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1、Translation Technique(2):Amplification&Omission,Lead-in:,It was only when the economic bubble burst that Thailands leaders realized that they had been burying their heads in the sand for many years.直到经济肥皂泡迸裂,泰国领导人才意识到多年来他们一直像鸵鸟那样把脑袋埋在沙堆里,逃避现实。,The death of the Princess of Wales unleashed outpourings

2、 of newly-coined honorifics,for instance“a present-day Cinderella whose clock struck midnight all too soon.”威尔士王妃戴安娜之死,导致有关她的新敬语如潮水一般涌流出来,比如有人说她是“当今灰姑娘,只是午夜的钟声过早地敲响”。她在戏中扮演包公。In the opera,she played the male role of Judge Bao,the just and impartial judge in Chinese history.,深入开展“严打”斗争和专项治理。We cracke

3、d down on all criminal activities and launched special campaigns to fight various crimes and social evils that the people detest most.要对青少年进行“五讲四美三热爱”的教育。It is necessary to educate the youngsters in terms of five stresses,four points of beauty and three aspects of love(stress on decorum,manners,hygi

4、ene(卫生),discipline and morals;beauty of the mind,language,behavior and environment;love of the motherland,socialism,and the Communist Party).,Now,I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dollar.我决定对词语要像守财奴那样不轻易放过;也要象穷人过日子,把每个句子当作身边最后一块钱,尽量拖延,慢慢花

5、掉。The opposition leaders speech stole the headlines from the government.反对党领袖的演讲在报纸上大出风头,使政府相形见绌。,Amplification,Definition of translating skill:AmplificationExamples Training Exercises,Amplification&Omission,1.请比较下列两则原文及其译文,很明显,译文有所扩展,因为译者采用了增译手段。你觉得合适吗?为什么?1)Two weeks past his 32nd birthday,Sampras

6、 spoke before a US Open farewell ceremony saying he has no desire to make a comeback.桑普拉斯今年32岁,他的生日刚刚过去两周。桑普拉斯在公开告别仪式上表示,自己没有打算再回来。2)She wisely didnt attempt to apologize.她没有打算道歉,她这样做很明智。,Getting-in activities,请试用增译的手段将下列句子译成汉语。,1)The problem is really a circuit design rather than a layout problem.2

7、)My work,my family and my friends were more than enough to fill my time.3)Mr.Brown looks weak and old.4)Henry Kissinger had stayed there before,in July and again in October.,1.The problem is really a circuit design rather than a layout problem.这个问题实属线路设计问题,而非布局问题2.My work,my family and my friends we

8、re more than enough to fill my time.我工作,料理家务,与朋友交往。这些事我简直忙不过来。,3.Mr.Brown looks weak and old.布朗先生看起来年老体弱。4.Henry Kissinger had stayed there before,in July and again in October.亨利.基辛格曾两度下榻于此,一次是七月,另一次是十月。,什么是增译,由于英汉两种语言是在截然不同的社会、历史传统和生活规律中逐渐形成的,使用英语与汉语的人在思维习惯与表达方式方面自然两相歧异。翻译过程中,这种差别也会反映到语义的措辞与语句的模式中来

9、。针对语义措辞而进行的增译为释说。即原文隐含了某层意思,译作汉语如不做明白的说明就容易引起误读。,Example,例1:Society women found their arrangements impeded and upset by the continual necessity for attending the polling stations,and weekend parties and summer holidays became gradually a masculine luxury.译文:上流社会的妇女发现,因为要不断去投票站投票,她们的社交安排被搅乱了,周末聚会和夏季假

10、日慢慢成了男人的享受。由于Society women 就特指上流社会的妇女,此处的arrangements 如仅译作“安排”则语焉不详,译者加上了“社交”一词,译文意思便清晰了。,Example,例2:I knew even then that she was helping people out.She had a face that invited confidence and a heart that never betrayed it.译文:即使在那个时候,我就懂得她真是在帮助别人。人们看到她就会把她当作知心人,而她也的确心地善良,忠诚可靠。,例3.New fathers should

11、 have at least two weeks paternity leave to help their wives recover from postnatal depression.新生儿的父亲应当有至少两个星期的产假,以帮助妻子从产后抑郁中恢复过来。,增译的原则,增译并不意味着任意发挥,添枝加叶。换言之,增译必须遵循忠实于原文的原则,既不能将译者的感情、立场强加给读者,也不能信马由缰、想当然的增加内容。,Example,例1:American troops were attacked by Iraqis yesterday.译文:伊拉克的爱国人士袭击了入侵的美国大兵。译文中的“爱国人

