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1、1,UNIT 11 Cyberculture(计算机(网络)文化)Section A Using E-Mail,厦门理工学院 陈丹波,Computer English(Fourth Edition),Cyber:计算机(网络)的Guidelines:指导原则,法则keep in mind:记住,I.引言电子邮件是通过计算机网络收发消息及文件的一种电子系统。不过,与电话或纸质文档相比,电子邮件在工作场所中仍属于比较新的事物。这里有几条使用电子邮件时需记住的指导原则:,2,I.Introduction E-mail is an electronic system for sending and r

2、eceiving messages and files over a computer network.Compared to the phone or paper-based documents,e-mail is still relatively new in the workplace.When you are using e-mail,here are a few guidelines to keep in mind:,Cyberculture Introduction,3,E-mail is increasingly used for professional purposes-No

3、t long ago,e-mall was considered a secondary form of communication.It was spontaneous and chatty,used mostly for quick comments or nonessential information.Today,e-mail is a principal form of communication in most workplaces,so people expect e-mail messages to be professional and nonfrivolous,Cyberc

4、ultureIntroduction,spontaneous:自发的,天然的Chatty:聊天式的frivolous:轻薄,琐屑,电子邮件越来越多地用于专业目的不久以前,电子邮件还被视为一种次要的交流形式。那时,它自然并具有聊天式的风格,大多用于表达未加深思的意见或传递不重要的信息。今天,电子邮件在大多数工作场所已成为一种主要的交流形式。因此,人们期待电子邮件具有专业性以及不轻薄琐屑。,4,Yes No Score Can you receive and send messages?Yes Marks Can you forward documents to others?Expert 8-1

5、0 Can you receive and send attached documents?Achiever 7-8 Do you sort your e-mail messages into folders?Beginner 5-6 Can you send one e-mail message to multiple people?Get to Work 0-5,Cyberculture Introduction,Mark:分数Achiever:熟练级Folder:文件夹,是 否 得分你会收发消息吗?得分(是)你会转发文档给他人吗?810分 专家级你会收发附件吗?78分 熟练级你把电子邮件

6、分类整理到文件夹中吗?56分 入门级你会把一封电子邮件发给多个人吗?05分 需要努力,5,Have you created and used a signature file?Are you on any mailing lists(listservs)?Do you know what flaming is?Do you know what spam is?Do you know what netiquette is?,Cyberculture Introduction,listservs:邮件发送清单 flaming:争论Spam:垃圾邮件 netiquette:网规,你已经创建和使用签名

7、文件了吗?你加入任何邮件讨论组(新闻组)了吗?你知道什么是在邮件讨论组中争论吗?你知道什么是垃圾邮件吗?你知道什么是网规吗?,6,E-mail is a form of public communication Your readers can purposely or mistakenly send your e-mail messages to countless others.So,you should not say things with e-mail that you would not say openly to your supervisors,coworkers,or cli

8、ents.,Cyberculture Introduction,Supervisors:主管,上级Coworker:同事,电子邮件是一种公开的交流形式你的读者可能把你的电子邮件有意发给或误发给数不清的其他人。所以,你不应该用电子邮件说那些你不愿公开说给主管、同事或客户听的事。,7,E-mail is increasingly formal-In the past,readers forgave typos,misspellings,and bloopers in e-mail messages,especially when e-mail was new and difficult to us

9、e.Today.readers expect e-mails to be more formal,reflecting the quality expected in other forms of communication.,Cyberculture Introduction,forgive forgave:原谅Blooper:过失,电子邮件越来越正式过去,读者会原谅电子邮件中的打字错误、拼写错误以及过失,特别是在电子邮件刚出现并难以使用的时候。今天,读者期待电子邮件更为正式,能够显示出对其他交流形式所期待的质量。,8,E-mail standards and conventions are

10、 still being formedHow e-mail should be used in the workplace is still being worked out.People hold widely different views about the appropriate(and inappropriate)use of e-mail.So,you need to pay close attention to how e-mail is used in your company and your readers companies.Many companies are deve

11、loping policies explaining how e-mail should be used.If your company has a policy on e-mail usage,you should read it and follow it.,Cyberculture Introduction,Conventions:常规Work out:探索Appropriate:适当pay close attention to:密切关注,电子邮件标准和常规还在形成中电子邮件在工作场所应该如何使用,这一点还在探索中。关于电子邮件的适当(以及不适当)使用,人们持有相差甚远的看法。因此,你需

12、要密切关注在你的公司和你读者的公司中电子邮件是如何使用的.许多公司正在制订阐述如何使用电子邮件的政策.如果你的公司制定有关于电子邮件使用的政策,你应该阅读并遵循该政策。,9,You should also keep in mind that legal constraints shape how e-mail is used in the workplace.E-mail,like any other written document,is protected by copyright law.So,you need to be careful not to use e-mails in an

