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1、UNIT4 HOW WAS YOUR SCHOOL TRIP?,Exercise lesson,Grammar,hang1 逗留 He always hangs out with his friends after school.2 悬挂 He hung his coat on the door.3 吊死 He hanged himself.,更多资源,Grammar,else 与 otherelse是副词,意为此外,另外,其他,常与疑问代词who what which连用,疑问副词when where和不定代词something anything nothing somebody anybo

2、dy nobody连用.We must find somebody else to finish this job.other是形容词,意思是其他的,别的,放在名词前,常与数词some any no等连用.He has no other friends.,Grammar,end 1at lastin the endat the end of/at the beginning(start)of At the end of the year,the hero died.2They ended the party with a song.,Grammar,have a good timehave f

3、unenjoy oneselfThey have fun playing in the water.They have a good time shopping in the supermarket.He enjoys himself in the party.,Grammar,go for a drive 开车兜风go for 常与旅行,远足,野餐,航海一类的名词连用 表示去,进行的意思,也可以用have或take表达这一含义.Lets go for a walk after supper,shall we?The children will go for a picnic tomorrow

4、.,Grammar,in ones opinionIn my opinion,English is the most important subject.,Grammar,近意词解析nobody,no one,none 三者均可表示没人,均为不定代词,但是用法不同:no one意为没有人,相当于nobody,不能和of连用 No one can answer this question.none意为没有什么人,也没什么东西,既可以指人,也可以指物,常与of连用,作主语时,谓语用单数,有时也可以用复数.None of them comes from Canada.no one 常引导who引导的

5、句子none常用来回答how many引导的问句.Who can answer this question?No one.How many sharks can you see?None.,Grammar,futurein future=from now on 从现在起in the future 在将来Jia Xueshuai says he will study hard in future.Jia Xueshuai says he will study hard in the future.,Grammar Past Tense,go take have buy eat see hang

6、meet win sleep put come wake read do,go-went take-took have-had buy-bought eat-atesee-saw hang-hung meet-met win-won sleep-slept put-put come-came wake-wokeread-read do-did,Grammar,That sounds interesting.sound在本句中是联系动词,意思是听起来,后边跟形容词,名词或动词不定式,类似的系动词还有look smell taste feel seem等。The picture looks bea

7、utiful.The fish smells bad.The cake tastes delicious.I feel good now.The boy seems excited.,EXERCISE,1 We cant come on Saturday.When e_ can we come?2 They saw octopuses at the a _.3 When he was 12,he s_ in a middle school.4 Who w_ the first prize in yesterdays competition?5 Lily _(not do)her homewor

8、k yesterday.6 At the b_ of the term,he made a very good plan.7 Im ill,so I want to have too days o_ at home.8 Taking a walk on the beach s_ interesting.9 I dont like TV show.It is t_.10 He walked in the r_ for an hour so hes all wet.,lse,quarium,tudied,on,didnt do,eginning,ff,ounds,errible,ain,EXERC

9、ISE,11 They went camping yesterday.U_ it rained heavily.12 Dont forget to take your u_ or your r_.13 Whats your o_ about Tiger Liu?14 The weather was t_ so we couldnt come out.15 Look,the bus is c_.16 Yao Ming is a very f_ basketball player in China.17 Jack did best in the c_ and he won first prize.

10、18 This morning I was too tired and I s_ late.19 O_ exercise is good for your health.20 I dont know what you can do in the f_.,nluckily,mbrella,aincoat,pinion,errible,oming,amous,ompetition,lept,utdoor,uture,A:When _ you _(arrive)in Beijing?B:Just yesterday.A:_ you _(come)by plane?B:Well,we _(fly)to

11、 Shanghai and _(take)the train to Beijing.A:How did you like the journey(旅程)?B:It was very interesting.A:Do you feel tired after a long journey?B:No,not at all.I_(have)a good sleep on the train.A:Where _ you _(stay)now?B:Beijing Hotel.,EXERCISE,did,arrive,Did,come,flew,took,had,are,staying,EXERCISE,

12、A:What did you do after you got up yesterday morning?B:I _ my face and _ breakfast.A:Were you busy yesterday?B:Yes,I was.I _ my homework and then I _ to see my friends.We went to the zoo _ bus.In the zoo we s_ many animals.A:_ did you have lunch?B:We had lunch in the park.We had noodles _ lunch.When

13、 I got home,I _ very tired but happy.A:Did you go to bed late _ early?B:I went to bed early.I _ watched TV last night.,washed,had,did,went,by,aw,Where,for,felt,or,didnt,EXERCISE,1 What _ did she say about me?A other B more C else D others2 _ you _ his key?Yes,it was in my desk.A Did find B Did found

14、 C Do find D Were find3 Well go camping _ this term.A in the end B at last C finally D at the end of4 Did you have fun _ last year?A swiming B swimming C swam D to swim5 The school often _ at 5 pm.A ending B ended C end D ends,C,A,D,B,D,EXERCISE,6 Can you _ that tall building?A look B watch C see D

15、look at7 I _ a movie about fashion show last night.A watched B see C looked D saw8 It _ last Sunday and I had to stay at home _.A rained,all day B rains,all the days C rain,all days D rained,all days9 Who is in the room?_.A None of B No one C All D both10 _ my opinion,the trip was terrible.A About B

16、 To C In D On,C,A,A,B,C,EXERCISE,11 Can you show me your photo?Yes,I will _ it here.A take B bring C give D carry12 His words _ interesting but not true.A sounds B listen C sound D hear13 What music do you have fun _?A listening B listening to C hearing D sounding14 What _ cold weather it is!A/B an

17、C a D the15 He took many photographs _ his day _.A on off B in off C on of D in off,B,C,B,A,A,EXERCISE,16 What can you see?There _ bottles of orange.A was B were C is D are17 I like to watch the _ competition on CCTV.A sing B singing C singer D song18 Are you free tomorrow?Yes,Im taking tomorrow _.A

18、 away B up C of D off19 Can you give me _?A something to drink B something to eat C anything to drink D nothing to eat20 We will _ them and _ the match.A won beat B beat win C won beats D wins beats,D,B,D,A,B,EXERCISE,将下列句子变成过去式。1 She meets her teacher on her way home.2 I dont know the way to the zo

19、o.3 What do you say at the meeting?4 He likes sandwich very much.5 He cant swim in the sea.,She met her teacher on her way home.,I didnt know the way to the zoo.,What did you say at the meeting?,He liked sandwich very much.,He couldnt swim in the sea.,EXERCISE,1 你的假期玩得开心吗?Did you _ _ on your _?2 上个星期天真是太忙了。Last Sunday _ really a _ day.3 昨天我没有去叔叔家,因为下了一天雨。I _ go to uncles,because it _ _ _.4 不幸地是没有人来这里。_,_ _ came here.5 昨天TIM 赢得第一。Tim _ _ _ _ yesterday.,Unluckily no one,vacation,was,busy,didnt,rained all day,have fun,won the first prize,Goodbye everyone!,更多资源,


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