1、基于Web的应用系统开发,1,基于Web的应用系统开发1.简介,孙文俊、王延青哈工大管理学院2009年2月23日星期一,基于Web的应用系统开发,2,教材和课件,课件下载:教材:Web程序设计(2005年第3版),(美)Robert W.Sebesta著,李政仪译,清华大学出版社,基于Web的应用系统开发,3,课程目标,对Internet 和 WWW 的基本了解获得Web技术的知识与实践经验对相关名词术语的介绍 熟练掌握如何构建和设计良好且有一定功能的Web应用,基于Web的应用系统开发,4,课程内容,基础 网络基础:LANs 和 长程通讯TCP/IP 协议 客户/服务器 范式,HTTP,UR
2、Ls,MIME,网络编程XHTMLCSSJavaScriptJava AppletsJava XML网络应用设计,基于Web的应用系统开发,5,成绩构成,作业-25%考试-75%2小时笔试,基于Web的应用系统开发,6,上机,第11周开始头几次练习内容HTML and CSSJavaScriptJava AppletsJava,基于Web的应用系统开发,7,视频,互联网的历史(History Of the Internet,8分钟)Warriors of the Net 从微观层面对Internet和WWW的三维动画介绍(12分钟),基于Web的应用系统开发,8,Enabling Infras
3、tructure,Networks and Communications The Internet The World Wide Web,基于Web的应用系统开发,9,Computer Communications,Early computers(1950s and early 1960s)were isolated(孤立的)Remote access and peripherals(外围)Connected to a central computer via dedicated lines or telephone system(通过专用的线连接到中央的电脑或者电话系统)Share reso
4、urcesFrom the late 1960s onwards computers were connected to other computersVia dedicated lines or telephone systemShare information,基于Web的应用系统开发,10,The Internet Origins 起源,ARPA Networking Project(ARPANET)-late 1960s and early 1970sWide area network to share computing facilities工具“Internetworking”Ne
5、twork reliability For ARPA-funded research organizations National Science Foundation internet(NSFnet)-1986 Initially最初 connected five supercomputer centersBy early 1990s it was the network for all Became the Internet backboneIn 1990s ban on commercial use of the Internet was lifted leading to an exp
6、losive growth of“e-commerce”,基于Web的应用系统开发,11,The Internet and the WWW,The WWW is one service running over the Internet-it is not synonymous!同义的www是internet上的一种服务Before the WWWThe Internet was used by scientists,researchers,large(usually governmental)organizations,and amateur enthusiastsCommerce on t
7、he Internet was almost unknownThe WWW is now the major conduit to the Internet and the major vehicle for e-commerce,but this is not what it was designed for!,基于Web的应用系统开发,12,The WWW,Allows a user anywhere on the Internet to search for and retrieve documents1989 WWW proposal by group led by Tim Berne
8、rs-Lee at CERNLate 1990 prototype implemented on NeXT1991 WWW released to the rest of the worldDocuments in the form of hypertext,基于Web的应用系统开发,13,Hypertext(超文本),“Non-linear reading and writing”Ted Nelson,A page of textA page of text,A page of textA page of text,A page of textA page of text,A page of
9、 textA page of text,A page of textA page of text,A page of textA page of text,A page of textA page of text,A page of textA page of text,基于Web的应用系统开发,14,World Wide Web,HTTP Server Apache MS IIS,ClientMS Internet ExplorerMozilla Firefox,HTTP,HTML data,基于Web的应用系统开发,15,Web Programmers Toolbox,XHTMLCSSXM
10、LJavaScriptJava AppletsPHPJava.Net,基于Web的应用系统开发,16,XHTML,Describes the general form and layout of documentsAn XHTML document is a mix of content and controlsControls are tags and their attributesTags标签 often delimit 划界content and specify 说明something about how the content should be arranged in the do
11、cumentAttributes属性 provide additional information about the content of a tag,基于Web的应用系统开发,17,CSS,A language for defining style sheets表 that was developed for HTMLProvide the means to control and change presentation介绍 of HTML documentsStyle sheets allow you to impose利用 a standard style on a whole doc
12、ument,or even a whole collection of documents,基于Web的应用系统开发,18,XML,A meta-mark-up languageUsed to create a new mark-up language for a particular purpose or areaBecause the tags are designed for a specific area,they can be meaningfulNo presentation detailsA simple and universal way of representing dat
13、a of any textual kind,基于Web的应用系统开发,19,JavaScript,A client-side HTML-embedded scripting languageOnly related to Java through syntax语法Dynamically动态的 typed and not object-oriented非面向对象的Provides a way to access elements of HTML documents and dynamically change them,基于Web的应用系统开发,20,Java Applets,Relativel
14、y small Java programs whose execution is triggered by a browserExecuted by the clientBrowser must provide JVM supportThe purpose of an applet is to provide processing 处理capability and interactivity交互型的 for HTML documents through widgets窗体小部件,基于Web的应用系统开发,21,PHP,A server-side scripting languageAn alt
15、ernative to CGISimilar to JavaScriptGreat for form processing and database access through the Web,基于Web的应用系统开发,22,Java,Full-fledged OO programming languageBiggest player in the web application industryBacked by Sun,IBM,Oracle,BEA etc.,基于Web的应用系统开发,23,.Net,Full-fledged OO programming languageSecond largest player in Web applicationsFrom Microsoft,基于Web的应用系统开发,24,Summary,Course ContentPractical mattersIntroduction to infrastructureComputer communicationsInternetWWWIntroduction to the web programmers toolboxXHTMLCSSXMLJavaScriptJava AppletsPHPJava.Net,基于Web的应用系统开发,25,面向对象编程Introducing Alice,