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1、Terms of Payment,付款方式,一、T/T(Telegraphic Transfer)电汇T/T是电汇(单据一般是我方直接邮寄给客户,无需通过银行),如果我们跟客户用T/T付款方式,一般的做法是客户先要给我们30%的预付款,剩余70%一般保险的方法是,货装船后,客人凭我们传真的提单正本付款,等款到帐后再邮寄整套正本单据给客人。优点:最简便、中间程序最少,最直接的方式 缺点:1.尾款的收取 目前主要有2种方法收取尾款,第一种是客户在货生产完成后验货,没问题就付款,然后供应商出货;第二种是货完成后验货、出货,客户在收到提单复印件后付款,然后供应商提供正本提单,供客户在目的港清关、收货。

2、2.大订单的付款安排,主要涉及订金的问题。,二、L/C L/C信用证付款方式属于银行信用,很保险的一种付款方式,但开证行信誉一定要好,单证人员审单要认真仔细,公司业务、储运、单证部门要协调一致,避免单据出现不符点。L/C是国际贸易中最复杂的付款方式,也是安全系数相对较高的一种。缺点:1.手续复杂繁琐;2.软条款的问题;3.不符点,信用证支付的一般程序,签定买卖合同,规定以L/C为付款方式买方向开证行申请开证开证行向通知行寄交信用证通知行审验信用证的真伪后向卖方转递卖方装船后向议付行交单议付议付行向开证行交单索偿开证行向议付行偿付开证行向买方提示,买方付款赎单,出口商 Seller,进口商 Bu

3、yer,通知/议付银行,跟单信用证业务流程,开证/付款银行,托收托收的种类 1付款交单 D/P(documents against payment)(1)定义:指卖方的交单是以买方(进口人)的付款为条件。先付款后交单,以付款为交单的前提。(2)分类:即期付款交单(D/P at sight)远期付款交单(D/P after sight)2承兑交单 D/A(documents against acceptance),承兑交单,承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance)即卖方在装运后开出远期汇票,随附全套单据,通过银行向买方提示,买方承兑汇票后,代收行即将全套单据交给买方。


5、单据金额没有问题就可以。,买卖双方签订国际贸易的买卖合同,规定采用即期付款交单方式付款。出口人委托当地银行代收货款,将全套单据和汇票交托收行。托收行将汇票和货运单据寄交进口地银行(代收行)并说明托收委托书上的各项指示。提示行向买方作付款提示。进口人付清货款,赎取全套货款。代收行电告托收行,款已收妥转帐。托收行将货款交出口人。,托收程序图:D/P(即期付款交单方式),Paying procedure under D/P at sight,Importer,Collecting Bank,Remitting Bank,Exporter,Contract,1,3,6,2,7,5,4,Business

6、 Credit,托收方式的当事人 1 委托人:卖方 2 托收行:出口地银行 3 代收行:进口地银行 4 付款人:买方,O/A(Open account),相当于“赊销”。指出口商在货物出运后,把物权凭证和相关单据直接交给进口商,并在一定时间后再向进口商收取货款的一种付款方式。即为货到付款,说简单点就是先发货后收款 O/A是所有付款方式中风险最大的。毕竟是先出运货物,并交付所有单据,对于出口商而言,手中失去了任何保障,一旦客户违约,所有的问题都会由出口商承担。OA付款方式一般使用方法,常见的就是“O/A+天数”,比如O/A 30 days 应为买方收到货物内,30天内付款。对很多大买家而言,O/

7、A的付款方式很多见,尤其是美国市场就更加普遍。,一般来说,中小客户接受T/T的可能性较大,但是大客户基本上是以O/A和各种远期付款为主,这些情况需要一分为二来看。1.direct to big customers,很难有谈判付款方式的可能。2.indirect to big customers,通过中间商来做大买家,会容易很多。,例子:美国的Sears(著名零售商)直接下单给广州的贸易公司,可能会坚持O/A 60 days,但同样的订单,如果Sears下给美国的进口商,付款方式不变,但是进口商再下给广州的贸易公司,可能付款就变成T/T with 20%deposit,rest balanced

8、 copy of B/L(20%的订金,余款见提单复印件付清)这里,中间商可能赚了30%的利润,但是承担了货物的品种和风险,因为Sears跟他们发生业务关系,不直接跟广州的贸易公司有任何业务往来。中间商需要保证货物的品质、交货期、接受60天远期的付款方式,并承担付款上的风险,因为他们要先垫钱给出口方作为订金。,Introduction,Settlement Settlement of the purchases price in foreign trade is realized by collection and payment of foreign exchange.Terms of pa