13、y way that might violate copyright law.For example,if you receive an e-mail from a client,you cannot immediately post it to your companys website without that clients permission.,Cyberculture Introduction,Copyright:版权Post:发布,张贴Website:网站Permission:允许,你还应该记住,法律约束对在工作场所如何使用电子邮件具有决定性作用。像任何其他的书面文档一样,电子邮

14、件受版权法保护。因此,你得小心,不要以可能触犯版权法的任何方式使用电子邮件。例如,如果你收到一位客户的电子邮件,在没有得到该客户允许的情况下,你不能将电子邮件马上发布到你公司的网站上,10,Also,lawyers and courts treat e-mail as written communication,equivalent to a memo or letter.For example,much of the antitrust case against Microsoft in the late 1990s was built on recovered e-mail message

15、s in which Bill Gates and other executives chatted informally about aggressively competing with other companies.,Cyberculture Introduction,Memo:备忘录Antitrust:反垄断案aggressive:大胆的,挑衅的,还有,律师和法庭把电子邮件视为书面通信,将其等同于备忘录或信函。例如,20世纪90年代末针对微软的反垄断案在很大程度上就是以恢复的电子邮件为根据的;在这些电子邮件中,比尔盖茨和其他经营主管人员非正式地聊到与其他公司展开大胆有力的竞争。,11

16、,Legally,any e-mail you send via the employers computer network belongs to the employer.So,your employers are within their rights to read your e-mail without your knowledge or permission.Also,deleted e-mails can be retrieved from the companys servers,and they can be used in a legal case.,Cybercultur

17、e Introduction,knowledge:知道,知情Retrieve:恢复,从法律上讲,你通过雇主的计算机网络发送的任何电子邮件都属于雇主。因此,你的雇主有权阅读你的电子邮件而无需你知道或得到你的允许。另外,删除的电子邮件可从公司的服务器上恢复,而且它们可用于法律案件。,Harassment:骚扰 discrimination:歧视Indiscreet:缺乏慎重 gender:性别 Orientation:取向,倾向 dirty:黄色,肮脏hostile:敌对的,敌方的,骚扰和歧视案件越来越多地取决于在电子邮件中找到的证据。关于个人关系或容貌的轻率电子邮件可能被保存并在法庭案件审理中用

18、于对付发送人。关于性别、种族或性取向等缺乏慎重的议论也可能带来意想不到的后果。你发送给同事的“无恶意的”黄色笑话,最终可能被律师用于证明你在制造一个“不利的工作环境”,12,Increasingly,harassment and discrimination cases hinge on evidence found in e-mails.Careless e-mails about personal relationships or appearances can be saved and used against the sender in a court case.Indiscreet

19、comments about gender,race,or sexual orientation can also have unexpected consequences.Your harmless dirty jokes sent to your coworkers might end up being used by a lawyer to prove that you are creating a hostile workplace environment.,Cyberculture Introduction,13,II.Basic Features of E-Mail An e-ma

20、il is formatted similarly to a memo.Typical e-mail messages will have a header and body.They also have additional features like attachments and signatures.Header The header has lines for To and Subject.Usually,there are also lines like cc,bcc,and Attachments,which allow you to expand the capabilitie

21、s of the message.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Attachment:附件To and Subject:收件人和主题cc:carbon copy:抄送,II.电子邮件的基本特征 电子邮件的格式编排类似于备忘录。典型的电子邮件有题头和正文。它们还有附件、签名等附加特征。1题头 题头有用于填写收件人和主题的行。通常,还会有允许你扩展邮件功能的其他行,如抄送、密送、附件等。,14,To lineHere is where you type the e-mail address of the person to whom you are

22、sending the e-mail.You can put multiple addresses on this line,allowing you to send your message to many people.,收件人行这是你键入你向其发送电子邮件的人的电子邮件地址的地方。你可以在该行输入多个地址,允许你向多人发送邮件。,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,15,cc and bcc lines-They are used to copy the message to people who are not the primary reade

23、rs,like your supervisors or others who might be interested in your conversation.The cc line shows your messages recipient that others are receiving copies of the message too.The bcc line(blind cc)allows you to copy your messages to others without anyone else knowing.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E

24、-Mail,Recipient:收件人Bccblind cc:密送,抄送和密送行这些行用于复制邮件给次要读者,如你的主管或者对你的交谈可能感兴趣的其他人。抄送行向收件人表明,有其他人在接收邮件的副本。密送行允许你在别人不知晓的情况下将邮件复制给他人。,16,Subject line-It signals the topic of the e-mail.Usually a small phrase is used.If the message is a response to a prior message,e-mail programs usually automatically insert

