1、Unit 2Why do you like koala bears?,Language goals:Describe animals;Express preferences and reasons.,Target languages:Do you like horse?Why?Why do you like koala bears?Why do you want to see the lions?Because they are very/kind of fun/cute/interesting/smart,Task One:Get to know animals Task Two:Talk
2、about preferences and the reasons,Koala,Elephant,penguin,Panda,Giraffes,Lion,Dolphin,tiger,Unit 3 Why do you like Koalas?,执教者:肖赛君,/v/,/I/,monkey,monkeys,/e/I/,penguin,/e,/ai,lion,/I/a:/,giraffe,Lets go to the zoo!,There are more animals in it!Lets see.,Lets go to the zoo!,1.,tiger,2.,elephant,3.,/ta
3、ig/,e,/elif nt/,e,/d lfin/,a,dolphin,Hangzhou Zoo,.倾听动物 Listen to the animals.,koalas,koala,panda,pandas,e,/ua:/,/e/,e,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,Task 1.Match the animals and their names.,A B C D,E F G H,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,Lets guess!,-Is it a?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt.,Its a giraffe.
4、,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,-Is it a?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt.,Its an elephant.,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,Its a dog.,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,Its a dolphin.,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,Its a koala.,Its a panda.,.走近动物.Get close to the animals.,Secti
5、on A,Unit3,Why do you like koalas?,Match the words with the animals in the picture.1.tiger _2.elephant _3.koalas _ 4.dolphin _5.panda _6.lion _7.penguin _8.giraffe _,1a,b,h,d,a,e,f,g,c,Section B-1,2a 1.ugly_ 3.friendly_ 5.small _ 7.shy_2.clever_ 4.beautiful _ 6.cute_ 8.scary_,scary,friendly,cute,cle
6、ver,shy,ugly,fun,beautiful,lazy,friendly,I like becausethey are I dont like because they are,Pairwork:,-What animals do you want to see?-I want to sees.-Why?-Because they are.,.了解动物.Get to know about the animals.,你看过幸运吗?以小组为单位,请描述你看到的动物,让本组成员猜。如果你能边描述边表演,则再加一分。每组可表演七个动物。计时秒!,Please describe the anim
7、als and let your group mates guess!If you can act,it will be better!,.热爱动物.Love the animals.,Show Time,No.1,No.2,No.3,No.4,No.5,Lets choose!开始选题吧!,.热爱动物.Love the animals.,Love animals,love ourselves!,Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?,Period 1,Lets go to zoo.,Lets see some animals(动物).,WELCOME TO THE ZO
8、O,cat,dog,T-I-G-E-R Tiger,E-L-E-P-H-A-N-T elephant,M-O-N-K-E-Y Monkey,koala,dolphin,lion,penguin,panda,giraffe,Do you know any other animals?请列举其他动物,zebra 斑马,Kangaroo 袋鼠,peacock 孔雀,rabbit,duck,Four legs腿:,Two legs:,No leg:,Swim:,Game:,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,Memory challenge,1,3,4,5,6,7,9,8,2,Section A,Li
9、sten and check()the animals you hear 1a.,Match the words with the animals in the picture.1.tiger _2.elephant _3.koalas _ 4.dolphin _5.panda _6.lion _7.penguin _8.giraffe _,1b,2a,Listen and write the animals you hear.Draw a line from the animals to the description words.,Animals Description words1._
10、a.interesting b.cute 2._ c.fun d.smart,koalas,dolphins,2b,very dolphinskind of koalas,Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in the box.(You can use some words more than once.),Julia:Lets see the koalas.(1)Henry:Why do you like _?(2)Julia:Because theyre _ cute.(3)Henry:Well,I like
11、 _.(4)Julia:Why do you like _?(5)Henry:Because theyre _(6)interesting.,koalas,very,dolphins,dolphins,kind of,Pairwork,Use the animals and countries in 3a.,Where are lions from?Lions are from South Africa.,Section A,Unit3,Why do you like koalas?,Match the words with the animals in the picture.1.tiger
12、 _2.elephant _3.koalas _ 4.dolphin _5.panda _6.lion _7.penguin _8.giraffe _,1a,b,h,d,a,e,f,g,c,animals,A:What animal do you want to see?,B:I want to see the pandas.,A:OK.Lets see the pandas first.,What animals do you like?,I like pandas.,Why do you like s?,Because they are,cute,smart 聪明的,shy,可爱的,int
13、eresting and clever聪明的,cute fun smart interesting clever,pairwork,A:Lets see the s.B:Why do you want to see the s?A:Because theyre,1b,Listen and check the animals you hear in 1a.,panda,giraffe,penguin,Design(设计)an animal mascot(吉祥物)for our school and tell the reason.,I like monkeys.Because they are
14、very smart and clever.,I want to see it every day.So I want it for an animal mascot of our school.,kind of big,very big,Kind of big,very big,A:I like monkeys.Because they re very cute.,1.What animals do you like and why?,1.What animals does your mother like and why?,She likesbecause theyre,2a,Listen
15、 and write the animals you hear.Draw a line from the animals to the description words.,Animals Description words1._ a.interesting b.cute 2._ c.fun d.smart,koalas,dolphins,2b,ver y dolphinskind of koalas,Listen again and complete the conversation with the words in the box.(You can use some words more
16、 than once.),Julia:Lets see the koalas.(1)Henry:Why do you like _?(2)Julia:Because theyre _ cute.(3)Henry:Well,I like _.(4)Julia:Why do you like _?(5)Henry:Because theyre _(6)interesting.,koalas,ver y,dolphins,dolphins,kind of,Work in groups.Ask your group members what animals they like,dislike and
17、why.Fill the form and make a report.,Group work,Report like this:likes because,Self check,Animals I know before class,Animals I know in this class,Animals I know after class,What animals do you like?Why do you like them?,Fill in the chart,Search(收集)the pictures of the animals you like and describe(描
18、述)them.,name:photo:from:food:Its very kind of,Homework,Good-bye!,Lets see the pandas first.Why?Because they are very cute.Do you like dolphins?Yes,I do.Why?Because they are very friendly.,What kind of animals do you like?I like elephants.Why?Because they are fun.,Cute j:豆人喜爱的/漂亮的Fun 有趣的Ugly/丑陋/难看的sh
19、y/害羞的/胆怯的Friendly 友好的Beautiful 美丽的Smart 聪明的;漂亮的Kind of(old)有点儿(老)Very(old)很/十分(老),friendly,shy,cute,clever,smart,fun,beautiful,interesting,dangerous,Interview(采访)A:Do you like lions/dogs/pandas?B:Yes,I do./No.I dont.A:Why?B:Because theyre cute./Because theyre ugly.,Then give reports:,Lucy likes dogs,because theyre friendly.She doesnt like tigers,because theyre dangerous.,Group work:今天你和你的朋友 去参观动物园,把你 们参观的过程(包括路线及对话)告诉给大家,让大家一同分享你的快乐。,