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1、,关系代词在从句中作介词的宾语时,可以把介词提前,介词+which/whomThe man _you talked to is a famous actor.The man to _you talked is a famous actor.The book _I heard about was written ten years ago.The book about _I heard was written ten years ago.,whom/who/that/-,whom,which/that/-,which,Conclusion:当关系代词作介词的宾语时,我们通常把介词放在关系代词之前

2、来引导定语从句,就是用介词+which/whom来引导。,注意:1)这时关系代词 which 或 whom不能用 that 或 who来代替。2)which 或 whom 也不能省略。,介词+关系代词,1.指人:_ 指物:_,2.选择恰当的介词,whom,which,Rewrite the following sentences4.Daniel is the person with whom I want to make friends.5.Art is the subject about which I know little.6.The topic in which Eric is int

3、erested is Physics.,Fill in the blanks with“prep.+which/whom”:1.Are you interested in any songs _ _ youve listened.2.Tomorrow is a particular day _ _ his daughter will get married.,to which,on which,Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns:4.Daniel is the person(who/whom/that)I want to make friends

4、 with.5.Art is the subject(which/that)I know little about.6.The topic(which/that)Eric is interested in is Physics.,3.This is the knife _ _ I usually cut bread.4.We cant live without the sun _ _ we get heat and light.The subject _ _ Eric is interested is physics.6.This is the good car _ _ I spent all

5、 my money.7.She is the teacher _ _all his students show respect.,with which,from which,in which,on which,to/for whom,8.Do you know the girl _ _ our head teacher is shaking hands?9.I cant find my dictionary _ _ I paid over$100.10.The teacher _ _ you have been waiting is coming in a minute.,with whom,

6、for which,for which,Conclusion:介词+whom/which结构 中介词的选择主要看两点:1.与先行词的搭配 2.与定语从句中动词或动词短语的搭配,定语从句(十)介词+关系代词(介词的选择),用于这种情况的关系代词一般为which(指物)和 whom(指人)1.根据从句中动词短语来确定.This is the car for which you paid a high price.(pay for)The man with whom you shook hands just now is Tom.(shake hands with sb),2.根据先行词确定.whe

7、n,where,why=介词关系代词。.Ill never forget the day on which(=when)I joined the army.The factory in which(=where)his father works is far away from my hometown.I dont know the reason for which(why)he was late for school.This is the camera with which he often takes photos.,3.表示所属关系时,介词用of,即the+名词+of+which/wh

8、om,=whose+名词.He lives in a room,the window of which faces west.He lives in a room,of which the window faces west.,whose window faces west.The child was saved by a man,the name of whom was not known.The child was saved by a man,of whom the name was not known.,whose name was not known.,4.表示整体中的一部分或中最的

9、,介词一般也用of。both/all/some/分数/名词+of+whom/which The Greens have two daughters,both of whom are college students.China has many rivers,the longest of which is the Yangtze River.$5.据句子的意思确定介词。This is the pilot(飞行员)for whom I bought a camera.This is the pilot with whom my brother has worked for ten years.T

10、his is the pilot by whom my son was saved,定语从句应注意问题(4),但含有介词的短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在动词后面,不提前。1.This is the watch which he was looking for.This is the watch for which he was looking.2.The babies whom the nurses are looking after are healthy.The babies after whom the nurses are looking are healthy.3.The villa

11、ge that she lives in is two miles.The village in that she lives is two miles.The village in which she lives is two miles.,你有没有看到那座房子?它的屋顶是红的。Do you see the house?Its roof is red.Do you see the house whose roof is red?Do you see the house the roof of which is red?Do you see the house of which the roo

12、f is red?,roof,the roof,Conclusion:关系代词 whose 可以用 of which来替换,但要注意它的形式和位置。,the roof,Exercises:1.I was given three books on cooking,the first _ I really enjoyed.(06浙江)A.of that B.of which C.that D.which,Tip:the first of the three books,Exercises:2.Last week,only two people came to look at the house,_

13、 wanted to buy it.(07安徽)A.none of them B.both of them C.none of whom D.neither of whom,Tip:neither of the two people,Exercises:3.We shouldnt spent our money testing so many people,most of _are healthy.(07北京)A.that B.which C.what D.whom,Tip:most of the people,Exercises:4.The man pulled out a gold wat

14、ch,_ were made of small diamonds.(08陕西)A.the hands of whom B.whom the hands of C.which the hands of D.the hands of which,Tip:the hands of the watch,Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions:1.The student _ whom we were talking just now is the best student in our class.2.Ill never forget the day _

15、which she said good-bye to me.3.Ill never forget the days_which we worked together4.Who can give me the reason _which he hasnt arrived yet?5.I dont like the way_ which he gives the speech.,about,on,for,in,in/不填,介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,Do you know the man _ whom our teacher is speaking?This is the library _ w

16、hich I often borrow books.This is the factory _ which my mother once worked.This is the farm _ which my mother once worked.,to,from,in,on,介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,The West Lake,_ which Hangzhou is famous,is a beautiful place.,for,6.The scientist,_whom my father worked,went abroad last week.7.Theres a big wind

17、ow in my room_which I can see the railway station.8.Villagers here depend on the fishing industry,_ which there wont be much work.,with,through,without,1.Do you know the student _?A.whom I often talk B.with who I often talkC.I often talk with D.that I often talk2.Can you tell me the book _the other

18、day?A.you talked about B.about that you talked aboutC.that you talked D.which you talked,C,A,Peter _ I played tennis on Sundays was fatter than I.His house _ he paid$10,000 ten years ago is now worth$30,000.I lost my glasses _ I could see nothing.There is a big tree _ some people are sitting and cha

19、tting.They collected much money _ they could help the disabled.Yesterday we visited the Century Park _ there are many pigeons.You can get off at the next stop _ you can change for the No.10 bus.There is the plane _ I came to Shanghai.,with whom,for which,without which,under which,with which,in which

20、,at which,on which,1.He built a telescope he could study the sky.A in which B.with that C.through which D.by it2.I have two pens,_ writes well.A.None of which B.neither of whichC.none of them D.neither of them3.That tree,the branches(树枝)are almost bare(秃的),is very old.A.whose B.of which C.in which D.on which4.The train _he was trvelling was 10 minutes late.A.which B.on which C.for which D.on that5.This is the film_ I am interested.A.in which B at which C.in that D.on which,C,B,B,B,A,


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