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1、Section A,It must belong to Carla.,Unit 8,1.学习并掌握下列单词whose,truck,picnic,rabbit,attend,valuable,pink,anybody.学习并掌握目标语言 Whose book is this?It must belong to Mary.=It must be Marys.3.学会正确运用must,might,could 和cant 对物品的归属事物进行推断.注意体会这些词表示判断时的程度,尽量用词准确。4.通过运用目标语言,进行听力及语言交往能力训练,在训练中强化目标语言。,Learning Aims,What

2、 does he/she do?,Warm-up,What does he/she do?,Warm-up,BANK OF CHINA,What does he/she do?,Warm-up,What does he/she do?,Warm-up,What does he/she do?,Warm-up,What does he/she do?,Warm-up,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What i

3、s he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,Warm-up,What is he doing?He is _.,1.whose adj有用的7.pink adj.粉红色的;8.anybody pron.任何人,New words,A:Whose CD is it?B:Is it Dales?_.It _ _ _A:Why?Beca

4、use he_.A:Is the basketball Dales?Yes._.A:Why?B:Because_.,No,cant,be,Dales,doesnt like music,It must be Dales.,he likes playing basketball.,Cant be 不可能是/在可能性几乎为零,否定的语气最强,Situation Learning,Who is she?,She cant be Guo Jingjing.,She might/could be Wang Nan.,She must be Zhang Yining.,?,Oh,yes.She is Zh

5、ang Yining.,cant 不可能,可能性0%,后接动词原形,might/could/may也许,可能,可能性20-80%,后接动词原形,must肯定,极可能,可能性100%,后接动词原形,Situation Learning,magazine,A:Look!Whats this?B:_.A:Whose magazine is it?B:It _ _Way2:It _ _ _.Way3:It _ _ _.A:Why?B:Because_.,Its a magazine.,is,must,must,be,Li Weis,Li Weis,belong to,Li Wei.,his name

6、is on it.,must 一定,肯定。推测可能性100%,肯定的语气最强,belong to+人名或人称代词宾格,“属于”,must be:一定是/在 must belong to:一定属于,Situation Learning,Whose volleyball is it?,It must be Feng Kuns.,Because she is the only volleyball player.,=It must belong to Feng Kun.,belong to 属于,J.K.Rowling is Marys favorite writer.,Whose book is

7、this?,It_ Marys.,must be,=It_ Mary.(属于),must belong to,It _ be _.Because It has his name on it.,Whose exercise book is this?,must,(=It _ _ _ _.,Liu Xiangs,must,belong,to,Liu Xiang,Situation Learning,Liu Xiang,英语中表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测时,通常用以下情态动词:must,might,could,cant,couldnt,may,must 一定,肯定(100%可能性),migh

8、t,could 有可能,也许(20%80%可能性),cant 不可能,不会(可能性几乎为零),Conclusion,表示推测的情态动词,Learning to make inference(推测),must,cant,couldmight,100%probably true,20%-80%possibly true,0%almost not true,1.Whose book is this?It must be Marys.J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer.2.I attended a concert yesterday so it might still

9、 be in the music hall.3.It cant be stolen.4.Could it still be at the park?5.The hair band must belong to Linda.,Sentences,Listening,T-shirt,sweater,book,magazine,CD,toy truck,cup,Look at the picture.Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,1a,Listen and match each person with a

10、thing and a reason.,1b,1.,2.,3.,T-shirt,Hair band,Tennis balls,Things in the schoolbag,Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park.Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.,2a,Bob and Anna found a schoolbag at the park.Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.,2a,The person _ go to

11、our school.The person _ be a boy.It _ be Meis hair band.The hair band _ belong to Linda.It _ be Lindas backpack.,cant,could,might,must,must,Listen again.Fill in the blanks.,2b,Thank you,Guessing game,Challenge your intelligence,It must be-(肯定,100%),Guess:Whats in the box?,It cant be(不可能,0%),It might

12、/could be(有可能,20-80%),A:What is it?B:It might be a _.A:Look more carefully!B:It must be a _.,Guessing game 1,A:What is it?B:It could be a _.A:Pay attention!B:It must be a _.,Guessing game 1,Whose dog is this?,It might/could be _s.,He is a singer and actor,he is very famous.,It must be Liu Dehuas.,Gu

13、essing game 2,He is rich but helpful.,Whose car is this?,It might/could be _.It cant be _.It must be_.,Guessing game 2,He is a basketball player.,Whose car is this?,It might/could be _.It cant be _.It must be _.,Yi Jianlians,Yao Mings,=It must belong to Yao Ming.,Guessing game 2,1.Whose schoolbag is

14、 lost?2.Whats in the schoolbag?3.Where did she go yesterday?,Lindas,There are some books,her pink hair bank and some tennis ball.,She went to the music hall and the park.,Read theconversation and answer the questions.,She is Linda,She lost her schoolbag.She is really worried,Can you help her?,Practi

15、ce oral English,Linda:Mom,Imreallyworried.Mom:Why?Whatswrong?Linda:Icantfindmyschoolbag.Mom:Well,wheredidyoulastputit?Linda:Icantremember!Iattendedaconcertyesterdayso itmightstillbein themusichall.Mom:Doyouhaveanythingvaluableinyourschoolbag?Linda:No,justmybooks,mypinkhairbandandsome tennisballs.Mom