12、士”、“入侵的”体现的是译者的立场,而此处的“大兵”则明显带有憎恶的的感情色彩,所以这个译文就违背了“增译必须遵循忠实于原文”这一原则。,Example,例2:Robin Hood and his men robbed the rich to help the poor.译文:罗宾汉及他手下的那些绿林好汉劫了那些可恶的富人来帮助那些可怜的穷人。(译者个人的判断不应该表现出来),增译常用的技巧,1.增词这是增译法中最常用的手段,增加的词可为名词、副词 或动词。,(1)增加名词 一些动词译成汉语后,加上名词,其意义会更明确。例1:She had her hands full of work coo

13、king,washing and cleaning.译文:洗衣,烧饭,打扫房间,她得忙个不停。,在翻译英语形容词时,为了使译文清楚流畅,有时需要在形容词前后增加所说明的名词。She was small and slight in person,pale,sandy-haired.她身材瘦小,脸色苍白,头发是淡黄色的。These early cars were slow,clumsy,and inefficient.这些早期生产的汽车速度缓慢,操作笨拙,而且效率很低。,具体名词表抽象概念时也要增加适当的名词He felt the patriot rise within his breast.他感

14、到爱国热情在胸中激荡。He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge,and declared his own son guilty.他让法官的职责战胜父子的私情,判决他儿子有罪。上述例句1和例句2均包含借代辞格(metonymy)。1中的the patriot 指代爱国激情或爱国热情,2中的the father和 the judge 分别指代父子情感和法官职责,还有一些英语的抽象名词译成汉语后,再加上一个名词才合乎汉语的表达习惯。1.Preparation for the summit meeting is going on.峰会的准备工

15、作正在进行。2.In the summer of 1969,the Administration publicly urged an easing of tensions with China.3.1969年夏天,政府公开主张缓和同中国的紧张关系。They are sanguine about building up a near peace.他们对建立一种准和平局面非常乐观。Other examples:to develop 发展 development 发展水平to persuade 说服 persuasion 说服工作poor 贫穷的 poverty 贫困状态emergent 紧急的 e

16、mergency 紧急情况,增补某些固定词组的隐含语义成分air alarm 空中袭击警报(不是空中警报)electricity cut 减少电能供应(不是电能减少)solid engine 固体燃料发动机(不是固体发动机)logical computer 逻辑程序计算机(不是逻辑计算机),(2)增加副词 在有些情况下,增加副词能更好地体现原文的语气。Theory is something and practice is everything.译文:理论固然重要,但实践更重要。(近十几年来我国科技进步不小,)希望在新的世纪,进步更快。I hope still greater progress

17、can be made in the new century.,(3)增加语气助词汉语的语气助词比英语更为丰富,适当的在汉译文中增加一些语气助词,往往可以起到画龙点睛的作用。例1:She had her hands full of work cooking,washing and cleaning.译文:她就没闲下来又是洗衣呀,又是烧饭呀,又是打扫房间呀。,(4)增加动词 英语中的许多介词短语或名词短语译成汉语时都需增加动词才符合汉语表达习惯。例1:They had been through it all at his side the bruising battles,the humilia

18、tion of the defeat.他们始终站在他的一边,经历过残酷的撕杀,忍受过辛酸的失败,例2:They pride themselves on their independence.译文:他们为自己富有独立性而感到自豪。There were no speeches,no foreign diplomats,no“ordinary Chinese”with paper flags and bouquets of flowers.没有人发表演说,没有外国外交官到场,也没有“普通中国人”挥舞纸旗、花束的场景。,增加说明文化背景的词语,中文典故、习语等蕴含深刻的文化意义,翻译时必须增添必要的信

19、息。世上先有伯乐,然后有千里马,千里马常有而伯乐不常有。Only when the world has a Pailo,who knows about horses,can there be fine steeds.There are always fine steeds that can cover a thousand li a day,but we cannot frequently find a Pailo.三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhu Geliang,the mastermind.不要班门弄斧

20、。Dont show off your skill with the axe before Lu Ban,the master carpenter.,Exe.Please translate the following into Chinese.,1.Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;writing an exact man.2.He became one of the prominent men of the House,speaking clearly,sensibly,and modestly and never too lo

