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1、专业英语建筑学与城市规划Professional Englishin Architecture and Urban Planning,授课教师:陶斌Lecturer:Bin Tao,Review Volume 2UNIT TWELVEText Landscape Design(),landscape design 景观设计 site planning 场地规划landscape planning 景观规划 landscape architect 景观建筑师landscape architecture 景观建筑学,造景学landscape gardening 景观园艺landscape gard

2、ener 景观园艺师three-dimensional space 三维空间topography 地形、地形学-graphy 表示书写、表现等的形式:calligraphy,photography 表示某种艺术或描述性的学科:choreography,geography,1.Words and Expressions,Page 120,Para.1,line 4 Blue colors,which are visually receding,or small textured plants can be used to increase the sense of distance.,在视觉上显

3、得较远的蓝色或质感细密的植物可用来增加距离感。,2.Sentences,recede v.退;缩进;收回,潮水(自岸边)退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。,Example 1 As the tide receded(from the shore)we were able to look for shells.,他的前发际已渐渐后移。,Example 2 He has a receding hairline.,textured a.质地的;质感的,Example 1 coarse-textured 质地粗糙的,Page 120,Para.6,line 2 There are also form-givi

4、ng influences on the site from beyond the boundaries and the plan must show and deal with the modification of the site as it responds to those outside forces,especially climate,views,adjoining buildings,and land uses.,边界以外的因素也从形式上影响着景址,规划时考虑这些外部力量,尤其是气候、风景、毗连建筑物和土地利用等,就必须体现和处理对景址的修正。,adjoin v.毗连;邻近,

5、运动场紧靠着学校。,Example 1 The playing-field adjoins the school.,我们听到了邻屋的笑声。,Example 2 We heard laughter in the adjoining room.,Page 121,Para.6,line 5 From an economy of space viewpoint,the alignment and location of playing fields and parking lots,buildings,and roads is likely to be parallel to the site bo

6、undaries or major slopes and ridges unless there is a physiographic reason or strong program requirement to dictate otherwise.,就有效利用空间而言,如果没有地理因素或强烈的方案要求需作不同的考虑,游玩地、停车场、建筑物、道路的布局和定址尽可能和景址的边界、主要坡面和山脊平行。,physiology 生理学 physiotherapy 理疗,-graph 构词成分 书写或记录用具;书写、记录、图画,physi(o)-构词成分 自然的;物理的,telegraph autog

7、raph photograph,Page 121,Para.6,line 5 From an economy of space viewpoint,the alignment and location of playing fields and parking lots,buildings,and roads is likely to be parallel to the site boundaries or major slopes and ridges unless there is a physiographic reason or strong program requirement

8、to dictate otherwise.,就有效利用空间而言,如果没有地理因素或强烈的方案要求需作不同的考虑,游玩地、停车场、建筑物、道路的布局和定址尽可能和景址的边界、主要坡面和山脊平行。,显然你的想法不同。,Example 1 You obviously think otherwise.,他应该在工作,可他却干别的事。,Example 2 He should have been working,but he was otherwise engaged.,otherwise adv.用别的方法;不同的,Page 121,Para.8,line 12 We must ask ourselve

9、s to what extent anything we design for childrens play is in fact limiting to the childs imagination.,我们必须自问,我们为孩子玩耍所设计的在多大程度上实际限制了孩子的想象力。,在某种程度上你是正确的。,Example 1 To some extent you are correct.,可以相信他到什么程度?,Example 2 To what extent can he be believed?,我在一定程度上同意你的意见,但,Example 3 I agree with you to a c

10、ertain extent,but,这块地毯已经脏得辨认不出原来的颜色了。,Example 4 The carpet was badly stained,to such an extent that you couldnt tell its original color.,Page 121,Para.8,line 5 from the bottom The design of playgrounds must clearly emanate from an understanding of being a child with basic needs for security,muscular

11、 development and movement,and having drives that are satisfied by discovery and challenge.,游戏场地的设计必须清楚地来自这样的认知:作为孩子有安全、肌肉发育和运动的最基本需求,有靠发现和挑战来满足的欲望驱动力。,这个主意最初是他哥哥出的。,Example 1 The idea originally emanated from his brother.,香味从厨房飘了出来。,Example 2 Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.,emanate

12、 from sth/sb 来自某物(某人),Page 121,Para.8,the last line Whatever the use to be provided and facilitated,there must be enough space for it to take place and the three-dimensional forms and two-dimensional shapes should result from an analysis of the use.,如果你再合作些就省事了。,Example 1 It would facilitate matters

