲是谁的创作的?B.这是一本鲁迅写的书。2.Im(not)sure.我(不)确定。e.g.A.我肯定他今天下午会来。B.他不确定谁会赢得这场比赛。3.the capital of 的首都 e.g.A.北京是中国的首都。B.伦敦是英国的首都吗?,Who is this music by?,This is a book by Lu Xun.,Im sure hell come this afternoon.,He is not sure who will win the match.,

8、Beijing is the capital of China.,Is London the capital of England?,Lingling:Do you like traditional Western music or pop music,Betty?Betty:Well,I like both.You listen to pop music,Lingling,dont you?Lingling:Yes,I do.I also like Beijing opera.Listen to this fantastic voice.Tony:Hmm,the sound is very.

9、different,isnt it?Im a fan of rock music.Daming:Hey!Give us a break!Lingling:Rock music?Listen to those drums!Darning:Its so noisy!And much too fast!Tony:You dont like rock music?I dont believe it!,4.traditional Beijing Opera 传统的京剧 e.g.你听说过传统的京剧吗?5.a fan of 迷/爱好者 e.g.A.他妈妈是个古典音乐爱好者。B.我的同桌是个足球迷。6.Giv

10、e us a break.本意是:让我们休息一会儿。引申为:别再烦我们了(让我们清静一会儿吧)!e.g.别再烦他了,他正在做作业呢。,Have you heard of traditional Beijing Opera?,His mother is a fan of classical music.,My deskmate is a fan of football.,Give him a break.He is doing his homework.,7.on earth 究竟,到底常用于疑问词(what,when,where,who)的后面,用以加强语气;也可用在否定词的后面,用以加强否定

11、的语气。e.g.A.你到底在干什么?B.明天究竟谁值日?8.I dont believe it!我不相信。e.g.我不相信他所说的.,What on earth are you doing?,Who on earth is on duty tomorrow?,I dont believe what he said.,e.g.Nothing on earth can make him change his mind.无论什么都不能让他改变主意。,What music do they like?,drums,4.Check()the types of music the students like

12、.,Name,Music,3.Now check()the true sentences.,1.Theyre listening to Western music.2.Tony knows little about Strauss.3.Strauss was born in the capital of Australia.4.The Blue Danube is pop music.5.Lingling enjoys Beijing opera very much.,5.Complete the sentences with the following words.,1.Strauss wa

13、snt _.He came from Austria.2.Darning thinks the _ in rock music are too _.3.Tony cant _ that Darning doesnt like rock music.4.Betty likes _ traditional Western music and pop music.5.Tony thinks the sound of the _ in Beijing opera is very different.,believe both drum German noisy voice,German,drums,n

14、oisy,believe,both,voice,Everyday English,What a beautiful city!Im a fan of rock music.Give us a break!I dont believe it!,6.Complete the sentences about yourself.,My favourite music is I like it because My parents like,Read out the sentences.1.Jiayao is a Chinese,isnt he?Yes,he is.2.You dont go shopp

15、ing every day,do you?No,I dont.3.Qingxiao went to school last Friday,didnt she?Yes,she did.4.Weihua can ride a bike,cant he?Yes,he can.5.They havent been to London,have they?No,they havent.,反意疑问句,Exercise,一、Choose the best answers:()1.Tom works in a big foreign company,?A.does he B.doesnt he To

16、m D.does Tom()2.Ling Shi went to the office yesterday,?A.was he he C.did he D.didnt he()3.Youre a student,?A.are you B.arent you you D.dont you()4.Jack and Mike can go there by themselves,?A.cant Jack and Mike B.can Jack and Mike C.cant they D.can they()5.The housing price isnt very high i

17、n Guangzhou,is it?.Many people cant buy a house at that price.A.Yes,it is B.Yes,it isnt C.No,it is D.No,it isnt,B,D,B,C,A,A.What a beautiful bird it is!B.How beautiful this bird is!,A.What beautiful flowers they are!B.How beautiful these flowers are!,感叹句,肯定陈述句,+,否 定 陈 述 句,肯定简短问句,+,反意疑问句,概念:当我们陈述一个事实

18、,而又不是很有把握,就可以在陈述句后加 一 个简短问句,称为反意疑问句。,陈述句+简短问句助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语(代词),归纳:,陈述句是肯定的,简短问句用否定形式;而陈述句是否定的,简短问句就用肯定形式;(前肯后否,前否后肯),对吧/是吧?,简短问句,否定,对,他是的,对,我不是,按事实回答,1.Its a heavy desk,?2.I sent him an email yester day,?3.Sally plays the violin well,?4.Chen Hua doesnt like rap music,?5.Daves gone to London,?6.T

19、hey cant play the guitar there,?7.Lin Wei dropped out of school a month ago,?8.Sam shouldnt drop chalk on the floor,?,isnt it,didnt I,doesnt she,does he,hasnt he,can they,didnt he,should he,小试牛刀,A.How lovely these pandas are!B.What lovely pandas(they are)!,Wow,what a big pumpkin!How big this pumpkin

20、 is!,Work out the rules:,-Is this by Strauss or Mozart?-Its by Strauss.-Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?-Well,I like both.,以上这种在问句中提供两组或以上可选答案的问句叫做选择疑问句。语调为先升后降。对于这样的问句不能用yes或者no来回答,应该选其中一个或者同时都选或者不知道。而且这里的or所连接的内容是一个并列关系,词性应该统一。,选择疑问句,What a beautiful city!Its so beautiful!I love

21、 his music!Listen to this!,Pronunciation and speaking,7 Listen and read.,-What music do you like?-I like pop.Its lively and good to dance to,but I dont like rock.Its too noisy.What about you?,Work in pairs!,8 Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions about the music you like or dont like.,Review the ne

22、w words and expressions in the passage.,Homework,二、完成句子1.说唱乐很受欢迎,对吧?2.施特劳斯出生于维也纳,对吧?对。3.Sally不喜欢流行音乐,对吧?对,她不喜欢。4.这首歌曲是谁创作的?5.他们到底去了哪里?,Rap music is very popular,isnt it?,Strauss was born in Vienna,wasnt he?Yes,he is.,Sally doesnt like pop music,does she?No,she doesnt.,Who is this song by?,Where on e

23、arth have they gone?,What 与 How 大转换,1.What a pretty girl she is!_ _ the girl is!2.How difficult the questions are!_ _ _ they are.3.How big the factory is!_ _ big factory _ _!,How pretty,What difficult questions,What a,it is,4.What a clever boy!_ _ the boy _!5.How tall the trees are!_ tall trees _ _!6.What interesting books they are!_ _ the books _!7.How funny the girl is!_ a funny girl she is!,How clever,are,What,How interesting,What,they are,is,


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