25、 a Re:into the subject line.If the message is being forwarded,a Fwd:is inserted in the subject line.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Subject line:主题行Prior:以前,之前Forward:转发,主题行该行标明电子邮件的话题,通常使用简短的语句。如果该邮件是对以前邮件的回复,则电子邮件程序通常会在主题行自动插入“回复:”。如果转发邮件,则在主题行插入“转发:”.,17,Attachments line-It signals whether

26、 there are any additional files,pictures,or programs attached to the e-mail message.You can attach whole documents created on your word processor,spreadsheet program,or presentation software.An attached document retains its original formatting and can be downloaded right to the readers computer.,Cyb

27、erculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Processor:处理软件Spreadsheet:电子数据表Presentation:演示,附件行该行标明是否有任何其他文件、图片或程序附加于电子邮件之中。你可以附加在你的文字处理软件、电子数据表程序或演示软件中创建的整个文档。附加的文档会保持其原有格式,并可直接下载到读者的计算机中。,18,2.Message Area After the header,the message area is where you can type your comments to your readers.It should have a

28、 clear introduction,body,and conclusion.The introduction should minimally(1)define the subject,(2)state your purpose,and(3)state your main point.Also,if you want the reader to do something,you should mention it up front,not at the end of the e-mail.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Minimally:简短

29、地State:说明up front:最前面,2信息区 信息区在题头下面,是你可键入致读者的话语的地方。它应该有清楚明白的引言、正文和结尾。引言应尽可能简短地(1)表明主题、(2)说明用意,并(3)阐述要点。还有,如果你想让读者做某事,你应该在最前面提出,而不是在电子邮件的结尾。,19,The body should provide the information needed to prove or support your e-mails purpose.The conclusion should restate the main point and look to the future,M

30、ost readers of e-mall never reach the conclusion,so you should tell them any action items early in the message and then restate them in the conclusion.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Restate:重申look to:展望,正文应提供证明或支持你的电子邮件用意所需的信息。结尾应重申要点并展望未来。大多数电子邮件读者从来不看到结尾,因此你应该在邮件中提早告诉他们任何行动项目,然后在结尾部分予以重申。,

31、20,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Arrow:箭头Margin:空白,The message area might also include these other kinds of text:Reply text-When you reply to a message,most e-mail programs allow you to copy parts of the original message into your message,These parts are often identified with arrows running

32、down the left margin.,信息区可能还包括其他类型的文本:回复文本当你回复一封邮件时,大多数电子邮件程序允许你将原邮件的有关部分复制到你的邮件中。这些部分常常用沿着左面的页边空白向下排列的箭头标出。,21,LinksYou can also add in direct links to websites.Most programs will automatically recognize a webpage address like http:/and make it a live link in the e-mails message area.,Cyberculture

33、Basic Features of E-Mail,Webpage:网页,链接 你还可以添加与网站的直接链接。大多数程序将自动识别一个像.predatorconservation.org 的网页地址,并使其成为电子邮件信息区的一个活链接。,22,AttachmentsIf you attach a file to your e-mail message,you should tell the readers in the message area that a file is attached.Otherwise.they may not notice it.,附件如果你给你的电子邮件附加了一个

34、文件,你应该在信息区告诉读者邮件中附加了一个文件。不然的话,他们也许注意不到该附件。,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,23,EmoticonsAnother common feature in the message area is the use of emoticons(Figure 10A-2).Used sparingly,they can help you signal emotions that are hard to convey in written text.When overused,emoticons can become an

35、noying to some readers.In most workplace situations,emoticons should not be used.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Emoticons:情感符spare-Sparing:节制,节省Convey:传达annoy:使烦恼,生气,情感符信息区的另外一个常见特征是情感符的使用(图10A-2)。如果有节制地使用,情感符可有助于你表明用书写的文本难以传达的情感。但是,如果使用过度,情感符可能使有些读者感到烦恼。在大多数工作场所的情景下,不应使用情感符。,24,They are pla

36、yful and informal;therefore,they are really only appropriate in e-mails between close colleagues or friends.Symbols Meaning:-)Happy face;-)Winking happy face:-o Surprised face,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Playful:;嬉戏Wink:使眼色,眨眼,它们具有嬉戏和非正式的性质,因此,确实只适用于关系密切的同事或朋友之间的电子邮件。符号 意思:-)愉快的表情;-)使眼色的愉快

37、表情:-o 吃惊的表情,25,:-|Grim face:-Smirking face:-(Unhappy face;-(Winking unhappy face:-x Silent face:-(Crying,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,grim:严肃 Smirk:假笑,:-|板着面孔的表情:-假笑的表情:-(不愉快的表情;-(使眼色的不愉快表情:-x 沉默的表情:-(哭泣,26,3.SignatureE-mail programs usually let you create a signature file that automaticall

38、y puts a signature at the end of your messages.Signature files can be both simple and complex.They allow you to personalize your message and add in additional contact information.By creating a signature file,you can avoid typing your name,title,phone number,etc.at the end of each message you write.,

