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1、Revision,一、重点词组1.多久一次 how often 2.去踩滑板go skateboarding 3.去看电影go to the movies 4.网上冲浪surf the Internet 5.至于as for 6.做作业 do(ones)homework 7.当然.of course 8.对-有好处be good for 9.饮食习惯eating habits 10.相当好pretty good 11.努力做某事try to do sth 12.照顾look after,13.取得好成绩get good grades 14.有点kind of/a little15.的结果 th

2、e result of 16.去购物go shopping 17.和相同the same as 18.和不同 be different from 19.在周末 on weekends 20.许多;大量 a lot of/lots of,21.health(n)健康healthy(adj)健康的unhealthy(adj)不健康的22.保持健康keep in good health/stay healthy/keep healthy23.多少how many/how much 24.一周一次/两次 once/twice a week25.一周三四次 three or four times a w

3、eek 26.看电视 watch TV,27.每天 every day;每天的,日常的 everyday28.想要做某事want(sb)to do sth=would like(sb)to do sth 29.不同的different(adj)不同之处difference(n.)30.帮某人做某事help sb(to)do sth/help sb with sth,二、重点句型1.What do you usually do on weekends?I sometimes go to the beach.2.What does she/he do on weekends?She/He ofte

4、n goes to the movies.3.How often do you/does she/he eat vegetables?Every day.4.Most students do homework every day.5.It+be+adj+for sb+to do sth 对于某人来说做某事6.Why not do sth?=Why dont you do sth?,三、语法焦点1.一般现在时态的陈述句、疑问句、特殊疑问句及其答语 I watch TV twice a week.He/She watches TV every day.Do you/Does she/he ofte

5、n watch TV?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesnt.How often do you exercise?Twice a week.What does he/she do on weekends?He/She goes to the movies.,2.频率副词(按照频率大小)always/usually/often/sometimes/hardly ever/never always(总是,一直)usually(通常)often(常常,经常),sometimes(有时候)hardly ever(几乎不)never(从

6、不)频度副词的位置:a.放在连系动词、助动词或情态动词后面。如:David is often arrives late for school.大卫上学经常迟到。b.放在行为动词前。如:We usually go to school at 7:10 every day.我们每天经常在7:10去上学。c.有些频度副词可放在句首或句尾,用来表示强调。如:Sometimes I walk home,sometimes I ride a bike.有时我步行回家,有时我骑自行车。注:never放在句首时,主语、谓语动词要倒装。如:Never have I been there.我从没到过那儿。,3.概率

7、词:描述抽象的多少,表达相对模糊的数量 all/most/some/no,Unit 2 Whats the matter?一、重点词组1.紧张的(be)stressed out 2.感觉疲惫get/feel tired 3.最好做某事 had better do sth 4.此刻at the moment/now/right now5.看牙医see a dentist 6.去参加聚会go to the party 7.嗓子痛have a sore throat 8.发(高)烧have a(high)fever 9.患(重)感冒have/get a(bad)cold 10.头痛have a he

8、adache,11.牙痛 have a toothache 12.躺下休息lie down and rest13.太多too much/too many 14.实在太much too 修饰形容词或副词15.好主意 good idea 16.某人累了/饿了/渴了be tired/hungry/thirsty17.健康的生活方式 a healthy lifestyle 18.的平衡 a balance of19.直到.才 not.until 20.怎么了?Whats the matter?,二、重点句型1.Whats the matter/trouble(with.)?Whats wrong(wi

9、th.)?2.I have a headache/toothache/stomachache.I have a sore throat/arm.3.You should go to bed early.4.You shouldnt eat anything for 24 hours.5.Thats a good idea.6.Im not feeling well.I have a cold.,7.I hope you feel better soon.8.Im sorry to hear that.9.Thats too bad.10.I think so.(I dont think so)

10、.11.I dont think Im improving.12.Its important to eat a balanced diet.,三、语法焦点1.借助动词have/has 来谈论健康问题,表示“患了某种疾病”或“.部位疼”。I have a headache./She has a toothache.2.运用情态动词should/shouldnt 表达建议。You should drink some hot tea with honey.You shouldnt eat anything.3.一般现在时的一般疑问句及其答语 借助Do/Does 放在句首,后跟动词原型 Do you

11、have a fever?Yes,I do./No,I dont.Does she have a sore throat?Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.,Unit 3What are you doing for vacation?一、重点词组 1.去观光旅行go sightseeing 2.放松在家 relax at home3.去钓鱼go fishing 4.去度假take/have a vacation 5.在农村in the country 6.考虑think about 7.决定decide on 8.回来 get back 9.不同的事something d

12、ifferent 10.离开去某地leave for,11.迫不及待做cant wait to do 12.多久 how long13.去远足go hiking 14.骑自行车旅行go bike riding 15.去野营go camping 16.计划做某事plan to do sth17.忘记去做某事forget to do sth 18.忘记做过某事 forget doing sth19.离开be away/go away 20.完成某事 finish doing sth,21.过得愉快have a good(great,wonderful,nice)time/have fun/enjo

13、y oneself 22.去散步take a walk/take walks/go for a walk/go for walks23.某人在某方面花费时间或金钱 spendon/spend.(in)doing sth24.出示某物给某人看show sb sth=show sth to sb 把某物给某人 give sb sth=give sth to sb 把某物递给某人 pass sb sth=pass sth to sb,二、重点句型1.What are you doing for vacation?Im visiting my grandmother.2.Whats she/he do

14、ing for vacation?He/She is going camping.3.Who are you going with?Im going with my parent,4.When are you going?Im going on Monday.5.How long are you staying?Im staying for 4 days.6.That sounds interesting/fun/nice!7.What/How about you?8.How is the weather?/Whats the weather like?,三、语法焦点运用现在进行时态be+do

15、ing谈论将来的计划或安排,对相关的具体情况及细节进行描述。Whats he doing for vacation?He is going fishing.What are you doing for vacation?Im going climbing.,Unit 4 How do you get to school?一、重点词组1.往去的路the way to 2.校车school bus3.步行去上学walk to school 4.乘汽车之行程bus ride 5.某人病了be ill/sick 6.依赖depend on 7.和.不同be different from 8.不得不ha

16、ve to,9.多远how far 10.汽车站bus station 11.到校 get to school 12.超过 more than=over 13.乘坐小船/乘汽车/骑自行车/飞机/地铁/火车by boat/bus/bike/plane/subway/train 14.花费某人某些时间去做某事It takes sb.some time to do sth.,15.乘坐地铁/公共汽车/飞机/船/火车.take the subway/bus/plane/ship/train16.骑自行车 ride a bike/ride bikes 17.需要做某事need to do sth.18.

17、许多,大量的 a number of=many,number前可用large,great,small修饰其谓语是复数 19.的数目 the number of,谓语是单数,二、重点句型1.How do you get to school?-I ride my bike./I walk to school.2.How does she/he get to school?-She/He takes the bus.3.How long does it take?-It takes about forty minutes.,4.How far is it from your home to school?-Its three miles.5.The early bus takes him to school.6.What do you think of the transportation?,三、语法焦点1.by+交通工具的用法 I go to school by bike/bus/train.2.介词on/in+冠词+交通工具的用法 I go to school on the bus/in the car.3.形式主语的使用:It takes me twenty minutes to get to school by bike.,


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