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1、书面表达汇总,1.议论文中考历程2.2012年评分细则3.议论文与说明文领悟4.范文展示,音乐是另一种语言,在不同的场合会带给我们不同的感受。有的同学认为在写作业时听音乐可以让我们愉悦心情、放松身体、清醒头脑;也有一些同学认为这样做会影响思路、感到困倦、浪费时间请你围绕“Can students listen to music when we are doing our homework?(中学生该不该写作业时听音乐)”这一话题,阐述同学们的不同想法,并谈谈你的观点。要求:1.清根据所提供的信息材料和话题(不要逐句翻译),写出结构完整,条理清晰,论据充分,语法准确,语言丰富优美,可读性强的短文

2、。文章开头已给出2.100词左右3,不得出现真实的姓名,地名和校名,体裁判断:根据题目判断本文为议论文信息整理:1.关键词:中学生 写作业 听音乐2.稳重红色体的提示信息,评分步骤:先定等按照所给评分标准的四个等级,先给出大概的等级结合作文的要求先整体看文章,给该文章初步的等级,比如是一等文,接下来再找细节是从一等文的最高分20分起开始扣分,最低不低于18分。依次类推,批阅细则1.标题2.首段至尾段3.减一分或降等4.其他细则,首段的要求及评分细则,首段的写作方法1.开门尖山直接说出观点2.翻译所给要求中的一句并引出观点3.设问:Do you think?4.排比:Some,some,whil

3、e others.5.名言警句要恰当使用6.驳论法:有的人认为,而我认为(把反方说出来去驳倒)7.对比法:正方有点,反方缺点然后引出8.提出论点的句式1)In my opinion/view,2)To my mind,(In my mind不可以)I think.3)Do you think?Yes,my answer is 9.过渡句1)Here are my ideas/reasons2)The following is.3)Please listen to my4)不可以写成Here are my tips/suggestions10.如果上来就提论点,无话题引出要减分11.说作为9年级

4、学生减分12.第一段没有中学生可以,只要全篇有即可13.第一段没有提出论点降等,中间段的要求及评分细则,1.要明确是回答why?提出的问题而不是How?2.用三个论据去证明,每一个论据要有关联词(如:first,second,third),要恰当准确,否则扣一分1)First,Secondly不可以2)On one hand,On the other hand,Finally,不可以3.主题句要求句式一致,即相同的句式结构4.扩展句至少两句话,只写一句或没写降等5.主题句写成听音乐或写作业使我们要降等,不要分开,要写成一体6.可以用it来代替论点。(如:First,it makes us fu

5、ll of happiness.)7.三个论点不全,缺少的情况下要降等,重复或用上反方论据也降等8.主旨句写反(doing homework while listening to the music)降等9.只写听音乐使我们 而没有写出当写作业时降等10.写成学习时或上课时听音乐降等11.主旨句写成听音乐,但扩展句有说出写作业扣一分;主旨句与扩展句都没说写作业,每点扣一分12.中间段如果能用上列数字,举例子等论证方式会增加分值First,listening to music wastes our time.Theres no doubt that middle school students

6、have a lot of homework to do.According to the scientists report,95%of the sleepy students will wake up after they listen to music while doing their homework.,结尾段的要求及评分细则,1.总结上文+重申观点+提出号召(升华)2.一定要有总结上文或呼应主题的句式,用不同的句式可读性更好1)In a word/In short/All in all/To sum up/So,2.)Theres no doubt/denying that3)It

7、s clear that/obvious(明显的)that4)Obviously,5)We can come to the conclusion that 6)Its necessary for us to.7)Theres no need for us to3.号召可以用谚语名言警句9.Above all(毕竟)减一分(不属于总结性词语)10.呼应论点后。再补充反方观点减一分11.又把中间段的论据重复说一遍减一分12.用we can来表达语言不准确扣分13.结尾写成我们应该听音乐而没有写作业扣分,减一分的细则,1.全篇没有写中学生2.全篇都没有问题,只有过渡句错误(Here are my a


9、usic is a kind of language which we can understand with our hearts.It can help us a lot at any place and any time.Therefore,in my opinion,as students in middle school,we should listen to music during doing homework.The reasons for this are as follows.First,listening to music during doing homework ca

10、n make us full of happiness.As a saying goes,”Music is the beginning of real happiness.”Of course,music can bring pleasure to everyone.Always,we can find a lot of pleasant things when listening to music and go out of the valley of depression.Second,listening to music during doing homework can make u

11、s relaxed.With the development of our modern society,more and more people bored and tired because of mu pressure.There can be no doubt that we can forget all the things that make us sad or disappointed when we lose ourselves into a piece of soft music.Third,listening to music during doing homework c

12、an make our minds clear.At times,we may meet with some problems that we are not able to solve.So it is the best way to listen to some wonderful music.For example,we can listen to a piece of music which written by some famous people when we dont have the ability to work out a math problem.Maybe it ca

13、n help us study more effectively.In a word,it is useful for us to listen to music during doing homework.It can not only relax our bodies and minds,but also let us find happiness.Therefore,lets listen to music during doing homework in order to make our future brighter!,范文赏析,说明文&议论文,说明文首段:How to read

14、English articles?English articles are like bright stars that give us light and power.Nowadays,English articles have become more and more important especially for us middle school students.Do you know how we middle school students read English articles well?Herere some useful ways.,说明文&议论文,议论文首段:Musi

15、c is like the sunshine of our life,which can make us relaxed and peaceful.Music is like our friends,which can help us go out of sadness.Music is like the most beautiful star in the sky,which can make our life bright and colorful.Theres no doubt that music is good for us.But as middle school students