39、Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Personalize:个性化Avoid:避免,3签名电子邮件程序通常允许你创建一个签名文件,该文件可在邮件结尾自动加上签名。签名文件可繁可简。它们允许你个性化你的邮件,并添加额外联系信息。通过创建签名文件,你可以避免在你写的每封邮件的结尾处打上姓名、头衔、电话号码,等等。,27,4.Attachments One of the advantages of e-mail over other forms of communication is the ability to send and receive attach

40、ments.Attachments are files,pictures,or programs that readers can download to their own computer.,4附件 与其他的交流形式相比,电子邮件的一个优势是能够收发附件。附件是读者可以下载到自己计算机上的文件、图片或程序。,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,28,Sending attachmentslf you would like to add an attachment to your e-mail message,click on the button t

41、hat says Attach Document or Attachment in your e-mail software program.Most programs will then open a textbox that allows you to find and select the file you want to attach.,Cyberculture Basic Features of E-Mail,Textbox:文本框,发送附件你如果想为电子邮件添加附件,那就点击你的电子邮件软件程序中的“添加文档”或“附件”按钮。大多数程序随即会打开一个文本框,允许你查找并选择想要附加

42、的文件。,29,Receiving attachments-If someone sends you an attachment,your e-mail program will use an icon to signal that a file is attached to the e-mail message.Click on that icon.Most e-mail programs will then allow you to save the document to your hard disk.From there,you can open the file.,Cybercult

43、ure Basic Features of E-Mail,icon:图表,图符,接收附件如果某人发给你一个附件,你的电子邮件程序会使用一个图标,来表示有文件附加于电子邮件。点击该图标,大多数电子邮件程序随即会让你将该文档保存到硬盘上。你可以再从那里打开该文件。,30,III.E-Mail Netiquette E-mail has its own etiquette or netiquette.Here are a dozen netiquette guidelines that you can follow in the workplace:Be conciseKeep the length

44、 of your messages under a screen and a half.If you have more than a screen and a half of content,pick up the phone,write a memo,or send the information as an attachment.,Cyberculture E-Mail Netiquette,Netiquette:网规Etiquette:规矩Concise:简洁,III.电子邮件应遵守的网规 电子邮件有自己的规矩或“网规”。这里有你在工作场所可以遵循的12条网规:简洁将邮件长度保持在一屏

45、半以内。如果内容超过一屏半,应打电话、写备忘录或者将有关信息作为附件发送。,31,Provide only need-to-know information-Decide who needs to know what you have to say,and send them only information they need-nothing more.Treat the security of the message about the same as a message on a postcard-Recognize that anyone can pass your message a

46、long or use it against you.If the message is confidential or proprietary,e-mail is not an appropriate way to send it.,Cyberculture E-Mail Netiquette,nothing more:仅此而已Confidential:秘密Proprietary:专属proprietor:所有人,业主,仅提供需要知道的信息决定谁需要知道你要说的内容,然后仅给他们发送他们需要的信息仅此而已。视电子邮件中信息的安全度几近于明信片上信息的安全度要认识到任何人都可能转发你的邮件或者

47、用它来对付你。如果信息是秘密的或专属的,电子邮件不是一种适当的传送方式。,32,Dont say anything over e-mail that you would not say in a meeting or to legal authorities-Hey,accidents happen.You might send something embarrassing to the entire organization.Or,someone might do it for you.,Cyberculture E-Mail Netiquette,Embarrassing:难堪,不要通过电

48、子邮件说任何你不愿在会议上或对司法当局说的话嘿,意外事件可能发生。你可能将令人难堪的东西发送给整个机构。或者,某个人可能替你这样做。,33,Never immediately respond to a message that made you angry or upset-Give yourself time to cool off.You should never write e-mail when you are angry,because these little critters have a way of returning to bite you.,Cyberculture E-

49、Mail Netiquette,Upset:不安,困扰cool off:冷静Critter:畜生,千万不要立即回复令你愤怒或不安的邮件给你自己时间冷静下来。你愤怒的时候,千万别写电子邮件,因为这些小畜生有办法反咬你一口。,34,Be extra careful about excerpting or forwarding the e-mail of others-lf there is the remotest chance that someone elses message could be misunderstood,paraphrase it in your own message i

50、nstead of forwarding it or copying parts of it.,Cyberculture E-Mail Netiquette,Excerpt:摘引Remotest:丝毫,最远的Paraphrase:释义,意译,摘引或转发他人的电子邮件要格外慎重如果其他人的邮件有丝毫的被误解的可能性,则应在你自己的邮件中解释转述,而不应将其转发或部分复制。,35,Dont be unpleasant over e-mail if you would not be so face to face-E-mail provides a false sense of security,m


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