9、yment Terms of payment define the conditions under which the seller and buyer agree to settle the financial amount of the sales contract.,Introduction,The basic points dealing with the settlement:Time;mode;place;curency of payment The basic points dealing with terms of payment:Method of payment;amou

10、t;place and date of payment;cost relating to the payment;method of remittance,Method of payment,1.Remittance Mail Transfer M/T Telegraphic Transfer T/TBankers demand draft D/D,2.Collection Documents against payment D/PD/P at sight D/P after sightDocuments against Acceptance D/A,托 付,3.Letter of Credi

11、t L/CIrrevocable Letter of Credit Confirmed Letter of CreditTransferable Letter of CreditRevolving Letter of CreditBack-to-back Letter of CreditStand-by Letter of Credit,Paying procedure under L/C,Importer,Paying Bank or Drawee BankOpening Bank or Issuing Bank,Advising Bank or Notifying BankNegotiat

12、ing Bank,Contract,3,9,2,5,1,8,Exporter,4,6,7,Letter of Credit,信用证的主要当事人,(1)开证申请人(Applicant)即向银行申请开立信用证的人。在进出口业务中为进口商。通常开证申请人需向开证银行交一定的押金,并在信用证到期时付款。,(2)开证银行(Opening Bank,Issuing Bank,Establishing Bank)是指接受开证申请人的委托,开立信用证的银行,它承担保证付款的责任,条件是提交的单据与信用证的规定或称条款相符。进出口业务中一般为进口商所在地的银行。,(3)通知银行(Advising Bank,No

13、tifying Bank)UCP600第二条规定,通知行是指应开证行的要求通知信用证的银行。这个明确的定义在UCP500中没有。受益人的相符提示,必须要有通知行的准确通知在前。实际业务中就发生过通知行漏页和漏条款的问题。,(4)受益人(Beneficiary)信用证上所指定的,有权使用该信用证的人。进出口业务中,一般为出口商或实际供货商。,(5)议付银行(Negotiating Bank)是指愿意或被授权买入受益人交来的跟单汇票的银行。即它可以是信用证指定的银行,也可以是非信用证指定的银行。议付属于垫款的性质,一旦到期付款行不付款,议付行可向受益人追索,除非汇票上有“Without Recou

14、rse”的条款。议付银行有时也称押汇银行、购票银行或贴现银行。,Letters about L/C,Letter about choosing payment(1)The relevant business documents,such as the contract,the order and so on;(2)The customary payment practice of the writers;(3)The method of payment that the writers asks for this business.,Urging the establishing of L/C

15、,2.Letter of urging the establishing of L/C(1)The relevant goods and the documents;(2)Drawing partner attention about the time limit;(3)Urging partner to establish L/C in time.,Amendment to the L/C,3.Letter of amendment to the L/C(1)Thanks for the opening of L/C(2)The content of amendment of the L/C

16、 one by one(3)Anticipation for the amendment of the L/C in certain time.,Writing Skills,(Attachment 课本),Specimen Letters,Letter 1 Buyer Advising Establishment of L/C 买方通知已开立信用证,Specimen Letters,Dear Sirs,We are glad to inform you that we have now opened an irrevocable letter of credit through the Ba

17、nk of Boston,Massachusetts,U.S.A.for U.S.$16,000 in your favor.Please make sure that the shipment is effected within March,since punctual delivery is one of the important considerations in dealing with our market.We are awaiting your Shipping Advice.Yours faithfully,Language Points,1 irrevocable(adj

18、.)不可撤销的 Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销的信用证 An irrevocable decision不能撤回的决定2 punctual delivery 按时交货 punctual(adj.):准时的;正点的 Be punctual!要严格遵守时间3 Shipping Advice 装船通知(=Advice of Shipment,Shipment Notice,Notice of Shipment),几个近似概念的区别shipping advice(装运通知)是由出口商(受益人)发给进口商(申请人)的;shipping instructions 意思是“装运须知”,一般是进口商发

19、给出口商的;shipping note/bill指装货通知单/船货清单;shipping order简称S/O,含义是装货单/关单/下货纸(是海关放行和命令船方将单据上载明的货物装船的文件)。,装运通知(Shipping Advice)与装船须知(Shipping Instructions),按照国际贸易的一般做法,在按FOB条件成交时,卖方应该在约定装船前向买方发出货物备妥通知,以便买方派船接货。买方在接到卖方发出的通知后,应该按约定的时间,将船名、船舶到港日期等通知卖方。如按FOB、CFR、CIF术语签订的合同,卖方在货物装船后应该在约定时间将合同号、货物品名、重量、发票金额、船名及装船日