13、 if you were more co-operative.,新的地下铁路将为去机场提供方便。,Example 2 The new underground railway will facilitate the journey to the airport.,facilitate v.(不以人作主语)使容易,使便利;有助于,促进,无论提供什么用途并促进它,必须有足够的空间来实现它们,三维形式和二维形状应取决于对用途的分析。,Volume 2UNIT THIRTEENText The Planning Process,Page 130,Para.1,line 3 The relationshi

14、p between these various patterns is constantly changing,giving rise to new and different conditions,some beneficial to the community,some deleterious.,这些多种多样的形式之间的关系不断发生变化,产生对社区有利或有害的新条件。,1.Sentences,她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语。,Example 1 Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.,give rise to sth 引起、导致

15、某事物;使发生,不卫生的环境会引起疾病。,Example 2 Unhealthy conditions give rise to disease.,Page 130,Para.3,line 3 A rational decision is one where all the various alternative courses of action are considered,the consequences resulting from them are identified and compared,and the preferred alternatives selected in t

16、he light of the most valued ends.,合理决策应考虑到所有不同的行动方案,确认、比较其后果,根据最受重视目标选出优先方案。,照老经验来评论那些建议。,Example 1 Review the proposals in the light of past experience.,in(the)light of sth 鉴于,依照,按照;考虑到某事物,alternative n.选择 a.(另)可选择的;其他的,你辞职也是个办法(选择)。,Example 1 One of the alternatives open to you is to resign.,可供应考选

17、读的另一本书是战争与和平。,Example 2 The alternative book to study for the examination is“War and Peace”.,Page 130,Para.4,line 4 In essence,forecasting is estimating,which involves understanding a process well enough to be able to describe its important relationships and to gauge the values of its variables.,预测的

18、本质就是估计,这要求对一个过程要熟悉到能描述其中重要关系并估计其变量值的程度。,这两个论点大致相同。,Example 1 The two arguments are in essence the same.,in essence 本质上;大体上,variable n.变量,在该实验中温度是一个变量。,Example 1 Temperature was a variable in the experiment.,由于有许多可变因素,很难准确地估算出成本。,Example 2 With so many variables,the exact cost is difficult to estimat

19、e.,Page 130,Para.4,line 8 The constituent variables that comprise the plan,which might be population,employment and communications for example,will require repeated analysis to check their performance and identify any departures from the original strategy.,要反复分析构成规划方案的变量,如人口、就业和交通,以检查其作用,找出背离最初策略之处。

20、,同旧习俗、标准程序等相违,Example 1 a departure from old customs,the standard procedure,etc.,departure from 背离;违反,这套新系统不同于(背离)我们惯用的方法。,Example 2 The new system is a departure from our usual method.,Page 131,Para.5,line 1 Owing to the need for continuity,adaptability,and revision,all geared towards the task of p

21、roducing the best planning decision all the time,a procedure somewhat vulgarly called“optimization”,urban and regional planning has been described as a cyclic process.,由于连续性、适应性和可修订性的需要,调整一切以适应自始至终做出最佳规划决策的任务,这样的过程被有点通俗地称为“最优化”,因此城市和区域规划被认为是一个循环过程。,比赛因雨取消了。,Example 1 Owing to the rain,the match was

22、cancelled.,owing to prep.由于;因为,gear sth to/towards sth 调整使适合或达到某水平或标准,工业必须调整以适应战时需要。,Example 1 Industry must be geared to wartime needs.,我们调整力量将生产推向更高的水平。,Example 2 Our effort is geared to a higher level of production.,Page 131,Para.5,line 1 Owing to the need for continuity,adaptability,and revision

23、,all geared towards the task of producing the best planning decision all the time,a procedure somewhat vulgarly called“optimization”,urban and regional planning has been described as a cyclic process.,由于连续性、适应性和可修订性的需要,调整一切以适应自始至终做出最佳规划决策的任务,这样的过程被有点通俗地称为“最优化”,因此城市和区域规划被认为是一个循环过程。,见到他我有点吃惊。,Example

24、1 I was somewhat surprised to see him.,somewhat adv.稍微;有点,他回答时有些局促不安。,Example 2 He answered somewhat nervously.,Page 131,Para.5,line 4 from the bottom This description is by no means exhaustive or authoritative but it does serve to illustrate the departure from traditional land use planning.,这个描述决不彻

25、底也非权威,但确实可用以表明(规划过程)与传统土地用途规划的不同。,她可不穷,其实她很阔。,Example 1 She is by no means poor,in fact,shes quite rich.,by no means 绝不;一点都不(not at all),我对这种行为一点也不满意。,Example 2 I am by no means pleased with this behavior.,A.Volume 2,Exercises(Page 132-134)B.Preview,Volume 2UNIT FOURTEENText The Crucial Elements of Metropolitan Form,Homework,


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