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1、七年级人教新目标下册,Unit 4I want to be an actor.,Section A,presidents,football players,scientists,singers,workers,students,dancer,officer,actor,actress,What does he do?,He is a worker.,He works in a factory.,Where does he work?,He is a doctor.,A doctor looks over the patients.,He works in a hospital.,She is

2、a nurse.,A nurse helps doctors look after patients.,She wears a white uniform.,She works in a hospital.,She is a student.,She studies in a school.,policeman,police station,policewoman,He is a cook.,He works in a restaurant.,waiter,waitress,They work in a restaurant.,She is a reporter.,She works in a

3、 TV station.,She meets people and asks them questions.,She is a shop assistant.,shop assistant,sell things,in a store/shop,in a supermarket,bank clerk,She works in a bank.,He is a businessman.,businessman,do business,He is a farmer.,Farmers grow crops.,rice 水稻,wheat 小麦,corn 玉米,farm,He works on a far

4、m.,He is a postman.,Postmen send letters and postcards to us.,He works in a post office.,What does they do?,What does they do?,1a.Match the words and the pictures.1.shop assistant _2.doctor _3.actor _4.reporter _5.policeman _6.waiter _7.bank clerk _8.student _,f,b,h,a,e,g,C,d,1,2,3,1b.Listen and num

5、ber the people in the picture.,2a.Listen and number the pictures below.,3,1,2,2b.Listen again and fill in the chart.,policewoman,waiter,actor,student,doctor,2c.Pairwork Ask and answer questions about the pictures in 2a.,What does she want to be?,She wants to be a reporter.,What does he want to be?,H

6、e wants to be a basketball player.,1.waiter 2.nurse 3.bank clerk 4.policeman 5.reporter,2,4,3,5,3a.Match the jobs with the people.,What does she do?,She is a doctor.,Where does she work?,She works in a hospital.,3b.Pairwork,What does he do?,He is a waiter.,Where does he work?,He works in a restauran

7、t.,What does she do?,She is a bank clerk.,Where does she work?,She works in a bank.,What does she do?,She is a reporter.,Where does she work?,She works in a TV station.,What does he do?,He is a policeman.,Where does he work?,He works in a Police Station.,My name is Yang Xiaochen.Im a school boy.Im n

8、ot good at my school work.My parents are worried about me.They want me to get better marks(分数)in school and get a good job in future.But I only want to be a professional soccer ball player,because Im good at soccer ball.My dear friends,what should I do?Please tell Yang Xiaochen what he should do.Is

9、professional soccer ball player better for boys or girls?,Discuss in groups,a reporter,4.Guess the job!,a nurse,a police officer,a student,a farmer,a waiter,Summary,询问职业:,想要成为,What do you do?Im a reporter.,What do you want to be?I want to be an actor.,What does he do?Hes a student.,What does he want

10、 to be?He wants to be a bank clerk.,What does she do?Shes a doctor.,What does she want to be?She wants to be a shop assistant.,1.I want to be an actor.我想成为一名演员。1)“want to be+职业”表示“想成为一名”如:I want to be a doctor.我想成为一名医生。He wants to be a teacher.他想成为一名教师。学过的有关want的用法还有:want sth;want to do sth;want sb

11、to do sth.,Language Points,2)actor 男演员,actress 女演员。一位演员要用an而不用a。如:Hes an actor.他是一位演员。waiter 男侍者,waitress 女侍者,2.report+er=reporter 记者“动词+er=发出动作的人”。这是一种 构词法。如:teach 教书teacher教师 run runner writewriter 作家 work worker 工人 有少数两个是加or。如:actor 演员 visitor 参观者,3.policeman 男警察。其复数为policemen man 复数为men;woman 复数

12、为women policewoman 复数为policewomen 如:There are two policemen on the street.街上有两位警察。,4.NOW SHOWING 正在放映5.in hospital 住院 in the/a hospital 在医院。如:He is ill in hospital.他生病住院了。His father works in a hospital.他父亲在一家医院工作。,6.What does he do?他是做什么的?what 对“职业”提问。如:He is a teacher.What does he do?I am a doctor.

