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1、,Review of Unit 7,单元音,he hi:fee fi:bee bi:feel fi:l tree tri:knee ni:teacher ti:t,fill filbill bil sit sit pig pi big bi picture pikt,单元音,fell felbed bed sell sel desk deskhead hed lesson lesn better bet,单元音,fat ftbag b hand hnd and nd hat ht bad bd back bk happy hpi,单元音,掌握了吗?,机器人 更少的 建筑物 宇航员 不可能的 家

2、务单独的 大概 一套衣服 穿衣 这样的 可能的随意的 面试 预言公司 不愉快的 简单的 厌倦的 到处 外形,1.在将来 2.活到200岁 3.一百年后 4.空闲时间 5.谈论,谈及,谈到 6.高中 7.电脑程序员 8.在太空站上9.爱上 10.去滑冰 11.能,会做某事 12.度假 13.世界杯,in the future,live to be 200 years old,in 100 years,free time,talk about,high school,computer programmer,on a space station,fall in love with,go skatin

3、g,be able to do,on vacation,the World Cup,/can do sth.,be free免费的,from now on,be in college,在上大学,词组,14.饲养一头宠物鹦鹉 15.工作面试 16.飞往 17.实现,成为现实 18.看上去像 19.某人自己的 20.科幻影片 21.帮助(某人)做某事 22.数百,成百上千的,keep a pet parrot,job interview,fly to,come true,look like,ones own,science fiction movies,help(sb.)do sth.,hundr

4、eds of,help(sb.)with sth.,flew/flown,Jims own book,my own car,hundreds of students,5 hundred students,thousand/million/billion/trillion,23.和相同 24.醒来;唤醒 25.和交谈 26.试图做某事 尽力做某事27.变得厌倦 28.一次又一次,再三地 29.看见某人做某事(全过程)看见某人正在做某事(片断),wake up,talk to/with,try to do sth.,try doing sth.,get/be bored,boring/bored,

5、over and over(again),see sb.do sth.see sb.doing sth.,be the same as,woke/waken/awake,30.做预测31.预测未来32.我不同意.33.寻找,make predictions(about),predict the future,I disagree.=I dont agree.,look for,discover,find out,find,强调找的动作,强调找的结果,经过认真观察、调查或研究把某事、某物查出来,指发现某种情况或发现早已存在而未为人知的东西,1.最后,我在床底下找到了那本书。I _ under t

6、he bed in the end.2.我爸爸正到处找他的护照。My father _ his passport everywhere.3.我们必须查明真相。We must _.4.你知道哥伦布什么时候发现了美洲吗?Do you know when Columbus _ America?Key:1.found that book 2.is looking for 3.find out the truth 4.discovered,34.在家通过电脑学习,study at home on computers,use the subway less,35.较少的使用地铁,fly rockets t

7、o the moon,36.乘火箭去月球,37.作为一名记者,as a reporter,lots of interesting people,38.许多有趣的人,a lot of,39.lonely feel lonely 主观 alone live alone 客观,40.wear+衣服 状态 wear a suit put on+衣服 动作 dress+人 dress oneself/sb dress more casually,41.为自己工作,work for oneself,47.被使用,be used by,48.a lot/a little/a bit/much/even+比较

8、级,myselfyourselfyourselveshimselfherselfthemselvesitself,make sb.do sth.,50.seem的用法,It seems/seemed that,51.It is+adj.(for sb.)to do sth.,Doing sth.is+adj.(for sb.),52.显得精神/看起来聪明,look smart,49.让某人做某事,seem to do/be,53.看起来有趣,be fun to watch,54.形状不同,be in different shapes,55.越越,The,the,语法,1.Do you thin

9、k?I think(that).I dont think(that).2“in+时间”结构常与一般将来时连用,对其进行提问时用特殊疑问词how soon.“时间+ago”多长时间以前,长 与一般过去时连用,一般将来时的基本用法:,一般将来时,常用的表示将来的时间状语有:tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,tomorrow morning,soon next week/year/.,in 2018,in the future,in two days=in two days time,20 years from now,=in 20 years,表示将来某个时间要发生的

10、动作或存在的状态,肯定句:主语+will+动词原形+(宾语)+其他成份 People will have robots in their homes.否定句:在will 的后面加not即可。will not=wont People will not have robots in their homes.(=wont)一般疑问句:把will 提到句子主语之前,结尾变问号。Will people have robots in their homes?Yes,they will./No,they wont.,语法检测:1.What _ you _(do)this Sunday?There _(be)

11、a football match.2.I _(go)to see your father if I get to Beijing.3.I think it _(not be)rainy tomorrow.4.My father _(send)me a new bike when I am tall enough.6.Hurry up,or we _(be)late for school.7._ they _(build)a new house next year.8.I want to know if he _(be)back tomorrow.If he _(come)back,I_(cal

12、l)you.,will do,will be,will go,wont be,will be,will send,Will build,will be,comes will call,The Simple Future tense 一般将来时的三种基本结构:will+V.be going to+V.be+V.ing,wont+V.,be not doing,be not going to+V.,1.People _(study)at home on computers one day.2.Everything _(be)free in 100 years.3.There _(be)a robo

13、t in my home in the future.4.We _(have)a meeting next Friday.5.Kids _(not go)to school in 2070.6.There _(be)two football matches in our school this Friday,will study,will be,will be,will have,wont go,will be,are going to study,is going to be,is going to be,are going to have,arent going,are going to

