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1、分析教材,让知识树常青,Module2 Friendship!说课教案,新标准八年级英语下册,高密市朝阳街道,张鲁中学王美凤,说重难点,M2,说编写体例,环节,说重难点突破,内容提要:,说教材,说单元知识树,说教学目标,说教学策略,说教材:,知识树说明与分析本知识树是根据外研版八年级英语第二模块Friendship构建的。本模块以友谊为话题,通过故事说明友谊的重要性、如何建立和维持友谊等。本模块中的语言知识点是宾语从句。本课在整册书中占有很重要的地位。,情感、态度、价值目标,培养学生互相关爱的情感,学习爱人和关心人。,技能目标,1.自学策略。能够掌握故事的阅读方式;掌握故事阅读中的五个wh-问

2、题;掌握故事的线索。2.合作学习策略。能够与同学合作制作招贴画,培养合作意识。,学习策略,1.听:能够辨别有关友谊的具体信息,并掌握听力中事件的逻辑顺序。2.说:能够转述作者的经历。3.读:能够理解文章。4.写:能够介绍自己的经历。,1.能够正确使用that,if,who,why等引导的宾语从句2.能够正确使用下列单词和词组:Frienship,whether,if,a couple of,be afraid to do,worry about等。3.能够掌握宾语从句的断句规则。,知识目标,说教学目标:,说知识重、难点:,1、由不同引导词引导的宾语从句 2、宾语从句的语序 3、宾语从句中时态的

3、变化,语法课,说单元编写体例:,重点单词:friendship,if,whether,close,foreigner,Lonely,anyone,worry,pass,bright,believe.重点短语:in fact,whetheror not,in fact,a couple of Feel like,be afraid to do,make friends with,worry about,Day by day,at that moment,at first.,重点单词、短语,语法知识,阅读理解答题技巧,M2知识树,由从属连词that引导的宾语从句,由连接代词 Who,whom,wh

4、ose,which,what 和连接副词 where,how,why,when引导的宾语从句,由从属连词 whether,if 引导的宾语从句,把课文材料当成阅读理解题目处理:对材料迅速理解,分段落理解,能够判断段落大意,抓住主题句,通篇理解。,连词,时态,语序,1.当主句为一般现在时,从句可以用任意时态。2.当主句为一般过去时,从句也变成相应过去时。3.当主句为一般过去时,从句描述的是客观事实、真理时,从句时态不受影响。,所有宾语从句用陈述语序,说单元知识树:,一引导词A,由that 引导的陈述句性的宾语从句,连词that只起连接作用,在从句中不做句子的成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略,

5、但在大多数情况下还是以不省为好,特别是在笔语中。例:I told him that he was wrong.*在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词引起的宾语从句中,有时谓语尽管是否定意义,却不用否定形式,而将think 等动词变为否定形式。例:I dont think you are right.(我认为你做的不对)B,由连词if、whether 引导的表示“是否”的宾语从句。Whether,if 在从句中不做句子的成分,一般情况下,whether和if 可以替换。例:I dont know if/whether he will come tomorrow.*在介

6、词后面的宾语从句中不用if引导*宾语从句中有or not时不用if引导.*和不定式连用作宾语时不用if引导.C,由wh-引导的宾语从句。连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which,和连接副词when,where,why,how 等连接的宾语从句,它们在句中即有连接从句的作用,又在句中充当句子的成分。二宾语从句的语序宾语从句的语序必须是陈述语序,既连接词+主语+谓语+其他成分三宾语从句的时态宾语从句的时态受主句的限制,主句是一般现在时态,从句根据实际情况而定。主句是一般过去时态,从句用相应的过去的时态。,说重难点突破:,说教学策略,教师组织者 引导者,学生,高效,课堂,The r

7、adio says it _ cloudy tomorrow.(be)The headmaster hopes everything _ well.(go)Tom says that they _(play)basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.I hear they _(return)it already.He said that they _ members of the Party since 1948.(be)He asked what they _ at eight last night.(do)The teacher told his

8、 class that light _ faster than sound.(travel)I think you _ about the relay race now.(talk)I didnt know whom the letters _ from.(be),will be,goes,were playing,has returned,had been,travels,are talking,were,were doing,10.I didnt know what time he _ the letter.(write)11.Miss Wang told me that the eart

9、h _(move)round the earth.12.Could you tell me who _ away the book already?(take)13.Ling Feng told me he _ to several times.(be)14.Our teacher told us in class the sun _ in the east.(rise)15.Can you tell me what they _ yesterday?(do),wrote,moves,has taken,has been,rises,did,将下列句子合并为一句:1.Where do they

10、 stop on the way?I asked.2.What will you speak at the meeting?Could you tell me?3.Do they like to make friends with us?He asked.4.“I am doing my homework.”He said.5.“I will come back.”Tom said.6.“Is he doing his homework?”Jim asked.,I asked where they stopped on the way.,Could you tell me what you will speak at the meeting?,He asked if they liked to make friends with them.,He said that he was doing his homework.,Tom said that he would come back.,Jim asked if he was doing his homework.,Thank you for listening!,


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