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1、,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,Warming up,How much do you know about the Olympics?,奥运知识知多少?猜猜猜,Asia,Europe,Africa,America,Oceania,The five rings stand for friendship of five continents,What do the five rings stand for?,NO.1,The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,fish,panda,Olympicflame,Ti

2、betan antelope,swallow,NO.2,Like the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration,the Five Friendlies serves as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,carrying a message of friendship and peaceand blessings from Chinato children all over the world.源自于奥运五环的颜色和灵感,五个好

3、朋友成为了北京奥运会的吉祥物,向全世界的孩子们送去友好和平和祝福的信息。,welcome to China!,The _ Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 was really a great success not only for Beijing but also for our whole country.These Chinese athletes won _ gold medals,which was placed _.,It is a great honor to host the Olympic Games.To hold the Olympic

4、games is a rich prize for a country.And it can make a country known in the world.,51,the first,NO.3,29th,Winter Olympic Games,Summer Olympic Games,NO.4,How often is the Olympics held?,Every four years/every fourth year.,Swifter,higher,stronger,NO.5,What are the three words that show the spirit of th

5、e Olympic Games?,NO.6,Where did the ancient Olympic Games start?,Greece,Only one-Greece,NO.7,How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?,NO.8,Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games?,Slaves and Women,Athens in 1896,NO.9,When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?,NO

6、.10,Game Over,Who got the most points?,Are you the winner?,Language points,他过去常常开他的老式车。He used to drive his ancient car.让我惊奇的是,这种古代习俗今天还流行。To my surprise,the ancient custom is popular today.,1.ancient adj.old-反义modern,in ancient/modern times在古代/现代,pete(vi.)比赛;竞争competition(n.)-competitor(n.)-competi

7、tive(adj.)compete(with/against sb.)(for sth.)(in)eg.We cant compete with them on price.我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。I hope all of us can compete _race/running.I know my English cannot compete _ _ his.,in,with/against,1.Do you like watching boxing _.2.I prefer to play a _ of chess.3.She took the first place in the

8、speech _.4.They are both in _ with each other for the gold medal.,matches,game,contest/competition,game/match/contest/competition,competition,区别:game 游戏,比赛,运动,球赛为美式英语,指棋类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;match 球赛为英式英语,指预先安排好的正式比赛,如摔跤,拳击等;contest 指智力和知识竞赛(=competition)competition 通过个人体力,智力,技能 等获取名词。,3.take part in 参加;参与1)

9、He mustered all his courage to take part in the game.他鼓起全部的勇气参加比赛。2)We all had to take part in the training run,with nobody excepted.我们大家都得参加跑步训练,无人例外。,compare:take part in;join in;join;attend,Last weekend I _a wedding.Today women are now_ social activities.Would you like to _ us _our game?His broth

10、er _the army last year.,attended,taking an active part in,joined,join in,take part in=join in 参加某项活动 join 加入某个组织,团体 attend 侧重强调出席某个场合,上学,出席会议等等.,1.Its certain that he will win a silver _ for racing.2.He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race.3.The winner received a gold medal as a/an _.4.A large

11、 _ will be offered to whoever finds the missing ring.,medal,prize,4.prize/medal/reward/award,award,reward,medal 奖牌/章;prize 奖金,奖励,获奖名次;award 奖品,奖金;reward 报酬,回报,5.stand for代表;象征;表示1)What does“ESL”stand for?“ESL”代表什么?2)She also learned a kind of alphabet for the blind,in which different finger positions stand for different letters of the alphabet.她还学了一种盲人用的手语字母,即用手指的不同位置代表字母表上不同的字母。3G,USA,UN,UK,PRC,Homework,1.Preview Reading and try to understand the meaning of it.2.Prepare the questions on page 11.Ex 1-2.3.workbook,unit 1(select some),Thank you!,


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