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1、1,英语教学课件,七年级上册,Unit 1 Making New Friends,3,Topic 2Where are you from?,4,Section D,5,A:Whats your name?B:My name is A:Where are you from?B:Im from A:Whats your telephone number?B:It is,Revision,6,A:Who is she?B:She is.A:Where is she from?B:She is from.A:Whats her telephone number?B:It is.,7,Please in

2、troduce yourself.,Hello.Nice to meet you.My name is I am from My telephone number is,8,人称代词(Subject Pronoun),9,动词王国中的小精灵 be,be,am,is,are,am not,is not,isnt,are not,arent,10,我(I)用 am,你(you)用 are;两个以上(we,they)也用 are;留下 is 给他(he),她(she),它(it);熟能生巧不用怕。,助记口诀,11,动词be,在句中它可以帮助构成否定句和疑句。,表否定,很简单,not加在 be 后边;

3、若要变为疑问句,be 应移到主语前;还有一点须注意,句尾问号别忘记。,助记口诀,12,1.-_she from Canada?-Yes,she is./No,she isnt.2.-_he Li Ming?-Yes,he is./No,he isnt.3.-_you from Canada,too?-Yes,I am./No,Im not.4.-_they from England?-Yes,they are./No,they arent.5.-Who are they?-_Maria and Jane.6.-Whos she/he?-_is Deng Yaping./-_is Stephen

4、 Hawking.,They are,Grammar,Is,Is,Are,Are,She,He,13,Useful expressions,Who are they?Theyre Maria and Jane.Are you from Japan?Yes,we are./No,we arent.Where are you from?Im from Canada.,14,Is she Jane?Yes,she is.Is he Li Ming?No,he isnt.Is Tom from America?Yes,he is.,找找be动词,这里的be动词为什么是is?,15,用am,is,are

5、填空。1.Who _they?2.I_ John Brown.3.What_ his name,Peter?4.You _ Tom.5.Maria and Jane _from Class 1.6.Her name _Kate.7.It _my English book.,are,am,is,are,are,is,is,小试牛刀,16,1.-Excuse me,are you Jane?-Yes,I am./No,_.2.-Whats your name,please?_is Sally.3.-Whats your telephone number?4.-It is_.5.-_?-Im fro

6、m Canada.6.-Where is he/she from?-_.,Functions,6807-5335,Where are you from,Im not,My name,He/She is from Japan,17,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。,A:_ Are you Li Ming?B:Yes,I am.A:_B:Yes,I am._A:I am Lucy.B:_A:I am from the USA.,Where are you from?B.Whats your name?C.Excuse me.D.Are you from Beijing?,A,B,C,D,18,Ma

7、tch the numbers with the right pictures.,C,A,B,D,E,19,Yukio Kangkang Jane Linda Michael,4,Listen and match.,6,7,9,10,20,Complete the passage.,A:Excuse me,_ Kangkang?B:Yes,I am.I _ Number 4._ from China.A:_ Number 6 Bob?B:_,_.He is Yukio.He _ Japan.A:Who is Number 7?B:Aha!He is Michael.A:Where _ from

8、?B:He is from America.A:Oh,Number _ is Jane.Is she from_?B:_,_.And Number 10 is Linda.She is from England.,Are you,am,Im,Is,No he isnt,is from,is he,Canada,Yes she is,9,21,Make your name card and introduce yourself.,Project,Name:Family name:Given name:From:Tel:,Name:Family name:Given name:From:Tel:,

9、Hello!My name is/Im My family name is and my given name is,22,Summary,音标:,2.词汇:,3.语法:,在这个单元里,你学到了什么?你能帮我总结吗?,4.重点句子:,23,书面表达:假如你是李小华,请逐步回答“Whats your name?Where are you from?Whats your telephone number?”这三个问题,然后根据你的答复信息写一段20词左右的短文(开头已给出)。,Hello!My name is Li Xiaohua.My family name is Li.I am from,Homework,24,Thank you!,


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