20、期等内容告知买方,以便买方办理保险并作好卸货的准备。而装船须知是装运前买方以书面形式说明装运要求,如装船方式、包装规定和唛头等。,Letter 2 Seller Urging Establishment of L/C 卖方催开信用证,Specimen Letters,Dear Sirs,Re:Our Sales Confirmation No.BK342 The goods under the captioned S/C have already been ready for shipment.The date of delivery is approaching,but we still h

21、ave not received your covering letter of credit to date.Please do your utmost to rush the L/C,so as to enable us to effect shipment within the stipulated time.In order to avoid subsequent amendments,please see to it that the L/C stipulations conform to the terms of the Contract.Moreover,we wish to i

22、nvite your attention to the fact that the Contract is concluded on FOB Shanghai basis;therefore,your responsibility is to dispatch the vessel to the loading port in due course.We are looking forward to receiving your L/C soon.Yours faithfully,Paying procedure under L/C,Importer,Paying Bank Opening B

23、ank or Issuing Bank,Advising Bank or Notifying BankNegotiating Bank,Contract,3,9,2,5,1,8,Exporter,4,6,7,Letter of Credit,2 parties(importer and exporter)sign a contract with each other,agreeing to make payment by L/C.1.the buyer makes application for a letter of credit with his bank.If the opening b

24、ank approves the application and issues a letter of credit.2.the opening bank forwards the letter of credit to the advising bank(usually its foreign branch or correspondent).3.the advising bank delivers the letter of credit to the beneficiary.4.having examined the letter of credit,if it conforms to

25、the conditions set in the sales contract,the beneficiary(the seller/exporter)ships the goods to the buyer and he will get a bill of lading from the carrier,and then he prepares other documents,such as invoices,packing list,insurance documents etc.,and draw a draft on the,opening bank and presents al

26、l of the documents to his bank.5.the beneficiarys bank will check the documents and,if they are in order,it will negotiate the documents and pays the funds to the beneficiary in accordance with the letter of credit.6.the negotiating bank forwards the documents to the opening bank.7.the opening bank

27、receives the documents and checks them.If the documents are in order and comply with the letter of credit,the opening bank credits the negotiating bank account.,8.The opening bank notifies the buyer to make payments for documents.9.After making payment,the buyer receives the documents and take deliv

28、ery of the goods.,Language Points,7 rush the L/C 速开信用证 Please rush the amendment to the L/C.请对信用证速作修改。8 stipulate(v.)规定 stipulation(n.)规定,条款9 In order to avoid subsequent amendments,please see to it that the L/C stipulations conform to the terms of the Contract 为了避免日后的修改,请务必注意信用证的规定要与合同条款一致。conform

29、to:与.相符,与.相吻 conform to the standard 合乎规范10 we wish to invite your attention to the fact我们希望您注意这个事实 类似的表达方式还有:we wish to draw your attention to we wish to attract your attention to等,Language Points,11 dispatch(v.)派出,调遣12 in due course:到一定的时候 We will inform you in due course.到时候我们会通知你。You will unders

30、tand in due course.到时候你自然明白。We hope the L/C in question will reach you in due course.我们希望该信用证如期到达你处。The seller has ensured us of shipment in due course.卖方已经向我们保证适时装运。,Letter 3 Seller Asking for Amendment to the L/C 卖方要求修改信用证,Specimen Letters,Dear Sirs,We have today received L/C No.SD3569 covering Or

31、der No.251.After checking,we found some discrepancies.Please make the following amendments without the least delay:1.Increase the amount of your L/C by US$650.2.Allow partial shipment and transshipment and delete the clause“by direct steamer.”3.Amend the quantity to read:9,500 M/T(5%more or less at

32、Sellers option).Please see to it that your amendments reach us by 28 February,otherwise shipment will be further delayed.Yours faithfully,Language Points,13 discrepancy(n.)差异,不符合(之处);不一致(之处)discrepancy in the documents 单据不符 discrepancy in ability age 能力年龄方面的差异 14 without the least delay 毫不延迟地15 part

33、ial shipment分批装运16 transshipment(n.)转船,转运,17 delete(v.)删除omit Delete his name from the list.把他的名字从名单上删去。18 amend(v.)修改,改正19 5%more or less at Sellers option 5%溢短装由卖方决定,Letter 4 Seller Asking for Extension of the L/C 卖方要求对信用证进行展期,27 SEQ OF TOTAL:1/140A FORM OF DC:IRREVOCABLE 20 DC NO:06685LCD08010963