16、,we shouldnt listen to music when doing homework.,说明文&议论文的异同点首段特点共同点:语言精彩,有修辞手法(排比,设问,引用等),导入主题自然恰当。不同点:1.最后一句必须有体现各自文体的句式2.说明文过渡句可有可无,议论文过渡句必有。,说明文&议论文的异同点中间段特点共同点:1.至少三种方法、论据,每种方法、论据后至少要有两句扩展句2.三种方法、论据的第一句的结构一定是相同的句式,整齐对仗,上下呼应。扩展句要用不同的句式并融入举例子,刘数字等说明或论证方式。不同点:说明文回答HOW的问题,而议论文回答WHY的问题。,说明文结尾段,Rome

17、is not built in one day.Its not easy to read English articles well in one day as well.If you can follow the tips above,I believe that you can make great progress of reading English articles.,议论文结尾段,In a word,it is useful for us to listen to music during doing homework.It can not only relax our bodie

18、s and minds,but also let us find happiness.Therefore,lets listen to music during doing homework in order to make our future brighter!,说明文&议论文的异同点尾段特点共同点:首尾呼应,有精美语句,升华主题或有谚语,名言警句温馨提示:切勿出现与本文体无关的句式。,说明文写作方法的指导,一.说明文的开头,1.说明文开头的范例,1)陈述事实,直入主题式Everyone will face difficulties when we grow up.I think that

19、 if we are strong enough to face difficulties,we will succeed.How to face them?Here are my suggestions.(设问式点题过渡),2)引用名言式 As the saying goes,“Life is not a road of all roses.”(生活不会都是玫瑰。)On the way of growing up,we must meet with all kinds of difficulties.How can we face them?Here are my ideas.,3)排比比喻

20、式 Love is the brightest sunshine that can warm you and me.Love is the shortest bridge that connects you and me.Love is the strongest power that affects you and me.We enjoy it happily,but how to show our love to others generously?Heres my advice.(直接建议式点题过渡),二.说明文的主体,中间段举例一,First,try to guess the mean

21、ings of the words that you dont know.If you are always used to using a dictionary,your ability will be never be improved.Guess the meanings of the words,and you can understand the meaning of the article better.Second,try to find out the main sentences.They can not only tell you the main idea of the

22、article,but also help you understand the meaning of the article quickly.So,its very necessary for you to find out the main sentences.Third,try to get the main information of the article.It is the key to get the main idea of the article.,中间段举例二,First,learn to get the meaning of the new word.We should

23、nt use a dictionary as soon as meeting a strange word.Through guessing the meaning of the new word,we can improve our reading ability.Second,find out the main sentence of the whole article.That can help us understand what the article mainly says.Then we can know the idea of the whole article quickly

24、.Third,when reading an English article,try to get the key information.Because of this,it is easy for us to infer the writers purpose.And we can read the English article not only easily but also quickly.,说明文的结尾,说明文结尾范例,1.提出呼吁式1)In a word,please learn to love carefully from now on.2)To do all of these

25、,to love everyone around you.I am quite sure that the world we live in will be more beautiful,more enjoyable and more peaceful because of love.2.用同义句重申主题式 All in all,whether difficulties are awful or not,it depends on our attitude towards them.Learn to smile and try it from today,youll really enjoy

26、the happiness of life.3.引用名言警句式All in all,confidence,the never-give-up attitude and useful skills help us overcome the difficulties.As the saying goes,Theres a will,theres a way.”Lets be brave when we face the difficulties.,三.个人批卷体会,1.考生丢分多的情况1)信息点阅读不细,颠倒主次信息的描述2)论证方法单一,力度不够3)明显能感觉出学生们在作文中间段论述“底气”不足

27、或没有“底气”,不知如何下手去论证自己的观点,只是语言平平地给自己的观点说说而已。4)很多学生还是没有明白或掌握论证的方式,比如说列数字,作比较,对比,举例子等。可能有些孩子懂是懂,但在运用上海不够熟练,因此导致使用时语法错误多而失分,三.今年中考作文,对比往年,今年在语言的行文流畅,精彩,地道,名言警句,佳句,修辞等方面的使用要求更高一些,其实就是对于学生们的语言积累功底的要求更多了,不仅要有大量“输入”的基甸,更重要的是如何在平时写作时有意识地重视自己的“输出”,关于写作的几点建议和想法,1.积累实用于写作的词汇 在平时老师的评卷讲评中,遇到了一些适合写作的单词或词组,可以抽出来积累,背诵

28、,默写,然后在每次写作中选用合适的词汇或词组造句,让自己尝到积累好词好词组带来的甜头2.书写规范,促进写作书面表达的质量,既反映在表达内容上,也反映在书面形式上,因此,在教学过程中,既要求你们注意书写规范,注意连写,以及文面美观。,3.积累好句子我们都知道了现在书面表达要求语言精彩,有修辞方法和谚语,这些是可以提高等次的妙方。在最后复习阶段的试卷中,尤其是单选,完型和阅读理解C篇,里面有作者寓意,哲理很棒的句子,跟老师或同桌共同找出划出,并可以互相探讨在什么样的文体下可用这些句子,是用在开头,结尾段,还是中间扩展段比如:It can help us learn more about not o

29、nly nature but also different cultures and customs.这种句式就失分适合用在说明文中主体段的扩展句中再比如:To help others is more valuable than anything else.As long as we show our love and care to others,the world will be full of happiness and pleasure.这样的句子很适用于结尾段。再比如:Life isnt all fun.There is always something make us unhappy.When you feel disappointed,please say”Thank you”to the person who disappoints you.That shows your great generosity(宽容)and politeness to others.If you do so,youll have more chances than others.这样的段落如果在适当的改编后适合放在首段或尾段。,


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