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1、Section B1 Period 3,New Words(P62-63),1.resolution cn.决心,决心要做的事情(pl.s)make a resolution(to do)下决心,决定(做某事)这些是我的新年决心。Here are my New Years resolutinos.我爸爸下了决心戒烟。My father made a resolution to stop smoking.n.解决,解答=solution/i v/resovle v.(resovles resolving resolved)解决,解答 resolve the problem 解决问题=work o

2、ut the problem,下决心做某事,决定做某事 decide to do sth.=make a decision to do sth.make up ones mind to do sth.2.instrument cn.仪器,器具,工具(pl.s)an instrument 一件工具,仪器,器具 medical instruments 医疗器械cn.乐器=musical instruments(music musician musical)play an instrument=play a musical instrument 演奏,弹奏一件乐器play后跟具体乐器名称时要加the

3、 play the accordian/piano/violin,3.over prep.超过,在以上=more than 我奶奶70多岁了。My grandmother is over seventy.我们班有超过60名学生。There are over sixty students in our class.less than 少于,不到 我爸爸还不到40岁。My father is less than forty.adv.结束 be over 结束 当他到达教室,英语课结束了。When he got to the classroom,the English class was over.

4、,prep.在上方(不接触)(on 指有接触)小鸟正在我们头顶飞翔。The birds are flying over our heads.prep.从一边到另一边,横越 河上有座桥。There is a bridge over the river.prep.通过传送(表示传播媒介)over/on the radio 通过无线电,通过广播all over 遍及,全身4.fax cn.传真(pl.faxes)5.reader cn.读者(pl.s)我们俩都是疯狂英语的读者。We are both readers of Crazy English.,我们从我们的读者那收到了超过一千封关于他们 新年

5、决心的书信,传真和电邮。We got over 1000 letters,faxes and e-mails from our readers about their New Years resolutions.read v.阅读,看(read)read books/newspapers/magazines 看书/报纸/杂志ready adj.准备好的be ready for 做好的准备,准备好 我准备好上学了。Im ready for school.6.fit adj.强健的,健康的(只作表语,不作定语)keep fit=keep healthy 保持健康,一些女孩将要多锻炼以保持健康。So

6、me girls are going to exercise more to keep fit.周老师去年生了一个健康的宝宝。Miss Zhou gave birth to a healthy baby last year.(healthy可以作表语和定语)adj.合适的,适当的 unfitbe fit for 适合 我认为他不适合这份工作。I dont think he is fit for the job.be fit to do sth.适合做某事 她很适合做老师。Shes very fit to be a teacher.v.适合(fitting fitted)(sth.fit sb.

7、某物适合某人),这件大衣不适合我但是这条围巾很适合我。The coat doesnt fit me but the scarf fits me municate v.交流,沟通(communication)(communicating communicated)communicate(well)with sb.与某人交流,沟通,联络(得好)年轻人有时不能与他们的父母很好地沟通。Sometimes young people cant communicate well with their parents.(get on well with sb.与某人相处得好)一些父母想要与他们的孩子相处得更好

8、。Some parents want to get on better with their kids.,现在我们经常通过电话与世界上大多数地方的人 联络。Now we often communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.6.lady cn.女士,贵妇人,淑女(pl.ladies)gentleman cn.绅士(pl.gentlemen)Lady first.女士优先。He began his speech with“Ladies and gentlemen”.他以“女士们,先生们”开始了他的演讲。一位老妇

9、人将要离开她的工作并且她想要在中国 找一份做语言教师的工作。An old lady is going to leave her job and find a job as a language teacher in China.,8.foreign adj.外国的,在外国的,对外的 你应该学习一门外语因为你需要和外国朋友沟通。You should learn a foreigh language because you need to communicate with foreign friends.foreigner cn.外国人(pl.s)9.build v.建筑,建造(buiding b

10、uilt)我们要建一个更大的地铁。We are going to build a bigger.体格,体型,身材 他中等身材。He is of medium build.=He has medium build.building cn.建筑物 builder cn.建筑工人,New Years ResolutionsNext year,Im going to:1.learn to play an instrument.2.make the soccer team.3.get good grades.4.eat healthier food.5.get lots of exercise.,1a,

11、Number the pictures 1-5.,4,3,5,2,2a,Listen and circle the resolutions in 1a that you hear.,New Years ResolutionsNext year,Im going to:1.learn to play an instrument.2.make the soccer team.3.get good grades.4.eat healthier food.5.get lots of exercise.,2b,How are they going to make their resolutions wo

12、rk?,How are they going to do it?Kim Lucy going to take piano lessonsManuel,going to practice really hard going to go to a summer campgoing to play soccer every day,going to study hard and do homework every day.,Key Points,play的用法:v.演奏(play+the+乐器)v.打(球),下(棋)(play+棋牌或球类运动名称)v.玩,玩耍 play with sth./sb.玩,与一起玩v.播放 play CD/VCD/DVD/tapes/recordv.扮演(角色),(在体育队中)担任play a part in 在中扮演角色 play left-back in the football team 在足球队中担任左后卫 v.演出,上演 play Hamlet 上演哈姆雷特cn.戏剧,剧本(plays)write a play in TV plays,


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