36、08,Specimen Letters,Dear Sirs,We thank you for your L/C No.AE765 issued through the Commercial Bank covering 1,000 pieces of computers.In accordance with the stipulations of the L/C,shipment should be effected not later than July 21,and transshipment is not allowed.However,owing to the workers strik

37、e here,there will be no direct steamer to your port until the end of July.Therefore,we have to request you extend the date of shipment and the validity of the L/C to August 31 and September 15 respectively.Since this is an urgent matter,please confirm the amendments by fax.Your compliance with our r

38、equest will be highly appreciated.Yours faithfully,Language Points,20 extension(n.)展期;延长期;放宽的期限 extension of L/C;L/C extension信用证展期 Since there is no possibility of L/C extension,you must see to it that shipment is made within the validity of L/C.既然信用证展期无望,您方务必在信用证有效期内装船。21 owing to由于22 validity(n.)

39、有效性23 respectively(adv.)分别地;各自地 What do they mean respectively?它们分别是什么意思?,Letter 5 Buyer Asking for payment by D/A 买方要求采用承兑交单的付款方式,Specimen Letters,Dear Sirs,We are a chain of department stores in San Francisco and have recently decided to stock a range of china.We believe that there is a possibilit

40、y of reasonable sales but we cannot count on this.Prices for the range will be considerably higher than that for our present lines and,in the circumstances,we do not feel able to make purchases on our own account.We would like to ask,therefore,whether you would be willing to send us a trial delivery

41、 for sale on D/A terms.We would hope to place firm orders once the demand for this china has been ascertained.We believe our proposal is a logical way to test the market and hope that you will be willing to cooperate with us.As to our financial standing,you can check this with our bankers,the Bank o

42、f America,San Francisco.Yours faithfully,Language Points,24 chain of department stores 连锁百货商店25 stock储备,保持的供应 This store stocks all types of toys.这家商店储备各种类型的玩具。26 count on 依靠,指望27 considerably(adv.)相当,非常,颇28 in the circumstances,we do not feel able to make purchases on our own account 在这种情况下,我们觉得不能由

43、我们自负风险来购买这些产品。we shall insure the contracted goods on our own account.我们将为合同货物投保,费用由我方自理。on ones own account由某人收益并负风险29 ascertain(v.)确定;查明,Letter 6 Seller Declining D/A payment 卖方拒绝采用承兑交单的付款方式,Specimen Letters,Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 16 October,2007.We have considered your request for

44、 a trial delivery of china on documents against acceptance terms,but regret to say that we cannot agree to your proposal.As an exception,the best we can do for the trial is to offer you D/P(documents against payment)at sight terms.If you accept our proposal you run very little risk,since our china i

45、s well known for its quality,attractive design and reasonable price.Our lines sell very well all over the world and have done so far for the last 50 years.We do not think you will have any difficulties in achieving a satisfactory volume of sales.If you find our proposal acceptable,please let us know

46、 and we can then expedite the transaction.Yours faithfully,Language Points,30 documents against acceptance承兑交单31 exception(n.)例外32 expedite(v.)加快(进程等),促进,迅速处理(事物等)expedite proceedings 加速进程 Shipment is ready,expedite credit 船已装完,请速开信用证。proposal:提议;建议,Letter 7 Buyer Asking for Late Payment Because of

47、Failure Payment from Their Clients 买方由于资金无法回笼而要求迟付款,Specimen Letters,Dear Mr.Wilson,Your Invoice No.321 for US$45,000 This payment falls due at the end of this month.I am writing to ask if we can agree a special arrangement with you for late payment.We recently secured increased overseas orders but

48、at the cost of a temporarily extended cash flow.We expect certain sizeable orders to be paid for within the next two months and ask if we may defer payment of your account from 31 March to 31 May.Our debtors are sound prospects and the question is purely one of timing.Thereafter we will,of course,re

49、vert to your normal terms of trading and indeed would look for some increase in our level of business with you.I am sure you will be able to accommodate us through this bridging period,and thank you for help.Yours sincerely,fall due 到期33 We recently secured increased overseas orders but at the cost

50、of a temporarily extended cash flow.最近我们大量增加了海外订单,却要暂时承受延长资金的流动。secure(v.)获得,取得 Can you secure me two good seats for the concert?你能为我弄到两张音乐会好座位的票吗?34 defer(v.)postpone 拖延,延缓,推迟 We wish to defer our decision until next week.我们希望推迟到下星期再作出决定。,Language Points,35 Our debtors are sound prospects and the q


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