21、ng.3.I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.4.He went wherever there was the greatest need.5.Dont take it seriously,I am just making fun of you.,1.Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;writing an exact man.读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人缜密2.He became one of the prominent men of the House,speaki

22、ng clearly,sensibly,and modestly and never too long.他成了议会杰出的人物,说话清楚,富于逻辑性,讲话谦虚,从不讲得太长。3.I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.我曾碰到过这样的情况:不是氧气设备出故障,就是发动机出故障,或者两者都出故障。4.He went wherever there was the greatest need.哪里最需要他,他就到哪里去。5.Dont take it seriously,I am just making fun of you.不要认真嘛,我只不过开开

23、玩笑而已。(增译语义),Omission,Definition of translating skill:OmissionExamples Training Exercises,Getting-in activities,1.请比较下列两则原文及其译文。很明显,译文有所省略。你觉得合适吗?为什么?1)I am very pleased to inform you that your order No.AB142 has been shipped by MidWay Shipping Co.谨通知贵方:已按贵方AB142订单将货物交MidWay货运公司发出。2)Thank you for you

24、r invoice No.2123 and we have checked it and found a small error in it.贵方寄来的2123号发票已收到。我方发现一处有误。,请试用省略的手段将下列句子译成汉语:,1.We cannot see sound waves as they travel through air.2.We have 365 days in a year.3.He shrugged his shoulders,shook his head,cast up his eyes,but said nothing.4.Sunday is the day whe

25、n I am least busy.,1.We cannot see sound waves as they travel through air.声波在空气中传播时,是看不见的。2.We have 365 days in a year一年有365天。3.He shrugged his shoulders,shook his head,cast up his eyes,but said nothing.他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一句话不说。4.Sunday is the day when I am least busy.星期天我最不忙。,什么是省略译法,所谓省略译法就是在译文中减词,使译文流

26、畅自然,符合汉语表达习惯。由于语义的措辞与语句的模式不同,英汉两种语言在表达方面的差异也往往在某类词的使用频率上有所表现,如英语较汉语更频繁使用代词、联结词和介词,译成汉语时这些词往往就宜省去He looked himself at the mirror in the bathroom,whistling浴室里,他边照镜子边吹口哨)。,省略什么,在英译汉时,通常省略的是代词(pronoun)、连词(conjuncture)和介词(preposition)。,省略什么,代词省略 由于语言习惯,英语比汉语更经常使用代词,所以在译成汉语时,原文中的一些代词就应略去。例1:She combed her

27、 hair,thinking.(她边梳头边捉摸。)例2:I visited my mother last weekend.(上周末我去看望了母亲。)例3:I went to my room with the letter in the pocket.(我口袋里揣着那信进了房间。)例4:It is seven oclock.(七点了。),省略什么,连词省略 英语的分析性语言特征使它具有结构严密、逻辑性强的特点,所以英语的句子多使用连词来连接两套或更多的主谓结构。而汉语讲究意到句子,从句法上来讲去结构不及英语那样精密。所以连词在汉语里往往更多起了语气强调作用,一般情况下只要意思清楚了就不必译出。例

28、1:He left after he turned off the light.(他关灯走人。)例2:He is ill so he is absent today.(他病了,没来。),省略什么,介词省略 在英译汉时,介词往往被省略(或被转译成动宾词组)。例1:It is hot and humid and they sat in the dusk without any solution in their mind.(黄昏来临,又闷又热,他们干坐着,想不出办法来。)例2:On that afternoon,the major made the decision.(那天午后,市长下了这个决心。

29、,省略的原则,省略并不意味着以这可以随心所欲的任意删减。在考虑是否进行省略时,译者应牢记这个原则:省略只是将译文中显得冗累的成分去掉,而不能将原文中意思、风格减去。,We can not see sound waves as they travel through air.The dog is stretching itself.It was a cold,dark day,the sky overcast.I can do it,and so can you.Smoking is not allowed in the store-house.Where there is a will,there is a way.A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainment but no virtue.,练习,声波通过空气传播,是看不见的。(省人称代词)这条狗在伸懒腰。(省反身代词)寒冷阴沉的一天,乌云密布。(省略非人称代词it)我能做,你也能做。(省略并列连词)仓库重地,严禁吸烟。(省略介词)有志者事竟成。(省从属连词)聪明的人是不会娶有才无德的女子为妻的。(省关系代词),


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