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1、Section B,Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling,Topic 2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs?,singing&playing basketball,Look at the pictures.Make some sentences using while or when.,Revision,Yao Ming was playing basket when/while Zhou Jielun was singing.,riding a bicycle&riding a horse,I was riding a bicycle when

2、my brother was riding a horse.,1.北,北的2.东,东方的3.东北4.东方的5.标记6.开始7.官方的,官员8.调查9.骆驼,north,east,northeast,mark,beginning(名词)begin(动词),official office(办公室),survey,camel,eastern,单词风暴,追踪练习,I read the story from _(begin)to the end yesterday.We use c_ to ride in the desert.We must finish Exercises 1and 2 today.

3、And,please m_ them 4.Some birds will fly to the south from the _ before winter comes.5.-Could you tell me some _ cities in China?-Sure.Shanghai,Nanjing and so on.,beginning,amels,ark,north,eastern,我们组因我而精彩!,North,South,West,East,Northwest,Southeast,Southwest,Northeast,Lets use our hands to point out

4、 the position.,A,B,A,B,A,on+the+方位词+of 用于相互接壤且互不管辖的地区。,to+the+方位词+of 用于互不接壤且互不管辖的地区。,in+the+方位词+of 用于在某一范围内的地区。,on,to,in,A is in B.,Describe the picture.,C is on the west of D.D is on the east of C,E is to the west of F.F is to the east of E.,Look at the map and fill in the blanks with the proper wo

5、rds.,1.Siling is in the _ of the Ming Tombs.2.Qingling is to the _ of Yuling.3.Dingling is _ the southwest of Kangling.4.Maoling lies to the _ of Tailing.5.Zhaoling lies _ the west of the Ming Tombs.6.The most eastern tomb is _.,west,east,to,southeast,in,Deling,Pair work,Talk about the map of the Mi

6、ng Tombs with in,to and on after the example.,Example:Siling is in the south of the Ming Tombs.,Talk about a map of China in pairs after the example using in/on/to.,Example:A:Where is Taiwan/Henan?B:Its in the southeast of China./Its on the north of Hubei.,1.Shanghai is _ the east of China.2.Anhui i

7、s _ the east of Henan.3.Hunan is _ the south of Henan.4.Taiwan is _ the southeast of China.,in,on,to,in,Look at the map of China and introduce the positions of these provinces.You can begin like this:,Written work,China is a large country.It has many provinces.Shanghai is in the southeast and,Lets g

8、o and explore the Ming Tombs.,Topic 2,Section B,Listen to 1a and list the scenery spots mentioned in the dialog.,the Stone Arch,the Sacred Way,Read 1a,ask and answer the following questions in pairs.,1.Where are the Ming Tombs?,2.Whats on both sides of the Sacred Way?,They are at the foot of the Tia

9、nshou Mountains,in the northwest of Beijing.,Some stone animals and stone officials.,3.When did the emperors start to build their tombs?,4.What kind of place did the emperors choose for their tombs?,5.How long does it take them to get there by bike?,When they became emperors.,It faced south and had

10、mountains behind them.,Its about two and a half hours by bike.,Read an find out,1.在脚下2.延绵、延伸、遍布3.面朝南4.确信 确保5.在路的两边6.-你能告诉我一些关于明十三陵的信息吗?-当然。7.-顺便问一下,从这里到明十三陵有多远?-骑自行车大约两个半小时,at the foot of,spread over=cover,make sure+that 从句,face south,-Could you tell me something about the Ming Tombs?,Sure=Of course

11、,-By the way,how far is it from here to Ming Tombs?,Its about two and a half hours by bike.,On both sides of the way=on each side of the way,1.On both sides of the way,there are some stone animals and stone officials.在路两边,有些动物石像(石像生)和官员石像(翁仲)。on both sides of 在两边=on each side of 在每一边=on either side

12、of 在任意一边追踪练习:1.河流的两岸有许多树木。,Language points,There are many trees on both sides of the river.=There are many trees on each side of the river.=There are many trees on either side of the river.,2.By the way,how far is it from here Its about two and a half hours by bike.顺便问一下,离这有多远?骑自行车大约两个半小时.by the way

13、 顺便问一下 how far 多远 two and a half hours 两个半小时=two hours and a half 拓展:骑自行车大约两个半小时。,Its about two and a half hours by bike.=Its about two and a half hours ride.,追踪练习,()1.Our hotel _ the sea.You can enjoy the beautiful scenery here.faces B.face to C.face D.faces toward()2.How long does it take you to p

14、lay basketball every day?-About _A.one hour and a half hour B.one and a half hoursC.one and a half hour D.one hour and half an hours,A,face+sw 面朝某地,B,一个半小时:one and a half hours=one hour and a half,3.Its about twenty minutes on foot from here to the bank.(同义句转换)Its about_ _ _from here to the bank.4.I

15、ts over two hours by plane from Beijing to fuzhou.(对划线部分提问)_ _ is it from Beijing to Fuzhou?,twenty minutes walk,走路二十分钟的路程twenty minutes on foot=twenty minutes walk,How far,对路程提问用:how far,()5.There are a lot of trees on _ side of the road.A.every B.each C.both D.all()6.You d better check your homewo

16、rk to _ there is no mistake in it.A.think over B.look for C.come true D.make sure,B,on both sides of 在两边=on each side of 在每一边,D,make sure+that 从句,MingTombs are_the_Mountains,_of Beijing.The Tombs spread over an area of_._marks the beginning of_to the Tombs.On both sides of_,there are some_and_.The e

17、mperors surveyed the area to_their tombs_and_behind them.,at the foot of,Tianshou,in the northwest,40km,The Stone Arch,the Sacred Way,the Way,stone animals,stone officials,make sure,faced south,had mountains,Read and retell:,camel,Lion,Xiezhi,Horse,Qilin,Elephant,Listen and number the picture.,1.()g

18、ood luck.2.()peace of the country3.()telling good from bad 4.()large area of the country 5.()an important vehicle 6.()high prestige,d,e,b,c,f,a,a.Lion b.Xiezhi c.Camel d.Horse e.Qilin f.Elephant,What do the animals stand for?Listen again and match.,Exercise,Fujian is _ the south of China,and Taiwan

19、is _ the south of Fujian.A.in,to B.to,in C.to,to D.in,on 2.There are many trees on _ side of the road.A.every B.each C.both D.all,A,B,单项选择,3._ is it from our school to Lupu Bridge?About half an hours bus ride.A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much 4.It took her _ to cook the delicious food.A.three and a half hour B.three and a half hours C.a half and three hour D.three hour and a half,C,B,


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