1、公共政策实施效果的定量评价,王岩,1,公共政策定量评价,公共政策评估的含义公共政策评估的思路一个案例:Selective housing policy in local housing markets and the supply of housing小结,2,公共政策评估的含义,政策评估就是评价一项国家政策在实现共同目标方面的相对效果。政策评估研究就是根据正在执行的政策和公共计划所要达到的预期目标,而进行的客观、系统、实证性地检验其作用于目标的影响和效果。,政策的影响,即政策对现实世界产生的所有效果,包括:对目标情形或群体产生的影响对控制目标之外的情形或群体产生的影响(溢出效应)对近期以及未
2、来的状况产生的影响直接成本,就是直接消耗于方案实施的资源间接成本,包括做其他事情的机会的损失,即机会成本,3,美托马斯戴伊著.理解公共政策.北京大学出版社,2008:332页,公共政策评估的思路1,项目实施前 项目实施后A2-A1=估计的项目效果,项目实施前 项目实施后A2-A1=估计的项目效果,设计 1 前后比较,设计2 预测与实施后比较,4,美托马斯戴伊著.理解公共政策.北京大学出版社,2008:344页,公共政策评估的思路2,项目实施前 项目实施后A有计划实施,B无计划(A2-A1)-(B2-B1)=估计的计划效果或者,A与B之间的差别和变化成正比,因此可能等效于计划效果,项目实施前 项
3、目实施后A有计划实施,B无计划A和B在计划实施前是相同的,A2-B2=估计的计划效果,设计3 有无方案比较,设计4 对照组与实验组的比较,B2,5,一个案例,Viggo Nordvik.Selective housing policy in local housing markets and the supply of housing.JOURNAL OF HOUSING ECOMOMICS,2006.,6,作者介绍,Viggo NordvikNOVA的高级研究员、研究室主任、博士。主要的研究领域住房消费住房市场住房政策,NOVA a research institute under the
4、auspices of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.The aim of the institute is to develop knowledge and understanding of social conditions and processes of change.We focus on issues of life-course events,level of living conditions and aspects of life-quality as well as on programmes and se
5、rvices provided by the welfare system.NOVAs strategic position can be characterized as follows:A research environment with emphasis on a broad-based social science approach combined with a life-course perspective.,7,摘要,Selective programs and subsidies have an impact on both the financial position an
6、d the housing conditions of the household to whom they are allocated.They also aVect the equilibrium outcome in housing markets.This study analyzes how the housing stock in Norwegian municipalities is affected by selective targeted interventions on the supply and demand-sides of the market.The empir
7、ical analysis shows that additions to the stock of public housing increases the total housing stock.For every 100 new public units built,60 units are added to the total housing stock.Demand-side subsidies are also shown to increase the size of the housing stock.Using a linear spline it is shown that
8、 the magnitude of the marginal effect on the total size of the housing stock is strongly decreasing in program size.,8,研究针对特定人群的供给方、需求方的住房政策对挪威地方住房存量的影响建设公共住宅发放首次购房贷款发放低收入者住房补贴,9,假设,住房补贴政策能够增加住房存量;但是住房存量增加的数量少于接受补贴的消费者的数量。需求方政策对住房存量的影响,长期效果比短期效果明显。建设公共住房能够增加住房存量;但增加的量比建设的公共住房的量要少。供给方政策对住房存量的影响,短期效果比