13、What do you do?转换同义句。What does he do?=What is he?=Whats his job?又如:What do you do?=What are you?=Whats your job?,7.money 钱,不可数名词。much money 许多钱 Hard money 硬币 paper money 纸币 make money 赚钱 I want to make more money.我想赚更多的钱。Time is money.时间就是金钱。Money is not everything.金钱并非万能。Money makes the mare go.有钱能

14、使鬼推磨。,8.People give me their money.人们把钱交给我。give sth to sb表示“把某物给某人”。其中sth表某物,称直接宾语;sb表某人,称间接宾语。两者合称“双宾语”。常见结构为:“动词+直接宾语+to/for+间接宾语”,(动词buy,make,cook,get,draw,sing等常与for搭配;其余与to搭配)如:Please give some water to me.请给我一点水。He sings an English song for us.他给我们唱了一首英语歌。,2)上面结构也可改写为:“give sb sth”,“动词+间接宾语+直接

15、宾语”(即当间宾在前,直宾在后时,中间不加介词)上面例句可改为:Please give me some water.He sings us an English song.3)当直宾和间宾都是代词时,只能用“give sth to sb”结构。如:Thats my book.Please give it to me.不能说Please give me it.,9.get their money from me.get sth from 从得到某物。如:He gets some money from his father every month.每个月他都能从父亲那得到一些钱。,10.I wea

16、r a white uniform.wear和put on两者都相表“穿”。wear强调 穿的状态,意为“穿着”。put on强调穿的 动作,意为“穿上”。如:He often wears a white coat.他经常穿一件白外衣。Dale puts on a hat and goes out.戴尔戴上帽子出去了。,11.Sometimes I work in the day 1)sometimes“有时”,可放句首、句末、句中。如:Sometimes I get up late.有时我起床很晚。He sometimes watches TV at home.他有时在家看电视。Linda

17、is late for school sometimes.琳达有时上学迟到。,2)in the day 在白天。=during the day.12.My work is interesting but kind of dangeros.dangerous 形容词,“危险的”。其名词为 danger。In danger 处于危险中。13.Thieves dont like me.thief 小偷。其复数为thieves.,14.I like talking to people.talk to/with sb 与某人交谈。talk about sb/sth 谈论某人或某事。如:The teach

18、er is talking with a man.老师正和一位人交谈。They are talking about a new movie.他们正在谈论一部新电影。,15.I work late.late 1)作形容词。“迟的、晚的”。常用语:be late(for)(因)迟到。如:I am late.我迟到了。She is late for class.她上课迟到了。2)作副词,修饰动词,放动词后。如:Peter gets up late.比尔起床迟了。He often works late.他以常工作到很晚。,16.I am very busy when people go out to

19、dinners.1)be busy doing 忙于做某事。如:He is busy reading his book.他正忙于读他的书。be busy with sth 忙于某事。如:Tom is busy with his homework.汤姆忙于他的作业。,这两个短语有时可互换。如:Ann is busy learning English.=Ann is busy with her English.安忙于学英语。2)go out 出去 如:Go out to dinner出去吃饭。,Fill in the blanks.,1.我想和演员一块工作.I _ _ work with the

20、actors.2.她经常和她的妈妈谈天.She often _ _ her mom.3.安娜的妈妈是干什么工作的?她是个医生.-What _Annas mother _?-She _ a doctor.,want to,talks with/to,does,do,is,4.服务员很忙,工作到很晚.Waiters work _,they _ _.5.有时她不穿校服.Sometimes she _ wear school _.6.人们把他们的钱给我或者把他们的钱从我这里取走。People their money me or their money me.,late,are busy,doesnt,uniform,give,to,get,from,要点提示:1.你为何喜欢它。2.它的职业特点和工作场所。,Homework,Write a short passage about your favorite job.,


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