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1、,课前复习:看下列图片说出英文单词。,watch,ID card,computer game,notebook,ring,baseball,Is this a pencil case?,Yes,it is.,Is that an eraser?,No,it isnt.Its a book.,Is this your schoolbag?,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,一般疑问句:句式结构:be+主语+其他部分;其回答形式有肯定式回答和否定式回答;肯定式:Yes,主语+be;否定式:No,主语+be+not;注意:肯定式回答中不可把主语和be动词缩写。否定式回答中不可把be动词和

2、主语缩写,只能把be动词和not使用缩写形式。am和not不可缩写。不能同时使用另个缩写形式。,Is this your pencil?,Unit Three,第三课时,Teaching aims,1.Continue to learn how to identify ownership.2.Learn to write“Lost and Found”.3.Key words:baseball,watch,computer,game,card,Notebook,ring,bag.4.Key sentences:-Whats this?-Its a watch.-How do you spell

3、 it?-W-A-T-C-H,Teaching important and difficult points1,Learn the key sentences.-Is this/that yours?-Yes,it is.It is mine./-No,it isnt.Its hers.-Are these/those yours?-Yes,they are./No,they arent.They are hers.2,Let students learn to write“Lost and Found”.,1a.Match the words with the things in the p

4、icture.,1.baseball _ 4.ID card _ 7.ring_ 2.watch _ 5.key _ 8.pen_puter game _ 6.notebook _ 9.bag _,e,a,f,c,b,i,d,h,g,1b.Pair workA:Whats this?B:Its a watch.A:How do you spell it?B:W-A T-C-H.,1c.Listen and circle the things you hear,1.baseball _ 4.ID card _ 7.ring_ 2.watch _ 5.key _ 8.pen_puter game

5、_ 6.notebook _ 9.bag _,Linda,Mike,watch,Listen and write the things that belong to Linda or Mike,1d,pen,ID card,baseball,1e:Student A is Linda and student B is Mike.Make conversationsabout the things in 1d.Then change roles.学生A扮演琳达,学生B扮演迈克,用1d中的物品编对话,然后交换角色。,2a:Write the things you lose easily.写出你常丢

6、失的物品。,key,watch,pencil,pen,eraser,School ID card,ID card,ring,2b.阅读公告栏启事,圈出丢失的物品。Lin Hai,A computer game is in the school library.Is it yours?Ask the teacher for it.,Ask+某人+for+某物 向某人请求某物,Found:.,E-mail+某人+at+其他 向某人发电子邮件,Is this your watch?My phone number is 495-3539.Call me.John,Call somebody 给某人打电

7、话,Lost:I lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 685-6034.Thanks.Tom,TomNo.3 Middle SchoolClass One,Grade One,call+某人+at+电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人),2c.Read the notices again and write down the items.Then check()Lost or Found.再读一遍启事,写出丢失的物品,并在Lost或Found下打勾。,Item Lost Found,Computer games,Keys,Watch,S

8、chool ID card,Summary(总结),学会写“Lost and Found”。三要素:物品、特征、联系方式。,1.下面是“失物启事”与“招领启事”请认真阅读并回答问题。Lost My school ID card.My name is Mike.Please call 263-1412.Found New watch.Is this your watch?Please call Ann.Phone 553-7618.,Homework,1.Who lost the school ID card?2.Who can you call to get the new watch bac

9、k?3.Whats Mikes telephone number?4.Is Mike the owner of the watch?,一周练习,1。重新排列字母顺序,写出正确的单词1.dacr_ 2.rsaere_ 3.bsaealbl_ 4.eky_ 5.yctnidorai_ 6.rleur_7.cakbpakc_ 8.ipcnel_ 9.atcwh_ 10.ignr_,2.用am,is 完成句子1.This _ my watch._ that your watch?2.What _ that?It_ a nice book.3.I_ Sonia.This _ my mum.4.His n

10、ame _ John.,card,eraser,baseball,key,dictionary,ruler,backpack,pencil,watch,ring,is,Is,is,is,am,is,is,3。按要求转换句型,1.This is a pen.(变为一般疑问句)2.Is this your pen?(肯定回答)3.How do you spell“ruler”?(回答)4.Can you spell“ruler”?(回答)5.Is that her pen?(否定回答),Is this a pen?,No,it isnt,R-U-L-E-R,Yes,R-U-L-E-R,ruler.,No,it isnt,


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