14、be,more,fewlittle,manymuch,fewer 修饰可数名词复数,less 修饰不可数名词,less pollution more tall buildingsfewer people more trees,用more,less 或fewer填空.1.There is _ snow this year,and the earth is very dry.2.He is very busy.He has _ free time.3.There is _ food left at home.Lets go and buy some.4.There will be _ pollut

15、ion if we dont do something to stop it.5.We can do the work with _ money and _people than they can.,more,less,less,less,less,fewer,一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词)加-s:childrens books 儿童图书 todays paper 今天的报纸词尾s的复数名词()girls school 女子学校 用and连接的并列连词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列连词后加-s,表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-s,:Tom

16、s and Jims rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间Tom and Jims rooms 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间,名词所有格,cost(东西值/需多少钱,物质开头/句首,不能是“人”。spend(spendon/in doing sth.)一般“人”放句首,指花钱/时间 pay(pay for,一般“人”放句首,指花钱或付款)take(It takes sb.time to do sth.指花时间做某事,it=to do sth.),1.那外套花了我200元。The coat 200yuan.2.我花了30元买这本书。I the book.I the book.I the book.3

17、.他花了一年的时间写那本书。a:He a year that book.b:It him a year that book.,cost me,paid 30 yuan for,spent 30 yuan on,spent 30 yuan(in)buying,spent,writing,took,to write,either/too/also 也,I _ have a pen pal in Australia.She likes basketball.Her brother does,_.If you dont go there,I wont go _.,also,too,either,hun

18、dred(百)/thousand(千),Five _ students will go to the city to visit the museum.2)_ of students will go to the city to visit the museum.,hundred,Hundreds,agree with sb.;agree to do sth.(P3),1.他同意帮她。He agreed her.2.我不同意向别人求助。I dont agree someone.3.我不同意你的观点,我很赞同他的观点。I dont you,I quite his points.,in colle

19、ge(在求学,在上大学);in hospital(住院)bed,school,class等在这情况下,看作不可数名词,不加the,如果加the,就表示在某某地方。,1.她现在住院了。She is hospital.2.她在医院工作。She works hospital.3.我骑自行车上学。I by bike.4.我妈妈下周去学校。My mother next week.,to help,to ask,for help,agree with,agree to,ill in,in the,go to school,will go to the school,每日一句口语告诉你,-May I ask

20、 you some questions?-Of course,go ahead.,按要求转换句型:1 There will be a meeting tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句并做出否定回答)_ _ be a meeting tomorrow?No,_ _.2 The child will take the bus to school.(改为否定句)The child _ _ the bus to school.3 They will go home in two days.(对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ home?,4 Jim has ten books and I have

21、 five books.(连成一句)Jim has _ books _ I.5.He is going to leave for Tibet in three days.(同义句转换)He _ _ for Tibet in three days.He is _ for Tibet in three days.6He didnt come back for dinner yesterday.(用tomorrow 改写句子).He _ _ back for dinner _,选择题()1.He is happy that he _in a tall apartment next year.A.li

22、ve B.lives C.will live()2.-Will there be more people in 100 years?-_,I hope.A.No,there isnt B.No,there arent C.No,there wont()3.I hope I have _free time.I dont like to keep busy.A.more B.less C.many()4.I predict he will be an engineer _ten years A.in B.after C.later,()5.He has _ a huge body and the

23、coat is _ small.A.so;such B.so;so C.such;so()6.Did he get _ when he did the simple and _ job?A.bored,boring B.bored,bored C.boring,bored()7.-_ will you write to your pen-friend?-In a week.A How longB.How soonC.How often()8.Every day he makes me_ early and _in the morning.A.to get up;run B.get up;to

24、run C.get up;run()9.There will be _ pollution,people will use the subways _.A.less,less B.less,fewer C.less,few,()10.The old man lives _,but he doesnt feel _.A.alone,lonely B.alone,alone C.lonely,alone()11.-How many birds can you see in the trees?-I can see _ birds.A.hundreds of B.five hundreds C.fi

25、ve hundreds of()12.He fell _ love _ the city when he came here for the first time.A.in,to B.in,with C.for,of D.to,with()13.His sister is too young to _ herself.A.dress B.wear C.put on D.have()14.There _2500 students in our class next year.A.will have B.will has C.will to have D.will be,()15.There is

26、 going to _ a sports meeting next week.If it _,well have to cancel it.A.be;will rain B.have;will rain C.be;rains D.have;rains()16.People will have robots in their homes 100 years.A at B in C after D with()17.Will there more cars in peoples homes?A have B has C be D/()18.I think there will be people

27、and pollution.A fewer,many B less,fewer C more less D less,fewer,()19.There wont be any in 100 years.A paper moneys B papers money C papers moneys D paper money()20.I think every home will a car.A be B have C has D there be()21.There are two white on the desk.you can have one.A paper B piece of pape

28、r C papers D pieces of paper()22.will there be more trees?Yes,.A they will B there will C there will be D there have,1 His father _(not be)back home in a week.2 Li Ping always _(reach)school early.3There will be(few)trees in future.4 Are you enjoy _(live)here?5 We are able _(have)our own robots.6 There _(be)a class meeting next Friday and our teacher _(have)something to say.7 No one will want _(see)actors _(talk).8 He thought computers would never _(use)by most people.9 Would you like _(do)such job?10People will live(be)200 years old.11.We are sure Hong Kong will be even(good)tomorrow.,


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