16、:Soitcantbestolen.Linda:Oh,wait!Iwenttoapicnicaftertheconcert.IrememberIhadmyschoolbagwithmeatthepicnic.Mom:Socoulditstillbeatthepark?Linda:Yes.Ileftearly,beforetherestofmyfriends.Ithink somebodymusthavepickeditup.Illcallthem nowto checkifanybodyhasit.,Read the conversation again and answer the ques

17、tions:1.Why is Linda worried?2.What did Linda attend yesterday?3.What are there in her schoolbag?4.Did Linda go to a picnic after the concert?5.Could her schoolbag still be at the park?,Because she cant find her schoolbag.,She attended a concert yesterday.,Her books,her pink hair band and some tenni

18、s balls.,Yes,she did.,Yes.,2d Read theconversation and underline the phrases.Then translate them.Linda:Mom,Imreallyworried.Mom:Why?Whatswrong?Linda:Icantfindmyschoolbag.Mom:Well,wheredidyoulastputit?Linda:Icantremember!Iattended aconcertyesterdayso itmight stillbeinthemusichall.Mom:Doyouhaveanything

19、valuableinyourschoolbag?Linda:No,justmybooks,mypinkhairbandandsometennisballs.Mom:Soitcantbestolen.Linda:Oh,wait!Iwenttoapicnicaftertheconcert.Iremember Ihad myschoolbagwithmeatthepicnic.Mom:Socoulditstillbeatthepark?Linda:Yes.Ileftearly,beforetherestofmyfriends.Ithink somebodymusthavepickeditup.Ill

20、callthemnowtocheck ifanybodyhasit.,=Whats the matter?,有价值的一些东西,定语后置,被动语态,Linda:Mom,Imreallyworried.Mom:Why?Whatswrong?Linda:Icantfindmyschoolbag.Mom:Well,wheredidyoulastputit?Linda:Icantremember!Iattended aconcertyesterdayso itmightstillbein themusichall.Mom:Doyouhaveanythingvaluableinyourschoolbag?

21、Linda:No,justmybooks,mypinkhairbandandsometennisballs.Mom:Soitcantbestolen.Linda:Oh,wait!Iwenttoapicnicaftertheconcert.IrememberIhad myschoolbagwithmeatthepicnic.Mom:Socoulditstillbeatthepark?Linda:Yes.Ileftearly,beforetherestofmyfriends.Ithink somebodymusthavepickeditup.Illcallthemnow tocheck ifany

22、bodyhasit.,Retell the conversation.,Linda:Mom,Imreallyworried.Mom:Why?Whatswrong?Linda:Icantfindmyschoolbag.Mom:Well,wheredidyoulastputit?Linda:Icantremember!Iattended aconcertyesterdaysoitmightstillbein themusichall.Mom:Doyouhaveanythingvaluableinyourschoolbag?Linda:No,justmybooks,mypinkhairbandand

23、sometennisballs.Mom:Soitcantbestolen.Linda:Oh,wait!Iwenttoapicnicaftertheconcert.IrememberIhadmy schoolbagwithmeatthepicnic.Mom:Socoulditstillbeatthepark?Linda:Yes.Ileftearly,beforetherestofmyfriends.Ithinksomebodymust havepickeditup.Illcallthemnowtocheckifanybodyhasit.,Retell the conversation.,【浙江湖

24、州】Whos singing in the next room?It _ be her.She has gone to New York.A.cant B.must C.shouldnt D.can【解析】考查情态动词表推测。表示否定推测时,用cant,意为“一定不”。must表示推测时,意为“一定”,用于肯定句;根据答语“她已经去了纽约”可知是否定推测,故选A。,中考链接,【2011湖北黄冈】41.Whose T-shirt is this?It _ be John s.Its _ small for him.A.cant;much too B.cant;too much C.mustnt;

25、much too D.mustnt;too much【解析】情态动词的用法。根据句意“它不可能是约翰的,对他来说太小了。”故排除C、D,too much为“太多”的意思,much too为“太”。故选A。,【2013天津】Where are you going this month?We_ go to Xiamen,but were not sure.A.neednt B.must C.might D.mustnt【解析】neednt(不必)表建议;must(一定)表猜测的可能性很大;might(可能,也许)表不是很肯定的猜测。mustnt(不允许)表命令。句意:-这个月你们将去哪?-我们或许

26、去厦门,但还不确定。,C,【2013福建泉州】-Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?-Not yet.We _ go to Qingdao.Its a good place for vacation.A.may B.need C.must【解析】句意:-你已经决定到哪里过暑假了吗?-还没有呢,我们也许去青岛,那是个度假的好地方。情态动词表示推测时,may表“可能”,must表“一定”,cant表“不可能”。,A,【2014铜仁】Must I water the flowers now,mum?No,you _.You _

27、do it later.A.mustnt;must B.mustnt;may C.neednt;may D.neednt;must【2014连云港】_ I know by what time you want the project to be done?By the day after tomorrow._ you finish it on time?A.May;Can B.Must;Need C.Could;Must D.Need;Would,C,A,【2014长沙】Whos singing in the garden?It _ be Mr.Brown.He always practice

28、s singing at this time.A.must B.cant C.need【2014河北】I _ follow you.Would you please repeat it?A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.shouldnt,A,A,Discuss and write,晚上八点多,突然听到有敲门声,请你根据下面的词组提示,写几句话来猜测是谁在敲门,并写出理由。,参考词汇:cant be a parent,at home;cant be a thief,knock at the door;might/could be a neighbor,want some help;must be my aunt,like to,Homework,Thank you,Bye-bye,


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