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1、四级写作备考之“六步走”,备考之“六步”,1.背诵和默写2.改编仿写3.文章框架4.通用理由5.点词成金6.句式变化,第一步:背诵和默写,作文如做人.背诵就是吸取别人语言文字中的精华,如同人体摄入营养物质.背什么?针对四级,建议背诵历年高分范文为什么要默写?默写能够发现自己写的内容和原文的差异,才会发现自己哪些细节没有注意到.(拼写,标点等等),第二步:改编仿写,改编仿写是在背诵和默写之后独立创作的过程,好比人体进行的必要锻炼。模仿什么?1.模仿高分范文的写作结构(“三段论”)2.模仿高分范文的写作句型.(例如课本上的read and simulate部分练习)3.模仿高分范文里的地道表达.例

2、如:The argument seemed to have considerable merits.(这个论点看起来相当有优势.),第三步:文章框架,文章框架决定了文章结构,就好比人身体的骨骼。人的骨架决定了人的形体。四级写作的主要类型:观点对立型,问题解决型,图表分析型,应用文以观点对立型为例:三段式,第一段:陈述现状(2 句话)1。切入主题,将文章的话题转变为要谈论的“某种现象”:The term may by no means sound strange to most people at the present day.2.运用一个疑问句,提出人们的不同观点。Does anyone h

3、old the same attitude toward?Definitely not.As to this issue,opinions vary from person to person.,第二段:阐明正反观点1。有人认为。Those who hold the opinion that claim that.Firstly,.Secondly.2.也有人认为。However,others maintain that.Firstly,Moreover,第三段:阐明自己的观点1。表明自己的立场,指出你支持的观点,并提出支持的理由:If I were forced to agree with

4、one of the two opinions,I,without a doubt,stand by the idea that On one hand,On the other hand,2.再次表明你的看法,与该段的第一句首尾呼应:Given the factors I have just outlined,I strongly commit to the notion that,参考范文,第四步:通用理由,通用理由决定了文章内容和思想,就好比人的思想和灵魂。从客观和主观两个角度总结了12个理由,以供参考。客观角度:对社会的影响1.带来便利(convenience):The develop

5、ment of the internet has made our lives more convenient.,2.提高效率(efficiency):Electronic products have increased our work efficiency many times.3.节省或浪费(save/waste):It can help us save money.4.环境(environment):Peoples living standard can be raised with the improvement of their environment.,5.经济发展(econom

6、ic progress):Stable employment is conductive to the long-term development of economy and the progress of society.6.文化发展(cultural progress):Culture blending and intercultural communication play a vital role in international cultural progress.,主观角度:对个人的影响独立性(independence):It will help cultivate ones i

7、ndependent consciousness.合作精神(cooperation):A great and extensive cooperation can achieve a win-win situation.自信(confidence):Self-confidence plays a crucial role in the pursuit of success.,社交能力(social skills):play an(important/active/great)role/part in enhancing social(communication)skills.个人健康(healt

8、h):Taking a walk contributes to your health.个人发展(individual development):Reading will exert a profound influence on life/personality.,第五步:点词成金,点“词”成金,词汇使文章内容丰富,好比人的肉体。四六级写作明确将“语言表达”作为考查重点。因此,简单词汇替换为更具亮点的“给力”词汇。例如:good beneficial/profitable:Exercise is profitable in all ages.,better superior:Long-ter

9、m stock market investments have produced superior returns compared with cash deposits.Important vital/crucial/critical/decisiveHappy joyful/be in good mood/cheerful/pleased/delightedTired worn out/fatigued/exhausted 更多高分词汇,请看。,第六步 句式变化,多变的句式就好比人身上华丽的衣饰。尽量少用短句,适当运用一些语法点。语法点一:虚拟语气例:But for mobile phon

10、es,our communication would not have been so rapid and convenient.(要是没有手机,我们的沟通就不会这么快捷和方便。),语法点二:倒装结构例:Only when I reached my thirties did I realize that reading cannot be neglected.语法点三:从句例:This novel is very touching.I have read it three times.This novel,which I have read three times,is very touching.,语法点四:被动语态例:These children are deprived of the right to receive an education.(这些孩子被剥夺了接受教育的权利。)语法点五:强调句例:It was not until World War II that the importance of Flemings discovery was fully recognized.(直到二战时,人们才充分认识到弗莱明的发现的重要性。),总结,勤背诵 多动笔 善总结,细观察 多思考,祝同学们在四级写作考试中考出好成绩!,


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